Same Old Election Results?

Election is over and only 22 percent of the Gillies community voted. Within this confines of percentage, 74 percent of these voters, elected for the same old brand of failing politics, where in contrast, 26 percent definitely wanted a “shake-up” of our current leadership.
A strange decision by the South Gillies Administration/Council, a council, 75 percent of which, retained their positions in 2022, encompassed cancelling the monthly Gillies Newsletter on the election month of November 2022. Their reasoning was that there was “not enough content” for this month that featured the “Fall Harvest”, Halloween activities, a dance, a “Meet the Candidates” night at the South Gillies Town Hall, and an election that comes once every four years. What about the Hymer’s Fall Fair that was cancelled 2 years in a row since 2020 because of the overblown pandemic? I guess the passing of an important community event such as the Fall Fair did not offer any content whatsoever. What a shame.
The election candidates were all offered to purchase some newsletter space for their own writeups, but upon submission from one of the new candidates, quickly cancelled the newsletter thereafter. The good old “Cancel Culture”, a globalist fueled agenda that cancels the debate, or whatever they have to, so a lid can be kept on opposing opinions, opinions that make democracy and freedom of speech work in a free society, in order to keep those intrusive globalist agendas chugging.