Activism, Freedom-ism, Euphuism for Terrorism, Or Just Control-ism geared to protect the Elitists and Greed-ism?
There are huge lies being told right now about democracy, to accommodate the lies spreadstraight down from our Governments (Puppets...
There are huge lies being told right now about democracy, to accommodate the lies spreadstraight down from our Governments (Puppets...
It is true that the Gillies residence endured record breaking tax hikes, never dreamt of before, saying it was necessary...
If Bill C11 was not enough, the promotion of Bill C-372 really takes the stage, as in, how stupid do... This Video has been made private, temporarily, until further notice. However, if you are interested to view the content...
Anyone that has been following the MAID program of Canada, would most likely know that the government of Canada is...
We all have seen the maps of the exploration plans endorsed and paid for by the Federal and Provincial governments...
Late this summer, 2023, it was announced that there was a new booster (vaccine) ready, and at the time, was...
Interestingly, the average Tax Hike for any community is between 1 to 4 % and our Reeve and Council have...
Unorganized Meeting September 9th 2023 First Meeting to become Monthly The meeting of the 9th of September was tentative because...
In the last 3 to 4 years of the decimation of our Constitutional and Human Rights, we have all been...