February 16, 2025

NAFTA, A Free Trade agreement, a Heist, or a Dream? Or perhaps, they were all Smoking Fentanyl when it was drafted?

Saying Fentanyl is a border problem is as ridiculous as saying NAFTA smuggles Fentanyl

Trump’s Sleazy Quest to transform Canada into another Mexico, a Third world Economy, and cover its own Tracks of the Fentanyl Trade

Trump is not even in office as of yet, and is setting new economic Free Trade Rules, that were already established, rendering unfair trade practices for the sole benefactor, the good ole US of A. The Nafta agreement reaches new spectacular heights as in, not a Free Trade Agreement at all, just USA bullying the rules to their benefit.

So why is NAFTA so lop sided, and tilted to the obvious USA direction? Why should they be able to suck Canada dry for resources and charge us extra Tariffs on our exports to the USA? Because, USA has really never played fair when it came to the NAFTA agreement, and even with their obvious advantage over this loop holed contract, they still want more.

But what do expect from Trump. The Billionaire President? He is so greedy, that he started Operation Warp Speed for his own financial advantage. He rushed to market, a vaccine that kills and maims people by the millions. And no one really calls him on this, and lets it slide, like the Sleaze Ball RFK Junior, selling out to Trump, for a cabinet position.

However, that is all history, and everyone is fast asleep, allowing that maniac Trump to continue his bullying antics, as they all sleep walk, drool and utter, “He is going to make America great again!” Yes, at the expense of smaller economies and countries.

Not that Canada gets off the hook for this NAFTA decimation, so Trump and his sleazy conglomerate friends can waltz into Canada and steal our vast resources and most likely, push the nuclear waste they produce in the US, into Northwestern Ontario, and charge us extreme Tariffs to sell our exports to the USA.

Our leaders are most likely on Trump’s sleazy payroll and are rolling over for Trump as we speak, at the same time, saying how fed up they are of Trump; to make it appear they give a rat’s rear about common Canadians who will ultimately pay the price.

This is all highly suspicious and it is a wonder that they would attempt Tariff measures when there is a NAFTA agreement in place. Ludicrously suspicious and contradictive to the point of insanity. So, what good is the Nafta agreement then?

Just ask Mexico, and they most likely tell you that is not worth the paper it was written upon, being, they never benefited from this agreement in the time it has been in existence. In basics, the NAFTA agreement is good for the rich, and bad for the common folk. However, that is Trump’s specialty. Robbing from the poor and middle class, and giving it all to his rich buddies. So why not make it worse, to benefit his corpulent rear.

Of course, the Canadian media explains how the “Felon Trump” can impose Tariffs when there is a NAFTA agreement in place. Which of course is another way of saying our government is a shoal of World Economic Form’s Young Leader Jelly Fish. What I mean to say is, the current leadership in Canada does not give a rat’s night soil about Canada’s independence nor sovereignty.

To make things worse, Trump is now blaming Canada for the fentanyl trade in the USA. However, you cannot control a synthetic drug that can be made in a lab in any number of homes or trailer parks. That is how law enforcement and guys like Trump deceive the public. The only way to stop the fentanyl trade anywhere, is to look in your own back yard where it is being made, like meth labs. Shut down these fentanyl labs and you will see a drop in the fentanyl trade. But that may infringe on someone very rich and wealthy. So, lets blame it on cowboys, saying they are trying to import and export a drug that can be made anywhere.

What do you expect from a guy that most likely has no clue how fentanyl is even made. He probably thinks it is grown like weed, in some trailer park in Canada, right? Or perhaps he just watches too many “Trailer Park Boys” episodes, while eating his Big Mac and slurping down his lard-based shake, made by another bloated conglomerate, McDonalds.

The sobering facts about fentanyl is it can be made very easily and all the ingredients can be sought out over the internet. There are really no cowboys needed to import or export this drug anywhere. That is a fantasy. A fantasy they want you to buy so they can deceive you that they are really doing something about the highly astronomical profitable, fentanyl trade.

The truth is, all ingredients to make fentanyl are legal to buy. So, huh? Why would anyone import or export the finished product when all they have to do is order the ingredients? If these compounds are so well known, then why can they not stop these ingredients from being sold on Amazon? The truth is because, they need to keep the drug enforcement agencies busy to justify their inflated budgets, at the same time, allowing wealthy benefactors to profit from the fentanyl trade.

The only people that do time for the drug trade are usually the street level flunkies that actually traffic with intent to sell. Most of these dealers are hooked themselves, so they sell fentanyl to stay high. The drug trade will never be in control as long as there are insane profits involved, because, it is just too attractive for investors (people that finance the endeavor but does not deal).

Thus, because people on the whole, really have no clue of how the drug trade operates, it is easy for mainstream media and law enforcements agencies to keep common folk ill-informed and that the tax dollars paid to these agencies are well spent. Police have become gang member endorsers of the elitists and that circus is just too well known.

On the street, many prostitutes do hard drugs, like fentanyl, to keep them on the street, basically applying their trade to keep high, a vicious cycle that destroys young women and girls. Many of these young girls that they would like you to believe have been swallowed up by human trafficking, have merely been recruited for prostitutions and kept high, mostly, in your own back yard.

There are no shackles involved in most cases and it is merely a matter of logic that these girls are handed drugs and promises of fame, then put on the street to work for their next fix once addicted. So really, no one is holding them against their will because their wills have been shattered by addiction, mainly opiates and fentanyl. But we all enjoy horrible bedtime stories, pacifying us with the ideal that those big bad drug dealers that seemingly hide in the back streets are after your daughter to get them hooked and force them on the street, keeping them against their will, as in epitomes like “Taken”, featuring fictitious super heroes that will free them, alleviating you from getting off you couch to actually go look for your young offspring. The reality is much more logical and simpler to see, if we would just open our eyes while driving through that part of the city, where your daughter that may be missing, resides.

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