March 12, 2025

Sudden Death, Bearing False Witness for Profit

The stories keep surfacing about strange deaths that are baffling health care providers, claiming that they never seen the nature of these demises before. They are sure about one thing however, that it is definitely not the vaccine. Turning a blind eye to the obvious, skipping over the autopsies, writing these deaths off as strange and ambiguous. Could it be that they are afraid to go to jail and/or get that whopping fine of up to $500,000 from the government who has threatened to levy on any health practitioner or firm that dared to discredit the vaccine and its nine pages of side effects published on Pfizer’s website? That seems to be the incentive that is muffling all doctors, or at least, the doctors that want to remain employed. Because, along with the whopping $200,000 to $500,000 fine levy, the practitioner would also lose their license to practice medicine under the umbrella of major health facilities and their insurance protection, like hospitals, clinics, etc. The bottom line is; if you took the vaccine to keep your job, then you were coerced into this compromise using the threat of un-compensational unemployment, leaving you basically in a major financial bind, unable to provide for your family.

Now that you seemingly have gotten through this predicament, possibly unscathed, what will the future bring onto you due to this experimental vaccine and numerous boosters? The incentives were clear. Every diagnosed case of Covid according to Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient for that health center or hospital that diagnosed, druged, and intubated the suspected covid infected patients.

No matter what it may be, your doctor will be baffled and have no idea what is happening to you or your family members. These are the stories that are unfolding and becoming rampant, so rampant, that every person knows a family member, a friend or an acquaintance that has at least one of these stories to tell about someone that was seemingly in perfect health, but succumbed to the coercion and took the vaccine and boosters, became suddenly ill, then died very soon after if not immediately. But the doctors keep telling their tall tales of; “it had to be something else other than the Covid vaccine”. The VAER’s system, the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting system basically tells it all, and if one was so inclined to seek out this information, they would be shocked as to the numbers of reports describing deaths, reactions, and disabling diseases contracted after the vaccine was administered. But according to a harvard study of the VAER’s system, these tallies reflect only 1 percent of the actual numbers. This vaccine has killed many people and some estimate that this number is in the millions in the USA alone. The VAER’s system needs upgrading, however, that will never be done due to the circumstances surrounding this experimental vaccine, and all the lives it has claimed, young and old. Most doctors are not utilizing this system to report the deaths because most doctors are telling people that it is not the vaccine due to their applied constraints from our trusty governments. No matter the penalty, these doctors should not be justifying the vaccine. Now that people are more aware about the vaccine and are leery of taking anymore boosters, what side-step explanation will they lay on the public now to avoid more expired vaccines, or will they just start a new pandemic? In actuality, it was your money, the taxpayer’s money that paid for these vaccines so the government really could care a less. In any event, unless we hold them accountable, they will continue their lies and mis-informational campaigns of unnecessary vaccinations.

Many excuses and phony explanations in attempt to cover up the obvious, from skipping breakfast to smoking cannabis. According to the CDC, any athlete is at risk of forming blood clots. Almost anything will cause blood clots or heart attacks or so they proclaim in attempt to hide the truth. But in reality, we are being duped by all of our politicians, whether local or distant, they keep feeding the public manure when in reality, the vaccine is claiming many lives, the most heartbreaking, our youths.

Lazar LaPenna: 10-year-old dies during little league baseball game

Lazar LaPenna was a fourth grader in Long Beach, New York. He celebrated his 10th birthday on April 27. The first game of the little league baseball season was April 29. Lazar and his team were playing in their first game at Point Lookout Park in Lido Beach that day.

Lazar was up to bat and got a base hit. He ran safely to first base, looked over to his dad, Gregg, and smiled. Gregg, the coach of the team, looked down for a second to mark the base hit on his statistics sheet. But Gerry LaPenna, Lazar’s 11-year-old brother and the team’s first base coach, started yelling that Lazar was having a seizure.

Medics performed CPR for several minutes. But Lazar passed away on the field. Gregg said his son was diagnosed with epilepsy several years ago and managed it with medication. This blogger had two epileptic classmates in his elementary school in the 1980s. We were always told, if an episode happens and no teachers are around, to simply lay said kids on their side, move sharp objects away, cushion their heads if possible, and let the seizure run its course. If the kid vomits, try and clear it out of their mouths with your fingers so they didn’t choke.

The Epilepsy Foundation cited two longitudinal studies from Nova Scotia and the Netherlands. A total of 1,164 epileptic kids were followed up on for several years. The studies found that the only kids who died within those time periods had concurrent neurological disorders.

Researchers concluded that kids with just epilepsy and no other neurological issues had the same life expectancy as kids without epilepsy. The Epilepsy Foundation also cited a condition known as “SUDEP”, or Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy. None of the Nova Scotia or Netherlands subjects died of SUDEP.

That all said, it is completely against established medical practice to administer CPR to an epileptic kid having a seizure. If trained medical personnel administered CPR to Lazar, then they either knew he was in cardiac arrest or they should be sued for contributing to his death. Further, if Lazar died from an epileptic seizure in this day-and-age, then he’s simply the unluckiest kid in New York.” –

Go Here for more tragic stories.

The bottom line is, if we do not demand accountability from our governments, health care providers and doctors, they will continue to treat you as a Mushroom, kept in the dark and fed an abundance of excrement.

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