March 12, 2025

Levy, or the Gillies Swampy Tax Monster from the Blackface lagoon?

Property Taxes Turned to Monster Horror, featuring the Government tax gouge to benefit Big Telecom, and others to be sure.

Property Taxes Turned to Monster Horror, featuring the Government tax gouge to benefit Big Telecom, and others to be sure.

Just before the imposed lockdowns in 2020, in and about February, Trump signed the 5G and beyond Act. This act was music to the FCC’s ears as it dedicated tax dollars to get 5G out to the remote and rural communities to impose the 5G service, but more importantly, smart technology. This means the all-seeing eye of the elitist’s pyramid will rein down on the remotest of communities so no one will escape the Orwellian top-down governmental control where “Big Brother” is always watching. However, for entertainment value, this philosophy has run its course, leaving a “huge swampy tax monster” on these remote communities that the FCC and Big Telecom want to reach but are too cheap to provide the infrastructure (towers, streetlamps, repeater/transceivers, fiber optics, power requirements, installation) needed to make this feasible and operational in remote areas to turn a profit. The huge failure of 5G technology, besides its environmental and health impact on people, it needs transceivers to be placed every 500 feet to keep this technology afloat and usable. That is because 5G millimeter waves cannot travel more than 500 feet. The health impact is a total no-brainer because people and these transceivers will be in close proximity of each other causing a wide variety of health problems to people and animals. All generations of the cellular services are carcinogenic and produce cancer rapidly in the hosts that live nearby these towers, or any cell tower for that matter.

Of course, what the current president of the US of A does, so does Blackface, or should I say Trudeau. What does this mean to Gillies and its taxpayers? More taxes, at the tune of 34% originally projected, and now at 26% and still negotiating. In Ontario, the article Ontario Increasing Access to High-Speed Internet Across the Province Ontario shows this implementation and identifies the remote and small communities that will be targeted. This Program is further explained on the Government of Canada website: Governments of Canada and Ontario invest to bring high-speed Internet access to more rural households and First Nation communities.

Placed in perspective:

Gillies and many remote communities already have High Speed Internet (DSL).

From the Federal and Provincial Program initiated by our Trusty MP, Patti Hadju, who serves as the Ministers of Indigenous Affairs and Economic Growth of Northern Ontario, not to mention is the MP of Thunder Bay Nipigon area, allocated tax payer funds of a whopping $398,629,651, to go to Ma Bell, Cogeco Connexion Inc, Digital Infrastructure Group Inc., Execulink Telecom Inc., Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Matawa First Nations Management, Mornington Communications Cooperative Limited, Quadro Communications Co-Operative Inc, Tuckersmith Communications Cooperative Ltd, Vianet Inc. inclusive

In the Thunder Bay District (Thunder Bay Municipality not included), Tbaytel (Thunder Bay Telephone) and Bell are getting vast amounts of money divvied as follows:

Armstrong, Whitesand First Nation $2,035,881

Frenchman’s Head, Kejick Bay, Lac Seul First Nation $2,448,446

Conmee, Gillies, Neebing, O’Connor, Oliver Paipoonge, Shuniah, and Thunder Bay, gets $35,730,000, which translates approximately $13,929.82 cost per home. In Gillies, there approximately 450 homes X $13,929.82 = $6,268,419 tax dollars total spent on telecommunications infrastructure for the Gillies Township, thus approximately $600 to 1000 ~ extra per household (Provincial Portion of money given to Big Telecom) to pay back the Ontario government (in a ten year span) which is roughly 20 to 30 % increase of taxation (property tax which the Ontario Government collects) for high speed internet when we already have DSL (High Speed Internet). This property tax grab will enable Big Telecom to impose the redundant 5G and Fiber optics technology into the Gillies community specifically for smart technology (constant surveillance, Police State). This will most likely include interest applied to the tax money provided (given) to Big Telecom and is why the initial tax increase was set at 34%. This increase does also reflect the vast area of the Gillies Township that has to be covered versus the actual homes in this area. This technology is not essential especially when high speed internet already exists in Gillies Township (DSL) and whilst families who are struggling due to inflationary practices of the current federal and provincial governments that translates into a huge tax grab in favor of Big Telecom Lobbyists who stand to profit after this tax squeeze, it will save Big Telecom the costs of implementation. And we the taxpayers have to pay it all back, letting Big Telecom totally off the collective “hook”.

It also continues as such:

Six Nations of the Grand River $12,445,933

Barwick, Rainy River $2,312,145

Ignace $1,318,561

Total spend in Thunder Bay region = $56,290,966 (outskirts, does not include Thunder Bay Municipality)

However, the current town council and its Reeve will say anything but, however, seeing the average property tax increase is in the 1 to 4% range, means 34% is a total tax gouge to implement a dangerous technology enabling these greedy Telecom companies to profit at the taxpayers’ expense and health. Large Tax impositions usually mean large infrastructure changes for the betterment of the community. However, in Gillies, because water comes from resident supplied wells and sewage is handled by the resident’s supplied septic system, it would be a wonder what infrastructure they are referring. Talking to the Gillies Council translates into a vague description of why taxes would be jacked-up so horrendously.

Could it be, for the last several months, is why Tbaytel (Thunder Bay Telephone or Ma Bell) has been advertising 5G and fiber optics becoming available in the Gillies area? Really, at who’s expense? The taxpayer, that’s who. Or what about proof in the pudding? The Ontario Increasing Access to High-Speed Internet Across the Province Ontario website? Chances are, if you are in a small community in Canada, you will be listed here, and your taxes will skyrocket accordingly. But do not expect any politician or CEO to volunteer this information. You have to connect the dots and use your common sense. Any infrastructure, including powerlines and telecommunications, is a taxable service, and having this in your community, raises your taxes because of the infrastructure changes and installation imposed. This means, you the taxpayer, pays the bill Big Telecom should be paying if they want to turn a profit. But these large corporations would rather spend that money lobbying and greasing the local politicians to vote and dedicate tax dollars to their endeavors that in basics, because you still have to pay for the service, brings no other advantage to the community other than “availability”. Is this fair? Somewhat it is fair to get the availability, but at a tune of 34%, I will rather stick with the lesser generations of service, or just use my land line for my internet and phone.

It seems they could of split this up during a 15-to-20-year stretch and one should wonder, what is the rush? Why so much in a few years? Because you can bet your favorite covet level possession, that is sitting in the pawn shop, so you could afford that 10-dollar gallon of milk, the coming years will bring more tax increases, and Big Telecom will never anti-up? Also, Agenda 2030 is going to lapse in 6 years, and they are pulling out all the stops to fulfill this agenda, and all those politicians being greased by the World Economic Forum (elitists) are under heavy pressure to get this obligation ushered into completion. In other words, a One World Government forsaking sovereign nations, like Canada. I say, show your disapproval and non-compliance and keep fighting the good fight and say, No!

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