Controlled Ops, Right in your Face, Plan = You are the Mark, Demic = A dysfunctional Masses in Fear = The Oxymoron of a Fraudulent Shiller

Plandemic series is in completion, and it seems that there has been a lot of money that has exchanged hands, however being very careful to not be captured by Mainstream Media, which will be the success of this film. Why would that matter, would one ask? Because once mainstream media, it would not be trusted by this target group, the group that is drawn to places like Alex Jones’ Info Wars and Del Bigtree’s Highwire, and now Brian Rose, who seemingly washed his hands with the plandemic and anyone associated with it after his unsuccessful Mayor campaign in London England.

It is obvious that this is funded by places like the Highwire and Infowars, two entities that are questionable to their origins and motivations. But a discerning mind would know these inconsistencies and ultimate goals, which would be Biowarfare, featuring the unproven virus, Sars Covi 2, symptoms being, Covid 19. That will remain in the history books as this computer generated signature of 80% or less match to something that most likely did not exist. Even though there was never one microscopic slide that ever housed this so call virus, Sars Covi 2, symptoms, Covid 19, the ignorant will still buy this hype as “history” and buy another 50% off diamond ring for their partner named “Karen”, once again trusting the mainstream media as a valid source of information, thanks to these info bridges, like Infowars and Highwire, that are designed to lead the Controlled Opposition, you, right back to the Mainstream of things..

If there was no other purpose to these CIA motivated films that are simply, Controlled Opposition, steering the masses away from chasing the government and demanding accountability, to chasing ghosts in Wuhan China and Mysterious Labs in West Virginia, Ukraine and other clandestine locations, some not far from CIA Head Quarters and other cohort military facilities, it would be to “entertain” the slight of mind that may be eating their lunch , watching videos on their smart (dumb) phone, at their slave driven job, the job they agreed to take the killer vaxx an all of its boosters to keep.

Now that a lot of vaxxers have woken up and simply do not trust this experimental vaxx and all of its even more redundant and deadly boosters, need a scapegoat to point the finger at, and simply blaming the government will not be in the scheme of things and will throw a wrench into the elitist’s plan of world domination and depopulation. Although this may be good for further polarization of the masses, to the left or right, they need the people to point the finger at the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans, Syrians, or anyone else who could satisfy the slight of mind, as they take another bite of their burger or taco they bought at McDonalds, or Taco Bell, during their lunch break, watching videos on their smart (dumb) phone, in a room decorated with old faded Covid posters, curling up on the walls and lunch tables, in their slave driven job’s provided lunchroom.

But the current Plandemic film does mention depopulation so why would anyone think Mikki Willis is not on the level? If you have to ask this question, then you have not read Agenda 21, 2020, 2030, or any other numerous papers written and paid for by you, the tax payer, now featured on puppet websites like the World Economic Forum, about the need to cull the population and save resources for people kind, mainly for the elitists and all their spawned families and friends, who are still stripping you of all of your assets, dowries and any possible legacies you could of left your children, but were too interested in buying some legal weed and drinking your favorite brain honing elixir to care.

In order for depopulation to work, they need a meek population that will follow in line and enter these detainment facilities (15 minute cities), willingly. So what better way than to control the opposition to spout off biowarfare and biological viruses created in a darkened foreign lab by rogue scientists funded by greedy CEO’s so when they announce another virus that has an unknown origin, you will believe that viruses exist and run to take the first available experimental vaccine, unless of course, you have not already died from the first experimental vaccine and all of its experimental boosters, verified by an unproven PCR or antigen test that will be supposedly adjusted for the new lab created biowarfare virus.

Once in these 15-minute cities, you will not be free to come and go as you please and will be expected to work to earn your keep in this newly designed prison that you will think is a home. It will be just a matter of time before they start more pandemics, demanding you take more petroleum based, experimental vaxxes and boosters, and will be culled as to noncompliance, disappearing innocuously one by one, randomly, like being plucked out of a controlled fish farm and terminated, innocuously enough, and replaced by more slaves, that you will not notice and ring the alarms.

The key is simply non-compliance to their counterfeit warnings and fear porn of biological viruses and spurious UFO campaign currently in the works to get people fearful of a Alien invasion, that will be simulated of course by sophisticated hologram technology to further corral everyone ignorant enough out of fear into these containment areas (15 minute cities), and once the majority succumbs to the need for a world government to fight these “spooks” identified as Aliens for Outer space, the depopulation will be put into high gear, blaming it of course on the phony Aliens and their Alien Invasion.

