Halloween, Necrosis before the Lambent

Bleeds with Knives in Back

Many traitorous events play out everyday, and Halloween is the celebration of these events, whereby we feed irresistible treats to these goblins, to curb their appetite for despair and mayhem.  If you are not armed with some sort of sweets, even if no goblin visits, you may fall victim to the “trick”. However, that is only a symbolic meaning of this day and truly is just a pretentious reasoning to be “evil” for that day, if not everyday. Commercialism has its bite in this celebration of necrosis before the winter. The beginning of the season where nothing grows, or at least in the northern hemisphere. But every season is fair game for the corporate seductive mesmerizing. They will drive you insane with advertising every season, even the season of the “witch”. Just think back, if you are old enough, about the season of the witch series that the witch’s husband was an advertising executive, creating ads for those very important clients, every episode whilst his wife, the witch, tended to her home and community with witchcraft seemingly solving all the problems that arose, for approximately 20 minutes of the half hour time slot, with the remaining 10 minutes packed with advertising from the epitome’s sponsors. A double whammy of adverse-toxic corporate reasoning. We all reach back for that dagger that has been innocuously placed in our backs by our trusty team members in the work force, attempting to make themselves appear more sweeter and worthy then you are, trying to take your position or just eradicate the competition. This is a “taught behavior” endorsed by the media swill , learning institutions, community leaders and clergy that force-feed us all on a daily basis, if you open your mouth like a weaned, waning novice. The competitive dregs of the “legal remedial greedy gangster philosophy” that our politicians and luminaries practice on a daily basis while they all dress up as respectable government and community magnates.

Tricks or Deceives in Rucksack

We are all sure that none of this really matters as we continue on our brainwashed journey as if we have it all under control. The trick is played out as we are sure that our existence can be chosen and at anytime we can change our given course. We are under control. We have no say in what happens in our indoctrinated existences and will never realize the truth. The deceiver has our fates locked away and the longer we wait to abrasively break away, the worse our lives will become, bowing down to the 1 percent of society and their greed. We have lost this choice, somewhere in the 70’s or 80’s, becoming most prevalent in the 90’s and extremely obvious in the millennium, leading up to of course, 911, the worst catastrophe ever to be orchestrated and played out in Commercial Corporate North American history. It was evident then that the 1 percent of society and their “puppet governments”  had absolute control. So what are we doing now? We are living our programmed lives to only slave until we are dead. If you manage to accumulate any money and assets by the time of your demise, you would be one of the luckier people, however you will most likely never live long enough to enjoy it out of fear that if you spend your money, you will lose your security and legacies that you would like to pass on to your family.

Limps with Shackled Feet

We attempt to be unique and we are all truly individuals. That fact is obliterated every time we turn on the media, allowing the adverse captivation to think our thoughts and reaffirm our duties as serfs. We will toil endlessly until we are convinced mentally that we have finished our enslaved details for that day. Then we will kick back and watch more indoctrination to prepare us for another day of slavery. The schedule is planned out to purposely absorb all our free time, and will not allow you any innovational freedom. This innovation could be a book, or a invention, or a great recipe or anything that is creative and rewarding. Instead, we give away our time to the media that lies to us every day, convincing us we are doing the right thing by just sitting there getting mesmerized by their dung swilled drool. Can we break free? Yes, and it is easy. But we all fear ridicule and isolation, and the first hint of these emotions, we all back off and act normalized. What is normalized? Not going against the grain to do what you want that would allow your own freedom of expression. Why is this fact so invasive when we attempt to create? Because we have been brainwashed to think that if you are not making money from these silly creative outbursts, then it is not worth our time or energy.

Creates in Back of Mind

We are taught that only the truly talented or special of society deserve to create, and our only place would be to idolize these intellectual artists and  purchase their intellectual art representing their latest and greatest monetary sucking releases. How we are low and they are divine and if you were divine, you would most certainly not be where you are, thus accepting your plight of being a commoner and a slave. If you took one day of the week and did the total opposite of what was expected, you would crave that feeling again and again, You would strive to do more for yourself and shed the mold that has been casted over your true identity that you had lost during your indoctrinating scholastic years, where it all started convincing you that you are not an individual. You were conned that you are a cog on a gear with little or no purpose, only to keep the machine of oppression rolling along, devastating and raping everything in its path, all for profit benefiting the 1 percent of society. Are we still asleep? Yes, and we are in such a slumbered state of denial, that we will never be free because we cannot break the melded mold of conformity that encases our true and original existences. A reality that we are programmed never to see, but it is there. Just open your eyes.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Hipster, Factious, Epodic Sophism

Fop Conforming Jumpsuit by Caldwin Blind

We look to our Guru’s for guidance, but it is not there. Most of them have sold out to a better livelihood. We all succumb to the “pecuniary adjustment theorem”. That is how this ravenous system of capitalism survives. On our own greed. We have our “shimmering gurus”, “rebels without a maximum cost”, phoney personae’s grinning and posing, trying to steal the camera’s eye, whilst our own children get exploited on the streets of desperation.  This is the example our children are forced fed on a daily basis by our media, teachers, counselors, etc. The “chaotic clergy” of any given town, county, settlement, city, municipality, owned and formed into a greedy selfish corporation.  You can drive almost anywhere in the country, and find corporate owned farmers, whom once owned the farm, but now work for that corporation who comes to “skim the monetary cream” of their toils. Even if the farmer managed to form his own corporation to stay alive, it is still a corporation of self serving importance. Only to support their own spawned offspring. But to be fair, the ones that sold out to this greed, did not create this atmosphere, just step up and took what they could to survive. Does it still make it correct? No, it just makes it conforming. In schools, the agenda is clear. Conform and be a good little surf, and you will prosper? No, you will never prosper because of the “credit philosophy of debt”. Stay in debt until you are old and grey, or better yet, dead. They teach you how to obtain credit and sustain credit, because that is the only way you will prosper? No, because that is the only way they can control you and keep you enslaved. The invisible chains of bondage that hold you in your fop job, paying for your overpriced house, and deteriorating vehicle.

