Furthest from the sanity of your mind resides reality, a conception of aggressive will and greed. We all pretend it is not there, but we feed from it, and nurture it everyday. We all wish it was different. That we could give into our inner thoughts of equality and generosity. But the more we try to be decent human beings, the more we get dragged back into the “outpost of oblivion”. This realm is one of our own creation. One of vanity and defamation. We defile others to the benefit of ourselves out of selfish greed and love of lavishness and opulence. As churches and places of spiritual worship crumble, we construct huge, glass, marble and metal cathedrals of distain and profit. No person actually resides in these habitats of greed because they were created for the worship of money and ravenous, where only demons of corruption dwell to be adorned as they feed off the weak and money hungry, the soulless shells of existence. These demons siphon out their souls and conquers their will to do the bidding of evil and wantonness.
We will never change. Because we have all failed to learn what we were placed on earth for in the first place. Do you think a “big bang” happened, and there you were, to a be greedy selfish fool? To be allowed to grasp everything in your reach and dominate others? Do you really think it is that simple? Well, I hope I am at the gates when you die because it ought to be comical. Which gates? I guess that is an easy one to contemplate seeing what we have done to this earth and others around us. But we can all rest assured it is not as easy as scientific analogies. When you die, you will have to have faith or burn. Burning has nothing to do with dying. Burning is eternal, like eternal light. You either rise to the light, or burn from its rays. You can say, religion does not recognize science. But it is the other way around. The church, one way or another , always believed in science, whether they called it witchcraft or earthly. It is science and the scientific community that has no belief in religion or spiritualism. They think it is tripe, unproved and superstition. It does not fit into their cookie-cutter, slide-rule formulae or thesis.
But wait, is that not why we were spawned on this earth in the first place? To learn from the elite’s boorish, narrow-ism and prudish epitomes of snobbery and greed? So we can all become, “just like them”, or at least wannabes, dregs to the possibility of wealth and plenty. Slaves. We have not learned anything and keep right on towards the damnation of these designing grifters of fortune. They have stolen your futures and your children’s futures. There is no hope other then the illusion of opulence because we are bound to it even though we will never attain this lifestyle in the true sense of the reality. We can just watch from a distance as your children starve and frolic in the streets of oppression. We have too much “instant knowledge” and we think we really understand what it means, but we have no clue, other then the surface understanding of what it may read or demonstrate. We can all learn the correct information, but lack of understanding and, not twisting or using this information for selfish purposes becomes impossible because of the abundant examples set forth in front of us on a daily basis by our so called mentors and teachers.
If we were indeed placed on this earth to do good will, we have failed so miserably that it is not a wonder why God has forsaken us to rot on this earth. Some believe that Armageddon has started some time ago and, we are all the misfortunate ones to suffer until death, then to be judged for the accumulative sins still left on the earth at the time of demise. I believe that there maybe many that want to change the earth, but because power and greed has taken its influence throughout the globe, there are really no populace left not corrupted by rapaciousness and destruction. So many questions about why God allows these hurtful events to happen on a daily basis. But it is the wealthy and elite of this lavish circle that directly causes these offences to multitudes and sometimes nations of people. God gave us free will, therefore cannot control the countless foolish greedy decisions made on a minute to minute basis by the truly ignorant. We are the only ones that can change this tide of destitution and dark nights of the soul.
Ever wonder why your husband left you alone? Or why your wife left you alone? Or why your child is begging on the street corner? You sit alone waiting for your loved one to reach out for you but instead everyone concerned gets more hopelessness and waning. You cannot enjoy anything anymore and sit in a gloom of despair and loneliness, like caught in a web of deceit and hurt, in a dungeon of torture, where once happiness was in abundance. The essence of this desperate destruction is sweet to the grasping and treacherous, and they feed with glee until your last ounce of hope is sponged away by the intrusive injurious. Your heart beats hopeless rhythms of despair, a march of the abandoned, a waltz of the slandered, encumbered and toiled, grounding into the earth, melded into the mud of apathy and hate. Once you emerge from the mud out of which your new existence has been incubated, your strength and determination will flourish, and your hope and empathy will blossom into ever luminesce shards of blistering light, for all the hopeless to follow. This is the blight that has enthralled upon your reborn path like divine inspiration from above. Judgement, true and lasting which in the end, separates the world into proper order. Until then, do not fear solitude, embrace it.
“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)
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