Trump, Felon with an Escape Clause

Now that the American Election is over, and the alleged felon Trump wins his second term, and like Jessie James, the popular folk lore hero of crime, is revered as something out of a comic book, or at least, a very ghastly comic epitome.
Trump, the Billionaire, with a silver spoon in his mouth, has managed to become something as infamous as numerous criminal legends that fought the system, because it was for the rich, and not for the poor. However, the “felon” Trump has used media, advertising and bribes to bludgeon his way into people’s subconscious heart as a hero?
Facts about Trump are:
He is the undisputable “father of the vaccine”.
He signed key legislation in 2020, enabling the FCC to push 5G throughout the USA, and other legislation enabling conglomerates, particularly in the Arctic Circle, facilitating these industries to take advantage of the disappearing polar caps in the Alaskan waterways.
He not only funded the production of the Killer Covid Vaccine, (Operation Warp Speed) he was set to enable the US army to administer this untested tainted vaccines to the population.
Trump initiated the mass production of invasive ventilators through auto companies to provide the hospitals with unlimited invasive ventilators for intubation, the so called “standard of care” for Covid.
Trump locked the USA down, forcing small to medium sized businesses to bankruptcy and causing families to default on their mortgages because of their professions not classified as “essential”.
Still and yet, like a bunch of sleepy yawning brainwashed indoctrinates, they sleep walk into the voting booths and elect Trump in again. The only silver lining is that, He will not be able to run again. But, what damage will he do to the country this term that will top what he did in 2020?
He will continue that farce of a wall, and at the same time say, “Hey, I am not a fascist!” And the sleepy comatose public that voted him in will blindly defend his actions, saying, “It will make America Great again!”
Sorry to say, it will not. And when they wake up to this fact, it will be too late anyway. I cannot overlook what the government has done to the public since 2020, and Trump was a key part in this decimation. Trudeau, Biden, Ford, and many others played their part in this desecration of our rights. Our governments are rotten to the core, and North America is ripe for a dictatorship. I pray to God it does not happen.
As Kennedy promised accountability for this killer vaccine in the New York Times, somehow, Trump discovered Kennedy’s squealing point and got him to give up his campaign and endorse the Trump movement in exchange for a cabinet position.
Kennedy may have swung enough votes away from Trump, and we would be facing a 4-year term with Harris at the helm. Which may or may not have been marginally better, being all the candidates and anyone in politics, endorsed the killer vaccine.
Well, now they are all trying to sweep it tidily under the rug, saying, the benefits of depopulation outweigh the humanitarian aspect of a seemingly overpopulated earth. And that would be spoken eloquently, as a true elitist; war monger could, like Ted Turner, back in the day.
Yet, we can all acclaim Trump as the new “Felon Folk Hero”, the billionaire that robs from the middle class and gives to the extremely rich, like Richard the Lion Heart, another elitist that was supposedly for the well being of the under privileged, but perhaps liked the numerous maidens that would awe his majesty and serve to his royal splendor.
Well, we shall see. And if all falls apart, who will they blame? Like every other administration has done in the past. They blame the previous administration. That is why they call the sides, left and right, because they can keep your indoctrinated brain ping ponging back and forth, ignoring that there are “other “ parties to vote for, instead of the billionaire endorsed, two-party system candidates.
The ruling class in essence, has other ideas, other than allowing a fair election. The truth is, no election is fair, and every election is fixed, like professional wrestling, it is all predetermined, for a very long time. It is just that, we can see it much more clearly now, how the ruling class determine that only the rich and the billionaires, like Trump, are the only viable candidates to run, costing hundreds of millions of dollars for the presidential campaigns of any candidate. This is the case in any country in the world, mostly the freedom orientated countries like Canada, the US, and others, whereby, monetary influence rules the outcome. Democracy is the illusion, and freedom is an elusive term that means absolutely nothing to the working man. We all have to demand accountability from these so called, fairly elected candidates. We as the masses truly still rule. We just have to awake from our slumber and take control.