Covenant Witches and Warlocks stealing the Keys of Our Communities disguised as Greedy Politicians

Weasels or the Death Hound Bust

In Minnesota, during the seventies, there were record amounts of Satanist’s Covenants and Communities in the outskirts, mainly in the farmlands where they could practice Satanism without interference and critique. Mostly, in those days, nobody really believed that witches and warlocks even existed, let alone Satan worshipers. However, I had a different perspective on this because my sister was a practicing witch apprentice (self taught) and my best friend’s parents were Satan worshipers. He explained that there was nothing to fear from them because they were basically like any other parents. When I met them, he told me not to bring the subject up, and being surprised, they did seem like relatively normal typical parents. I did not think of the subject much after that but asked my friend questions like, “Do they get naked and offer blood to the Devil within a red pentagram?” He would chuckle and say, “They never practice their rituals at home and attend masses to participate in that sort of activity.” Never did he really elaborate and frequently gave brief explanations. Most of the time we were talking about far more important things like “girls” and how we were going to get our next case of beer, or how to scrape up enough money to attend the upcoming “kegger” as we called the event, trying hard not to miss any of these important activities, at least in confines of our adolescent minds.

Ritched and Freezing

One particular time, we were driving down a freeway along the rural areas of Anoka County. Along the way, we seen 2 young women hitchhiking, so being red blooded males, we offered them a ride. At first they looked a bit strange, plain, slightly unattractive but well built. I figured they must of been cornfed rural girls naïve and innocent . But to our surprise, when we pulled over in attempt to seduce them, they were all over us. Surprised but not detoured, we allowed their advances and pressed a few of our own. After a while it was apparent that they were holding out on us and were not ready to go all the way. Becoming frustrated, one of them suggested that they had a place we could go to that would make them more comfortable to continue. Both of us being game, they directed us to what looked like a long one story, fenced in building. Not appearing to be a residence we asked them what the place was and if they actually lived on these premises. They both explained in a round about way that it was a covenant and they were members of that community. Of course, I asked, what sort of covenant, and they explained the type of covenant it was, and it was not a nun’s covenant. I will leave it to you as to whether we entered. The bottom line would be that it is all around us and to turn a blind eye to this will not make it go away. In fact, turning a blind eye is exactly the environment of belief they want as to protect their activities and motives. These girls were merely young recruits, bored probably, wanting to have some male interaction.

Cold and Pleasing

Perhaps they were looking for recruits, possibly getting brownie points for the endeavor, or perhaps even so willing as to give up their virginity to retain you as their zombified pet, to do their bidding, fortifying their presence while rising through the cauldron hierarchy during their apprenticeship. In any event, young males could also be suitable sacrifices, or at the very least, suitable for blood and fatty tissue extraction, not to mention the many organs for other types of witches’ brews and ointments. Still think I went into the covenant? Would I be writing this to attract more young males to seek out these promiscuous femme fatales, trolling around possible covenant locations? Although I was baptized, could that be the reason why I am still alive, or was it my overcautious demeanor? When we drove away, promising these scallywag’s we would return another day to continue our rendezvous, I was absolutely relieved we left and did not take a chance. Or maybe, we just gypped ourselves out of a very hot evening of adolescent sex and promiscuity. However, some women do not have to be satanic to be a witch, and I am sure that I have met a few during my life time, but nothing good can result from fraternizing with young witches, especially if you been warned to stay away by their guardian witch. But that would serve better as a story of its own.

Stranded in Ottawa?

Personally, nothing could have set home any better than being misguided to follow a bunch of freemason truckers into the bowels of Canadian Imperialist Politics, in Ottawa, and clearly, once I seen that “decade or so old Simpson’s cartoon” of Trudeau crawling out of his office, scaling down the wall and away on the grass like a slithering lizard, I felt like a controlled opposition fool, and began to “kickstart” my own ass back home. It made no difference at this point, so I started to walk, hitchhike, stowaway, beg, steal, anyway to get me away from that idiom of a protest which was just a conservative flagship. What does this have to do with the theme of this story? Everything because ultimately, it was a freemason psyop which is just the secret society of witchcraft. Of course, no one believes in the esoteric arts and think that people like Fauci actually know something. But what they don’t realize is, that Fauci is a freemason too. Everything that has been perpetrated in the last 2+ years has an evil origin, mainly masonic. Masonry is the front. That is how they conceal what they do and slither in and out of the goodness of the community, They control both sides of the argument, and if you think that maybe this guy politician or that woman politician will change it all back to pre-pandemic times, then you are in for the worst awakening. The only answer is to drag them out into the sunlight and let them burn.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

Capitalistic Squeeze and Greed Money Stores and Political Thieves, Several near you, Guaranteed…