Think this is over the top? Wake up and smell the cappuccino that is being brewed right under your over swabbed nose. Time to see things for what they really are and if you are married to a male or female version of “Karen”, it is time to hit the road Jack, make a new plan Stan, just set yourself free.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023

Plandemic Series, A Trilogy of Truth, or a CIA Franchise

In this era of extreme deception, we are faced with now, many new organizations, all stating they are for freedom. How do I test any organization or truther for validity? It would be, of course, their production quality. The poorer the production quality, the more chance they are telling you something for your own benefit. However, you have to use your own judgement.

Some are hard to distinguish, like, Doe-nut! But he is definitely in it for the money. Right now, my mailbox is littered with these organizations, all saying they are for the truth, for a price of course. Many of them do not restrict content if you do not donate, but they all solicit for these donations to keep you informed about things that are right in your back yard.

You may ask, what are these things right in my back yard? If you have to ask this question, then you are not paying attention, or want to be entertained. Like, Who’s on first, Who? I just told you. Ok, who is on first? Who! Just tell me who is on first! Who! What? No, What is on second, Who is on first. Who is on first? I just told you that!

They are all pushing the “Great Awakening”, a film that has no bounds to its promotion. But the Great Awakening is a concept during this whole pandemic. The people were waking up prior to this pandemic, that is why they created it, to steer the masses into the direction they would like you to take, just like the 60’s and organizations like the Weather Underground or the Black Panthers, all CIA infiltrated groups to steer the movement into ambiguity and lawlessness, like the FLQ, similar to Anonymous, BLM and Antifa, Boys in Blue, all controlled by the CIA.

People have short memories, and the CIA and like organizations know this and take full advantage of the effects created by this social human flaw. Remember Seatle and the Autonomous Zone created by the Homeless of Seattle? During its wake and duration, what did Info Wars or any other Alternative media tell about this movement? That it was all about the far-left extremism and they were terrorists against freedom and patriotism.

The mainstream media was plugging this movement as the “summer of love”, or just another freedom movement for sex and sexual diversity. Pushing it as an insignificant event attempting to aggravate the small to medium business sector and all who worked there, creating conflict. In reality, it was homeless people striking out against the system because of their inequity of wealth distribution, forcing people to live on the streets after stealing their equity and wealth, something that has been occurring right under your nose well before the pandemic.

You were just too asleep to figure out what was going on because it never affected you. Then, on cue, BLM and Antifa infiltrated the Autonomous Zone and buried it, dividing and leading all involved into scattered directions, something the CIA does extremely well, on foot, as well as online, which you can see many examples of this tactic on every social media channel, attempting to get you to hate certain races, lose faith in your religion, or simply and the most damagingly, in yourself.

Once you lose faith in yourself, then you are primed to be led down the garden path of control and slavery. Remember, it has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with slavery and being stripped of your assets and legacies to serve a greater purpose than yourself. To serve your slave masters who are the 1 percent of society. They are so greedy; they want to steal what you have left and anything else you are concealing in your back pockets. In short, you will own nothing and be happy, which is just a phrase for docile or stupid.

It is true that this vaccine is killing a multitude of people and mostly, people are letting it happen. The vaccine is filling the obituaries with far more people than you realize and has killed millions, if not the tens of millions worldwide. Open your eyes and say no to their vaccines and phony concerns like carbon output, global warming, or 20-minute cities which are just euphemisms for detainment camps, death camps, slavery. The governments, no matter left or right, are bought and paid for by globalism which is just the top 1 percent of the world.

All the front people like Klaus Schwab are just front men, puppets. And when you watch productions like the Great Awakening, produced by a person that appeared from seemingly, nowhere, always perform a “great reset” on yourself, shed the brainwashing, and watch for the obvious like movies produced by the CIA. There is a lot at stake here, so be aware that they will use anybody and anything to deceive you. The more they can scare you, the easier it will be to take you by the hand and terminate you. So, stay away from their injections and fear porn and “Wake up!”

I mean really, now that they are all in one hole, meaning the association between Alex Jones, Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis, David Martin, and all the other so-called scripted experts featured in these films, you can now listen to what they say with extreme discernment and read the propaganda being reversed to just confuse you even more. But that is what the CIA does, and Alex Jones, was fingered as a CIA connected producer a decade ago. Are they all CIA contract agents? If you ask that question, then you are definitely waking up! This whole pandemic is just another “black op”, led by Master Bards and Pied Pipers. What about 5G? That serves better as a story of its own.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023