February 16, 2025

Ignace, the Proud and Willing Host of Radio-active Muddle

Deep underground depends on earth and rock to protect the waste from leakage if escaped from the containment cylinders (drums). On water tables?

On November 28 2024, was the day Ignace Ontario decided to be a nuclear waste host (dump), whereby a 26-billion-dollar (tax payer money) project will commence in 2033 to make Ignace Ontario the central hub for all nuclear waste in Canada. Yes, you read correctly, the central hub for all of Canada’s Nuclear waste to be buried in the bedrock, above the Hudson Bay Water shed.

Of course they will have scientist after scientist lining up, with their hands out, to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it will be perfectly safe. Somehow, that does not make me feel any better, nor cultivate any security within my persona, that there will not be a catastrophe, once this nuclear waste starts contaminating the water tables that directly or indirectly, flow to the Great lakes.

In fact, what most people do not realize, unless they live in Ontario, more specifically, Northern and Northwestern Ontario, is that this is the land of 100,000 fresh water lakes. It would be inconceivable that this planned nuclear waste facility will not contaminate the fresh water, to one degree or another, which will contaminate most of the water that flows into the USA.

What feeds the Great lakes? Why the Hudson Bay Water Shed of course. It may be safe to say, that any water that flows south of the Hudson Bay Water Shed, joins into the Mississippi Water Shed that flows into most everything in USA. But of course, they will still maintain it is perfectly safe, hence, the overpaid scientists and construction gurus.

That aside, how would anyone feel that lives in Ignace Ontario of how safe it will be to bring up a family in that area? Knowing that nuclear waste is hap-hazardously buried in their back yard. But, don’t worry, because the best structural engineers are on the job, planning and scheming how to build this facility safely, or at the very least, make an appearance of building this facility safe, so it will not, in theory, contaminate humans and wildlife in this area, not to mention the foliage, trees, livestock and farms that may be scattered about in this target community.

Remember the series Corner Gas? Well, rest assured that everyone with 6 figure paychecks believe, that is exactly how people are in remote areas of Canada. And as the lowering IQ in the USA, continues to tumble in their school systems, they forget that Canada’s scholastic IQ is much higher than most areas in the USA, so perhaps this is a slight misconception on how stupid people in Canada are, perhaps?

However, in the same mainstream story, they are told by the so-called concerned leaders in Ignace that it was voted in by 77% of those who showed up to vote, supposedly over half the community population, at the same time, run a picture of the Radiation Activist protest showing a poster that scribed 91% of the people in that community were not in favor of this facility coming to be in their area. How could those numbers ever add up? Possibly, someone has fudged the numbers?

Why would CBC News run that picture with no explanation to the obvious contrast? It is most likely because there would not be any satisfactory answer given. Or, perchance they had the explanations but neglected to run it with the story? Or feasibly I missed it while reading this story? Or perhaps they never asked the question at all.

Clearly, if you take a good look at Old Folks facilities, hospitals, community centers, shopping malls, colleges, universities, apartment complexes, nursing homes, businesses, residential areas, schools, etc. you will not have to look too far and find 5G transceivers scattered on the rooves, or find large 5G towers nearby. The issue of these placements is the EMF radiation that is present and propagated constantly in a 500-foot radius. So, whomever may be in these radiuses, will be inflicted with EMF radiation. But of course, it supposedly completely safe.

This is due to ignorance of a population, coerced into thinking it is safe. And if they do not agree, they are ridiculed by gatekeepers. People that stand to make a buck as to its existence and implementation. Ergo, an obliviousness to the ill effects of EMF radiation, or even, radiation produced by nuclear waste.

Quid quo pro, it is only the people that benefit, who would defend this action of planned radiation contamination, ultimately, to whatever degree they benefit from such an ill-informed scheme. Do the people who are pushing this project actually plan to live in Ignace, once implemented, or actually, currently, live there at all, politically, constructional or otherwise?

Factual information is, that the Water Sheds (water tables) would start with the Wabigoon River Water Shed (05QD) which would be directly affected if there was a waste leak. English River Water Shed (05QA), Kaministiquia River Water Shed (02AB) (Kam River), and the Rainy Lake Water Shed (05PBB), all would suffer being directly adjoining to the Wabigoon. It is not hard to imagine the direct consequences of Nuclear Waste leakage on the short term. These water sheds are within the Hudson Bay Water Shed, that spreads east and west of Ontario, which of course ultimately connects (South) to the Mississippi Water Shed in the USA, not to mention all of the Great lakes, starting with Lake Superior seeing the Kam River directly flows to Lake Superior.

This is why the indigenous in the Wabigoon River (water shed) area are against this nuclear waste facility being planted in their back yard. However, mainstream news did not overly exploit this fact, at least in the latest story depicting the unbalanced consensus of how many people actually, those who live there, voted this facility into their community (Ignace).

Get the facts about nuclear waste and uranium mining. Nuclear power is far from zero, concerning the impact on the environment, and because of the (strip, pit) mining alone, destroys the environment in a most devastating fashion, leaving large baron canyons in its wake, where trees and wildlife used to populate. Confused where to start? Look up Uranium strip mining in Alberta and see the devastation. It is time to see nuclear power, as not a harmless cartoon depicted in the Simpsons. It is a devastating power generation system, that causes nuclear radiation from its waste (plutonium), that, is not useful for anything other than nuclear weapons and burying in the ground. There are far more, less devastating technologies that industries ignore and discredit. Particle acceleration is an old buried power generating technology that would eliminate the use of nuclear power reactors and fossil fuels.

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