Wally Cash Grubber for Mayor; Promises, Promises…

Every campaigned promise leads to another lie because it is never a promise that is practical, given the greed factor attached to any political aspirator that abuses his welcome once in the office of that particular governance. And they will steal and steal, just like that particular mill worker who steals things like toilet paper or any other thing that is not nailed down or properly inventoried, leaving no trace of its original existence, only that is was most likely consumed for its purposes, even though it was used remotely or sold to some other person, business, company, for a cut price. The commodity that politicians steal is money and they cannot grub enough of it, and will break all theft records of their predecessors, just because it is an “accepted” tradition we all have grown to expect, or are to dammed stupid to figure it out. Innocence is no excuse and if you allow someone to sodomize you because you thought they had good intentions; they will keep sodomizing you until you are no use to them anymore. But please, keep voting in these sodomizers and very soon, you will have nothing left to bargain with other than your potential of sexual exploit, provided their is enough of a market left to support your exploits and not perform them for nothing other than a bowl of soup, which you could get free from any number of soup kitchens in the communities of people being sodomized out of their homes and legacies by the local “Squeeze and Greed” money stores that specialize in creating debt out of debt you already owe to Visa or Mastercard, or some other stupid loan you were conned into, acquiring all the product jettisons you see on TV! That is your portion, debt and more debt while these swindling politicians keep grubbing and stealing your tax dollars as you continue to pay interest on that stupid campaign contribution you pledged to get that money grubbing shyster elected.

What Flavor Favor of Sodomy would You Prefer?

Politicians whether left or right, liberal or conservative, communist, socialist, totalitarian, libertarian, independent, etc., etc., are definitely different in flavors of candy stolen from babies, but are all the same candy brand, as in, they are all in on the same game and in the same club. Thus whomever succeeds into the corridors of simulated power, will perform the same dammed sodomy, just in a different flavor of favor, because you should be honored to pay for the privilege of being sodomized by your newly elected political ritchist (rapist). And rape and pillage they will because it is expected, at least by the experienced of the ritched. In plain sight, they are accountable to nobody or any laws and keep evading justice because we allow it to happen instead of demanding the courts to take proper action. However, most of those on the supreme courts are too lazy and opulent to do anything other than what is expected so good luck getting accountability. Just grab your ankles and allow the sodomists to do their proclaimed duties as corrupt, greedy, perverted political spoliation. Even though we all think that somehow this will all sort itself out, we are foolish as to this train of thought because one only has to look at the last two years of sodomy that was performed by our elected officials of greed to see the result of “allowing it all to sort itself out”. How else does virtually every politician in the world right down to the grass roots level Mayor of virtually every registered township, town, municipality, region, or city gets away with endorsing murder in the first degree and producing the murder weapons (remdesivir and invasive ventilators) via contract after contract to manufacturers to over produce and saturate the markets, clouding the very conceptions of what they were produced for in the first place. Conceptionally they are being overdeveloped to murder people that were naïve enough to seek medical help in the last 2 years that featured fabled viruses and variants. Your mayor says at a town hall meeting in virtually any town or city in the world; “What is the matter with you? There is a pandemic on, and your duty is to line up and be controlled, dying at our discretion! Do your duty as a serf infested pleb and, just die ok? Make me look good for the WEF so I may get a ruling position under the New World Order.”

How Did you Ever Pull it off, Klaus? Interview with Karen Doe

Interviewer: “Anyone with half a brain would have to wonder, How did Klaus ever pull it off? Good question and the answer is in plain sight, hint, hint.” Karen: “Well, I am not sure who Klaus is to tell you the truth. Is he some foreign representative from the UN? I think my daddy talked about him from time to time, well, at least about the UN”. Interviewer sighs and goes to the next question: “Do you have any concept of why things are now the way they are? Why your rights and freedoms are dwindling away? Why people have lost their businesses and jobs in the last 2 years?” Karen looks at the interviewer with a blank stare: “Ah, well, I think it has something to do with the economy. I cannot even get hair color for a decent price anymore. And schools supplies this year; they have sky rocketed, You would think they would have went down because of the kids not going to school for the last 2 years and doing everything on the computer in virtual classes. And masks are expensive; the good kinds that is. I would not use just any masks for my kids!” Interviewer grunts as he breaks the led off his pencil grinding it into the note pad: “I will try and keep it simple. How do you think they were successful in March of 2020 to virtually shut down the world?” Karen draws another blank expression and looks at the interviewer. “The world was shut down? I did not realize. I thought there was a dangerous virus that caused everyone to stay home, except for essential services. Gas got really cheap as I remember; filled up all my gas cans. That reminds me; I have to get some more seafoam to keep it from expiring. Or so my mechanic tells me.” Interviewer now too looks back at Karen with a blank stare. “So Karen, what have you done with all your free time in the last 2 years. Your interviewee application said that you were confined to work at home part time because of the pandemic. You said on your application that you did a lot of pandemic research during your free time.” Karen: “Oh right, well when it first started, I called the lodge me and my husband were members at, you know the local masonic lodge just down the street? Well, I asked them if they were still holding regular meetings and they said that we can still join in virtually and gave me the website address. They instructed us who joined virtually that the best way to prepare for the continuation of this pandemic and future pandemics is to form a baking club and bake! It was so fun and we would join each other virtually and drink coffee and eat apple fritters and cinnamon buns. It was so fun and once in a while, Joe would join in for our virtual festivities when he got back home from his job in the Yukon. He is up their right now! That reminds me, I have to call him because I haven’t heard a word from him in 3 months. I hope he is ok.” Interviewer looks at Karen, now not surprised as to the uninformed responses he continues to get: “What does Joe do for a living?” Karen: “He installs I think, 5G antennas and equipment on mainly hospitals and nursing home roofs. It makes me proud that he does such essential work for community hospital services and old people.” Interviewer closes his pad and stands up: “Thank You Karen for the interview. It has enlightened me immensely as to the why’s and what’s of the last 2 years.” Karen: “Not at all a problem. Perhaps you can stay for a coffee and a fritter?”

