March 12, 2025

The Radio-active Factor; totally factored out of the Biological Virus Equation. Common Denominator: Cover-up.

Ever since the Spanish flu, the elitists, or whomever, which had any stake or anything to gain from the implementation of Radio Waves, as in AM Radio, definitely participated in the cover-up, whether they knew they were or not, attempted to basically fib their way through the 1917 pandemic as to where it actually sprung  from. Even though medically, they could not, beyond a shadow of a doubt, prove contagion of this so called Spanish flu, they used commercialism, deception and fear to push their narratives across the earth, that somehow, birds were to blame, spreading this so called biological sickness that in fact, was caused by EMF radiation, during the time when, no humans on a large global scale were subjected to this type of electrical change, caused by radio waves. IE: Radioactive waves of electricity (Positive and negative amplitudes) pulsed worldwide, all over the surfaces of the earth via airwaves. No one was safe from this phenomenon and there was no escape, and of course, many people got sick and many died.

Litigation wise, it would have been a disaster for the companies responsible for the initial transmission of these radio waves, which during the (Spanish Flu) pandemic killed up to 50 to 75 million people worldwide. The payouts for damages would have been astronomical and the shark effect would have made most of these companies go belly-up. This, of course, never happened because of the instant cover-up enacted to steer people array, that may have known about the damages caused by this electrical change in the earth, replacing this idea with the biological lie.

So, ever since then, they learned their lesson and decided that the biological theorem scared people just enough to believe these lies and set the course for the next 107 years of electrical changes of the earth, branding them with similar labels as in H1N1, H1N2, etc, etc . The so-called virus transmission, that seemingly spread across the earth, in a time, when airplanes were virtually non-existent for public travel, therefore labeling this virus with a common name, as in, the “bird flu”, setting the stage to blame this alleged spreading of these phony biological viruses, on birds, because how else would this virus start in one continent, and end up on another in less time it would take to sail from the infected country, to another? This would be especially important when the virus theory depends on a ground and /or a person zero, where this biological virus supposedly originated. When it is radio waves propagated throughout the earth, it is easy to see how it would poison biological beings so rapidly and randomly, virtually to any area where these radio waves are transmitted and beyond.

But the skeptical indoctrinate would say, “What about Louie Pasture, he cured the plague, which was a biological virus?” And of course, that is what we are taught in school and what the history books say, but if one were to research this acclamation of manmade immunity, they would find paper after paper of other scientists and doctors that disputed Louie Pasture’s so called cure for the plague, stating it was not biological at all, testifying that it was more likely caused by consumption of heavy metals and inhalation of coal fumes endured during those times, not having proper ventilation. Several other diseases were attributed as biological but were in reality related to the constant inhalation of carbon monoxide, a byproduct of coal fumes, among other factors like the high percentage of lead content (heavy metals) used to fabricate cooking pots, aqueducts, cups, dishes, etc. The plague disappeared at that certain point in history, never to return, however the critiques of the virus theory attributed this disappearance to the better refinery of metals and healthier ventilation practices.

The strides they thought they made with the inoculation theorem excited the medical profession and indeed were labeled as heroes thought to have rid society of the plague and as it were written during that time and context, so was it scribed in history, despite the glaring failing of not isolating the biological virus thought to have caused the plague. This practice of not isolating any virus as proof of existence never seemingly took any priority as proof, even to this day, whereby they utilized the highest of twaddle science and AI simulation to imitate something out of literally, nothing.

Ah, yes, but the gatekeepers seemingly come out of the woodwork, for a price of course, attempting to ridicule those who would challenge these unproven virus theories, in order to make everyone step back and be afraid of the censorship and derision they induce to all who may have a differing opinion from the enforced “status quo” propaganda of the moment.

Still, the tripe goes on as in, inconsequential Facebook antics and silly trivialities of, “look at this picture”, or “read this petty saying” or “laugh at this ridicule of no-mindedness”, dragging your intellect through the muddy pit of censored social media, suppressed approved malarkey designed to lead you so far away from the truth, using fear and ridicule to keep you bludgeoned onto that narrow path of serf-ism and the fop adoration of trivial celebrity issues and the idol worship of childish marvel comic characters.

None of this, however, changes the truth and if you keep your head in the sand, then you expect others to do your fighting for you, and will never risk saying what you truly want to say, even though your belief system is screaming loud and clear to question and ask for accountability from a lying government. Of course, we frequently mistake this for left or right, polarizing the reasons for what has happened, but not realizing it has nothing to do with the left political figure, or the right political figure solely, only that both political figures, left or right, are on the same page, as in, puppets on the string for the elitists to do their bidding, changing the world to their minority specifications, which is totally non-inclusive of you nor your offspring.

The only thing you have to remember is that they called it the “Bird Flu” at a time they could not explain the speedy travel of these so call biological viruses over large bodies of water. And if anyone wonders why, if the electrical changes of the earth were killing many people before, and now seemingly not, all one has to do is look at the yearly flu deaths. People are still dying from the old and new electrical changes of the earth, and the flu shot is like the “sugar pill” the government uses to pacify you into thinking you are protected another year from these electrical phenomenon’s (EMF and other radiations), cloaked as biological viruses, that poisons you and your offspring every day of your life.

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