March 12, 2025

15-Minute City Bound? Northwestern Ontario Adopting Climate Change Agenda Whilst Promoting Devastating Mining Boom, Ruining Indigenous Lands: Originally published December 2022, republished and extended because of current Smart City Constructions Underway.

Looking back in the last three years of federal and provincial government overreach, for our supposed benefit of course, locking us down in our houses like animals, it would seem that they are currently ushering something far more diabolical and specific besides Covid Hotels where you can “check out” anytime you like, but can never leave. Now that this radical control of the WHO, World Health Organization (a private elitist funded group), has retreated, for now, and these crazy lockdown schemes are seemingly history, we have certain leaderships pushing the good old “climate agenda” as a council priority. You know, the climate change agenda that is designed to keep you locked into your respective neighborhoods within a twenty-minute radius, not allowing unnecessary travel anywhere except to work or food at Government approved proprietors and markets? No need to worry about such misinformation like unprecedented vaccine injuries that are being swept under the carpet forming a huge bump that people keep stumbling over.

Strip mining in the Nipigon and indigenous areas, like the Ring of Fire and Nu-Gold, promises the Northwestern Ontario wilderness devastation and water contamination. How does this type of mining affect the wildlife and our environments? Why are these companies allowed to pollute and destroy at will, and we, the people, get scolded about our car exhaust, which is already 99% carbon free due to the pollution controls already installed in our vehicles for decades, like catalytic convertors? And, lest we forget, the indigenous people being manipulated and frightened off their lands due to contaminated water from the mining and general fear porn about a waning pandemic. Are you worried yet? To be honest, I was hopeful for a new about face to occur with the new elected leaderships. Instead, we got the WEF approved consolation prize of Globalist coercion.

Confused what the Climate Change agenda will bring? Prisons Old Link, New Link Carbon Prisons

Go to this link here and watch the video to view what the climate agenda will bring in Melbourne, and the rest of the world. It means 800-meter radius prisons whereby to leave this 800-meter radius, which will be your carbon prison, you will receive a designated number of passes to leave your carbon prison so long as it is recorded where you are going and whom you plan to visit. Imagine that you will be in an area of about 497 acres. So, if you agree with this climate change agenda and want approximately the same area that cattle get to graze, you will love this idea. Remember, you will be jammed in this radius with potentially millions of people. Approximately untold families/units it a densified tower, (1 acre), being the high-rises, about 400, consuming an 800-meter radius, bringing the tally to thousands of families/groups jammed into 1 acre high-rise or which equates to a relatively very small area. Sounds definitely like a concentration camp, or the notorious FEMA camp, or detainment camps, all dressed up to appeal to the slight of mind. Remember, these units will most likely be shared with other people/families, probably on a rotation basis, of the living rooms, bathrooms and kitchen areas which will be neutral spaces. And you will own nothing and be happy as the WEF moto goes.

Necessary edits (Feb 2025) to this story were made to the actual radius conversion, 800 meters radius converted to actual acres of these 15 minutes cities which is around 497 acres. This seems like a small town whereby; the high-rise will most likely consume a full 1 acre (208 ft X 208 ft) whereby you will be confined to this so called 15-minute city only having freedom of movement within the area itself which will contain the shopping center and stores that you will be prescribed to shop and spend your money within those establishments only.

This is why certain communities, like LA County, now (2025) that the wildfires consumed many homes and buildings, are rebuilding within these 15-minute confinement zones, having to adjust and change all the safety and building codes to accommodate these 1-acre high-rises (base of the building being up to 43,264 square feet or 208 ft length X 208 ft width. High Rises are the most likely of buildings that will be used, most likely utilizing the full 43.264 square feet, consuming one full acre, seeing the world trade centers were (208ft L X 208ft W) and (206ft L X 206ft W) respectively, 1 acre each.

This would also seemingly, show that possibly, these LA County wildfires, could have been an act of arson, making way for these utopian projects, given what the LA county did to landowners just before the Second World War to make way for water?

This, in a 400-acre project, started last year in Vaughan Ontario, at 1 acre per high-rise, would mean that this 400-acre area could accommodate up to 400 high-rises (confinement zones). Possibly, untold number of units could be made within one of these buildings, population per building yet to be seen, but an extremely conservative speculation would suggest possibly 5000 people per high-rise (being that the one tower of the World Trade Center could accommodate 25000 people), possibly inflating the population in a 400-acre area to 2,000,000 people, very conservatively? Is this realistic, putting 2,000,000 plus people, confining then to an area used by most mid-sized farms, within 400 high-rises? Is that where you want to live, really? What do they have planned for the rest of the land they are excluding people from, limiting their mobility rights? Wiil people be even confined further to their respective buildings during pandemic or threatening scenarios, environmental, biological, terror, warfare, or otherwise, seeing they could provide bare-bone shopping facilities within your respective building, or possibly a rationing system with food stamps or credits?

Projected 15-minute cities are proposed 800 meters in radius, 497 actual acres in area, converting 800-meter radius to acreage, thus in Vaughan Ontario, this 400-acre project would be an approximate size of 1 smart (15-minute) city. But in reality, smart cities can vary from community to community, redefining the areas of accommodations, however, high-rises seem to be the focus being they can densify the area to domicile millions of people. These calculations and construction may differ per community project.

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