As the Globalists Churn: Trump Destroying Free Trade in North America.

Fabricated border Free Trade disputes created to keep the masses confused. But really, what exactly do we have to be confused about? It is obvious what these pirates of our political system are up to, and that is your depletion.
Is there really a Western Trade War, or is it a North American Governmental Staged Epitome designed to destabilize and destroy Agriculture and Farming in the USA? Are Trump, Trudeau, Poilievre, Ford, Gates and Musk merely “Punks” for the Global Heteroclites?
We are all the witness to the decimation of the last four years of pure governmental ruse, conning the public to take a multitude of tainted vaccines that do nothing more than harm or kill the recipient. We also watched as Donald Trump in 2020, open up all the restrictive bandwidths (millimeter wave spectrum) and make them legal to use by Big Telecom to implement 5G and is numerous frequencies needed (6 to 95 gigahertz), including the most destructive bandwidth of all, “60 gigahertz, the oxygen absorption spectrum”.
Now that these broadcasts are being used and virtually being uncontested, it is destroying our world’s oxygen properties, and of course, blaming it on other factors like farming, animals and humans breathing.
Undeniably, they do not blame the EMF pollution nor this oxygen destruction on the obvious offender, 5G and its vast deployment in our communities, near schools, in playgrounds, hospitals, densified community areas and their community centers, old folks’ homes, restaurants, churches or anywhere some land owner is dumb enough to allow the placement.
To make this all worse, is the constant deployment for these 5G satellites to our Van Allen belt, polluting our stratospheres and ionospheres, disrupting life as we know it and our wellbeing. The greatest offender of these 5G satellite deployments is Space X, Elon Musk. Elon Musk’s fortune that was approximately 100 billion dollars a couple a years ago, has risen into the 320-billion-dollar range, from launching these 5G deployments, and is still launching these 5G satellites non-stop into our Van Allen Belt. It is safe to say that Elon Musk is most likely the greatest offender of life on this planet by far, most likely outdoing the record holders, like Hitler, Harry S. Truman, the list goes on.
But still, with all the global offensives against other countries Trump has assailed, using his so called, supremacy ire, it seems utterly, desperately, stupidly, random. However, it is not their skins he is after, rather, their, uh, confusion, or just plainly, misdirection? Look over here, while we do this over there? Where is the pea? Now you see us extinguish the environment, now you don’t? You don’t see me?
However, if one looks at the ultimate goal of this destructive trade fiasco, is the destruction of our farming and agriculture. They want to hit us in the bread basket, then slam our heads right into the turnbuckles, then hit below the belt while the referee is not looking, and toss us all out of the ring of life.
Trump creates the trade war. Trudeau predictably retaliates with countermeasures. The American people scratch their head and watch NASA (Now owned by X) fib about moon landings. The Canadian people watch their dollar decline. Ford threatens to shut off the power to key farming states, Trump ridicules Trudeau, Poilievre gives a thumbs up to power sanctions and price hikes to Canadian power provided to key farming states in the USA.
Hmmm, Gee, well, way’da go Trump!
Meantime, food prices skyrocket again and more farms go bankrupt, getting bought out and mothballed by Bill Gates. Elon sends up more 5G satellites to screw up more oxygen. Globalists whine that the animals are using all the oxygen. Green Peace maintains, 5G is safe. Corrupt Environmentalist and surrogate advocates scream, “How dare you want to eat and breathe!”
What happened to all the environmental rebels? They were bought off in the 90s and early 2000s. They now complain about farming, mostly, and how destructive it is, whilst defending devastating technologies like 5G. Let us face the fact that, unless they are an honest working person, if there are any left to speak of, if they are being paid, they are most likely corrupt.
Anyone that defends devastating technologies like 5G, uranium mining, nuclear power, any type of strip or pit mining, are definitely on the corruptive payroll. And of course, people that gatekeep for these environmental offenders do not realize, once these objectives are reached, they too, will be struggling to breathe and eat, being once they are not needed anymore, they will be in the same sinking boat.
Perhaps if you work hard enough, you too will be a billionaire! The problem with that however, is, most of us will not get there, no matter what magazines or books you read. The best thing you can do is see through the deception and do something about it, like call or write your political representative and demand accountability, demanding that AI and 5G to be outlawed as a human determent. Your livelihood and future depend on it desperately.
We need laws to eliminate 5G technology and strong regulations on AI. It may be all fun and dandy now, but when the boom lowers, will you be saved? Good question to ask yourself.
The trade war is real; however, it is a means to an end, damaging farming and independent, small to medium farmers alike. It is all a smoke screen to control the North American food supply ultimately, as vast as it is right now, and they will, once under their control, destroy it, at the same time, defend destructive technologies like 5G that is depleting our oxygen. But I thought Trump was going to make America great again? He wants to make the Globocrats great again (MGGA), hence, solely the elitists. America is nothing more than a stepping stone, and Trump, along with all the other political puppets, are stepping on your backs to get there, at your family’s health and expense. If you want to sacrifice your life for the elites of the world, then you don’t have to do a thing, because they will gladly use your bones as aggregate, for their yellow brick road, leading to their vanity driven, proclamatory, utopian, depopulant dream…