Unmistakable Rebel with a Ruble Slacks by Wannahella Disgrace

The family philosophy has been so twisted into “fop-hood-ism” to keep everyone in your family on the edge of “discontent”. Because, you as the father, or mother of this middle to lower classed family will struggle your whole life to provide the pecuniary crassness force fed by our brainwashing media to keep your son/daughter slightly to completely discontented for his/her entire teenage hood, depending on your level of available credit verses your income, to purchase the “covet level possessions” that your sons or daughters were brainwashed to allusively think they need to be “cool”. If you are a parent, you know exactly what feeling this is as you shop during the late summer, early fall to get your “teenagers” readied for another brainwashing school year. Schools have their agendas and most of the teachers and staff really do not have any time to truly discriminate what example this forum of education is really teaching our teenagers. It is a arena of dissipated hope, whereby all students have to follow a predicted “pecking order” that is necessary to produce slaves in our society, by sifting out the potential 1 percent of society, usually in a monetary mannerism promoted by the curriculum of the boorish tormented class structured enforcement. Class as in your parent’s income. Upper, middle, or lower. But that does not include the 1 percent that are in a class of their own. To become a Upper classed individual, you have to become “just like them”.  Does intellect have anything to do with this struggle? No, but it may cause some retaliation in the lines, but in the end, the “pecuniary adjustment theorem” wins. Because our streets are filled with homeless people with high IQ’s.

SS Imperial Revolting Swim Wear by Gorging-o Armedarmy

If anyone has any doubt of this reality, then you are living under a rock, or were home schooled. How do I know this? Because I went to these schools as a child and as a teenager and graduated. I had the rare advantage of a “nomad family” that were always moving me around, usually because of pecuniary reasons which allowed me to see many different schools in many different municipalities in commercial corporate North America. Every school is the same. Period. I would like to say there are some schools that were different, but that would be an optimistic lie. They have to brainwash you as a child because that is their greatest chance for it to “stick” to your brain throughout your lifetime. It has a 98% success rate and is why you grow up to be a fop living slave. Can you change this path? Yes, but you have to be willing to stand alone. Truly alone. I do not think there are many “self proclaimed” people out there that say they are alone and really understand what “alone’ really is when rejecting the brainwashing. Because, your friends and family will turn their back on you. This is implanted and a behavioral side affect that keeps the brainwashed free of the ones smart enough to break the programming. Most people run right back to their friends and family (friends mostly) in fear of social isolation. No one likes to be truly alone and it takes a vey strong individual to be truly alone. The power of abandonment is so intense that people that do get isolated, will pay people to keep them company.  They will actually borrow more money to pay some scheming person to make them feel they are not alone. Are all these isolated people  “breaking the program”? Not all of them, because that is a the “fatal flaw” associated with the recent brainwashing, interfering with the older brainwashing, sure to isolate people that are not with the current indoctrination. These are the soulless individuals that are the prime candidates recruit able for a revolutionary cause, like Nazism perhaps? Communism? which should never be confused with Marxism-Socialism. Why did I leave out Leninism? Because I am not convinced he was ever for the worker solely.

Bleeding Punched Face Feminine Business Wear by Cuckoo Channel

It is frightening how a revolution can happen overnight. It is something that is easy to orchestrate given the right greedy wealthy domineering individual to conceive. But that is what we are brainwashed to think could happen (fear) and that revolting is the only way to change things in a dominated society. That could not be further from the truth. We have to walk away from the so called status quo. That is, in a nut shell, all we have to do. Violence is a vast resource of a limited mind, and I believe one of those individuals has been elected President of the USA recently. Elected officials are usually polished people that make superb puppets, and fall guys, for the 1 percenters of society. Aggression and fighting is an outworn behavior that is dredged up for fear. To take things by force is a base tactic, and although it may succeed, it is never a permanent solution, and is a taught indoctrinated behavior to trap those on the edge of breaking the program who will lash out as predicted to be incarcerated and labelled, pushed into ambiguity until their hope and will is dissipated. What do you think gang violence is all about? What do you think social digression and  humility represent? Prostitution, drug cultures and alcoholism? Theft, Mafioso, exploitation, underworld? Perhaps there is a reason these are pushed as popular epitomic programming by the commercial owned media? These are preferred modes of behaviour if you reject serfdom-ism and attempt to retaliate, thinking you are rebelling. In truth, you will be doing exactly what you are indoctrinated to do so you can be easily found and labelled with the “star of corruption”.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Black Outpost of The Oblivion

Furthest from the sanity of your mind resides reality, a conception of aggressive will and greed. We all pretend it is not there, but we feed from it, and nurture  it everyday. We all wish it was different. That we could give into our inner thoughts of equality and generosity. But the more we try to be decent human beings, the more we get dragged back into the “outpost of oblivion”. This realm is one of our own creation. One of vanity and defamation. We defile others to the benefit of ourselves out of selfish greed and love of lavishness and opulence. As churches and places of spiritual worship crumble, we construct huge, glass, marble and metal cathedrals of distain and profit. No person actually resides in these habitats of greed because they were created for the worship of money and ravenous, where only demons of corruption dwell to be adorned as they feed off the weak and money hungry, the soulless shells of existence. These demons siphon out their souls and conquers their will to do the bidding of evil and wantonness.