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

We are the Chump-Peons, of the World…

Psychiatric Care in a Vacuum, Covid Free, Environmental Breakdown

We are still running into the cloakroom of that certain childhood school we imagine in our indoctrinated minds, clinging to the teachers dress, or at least, if that teacher was a female, or a transsexual, which of course may still be wearing a dress. Perhaps it is a male teacher that like to cross-dress, of just a heterosexual male wearing trousers, or perhaps a female teacher wearing trousers, which would never be portrayed on any episode of “Little House on the Prairie”. But, when I was in grade school, nuns were starting to wear dresses instead of dark cloaks and certainly if we were frightened, we would all run into the cloakroom where the teacher would be standing, usually female with a dress and cling to her skirt, which, in those conservative days of apparel, could never be confused with the infamous “mini skirt” worn by those crazy hippies and beatnik girls dancing around in Hippie Cafe’s and Go-go bars. As my mind attempts to remain conservative, and say that most of those Go-go Bars were not strip clubs with naked beatniks dancing in human sized suspended birdcages, with an array of working class men drinking and gawking, getting cheap thrills from the exploited spectacle of female over-exposure, designed to keep them spending money they did not have to become drunk and horny. But that is how we are led astray and certainly, things have become far more sophisticated and virtual in method, as to keep even the perverts, safe from human contact that may contract a biologically produced virus, that has never been proven beyond a shadow of any doubt, but exploited as real to keep the masses (dumb ones) trapped into indoctrinated misconceptions and not challenge the science, that subject they never paid attention to in school anyway, and mostly slept through the lectures. We are mostly products of our environments that have been molded by the so called “Experts of Societal Behaviors” whose goals were primarily fueled by one corporation or another, to suck away any loose change you may have left in your pocket after payday. Handed down from generation to generation of televised minded indoctrinates, clueless to the reasons of their mindless compliance, but willful as to the allusive transitional traditions that are molded and remolded by our purse strings.

Surrogates of Subjection in a Vacuum, Influencers of Influenzas and other Miscellaneous Fear Tactics and Mediums.

I was always a quiet person in my youth and tried to grasp my feelings of betrayal that I felt on a daily basis, that really had no material basis. I could not point my fingers at anyone specific, but could always certainly smell a rat in the vicinity, who were really infiltrated gatekeepers of control. Of course, you would never be really sure who they were and in the most part, they were in positions that one would never suspect that they were actually CIA operatives, or Agents of Fortune. Perhaps a girlfriend or two I dated boasted about their father’s connections with the Imperialistic and wealthy Communities of the country, telling tales of his random visits with the Queen of England no less and how this father would have inexhaustible amounts of money to gamble and spoil her rotten with clothes and ballet tutu’s, featuring memories of how they would model these tutu’s in private for their father during their infrequent periods at home with mom out shopping for groceries. Some women I met as a young adult would tell me bedtime stories of how their father exploited and sold them as children, and their encounters with their uncles who seduced them into compromising situations. One would have to think that they were fairly naïve and would wonder if these girls and women were actually telling the truth. However, the truth comes out, even if the person has to tell someone who has never been directly involved socially with the particular family and having a volatile relationship track record, would be sure to self-destruct any future encounters that may have been possible, Jim. In these days of mass deception, being that, the old “tricks and grifts” do not yield the same results anymore, they have pulled out all the stops and will deceive anyway possible, not to worry about the contradictive con they may pull in a weeks time, just that you were conned for that small period of time. Like the germ theory, these deceptive clouds of distain float around and infect anyone stupid enough to listen, sprouted by a many number of communicative devices, leading you down the garden path of self destruction. That is the name of the game, seduced by the ballads of depopulation.

Mass Murder, in a Vacuum, Celebrity Whistleblower Hollywood Squares, the Genocide Addition.

