The Creeping, Corruptive, Reefer Cultivating Culture, Cloaked and Toked Under the 5G Streetlamp

As more “Boo Stores” pop up everywhere in all neighborhoods, now outnumbering the liquor control stores and “Beer Stores”, one could safely state, that “Grass has Swept the Neighborhood“, courtesy of our trusty liberal government. Once Greaser, now turned Beatnik Liberal Party, Justin means business when he promotes a nationwide Liberal beach party. And Cannabis for All, he chanted between tokes and chokes from his antique brass one-hitter, toking apparatus, outside in the rear of the House of Commons. The problem though, is they need to hire HAARP to change the weather conditions just enough to accommodate the BC beach to be as warm as the California Coast to have such a beach party, otherwise, everyone will be wearing parkas instead of bikini bathing suits; not that we would want to see Elizabeth May in a bikini, I think not.
Ridiculous as it may seem, this is the case as far as the “weed” is concerned and during the plandemic, it was one of the few “mom and pop” (small business) stores that remained open. It seems curious that the Ontario government did not want to control the retail end of the marijuana sales, being they still own monopolies on liquor and beer. In recent years, some supermarkets were allowed to stock limited brands of beer to sell, however the premium stock still resides in their own liquor control and Beer stores, operated and controlled by the province of Ontario.
Now, after the seemingly disappearance of the plandemic and its accompanying restrictions and lockdowns that featured small to medium business forced closures and curfews keeping people inside their homes indefinitely, marijuana shops are popping up everywhere. In the city I reside, there are 20 to 30 different “Pot Shops” to choose from, not to mention the backyard cultivator, who is growing the weed from seeds sold by the local feed stores and selling the matured weed to their close circle of friends, undercutting the “Mom and Pop” weed Emporiums.
It becomes an enforcement nightmare for the police and even more of a fiasco for the overburdened court system. Yet still, more and more “Pot Shops” gain federal/provincial approval. However, nothing positive can spring from this type of “franchise saturation” other than “Cannabis for All”, similar to an off-brand bandage, offering some temporary relief from the constant bombardment of EMF radiation courtesy of 5G and 6G technologies.
Although marijuana is being pedestalled into a blessed savior type drug, and in some cases, it is being praised as a therapeutic drug used to curb side effects of radiation treatment associated with cancer, and supposedly, a cancer inhibitor. Needless to say, these qualities associated with the drug may be a tad overblown and THC (Horse Tranquillizer) does come with its own side effects like impaired thinking and paranoia to the point of inhibition and fear. They call it the weed of wisdom, because of these inhibitors to the behavior, but in reality, one becomes overly docile and careless. I mean really, does anyone really want an employee stoned while they perform their duties, supposedly in safety? What is the next possible step to ensure your employee is not stepping outside for the occasional cannabis puff session? Mandatory saliva tests perhaps, alongside of the PCR/Antigen testing? This is a perfect example of granting a certain temporary privilege in order to nullify basic amiable rights and freedoms associated with our constitution, a publication the elitists hate with a passion and will stop at nothing to destroy.