We will never change. Because we have all failed to learn what we were placed on earth for in the first place. Do you think a “big bang” happened, and there you were, to a be greedy selfish fool? To be allowed to grasp everything in your reach and dominate others? Do you really think it is that simple? Well, I hope I am at the gates when you die because it ought to be comical. Which gates? I guess that is an easy one to contemplate seeing what we have done to this earth and others around us. But we can all rest assured it is not as easy as scientific analogies. When you die, you will have to have faith or burn. Burning has nothing to do with dying. Burning is eternal, like eternal light. You either rise to the light, or burn from its rays. You can say, religion does not recognize science. But it is the other way around. The church, one way or another , always believed in science, whether they called it witchcraft or earthly. It is science and the scientific community that has no belief in religion or spiritualism. They think it is tripe, unproved and superstition. It does not fit into their cookie-cutter, slide-rule formulae or thesis.

But wait, is that not why we were spawned on this earth in the first place? To learn from the elite’s boorish, narrow-ism and prudish epitomes of snobbery and greed? So we can all become, “just like them”, or at least wannabes, dregs to the possibility of wealth and plenty. Slaves. We have not learned anything and keep right on towards the damnation of these designing grifters of fortune. They have stolen your futures and your children’s futures. There is no hope other then the illusion of opulence because we are bound to it even though we will never attain this lifestyle in the true sense of the reality. We can just watch from a distance as your children starve and frolic in the streets of oppression. We have too much “instant knowledge” and we think we really understand what it means, but we have no clue, other then the surface understanding of what it may read or demonstrate. We can all learn the correct information, but lack of understanding and, not twisting or using this information for selfish purposes becomes impossible because of the abundant examples set forth in front of us on a daily basis by our so called mentors and teachers.

If we were indeed placed on this earth to do good will, we have failed so miserably that it is not a wonder why God has forsaken us to rot on this earth. Some believe that Armageddon has started some time ago and, we are all the misfortunate ones to suffer until death, then to be judged for the accumulative sins still left on the earth at the time of demise. I believe that there maybe many that want to change the earth, but because power and greed has taken its influence throughout the globe, there are really no populace left not corrupted by rapaciousness and destruction. So many questions about why God allows these hurtful events to happen on a daily basis. But it is the wealthy and elite of this lavish circle that directly causes these offences to multitudes and sometimes nations of people. God gave us free will, therefore cannot control the countless foolish greedy decisions made on a minute to minute basis by the truly ignorant. We are the only ones that can change this tide of destitution and dark nights of the soul.

Ever wonder why your husband left you alone? Or why your wife left you alone? Or why your child is begging on the street corner?  You sit alone waiting for your loved one to reach out for you but instead everyone concerned gets more hopelessness and waning. You cannot enjoy anything anymore and sit in a gloom of despair and loneliness, like caught in a web of deceit and hurt, in a dungeon of torture, where once happiness was in abundance. The essence of this desperate destruction is sweet to the grasping and treacherous, and they feed with glee until your last ounce of hope is sponged away by the intrusive injurious. Your heart beats hopeless rhythms  of despair, a march of the abandoned, a waltz of the slandered, encumbered and toiled, grounding into the earth, melded into the mud of apathy and hate. Once you emerge from the mud out of which your new existence has been incubated, your strength and determination will flourish, and your hope and empathy will blossom into ever luminesce shards of blistering light, for all the hopeless to follow. This is the blight that has enthralled upon your reborn path like divine inspiration from above. Judgement, true and lasting which in the end, separates the world into proper order. Until then, do not fear solitude, embrace it.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Jingoist Day 911

Theory of Relativity in a Vacuum

It is curious that search engines like droogle do not have a fancy logo or reference to Patriot Day. They do have a remembrance ribbon for September 11th however, if you go to droogle.com. It does not surprise me at all really. Because of the bull dung the “status quo” of North America is trying to ram down everyone’s throat about what “really” happened on September 11th, 2001. In truth, the so called leaders and 1 percent of society, or anyone else that benefited off the “twin towers card” of destruction would love to see it “go away”. Personally, I think there are a multitude of reasons that Patriot Day is now being shunned by the elite and greedy. Could it be because of the New World Odorous Order? Of course that would be it, yes. No need for patriotism when traitor-ism has become normalized as a standard practise and behavior. If you believe that terrorists were responsible for 911 than yes, you are very naïve. So much so that you would most likely be a salesperson’s dream as you came waltzing into their sales floor with a spotlight following you and a sign on your forehead that read “sucker”. 911 occurred because of traitors and rapaciousness. You may think that jumbo jets can cause that kind of systematic destruction, but that does not make it remotely true or even believable in the most illusionary of fantasies. But let us think for a moment. Ahh, yes, Einstein theorized that there is no gravity, really? Or sort of? Well, of course it has no wave length, so it cannot be real?   Theory of relativity? Everything is moving in a wobbling motion as they orbit around the sun and other planets due to the relative masses affecting or effecting each others motion? Thus a mass can effect other masses in motion but cannot effect an apple falling due to gravity on Newton’s head? Got it!