I would say, it is safe to state, that they have grifted 70 to 80 percent of the world population, and most people that still wear masks outside when they do not have to, have swallowed the whole blue pill of brain hone. You see some that will not wear masks at all but seems a rare occurrence, at least where I come from. But that indication alone encourages these political scum bags to continue their mass murder. Anyone that survives the vaxx, will be bio-digitally converged, waving their rights to being human and their inalienable rights they were born with, meaning you, as a bio-digital slave will have waved your rights by allowing them to inject you with mRNA modification, branding you as their intellectual property (please see this article here). But Robert Malone and other “celebrity whistleblowers” are effectively conning you that it is actually an mRNA/eugenics vaccine and that it is a leaked bioweapon created by rogue elements of the army and governments in Wuhan China, and secretly in different military facilities in the USA. Meanwhile, they are working secretly on another vaccine to cure you from this fictitious blunder. The only problem is, you have been converted into a bio-digital slave and you have waved your rights as a human being. In other words, they are far from done.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

Pandemic Blues. Fictitious in Nature, but Never Forgotten

Inside Pandemic Blues Scale in the Key of “eh?”

As the Covid 19 narrative crumbles at its slip-shod foundations, only held up by the ever waning PCR/Antigen testing, that is losing its credibility among the vaxxed and brainwashed, the Globalists are slamming their terror machine into reverse, grinding some gears in attempt to circumvent the reality that is bursting their illusive bubble of world domination. Because the variants are failing to produce the fear level needed to keep this illusive terror machine chugging, desperation psyops are popping up left and right in order to keep the virus (germ) theory afloat as to administer “damage control” to the devastated Global Movement that is abruptly grinding to a halt. Truckers are protesting the waning insane restrictions and mostly, the vaxx pass, that was pretty much doomed once Boris Johnson pulled the plug on that agenda almost a month ago. So why are the truckers zooming into the capitals now? I thought, when you have a Calvary, it is used to break holes in the offending army to allow the foot soldiers, (the grunts) a clear path into the battle field to gain a foot hold? Not in this case however, because the Calvary has charged in once the battle has been sure to be won. I guess that strategy guarantees that you will not sustain damage to the “money portion” of the army. However, I cannot stop wondering why the so called “Trucker Calvary” retreated last fall in our time of need when countless foot soldiers were being slaughtered (losing their jobs), at least the ones that had the grit to stand against the bogus mandates and not play into the corporate coercion that was clearly illegal. Remember the movie “Brave Heart”, when the Calvary was paid off to retreat, allowing Brave Heart’s army to be destroyed? What made it worse is they let Brave Heart and his army “think” they were going to charge in and at the last moment, took a strategic powder, just like the Truckers did, last fall of 2021. How do I know? Because I lived the betrayal, literally. However, better late than never, to take advantage of these unsuspecting “grunts” and capitalize off their donations that are in the millions, making someone rich because I am not seeing any of this money floating back to people that have “really” lost their jobs. And the supply chain…hmm, what is happening to that at the moment? Perhaps being sodomized by the globalist supply chains that are assuming the broken domestic supply chains forfeited by this untimely (late) trucker charge in to protest? Brilliant!

Full Diagonal Pandemic Blues Scale in the key of “Duh!”

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Not only are they capitalizing on our stupidity and our immature need to have someone “save the day”, like this bogus trucker movement that is just a strategic decimation of domestic supply chains, they are promoting the germ theory as the dominant wild card of their strategic withdrawal of the vaxx pass (more likely placed on the back burner) to wean themselves into the Spars Pandemic, which is just a few short years away according to John Hopkins Foundation, which was just another “Event 201” planned stratagem to make us all fearful of viruses that are non-existent, as in biologically purified as proof of existence. The roots of this plandemic run so deep and the players are numerous as to infiltrate even the truth movement that 1 out of every 3 alternative media channels are working for the “plandemic man” as in to keep everyone’s eyes off the ball as in what they are really doing. Because this plandemic is the main distraction from the “Great Reset”, asset acquisition, the infernal harmful effects of 5 and 6 G, and bio-digital convergence. This is the elitist’s path to total domination and world control. The best stratagem in a war is to control both sides, as amply demonstrated in the 2nd world war, thus guaranteeing victory as to implement the very thing that everyone was misdirected in believing who were fighting against some common evil. The extermination of the Jews was endorsed by both sides as to prosper on the slave labor camps and there are always just enough order followers to carry out their dualistic motivations. And now, the multitudes of death produced by the experimental vaxx and the fear of a non-existent virus that produces unconstitutional practices, sacrificing our illusive freedoms. I hate to break that to anyone reading because we never had any real freedoms, just duties with minimal free time to purchase a multitude of product jettisons brought to you by the “Corporation of the Conglomerated”.

