Kennedy likely to endorse Trump is about as likely as the Toronto Maple Leaf’s to win the Stanley Cup, but perhaps they will win next year. Will America win with Trump? Not likely, and if you want shady characters influencing who goes into your White House, well, you will most likely get your wish, be…
New York Times says a total of $43,000 paid out for covid vaccine Injury? Kennedy Vows Transparency
A New York Times story about vaccine injury is released, showing that things are inevitably being turned around, and also shows how cheap the federal government is in its payouts to a mere 12 people that were injured, not exceeding $3600.00 each, a grand total of $43,000 dollars paid out, at the same time, giving billions to the phony war in Ukraine? Kennedy Vows transparency if elected.
The Hollywood all Globalists Squares
They are all on the Globalist’s Wagon. It is only a matter of time before they all show their true colors. What do any of then truly stand for as far as America is concerned? Certainly, not freedom.