Sedition in a Vacuum

But we assume that Einstein’s theory disputes gravity rather then attempts to redefine what actually causes the phenomenon. Who cares really. If you paid attention in physics, you could figure out how long it would take for a building to fall to the ground while being demolished with demolition charged explosives. But hey, let us challenge established laws like Newton’s Law to accommodate the retarded, official 911 commission report. So many people died that day on 911, and so many people (traitors) that were responsible, were allowed to go free and live out their lives as if nothing happened. I am glad I was not one of those traitors because how could you live with what you avertedly or in-avertedly done?  I would venture there were a lot of people involved who had no clue what was really going to happen, or to what magnitude. Here is some money. Keep your mouth shut, or else!. Or else what? Indoctrinated futures of discredit-ion. A slow painful path to bankruptcy and destitution. People that dared to scrutinize what really happened felt that wrath depending on their influence and positions. Needless to say many of them lost those positions and credibility. That is the power of brainwashing and indoctrination especially where a gullible rapacious public is involved, watching indoctrinated news reports and publications. You know, the same publications that covered the Bruce Jenner story? If you are confused what story that was, well whatever.

Freedom of Speech in a Vacuum

Writers now are faced with indoctrinated peer pressure. Is it ok to be a patriot? Or write about a patriot? Is it ok to write about jingoism? Bellicosity? Or would that writer be labeled as a chauvinist? A feminist? A jingo promoting opprobriousness? Are writers that write what they are inspired just a bunch of jingoes? Or just problematic when it comes to rapacious pedagogy. Let us face the facts. If you cannot write what you want then freedom of the press, freedom of speech means nothing. It means you can write what you want as long as your “sponsors” like what you scrawled for their funneled version of the truth all in the name of their current ad campaign. Even fictitious writers seem to be influenced by this nonsense, if you really look at the movie line ups of the last 5 years. I do not think that one of the last 3 Oscar winning films held my attention for more then 5 minutes before I felt my mind being melded into ridiculous forms of twisted epitomic force-fed crassness. But nothing exceeds like excess and if you thought something was proper or improper? Think again because it all depends on the current advertising campaign and/or sponsor. What they want to sell, to convince the masses that they are the real power that should be adhered to, subliminally of course.

Enigmatic Mysteries in a Vacuum

Mini-Monarchs of our society are stealing your future legacies. They are solidifying their own futures at the expense of your dwindling, disappearing future, financially of course, guaranteeing that your offspring will be enslaved to be their servants, with no real self-worth or dignity, only what they are labeled to be as far as the 1 percenters are concerned, not they are concerned if you live or die, until they have to actually do their own work.  Then they may call an ambulance if you have the proper medical coverage, that they do not pay for, and as sure as your great grandfather’s 50 years of service gold pocket watch sits in the local pawn vendors safe in hock, they are making profit off the medical care you are about to receive, from overpaid medical staff, through the hospital’s administration lord, Amen. Patriot’s Day was the day that the Imperialistic scum in United States were vanquished and chased out of the United States’ economy and government. Patriot Day is an odd name for what happened in 911 because it had very little to do with being a patriot, seeing that it was truly a traitorous event. It was the most in-cohesive, inconsistent, incoherent, illegal resolve to a planned disaster ever to misfortunately occur on this planet. But then again, they pretty much got away with the assassination of JFK? Who are they? It is a big mystery wrapped in an enigma. If you believe that last line, well, there really is no hope for you. Sorry.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Macadamized Skidder Byway. The Chagrin of N.W.O.

Byway Robbery

No, it is not the New World Odorous Order. It is North Western Ontario.  Yes, our Trans Canada Highway. The Imperial Highway, you know the one highway that the Queen of England herself would never get “caught dead on” highway? Yes, that highway. North Western Ontario is like the “slum” of Ontario, very indicative if you look at our roads in this area. The Trans Canada Highway between Sault Sainte Marie and the Winnipeg border is the best example of taxation being siphon out, but never to return, not even to improve the grossly inadequate road system. Unless of course, if we all assist the Southern Ontario government, Federal government and greedy mineral and mining corporations in their mission to “bribe the aboriginal community” in this country to give up all their land rights so we can allow these greedy mineral mining companies to come on in and rape the vast resources available in North  Western Ontario. Then they may make a freeway that will lead directly to the US border. You know, United States of America? Where most of our natural resources get bought up, duty free because of our flimsy NAFTA agreement, designed to tax the royal dung out of Canadians who purchase products made in foreign countries orchestrated by the greedy of this country and the commercial corporate North American conglomerates who happen to reside mostly in the United States of America, whom get our natural resources for cheap prices and duty free and make products to sell back to us so we can pay duty. That is of course if we are stupid enough to go to the US and buy the foreign manufactured products made with our natural resources. Of course we could just buy it for an inflated marked up price in Canada so we do not have to pay duty which in the end, results in the same or higher price range.

Is that a Safe Driver Refuge, Or a Snowplows’ Turnaround?