A Major Pandemic Blues Scale in the key of “C-on-voy”

However, you will never convince anyone that these truckers are not sincere in their endeavors because most of them actually believe in the lie. Protesting around the world has a familiar tone. Never get violent and always remain peaceful. They are not creating much of an impact because they are being controlled by shills promoting the virus (germ theory). The community that does not believe in the germ theory are placed in the reeds by personalities like Del Bigtree, who is endorsing the virus as an actual biological weapon by promoting scientists (Geert Vanden Bossche) that have worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. More distractions and not one utterance that this could be possibly related to 5G and 6G radiation exposure which is well known to cause flu and cold like symptoms in saturated areas where EMF radiation is prevalent. I took a drive around my community several times and found that 5G elements were installed on top of our regional hospital rooves, on top of nursing homes, old folk rental facilities and condos. Large 5G towers are placed in residential areas and near clinics. These elements can be seen you in your own community if you just open your eyes and take a looksee. Pretty soon if not already, you will be staring at one every 500 feet in your local communities emitting intense EMF radiation everywhere you go. But don’t worry, if you get sick, just call it Covid 19 and take all the vaxxes and their boosters, and who knows, perhaps you will live another year closer to the Spars Pandemic.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

Merry X-mas to the Government’s Autonomous Zones of Corruption

Everyone that is going along with the government or endorsing their totalitarian extravaganza of integral ravenous deception, should pack up, and move to the established Government Autonomous Zone of Corruption in your country which is, none other than your country capital. IE: in the US of A, Washington DC, where they have already saved you the trouble by fencing themselves in, making it ultra easy to keep then prisoners of their own folly of rule. All we have to do is assign the army to surround these capitals and keep them in, cutting off all their communications and power, like that old biker epitome overused in the 60’s, where bikers would ride into town, cut all the telecommunication wires, making its citizens prisoners to their whims and desires, raping an pillaging. However, because those perverted politicians would most likely enjoy the symphony of sodomy administered by these demonic bikers ravaging everyone in site, it would be better to use the military to confine them inside of their established Autonomous Zone, sandboxing them in to enjoy their demonic demise. Now would that not be a great Christmas gift to all who still have some sense of what corruption levels these opulent elitists and politicians have administered upon the everyday Joe and Jane?

Now that Trump has exposed himself as a true globalist billionaire, even Infowars is back peddling on their Trump Support. Poor Alex Jones; he looked like a slighted lover just finding his wife in bed with his co-anchor person. But, we all knew Trump was for the Vaxx because he did start Operation Warp Speed, did he not? Actually, it was more interesting when he stayed out of the lime light, keeping everyone wondering when he was to start the “Devolution” to regain USA’s sovereignty. Almost like when Mark Antony took the Roman army away from Rome, living on the outskirts, feeding his army through the pillage of farmers, hijacking Roman supply lines and hunting the odd deer, bidding his time to retake Rome for his hopeful Emperor affiliate. But the army is somewhat divided in the USA and if Trump ever had any control over the sovereign portion of the US army, it would have been summarily destroyed when he came out of the “Vaxxed” closet of greedy political billionaires. Any politician right now are truly bought and paid for, including Trump, who owes his current success to the Jewish Cabal. Lets face it, Trump is a horrible business man and was never savvy enough in making a struggling business work. He just has a lot of rich friends that bail him out from time to time, for a price of course. And the most current price is, to sell the vaccine. He is the “snake oil salesman” of the century, selling that wall between Mexico and the USA, as non-fascist way of controlling illegal immigration, to the truly ignorant that is, who seem to think that the USA is some sort of “Hillbilly” Garden of Eden. But now, as inbred as they come, if they were not for the vaxx before, they should now see trump as a true scammer. You may ask, if he such a great salesman, why is he a bad businessman? Well look at it this way. How many great telemarketers of the late nineties and early 2000’s were great salespeople? And, how many of them are billionaires, or even millionaires right now? Not enough to write home about, unless you include the “scamming Telemarketing firms”; but here again, it would not be the “grunt callers” getting rich. It would be the assholes that never experienced one telemarketing call in their life, but because they actually went to university, would be able to “coach” the experienced telemarketer and steal their commissions using unrealistic benchmark sales models. But proof is in the pudding of globalist greed, because any one on that side of the phone right now is a foreigner making peanuts while these domestic companies of North America make billions.

We all have the answer right before us. We just ban together and lock these pathetic excuses for politicians into their capitals of greed and let them govern themselves into oblivion. We centralize our own power and supply chains and take care of ourselves as communities, ignoring these globalists and their insane ideals of control, which just mean, you are the fop serf they want to enslave. As I look about and see how many people are still afraid of these clowns and their fantasy virus, I find it amazing that they have not woken up yet. Time to get up and shed the media and Globalists, shaking them off like the fleas and parasites they are, too numerous to be specific because sooner or later, the Mossad will bribe or intimidate any politician appearing to be licit. What are they holding out for? The golden parachute of corruptive bribery. Then they will sing the same tune as the rest, who have sold out to the Globalist’s Club. All governmental systems are corrupt and are in great need of change. But, what if we just ignore their rule and their laws, leaving them to bask in their own corruption. We can form our own monetary system and feed the needs of our own communities, trading with other communities that are nearby, creating our own supply chains, eliminating their corporative, corruptive greed for power. Because really, where are the rulers without the masses? They are just a bunch of babbling idiot “snake oil salesman” trying to bribe and grift their way into power at the taxpayer’s expense. Time we all grew up and take care of ourselves. Time to take our power back and mold our new realities based on decency and trust, not for promises of trips into the Meta Universe of total control and distain. If you think that is life, then you are not fit to retain your gift of life, the greatest gift anyone can receive. Jesus did not die on the cross for greed. He died on the cross for our sins, because at the end of the day, we are all sinners.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021

