October 18, 2024

Is Israel out of Control? Do you Really Advocate World War III?

This is what the Gaza Strip looks Like now after a year of air attacks from Israel. This could be your neighborhood soon if Israel is allowed to continue.

We have heard about the destruction Israel is administering to the Gaza strip, and we also know that Biden of the USA has condemned what Israel is doing months ago and has asked them to adhere to the UN’s request for Israel to submit to a cease fire, way back in late 2023, and in early 2024.

Yet, a year later, the Gaza Strip is in rubble and Israel is persisting. They also, of late, went as far as to beat an American Journalist that was covering the conflict in Israel. Something to hide? Most likely, and if Israel keeps up their genocide practices, they will start World War III.

Still, the US of A has floated Israel, 24 billion dollars, towards their so called, “war effort”, which is just a slaughter of Palestinians, and at the same time, with Israel’s constant financial influence in North America over our Media (News and Communications), including CBC, they are promoting the phony terrorist scare (specifically from a specific conservative candidate’s campaign), and attempting to validate what Israel has done for the last year, to the Palestinians and the Gaza strip.

It is a genocide and something that should have halted a year ago. Yet, if there is any public opinion at all, that is actually supporting Israel and their massacre, it would be personalities and outlets that are financially influenced by Israel conglomerates like Blackrock or Vanguard, that basically own wall street and have controlling interests in many corporations, including media corporations like CNN, and many others, too numerous to mention, most likely Fox News as well.

They have their sticky little financial fingers in everything, and is the main reason for the recent governmental overreaches in the last 5 years, to do with tainted vaccines, that were never tested properly on animals before they started insisting people worldwide take this so-called vaccine that was loaded with graphene and who knows what else.

Now, they are influencing that North America take their side in madness and genocide. If you believe what the main stream is trying to “influence” over the media, then you have been lost in the haze of propaganda, and hopefully you will snap out of it soon.

It is a well-known fact, that Trump is an advocate of the Israel leadership and let it be said, that most likely he will not advocate for the people in the Gaza strip.

This is a genocide and will start World War III very soon if people do not wake up and start putting pressure on your government to stop supporting Israel and their destruction. Iran, at this moment is shelling missiles at Israel and Israel wants the USA to bomb Iran. It does not take a genius to figure what will happen after that, being Iran is equipped with many nuclear war heads.

The decision to turn the Gaza strip into rubble was Israel’s decision and theirs alone. It is something the majority of the earth does not support. And yet the Blackrock owned media in North America is pumping the propaganda that we should support Israel. Time to shut that idiot box off and really look at what is going on and why Israel would have a need to beat American reporters if we are supposed allies. What is USA actually doing to help these reporters?

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