But anyone that is a Canadian knows this story all too well. The aboriginal of this country are not fooled by this either. They are being bullied and pushed, like they have been for the last 200 years by the rich and privileged in this country whom mostly reigned out of England. France too, but at least they were more interactive with the aboriginals and not a bunch of pansies with their nose in the air , shooting first and asking questions later to the ones that were misfortunate enough to survive and be dominated by the Monarch rule of Britain. What does this have to do with the Trans Canada Highway in N.W.O.? Dominance and greed. The two main common denominators of the 1 percent of society. So much so that they force people in the NWO communities to put up with paved skidder trails. I have heard all the arguments and all the justifications why this is so, like, “there is too much frost”, or, “there are too many mountains and rock cuts”, or, “we cannot find companies to work cheap enough to do the job’, and on and on and on until you are ready to hang yourself so you do not have to hear anymore excusive dribble oozing out of their lying corporate owned mouths. Highway 11/17 is garbage. If you have driven down this road, you know what a treacherous journey it can be, so much so, I feel more comfortable driving down the 401 in Southern Ontario during rush hour. But you may ask, why is this highway so treacherous? Because of the transport truck traffic on this route. It gets an average of 10 trucks per five minutes as you drive the opposite direction. That does not count the transport drivers riding your butt going in the same direction. These transports travel at 70 to 80 mph, except on the long upgrades where they slow down, almost to the speed limit. Accident after accident, death after death, spill after spill, toxic after toxic, all through NWO. Why? because we happen to be between Southern Ontario and Eastern Canada and Manitoba and Western Canada. Hell, they even want to bury toxic waste and used uranium in NWO because well, they think people in this area are retarded and wear all the same clothes. So we produce defective children anyway so what does a little contamination matter? If you think NWO is not a dead zone, well, it will be if the greedy and opulent of this country have their way. If you defend any of these inadequacies then you too are riding the “Death Transport of Greed”.

Maximum Menial-Patrol

What is the most disturbing is the fact that the main con-stream media in this area plays these accidents down to the point of ridicule. Ridicule in the sense that they all think we are inbred and remedial, thus we really do not comprehend what is going on. Death marker after death marker on this skidder trail of fatality, and that does not even include the animals that bite the dust on this highway every year. There are so many reasons why this road should be condemned that I myself have lost count. The disturbing part about the accidents on this highway is how the main con-stream media borderline cover up the true facts, and basically let them get buried and forgotten.  But people are losing their lives on this road because of the failures of agencies like the News,  OPP, MTO and the RCMP, which have never been useful. They will pull over a personal car speeding before they pull over a truck. The MTO is so understaffed, it is a wonder that they can catch anything. Or is this the idea? Fine the independents and keep the corporate dung lickers and their death trucks rolling with inexperienced drivers that are hired because, hey, they will work for minimum wage so they can eat.

Bashes to Crashes, Upper Crust to Monetary Lust

The enterprise of death. Trans Canada Highway in this area should be called the Trashed Ca-Not-da Hell-way, because if you have driven down this high way, with 5 transports coming towards you on their narrow oncoming lane, all within unsafe distance of each other, travelling 70 miles per hour, and you, being sandwiched between two transports, one in front, one in the rear, and garnished with another transport on your side going your way on the periodical double passing lane sections of this death zoned hell-way, you will know at that moment, you are at the mercy of God if you make it home alive. So what is the bottom line here? Huge profits and dividends, from not having to use the over-priced rail systems to transport products back and forth, which is more safe and efficient, however, everyone on the planet knows how greedy the railways and their opulent, upper-crusty owners are and always have been.  The 1 percenters that is, so take your shoes off, set a spell, because  you will be waiting 3 days for authorities to clean up the evidence before the main con-stream media gets there, allowed to take restricted pictures and write their “dictated, edited stories” so you’ll think nothing of any consequence happened here, but you all come back now, ya hear! And that ends another episode of “The Canadian Shillbillies”. Brought to you by; the Imperialistic Upper-crusty of CSTISFOPS “Ca-NOT-da shake these Imperialistic scum from our parliament system” Inc..

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Is Laissez Faire Defunct

The Evil Eye of Instillation

I am amazed how our society is mastered by the elite time and time again throughout the ages. How they can simply rattle some change in their pockets, influencing us to come running like festering fools in case some loose change happens to tumble out of their 1000 dollar suit pockets. How we admire these people as if they are Gods and how we hide our true emotions and motivations of rapturous distain. Why do we cling to there coattails? We are conditioned (brainwashed) to believe that they will take care of us as long as we kiss their feet and cower before them. Capitalism replaced monarchy as a tool only. Because monarchy still exists and bully’s us on a daily basis to do the rich’s bidding day after day. We grow old with this master-slave idealism to the point of feeling inadequate for anything other then slavery. What we fail to remember is that we deserve as much as the greedy. The only problem is because the greedy are aggressive, they will grab more and not care about the person standing directly behind them. I believe the rapacious of society are the damnation to civilization as we know it and society will crumble like any other outworn greedy civilization of the past. It is difficult to turn a blind eye to shimmering gold. A shiny diamond or a precious jewel. In most cases, these items have no use other then adornment. They are worth so much because we, as a brainwashed society, will pay astronomical amounts of money for these trinkets out of, so called love bonding, then be brainwashed to destroy the marriage or family unit, thus pawning all these items of greed and opulence for a mere fraction of what we paid, to enable some greedy pawn dealer to further profit off our ignorance and despair.

Diploma in Thralldom

Do you feel it? Do you not feel that oppression when you wake up to the dictation what you must do for that day? Do you not feel that gut wrenching feeling that it is the wrong path? A feeling that you are not free and are in the chains of bondage? You are free to spend your hard earned cash on materialism and mind numbing social lubricants and in most cases have to use credit to get anything worthwhile. But we are confused to what worthwhile is in this money grasping society. In most cases we are brainwashed to purchase that next covet level possession. We think it will make our life better somehow, but all it does is add to your burden of material that we all cling to and drag around like bag ladies pushing shopping carts full of aluminum cans and bottles. How ridiculous we all really look, resembling over-burdened mules. If our society is such a good platform, using capitalism as a model, then why are our children in the wealthiest continent in the world despaired, haggled, distraught, depressed, oppressed and bungled? Why do they exit school with little or no skills and end up as drug attics,  prostitutes, gang members, thieves, homeless, destitute, or institutionalised? There are some that are lucky and progress into society, but they end up slaves to capitalism. The elite of course have their futures set and get no competition from the masses, because they are blood of the greedy and opulent of society. Greed knows no bounds and will take your last penny and look for more while you starve in the streets.