Freedonia, The Illusionary Greedy Capitalistic Wet Dream, excluding the Drudgery

Freedonia, land of the brave and free, or so did Groucho Marx attempt to illustrate in a satiric multi line punch phrased skit, sort of speak. However, because people most likely prefer to watch moronic TV or Netflix series, like The Big Bang Theory, or some other sexually compromised series, featuring an array of characters in challenge of their own sexuality, they forget about grandpa. Yeah, remember grandpa who is still imprisoned in that certain nursing home, being fumigated with an array of Johnson and Johnson toxic cleansers and aerosols? Gasping and choking for some air, as some haughty nurse pumps Grandpa’s vein with some remdesivir , ultimately setting him up for ventilation (intubation) because the pension plan he is on needs a quick release from all these baby boomers, that are drawing from the pensions they have worked for all their lives, so the pension bankers and housing providers can line the pockets off these defaulted pensions and assets already in their possession . Of course, the Marx Brothers may seem like mindless humor and can certainly aggravate bankers, executives and elitist alike who would also cringe listening to a Frank Zappa guitar solo. Why are they so enthralled on the idea of world domination? Because it affords them their vast wealth and leisure they are accustomed to, being lazy loafers they truly are, as in, being waited on hand and foot by their servants. The real issue is, the populists are gaining wealth and momentum which hardly allows the elitists the distinguishability they crave, having to share first class seats in a plane with farmer John and his odorous manure compressed treads of his Kodiak styled work boots. I mean, how much can a true elitist endure anyway? These scummy masses must be eradicated from this planet, leaving only slaves behind who know their place and will be obedient serfs.

In this present situation, the elitists have pulled out all the stops, calling in all their favors from countless politicians, judges and officials, to impose a totalitarian rule to straighten out these scummy masses to do as their told and know their place, whilst succumbing to a good sodomy and asset pilferage. Just be happy you are privileged enough to have a true elitist administer the sodomy and flogging you deserve because of your subordinate status in the human race. Make yourself useful and become an elitist’s lap dog and you may be saved from the depopulation required to keep the cellulite prominent on their elitist corpulent asses. Or should I say superfluous assets? In any event, both are in need of a good stripping. Most people have a good heart and want to give the government a chance to atone. But this will never happen unless we make these useless presidiums accountable. Washington DC, Ottawa, and other country capitals have reached a total state of irreversible corruption and are totally compromised to the point, that the country populous must simply declare a new capital, replacing these criminals, imprisoning them to await their inevitable fates. In other words, build a wall surrounding these capitals and allow them an autonomous zones of corruption and deceit, competing and ultimately killing themselves off, in a greedy corruptive spectacle. Now, if televised, I would most certainly tune in to watch these ravenous scalawags debaucherously eradicate each other.

Even though watching Klaus Schwab take on Donald Trump in a wrestling match representing the PWP, the Political Wrestling Procreation, it would hardly compete with a mud wrestling match featuring Nancy Polsi and Camila Harris, as they morass together, head to head, whilst the gyration of Nancy’s oversized prominent mammalian protuberances would guarantee to launch a few erections in the hetero male audience, hardening the nipples of the sexually challenged females in conflict to their libidos. Whomever the top billing would go to, it would be more than they would deserve as to the “Crimes against Humanity” that the elitists and their corporate puppeteer who have marionetted these useless politicians into uttering their facades and capricious solutions to problems that do not exist. I hope they all enjoy their illusions of power and dominance as it lasts because it will be coming to an abrupt end. They would most likely of been better off perpetuating their autonomous zones of libertinism and aberration so we could lock them in to savor their sadistic joie de vivre of fatuity.

The winds of change always rustle the established and rightfully so, to examine the integrity of their foundations. If the substratum is composed of bunkum, then its life expectancy will be sure to perish within a season or two of putrefaction, further sinking into the abyss of insanity and decimation until it is a figment of the imagination. Inconsequential but never forgotten as to the heinous crimes perpetuated on the masses, mostly the innocents. Nuremburg II, is on the horizon, in initiation of the Corona Investigative Committee, flagship of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich backed by countless lawyers, organizations, plaintiffs and firms around the world, and a mixture of intellectuals and politicians (who were not corrupted) in Warsaw Poland. What does this mean? The light can never be totally eliminated and even though things may get worse, it will only strengthen the light to illuminate the darkened crevice’s occupied by these caliginous corruptive, plague driven sociopaths that seemingly have a stranglehold on humanity. If you care about humanity, it is time to awaken from false promises of safety of control and come back to reality of choice. There is no freedom without the hazard of choice and to allow another to make your choices binds your soul to their will and beliefs which only makes you a slave to the bidding of the greedy, who have no desire to toil for themselves. Fear of travail is the elitist’s true downfall. From the garden of Eden we strayed, promising humanity new life, knowledge and responsibility without borders and control. If you stay within the darkness and confines of control, you will fall into damnation.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021

The Halloween of the Vaccinated, Things that Grow “Chumps” out of fright!