Phisher King

I really do not think we are learning. I feel depressed when I see people following opulent role models like they have the key to success or promise. But beware. They are leading us down the garden path, pacifying you to be a good little serf. Capitalistic society, to work, has to have slaves. People that will work for not their fair share. They need slaves so they can remain rich. Simple mathematics, take away from you and give to them. They make you feel they are doing you a favor, but in reality, they are stealing away the best years of your life. So stop doing their dictated “fop dance of slavery”. Do something for yourself for a change. Because when push comes to shove, they will just fire you anyway to save some money to send their opulent spawns to university to become your new mini-monarchs. But yet, we continue to feed the main con-stream media by listening to their lies and half truths, whilst being inflicted by their sponsors advertising their product jettisons and covet level damnation, being spoon fed swill of indoctrination and moronic subliminal brain honing spew. But we still cling to their materialism like it is the gospel according to “Judas” whom obviously believed that betrayal for gold makes it “ok”. Like we think, screwing thy neighbor for money or possessions is “ok”. It is ok to sleep with your brother-in-law’s wife because marriage is a superstition institution so it is “ok”. Or they implant doubts in your mind to destroy all spiritualism from you life, saying “why would God do this to you if he existed?”, while the rich and elite of society are doing this to you, not God. If they can destroy hope and spiritualism and vacate it from our brainwashing schools and institutions, then you will be molded to be a mindless, grasping, brainless serf product of societal destitution.

Pervasiveness on your Future

What are we fearing exactly? The police? Military? Who exactly? The police and military are enslaved as we are. They are our family and friends. People that are in the same boat of serfdom. Thus ultimately, they are on our side. We do not have to raise a fist or smash anything. We do not have to be violent or aggressive. Just be ourselves and say no to their infesting greed and opulence. It is simple to say no to these rapacious attitudes and trinkets. But we do not out of indoctrinated peer pressure and social engineering. Institutionalised schools are taking the place of smaller and community schools. Why? Conditioning and control. Plus they can jam more students into the classrooms, overburdening the teachers, ultimately, producing a larger percentage of mediocre leveled students that will be more manageable as slaves in our capitalistic society that depends greatly on the serfdom philosophy to keep the 1 percent of society elite. Capitalism and monarchy are basically the same thing. Because all capitalism comprises of is several mini-monarchs reaping the profits from the masses. Taxes are collected by our puppet governments orchestrated by the mini-monarchs who are owned by the 1 percent that is stealing your future minute by minute.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Societal Promulgate Bedeviled by Mercantilism

Gorged By Indoctrination

We have been victimized over and over again by marketing and advertising and it seems we fall for the same ploy time after time. People have a need for social interaction and is why social media is very popular. But what happens time and time again, is it gets virally contaminated by the greedy of society. If you look at the social mediums on the internet, they are now plagued with corporate commercialism. When this happens, control sets into the once “free forum” that many enjoyed exchanging thoughts, idea, inspirations, creations, or just idle thought. Socializing. People are now complaining about the censorship madness happening on once free forums like Ewe-Tube, Half-Witter, Disgrace-Book  and many more. They actually blame the owners of these mediums which is, yes partially their fault, however, it is not really about them, or the corporation that owns the established societal runnel.  It is really about the advertising dollars fed to these forums by advertisers, corporations, businesses, fortune 500 companies, products and services, franchises, etc.. So much so now, that it is almost 100% controlled by advertising dollars. Thus, if you decide to release a video rant about a game that stunk, or a movie that was excrement, it will be censured. Because it is legal? Not really. Because of the “pecuniary attitude adjustment theorem”. In a capitalistic society, people forget that monetary influence over-rides rights of individuals and freedoms written in the constitution. If you think it is wrong? Just take the multi-billion dollar corporation to court. Yeah, right! Many people have been ruined by indoctrinating slander and you could be the next victim if you do not stay in the light for all to see.  At best, you would most likely grow old, grey and broke before you see satisfaction.

Refuse the Refuse

What is the best way to combat these infiltrations of commercially fueled brain-honing? Turn it off. Leave it alone. Forget about it! Start up your own media forum. So what if no one uses it and it seems stagnate. Eventually people will listen and if you are smart, you will not put advertising on your site, ever. There are so many examples of corporate influenced ruin on the internet that it is becoming a scrap yard of innovation. Want to see an array of corporate dismantled creativity? A bone yard of a once, free information highway? Just go onto the internet where it is about 75 to 80 percent  controlled by advertising and large corporations, owned by the 1 percent of society. You may sit their and say, “the internet is still free. We do not pay for it.” If you say that then I guess you live at home and live off your parents in Wheaton, New Jersy. Because, unless I am mistaken, to get on the internet, you have to go through an ISP corporation and pay a monthly charge for that service (hookup). Thus it is not free by any stretch of the imagination. Anything you do on the internet, you pay for, or someone in your family or circle of friends are paying. That is why the internet is so insulting now. Not only I am paying for the hookup, say I am looking for instructions how to fix my bicycle’s gear assembly, yes I could go on the internet and find the instructions. But it is not for free. First off you are paying to be connected to the internet, so nothing you look at is free. Second, you can bet your grandmother’s hawked wedding silver, that you are going to be intruded upon by some stupid form of advertising, that you again, are paying for. Virtually, there is nothing on the internet not contaminated by advertising swill.

Versions of a Virgin

Why do you think cable and satellite broadcasting is going down the tubes financially? Because, the same techniques that are being forcefully intruded upon the internet, are burying cable and satellite media, being replaced by the once “freedom of the internet”. This preference initially had to do with “less advertising”. Because, at one time, you could actually go on Ewe-Tube, Disgrace-Book or Half-Witter and not be constantly barraged by intrusive advertising ads, pictures and predictive search changes that ultimately lead you to some stupid product or service that you were not remotely looking for. Thus censorship raises it’s ugly head and makes everyone behave and/or run, once again, into the cloakroom, clinging to the teacher’s dress.  There are brave souls on the these social mediums that retaliate. But one would have to recognise if they are upset because of the actual censorship, or the loss of revenue experienced by their channel because of the re-direction of residuals produced by their publications being censored. These mediums, yes make it easy to publish, but also have experts on staff that know the legal loopholes of publishing. Publishing is by no means, “simple”.  That is why it is truly categorised as a “covet level profession”. Although I understand the “draw” to these social media platforms on the internet, I also see the backlash. If you drink from the contaminated well of commercialism, you are bought and paid for by the sponsors that is paying the residuals. Because, they are, in fact, becoming your employer, if you solely depend on their advertising dollars. But, it is not all a loss, really. All you have to do is step back and control your publication if you do not want censorship of the monetary providers. This means less revenue, but more control of your own content. I guess it boils down to what is really important in your life. Is it just a “job” or a passion. I respect the alternative media producers on these platforms because they are taking a large bite from the main con-stream media. Hopefully they do not bend to the “pecuniary attitude adjustment theorem” that we all, one way or another, feel the pinch. The only power the greedy corporations have over anyone is greed itself. So if you do not succumb to financial bullying, you are truly a self-thinker.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Media Decimation

Freeze Shame

Pictures as believed by ancient aboriginals were “soul traps”. They feared  getting their pictures taken because they did not want to lose their soul. This interpretation is not far off from the actuality of pictures and what they can do as in setting an attitude or belief of what the picture portraits. In most cases, main con-stream media uses pictures and film to ridicule or disgrace the specter. The specter being the one misfortunate enough to be captured in the moment or that series of events. Because now, what ever the picture or film portraits, is a “dead” event of that persons life, taking a piece of their soul. Never to change unless the picture or film is destroyed. Pictures, in ancient times were believed to possess power over people or situations, and some believed that if they “altered” a picture of a particular present event, would change the future or reality of what situation that picture portrayed, thus changing or persecuting the people involved in that “captured moment”. Media is used for power. This power is used for control and brain washing. Could media be used for positive motives? Possibly if it is used for humanitarian and environmental awareness. But in most cases, it is used for greedy self-motivated purposes to make a quick buck. Most aspects of social humiliation can be related to pictures and film. Captured moments of destruction, domination, compromise, sexual deviation, injuries, infidelity, etc.. All of which make money due to the fact that people tend to watch these films or clips more then anything else. The more destructive or disastrous, the more the draw, and more advertisers are apt to make lots of revenue reaching the populist that are viewing these captured atrocities. Is this human nature, or side effects of control. Domination, is how we live day to day as oppressed slaves in a world that is seemingly free, and to find the limits that society sets, one does not have to stray to far from the program.

Lobby Loiterers

People argue that we have the freedom like no other country,  that commercial corporate North America is the best place to exist. This is the biggest con job of them all that the majority believes. The sad truth is the masses in commercial corporate North America are limited like no other country on earth. Why are we controlled and brainwashed that we are free? This is necessary to keep the 1 percent of society rich, opulent and secure. But as you go to your depressing job everyday and can only look forward to 2 weeks off per year, you would feel the oppression every time you walk into that employers door. Our labor laws are non-existent because of the backlogs and the pecuniary lobbying these industries can afford, influencing the law makers, making labor suits and complaints ineffectual to the extent of non-existence. If you have the misfortune of having to claim compensation in commercial corporate North America, you will be black listed for 7 to 15 years, making it virtually impossible to find suitable work, even if you fully recover and do not need accommodations to do the job. If you think that lists like this cannot exist in a free society, then you must be a permanent resident of Wheaton, New Jersey.

Unionised Work-farce

Large companies, corporations, conglomerates, and industries all live with the same general attitudes about human resources.  That we are all expendable and disposable. They have little or no real empathy for their work force, only apathy. They view all employees, even upper management, as foppish serfs to be used until they are useless. Many of these employers have no pensions or real benefits and if they do, they have been cut down and compromised by concessions given back by their workforce out sheer fear of being unemployed. Unions are bought and owned by the companies and in most cases are really not unions at all, just a phoney fore props to attract skilled workers to apply. Once they apply, they have to pay to become a member, anywhere from $400.00 to $1500.00 to be accepted as a full fledged member. Any union delegate or representative are bought and paid for, and are nothing more then corrupt money grabbers, not in the game for a long haul, only to grab what they can and run. Internal delegates that work within the company’s work force are just puppets with no real power of decision making. Are there legitimate unions? Possibly, but to be honest, I never encountered one.