The Folly of Greedy Capitalist Costume by: Kim KarTrashian’s Felon’s Cage

Why dress up this Halloween like a specific person when you can dress like a general greedy Capitalist bastard or bitch? Yes, with the “Folly of Greedy Capitalist Costume”, you can be sure that the houses you are trick or treating this year will rush and roll out the red carpet towards their middle classed door, extending to your gas guzzling limo, having all the hokum available for you to snatch away greedily, as they crawl and kiss your black ruby stiletto slippers (for men, highly polished black gum shoes), being careful not to get any spittle on them, remaining on their hands and knees until you signal them to rise waist high and kiss your platinum and gold rings, populating all your fingers, covered by thin leather black gloves, protecting your hands, as to ensure these commoners will not contaminate you with the “who knows what diseases these peasants carry” paranoia infections, that is induced into your superior bred brain, enhanced with the Bill Gates Pentium Elitist’s Cerebral chip (included) that will guide you through these middle classed neighborhoods,  without getting close to biological hazards that these middle classed peons dribble and spew, never allowing them to rise higher than your waist so they can at the very least, kiss your fat ass, squeezed down with the included black laced leather tights, guaranteed to haul down all that blubber with the suction pump attachment (extra). It comes complete with the reaper’s deathhoody, black or dark purple, to signal fear into their brainwashed minds as to the death they are obligated to endure to keep your fat ass rich. Also, the ensemble includes the reaper’s cloak, same colors available, with a bustle prop for the lassies, to enhance and prop up their breasts; and for the floppy, hanging and shriveled breasts, it can attach to the suction pump attachment (extra) to squeeze and shape them into form as to entice all the male peons to masturbate to your memory when you leave. The essential mask is the same color of the chosen package, which ensures that no infectious billows breathed out from these scummy masses will infect your airways. Black mascara and long eyelashes included as to make your stare ominous and daunting.  Act now and receive the reaper’s scythe, highly polished and razor sharp, handy for those random beheadings of certain insubordinate rebels who may try to take any of your hokum you greedily, rightfully grasped.

The “1917 Ripper Styled Plague Doctor Costume” By: Streamdunk

In these days of plague infested paranoia, where imaginary fictitious viruses lurk about, contained inside aerosolized excreted vapors and sneezed mists, it is a wonder anyone can trick or treat this Halloween in illusionary safety. But wait, hold the press, there is a new costume in town, well, old costume really; that will exceed your villainy expectations, making you the absolute envy of the neighborhood.  It comes with the Plague Doctor Mask, Black or white in color, eye outlets featuring the binocular style or the mirrored bird eyes, for that cool but discreet look, so no one can identify you or connect you to any “Ripper” styled murders that are becoming fashionable in these ambiguous times of depopulation. I mean really, who is going to miss them anyway, and the bonus is, they cannot do any autopsies, thus will not look for hair follicles or slobber that may drip from your Plague Doctor Mask’s large extended beak, connecting you to any murders using the PCR testing, that will be swamped until all the conjured virus testing’s are complete, which would be most likely 2030! It comes with a “Ripper” styled, long black plague cloak with a embroidered red plaid lining with plenty of pockets and compartments to stash all of your surgical paraphernalia (customer provided) used for possible random mysterious “Ripper” styled murders that are sure to arise during your “trick or Treat’ tour of the unfortunate neighborhood you so choose to inflict with your ominous plague stricken presence. It comes with black baggy slacks with plenty of extra hokum pockets, unsexed in design for those plague wanton women that crave to spate stricken all whom she encounters this Halloween. The black or tan “Plague Doctor Knee High Boots” are inclusive, featuring either the seven buckle version, spanning from ankle to knee, for that adjustable comfort fit, or the two buckle version, at ankle and knee, featuring several pouches in between for your ill stricken remedies and poisons that can be used on unsuspecting victims you may encounter in dark alleys or deserted parks. The essential gloves provided can be latex gloves or thin leather, black or tan, to eliminate possible finger prints that could incriminate you to any number of plague stricken murders you will propagate throughout all the neighborhoods you choose to inflict! As they open the door this Halloween and catch a quick glimpse of your ensemble, you could slice their throat, stab their heart, carve out their spleen or de-limb them into a festering bloodied pile of surgically precision dismemberment, enabling you to grab all the hokum you deserve, which was not tainted by the numerous blood splatters and gobbets. Act now and receive for free, the official “Covid19” universal death certificates that will allow you to label these murders as Covid19 deaths as to eliminate any temptations to initiate pesky investigations, or autopsies.