Large corporations view of Green Peace and other organizations that are dedicated to saving the environment as “terrorists”. If you have ever sat in one of these corporate internal meetings of an environment offending company lecturing about Green Peace or other environmentalists, you would see the indoctrination first hand.   They feel these groups should be persecuted for attacking large companies that pollute and compromise the environment. Large corporations think, because they are rich, they live above the law. Large corporations enjoy this treatment by our government and our law enforcement agencies because of the corporation’s lobbying and pecuniary attitude adjusting.  And in the rare occurrence that someone with integrity slips by the decorous education filter and makes it into a position of authority and calls these corporation’s double dealt hands, the corporation will either bribe them or destroy them. There are many victims of “integrity” and the most prevalent are the people that get snared in this moral turpitude of places like Hollywood and/or the entertainment industry. These conflicts arise and are most visible on alternative media hubs, but seem to get buried quickly or so called “de-bunked”, a term used by the alternative media community when a sceptic or more commonly called, “gatekeeper”, attempts to destroy the validity of the alternative news story. Alternative, referring to, in this case, a news source other then the main con-stream media. If the story represents too much relevance (proof) to the accusations made by the accuser, that accuser is summarily socially and credibly destroyed. “Media Decimation”.  Of course, the only people that would believe Media Decimation are the truly proselytized.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Circumvolution of the Antiquated Opulent Artists on Gyration-Cathedra to Perform

Stale Freedom

To be honest, there are many opulent artists that are not old enough for wheelchairs and that being said, it is the concept of over-usability that I am attacking. We see so many stories about the latest and greatest pop stars, rock stars, metal stars, country stars, rap stars, genre after genre, chart after chart, label after label. It is really rampantly out control, and better said, out of grasp of the layman to ever achieve on a fair basis. Like puppets, these artists seemingly come out of the woodwork and perform to the strings being pulled by the label, owners, promoters, publishers, etc.. And it is all to brainwash anyone stupid enough to buy their phoney intellectual art. Old bands, too many to mention, that made their mark and should be retired, are rolled out (on wheelchairs) on queue to quench the thirst for soulful music in a time when it was plentiful and “allowed” by the A&R of whatever label that wanted to capitalise on whatever artist that seemed, or was, hot at the time, taking advantage of the tail end of the freedom movement of the sixties, only to be “boxed in vinyl” for the seventies and early eighties.  Canned Freedom. Open it when you feel oppressed and this will cure, for a short period. Many bands of that era promoted freedom in their lyrics and feel of their music. Music is just a reflection of the times that are experienced. That is why since the late eighties on up to now, the music is a reflection of an oppressed society, thus although amusing, just does not quench the total thirst for real, raw, freedom inspired music. Are artists less talented then before? Not by a long shot. Just dominated and controlled by pecuniary strings of attitude adjustment, forced to adjust their intellectual art into intellectual madness and distain.

Intellectual Art Buyers, Beware

However, in a not so free society, one cannot expect much more then that. Control. There are many bands and artist out there in the wings. But that is the wealth of the pool, and when you are desperate enough, you will dance to the A&R’s tune of slavery. My advise to bands and artists is this: play from venue to venue and do not do it for free, and forget the illusive record contract of the so called “big labels”. The more bands out there that will travel and play in different venues will awaken the scene away from piped in garbage music enforced by the so called charts that now, really have no basis, reason or rhyme. Not that they ever did. But if a person prefers the ladder, then they are far beyond brainwashed. They are hopeless and conduits of commercialism. But what about Lady Gag-me or Katy Ferry, Madowner? They are major stars that have been dominated by the pecuniary strings of attitude adjustments, or more commonly preferred it seems, Monarch (MK, MK-Ultra) programming. Bottom line is brainwashing exists and is used on the populist on a minute to minute basis thanks to mass media and advertising. If you do not see any form of advertising where you are right now, you are most likely in the middle of nowhere getting eaten alive by mosquitos and gnats, thinking of course that you should of brought some “Off”. The biggest irritation about entertainment now is the  production’s need to control the outcome of your attitude after you watch, listen or read the production whether it is a movie, TV series, special, concert, video, music, book, etc.. As if they have been enforced to an agenda to manipulate your mind with commercial seepage, that will undoubtedly contaminate your thoughts after for a long subliminal period of time, if not for a lifetime.

Rise of the Monarch

The only way to fight this type of infiltration is to recognise the pollution so you can trash it from your mind. Once this happens, your mind will automatically reject all that is impure and free your brain cells. Victims of Monarch (MK, MK-Ultra) programming have so called meltdowns for this very reason because ultimately, their minds (brains) know the difference and reject it eventually. They appear to do strange things, but if they were left alone, would most likely totally shed this sewage spew and have a chance to become normal. People that charge money to help people to become “normal” after brainwashing are just brainwashers themselves with no real motivation to help people that are brainwashed other then to take the victims money. Why pay someone to do what your brain will do normally if you were just left alone in a safe place to work it out. I actually feel bad for these opulent artists because they are far more controlled then you or I. That brings me to the aged opulent artists wheeled out on queue when things seem to fall apart, where the charts and sales are concerned, and that bottom line is just not happening. Wheel them out. Let them give everyone a dose of canned soul to further pacify us to continue on and spend some money to feed the commercially fueled nightmare of “Control”.

Beyond of the Outer Age Limits

Everyone ages and for that are benefits and drawbacks. But when you see opulent entertainers that are old enough to be a 50 year old’s father touring like there is no end, you have to wonder why. Is it because they have no money? May be. They could of wasted it during their youthful famed years. But that would make them prime candidates for control and would make perfect sense why they are still raking in the cash with their overused epitomes of intellectual creep-age.  But to each his own and if they want to dominate the music industry until death, go ahead. It is just not very inspiring for young bands or anyone really, waiting in the wings that are breaking from the sheer numbers, molting it’s feathers. Capitalism is the inspiration for this type of adornment and clinging. Keep it rolling until it is ground into the earth and not useful anymore. When it is commercially useless, develop a new brainwashing campaign to fool the masses.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017


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