The Schwaby World Domination and Pedophile Costume by: Ceiling Baboon

It’s’ the season to be Klausy, falalalala, lalala, er wait. This is the Halloween Costumes blog right? I got confused for a second. But wait, Schwaby is the Halloween Santa Klaus, right? And this costume is the epitome of Depopulation and Demonetization that would make Bill Gates drool in excitement and envy. It starts off with a designer trench coat, grey in color, that can be worn when you first awake and get the urge to hop out of bed, naked of course, leaving your nightly pedophile remains slumbering off the knock out drugs used to make him/her compliant, slipping into your trench coat to go flashing all the unsuspecting ladies that happen to be walking about that fine morning. Once tired of scaring all the old ladies in the neighborhood, you return and dress into your silk undies, red of course, black dress stockings, held up by a black garter belt that makes an excellent aphrodisiac, enticing like sex offenders, once acquainted, disrobed, and  carrying on in some deserted back alley, or limo, like a couple of genuine perverts.  The dress shirt will be a light beige or white, made of silk to offset your black tweed trousers, slightly baggy and confining, to hide any blubber that is sure to exist on your cellulite covered legs. The shoes are shiny blue or tan, made of alligator skin, exploiting the fact that you are insanely rich and will pay anything for what your pedophile heart truly desires. The dress coat would be tweed of course, matching the color of your trousers. The bow tie is optional, or for that more progressive Schwaby wanabe, a Mississippi String Tie, enhancing your hip character, even though you are as square as a pedophile could be. Once dressed in this ensemble and trolling through the neighborhood, the limos would be lining up for the privilege to give your fat ass a ride down to the red light district, now expanded throughout the city do to the covid19 farced lockdowns and the demonetization of business, residences, and institutions alike, where you troll to find your next pedophile victim. No need to discuss trick or treating scenarios because most of the residents, that are not tricking themselves on the streets, under a 5G streetlamp nightly, are residing in detainment camps awaiting their de-populous fate, at least in the areas you like to hang out. Wait, what about the mask? Masking laws don’t apply to Schwaby! Act now, and get a free bottle of chloroform to make knockouts and abductions nonviolent, hassle free and easy!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021

Covidtose Canadian Election Results Lose Ratings to Rerun Episodes of Friend’s, or the Big Bang Theory? You Betcha!

Where Have all the Kahunas Gone?

With most Canadians cowering under their Master’s (employers) whip, or hiding behind their sweat stained masks, getting flashed visions of a Canada that was once a free nation, whilst hiding under that comforter that smells of body odour and stale sweat from the last 6 month lockdown, not withstanding the last 2 months of oppressed freedom that resembles pre-pandemic oppression, they stare at their mail-in ballots that list all the potential illiberal party candidates in their oppressed ridings. Without a clue as to the truth, only subjected to the fear porn served up nightly courtesy of our mainstreamed fanatical media which are; ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CBC, CTV, BBC, to name the most common culprits, that bask the entranced viewers in more terror, further indoctrinating the viewer’s brainwashed mind. The dream of prosperity and freedom is now pulverized into a used tissue of discarded snot that could possibly be used as a PCR/Antigen test that may yield a negative result which would gain you entry to do your oppressed job for another day that is encompassing, in the name of safety, shrinking rights, benefits, wages and dignity. Knowing that they should of at least completed the mail-in ballots days ago, they quickly vote for the oppressing party that got the country into the mess that it is currently in, that features horrendous debt to the world banks, severe travel restriction, dangerous vaccine mandates, and phony PCR/Antigen tests, that have been disproven one full year ago by Nobel prize winning scientists and eminent doctors by the hundreds. Still, they choke, breathing through their soiled graphene oxide contaminated paper mask and seal the envelope, making their way into the hall. Dropping it into their outgoing mail slot, they make sure that no other biological threatening unclean human is in the vicinity. Of course, this will be tolerated by the current administration that magically did not lose, just in case they can gain another seat, validating these snot covered votes, or disqualifying, if it was another minority party vote that would just be a problematic thorn in all of the corrupted parties that hold current seats in the parliament.

Trudeau Dee Trudeau Dumb, Trudumb, Trudumb

But it does not surprise me in the least that he was whisked right back into the Prime Minister seat via Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, Larry Fink and the World Banks because of the high stakes that they speculated upon, like our vast resources, uranium, gold, trees, not to mention water, oil sands, etcetera, etcetera. Yes, and that slime ball Trudeau is selling it all away. Trudeau makes Mulroney seem like a choir boy in comparison, being Mulroney was pretty much solely responsible for the NAFTA agreement which started our merry way to globalism. But why worry? Everyone thought Trudeau was trying to attain a majority government. He did not acquire the majority so he failed, right? Wrong again my pundit friends. They just wanted to ensure he would remain in power as their Schwaby boy puppet until 2025. Oh Schwaby boy, the swabs the swabs keep swabbing, from bung hole to bung hole… and they will attempt to get everyone used of the incessive PCR testing, whether it is the fast antigen test or the regular brain scratch method, that infects your sinuses, whether you are vaccinated or not. You did not think one vaccine was the end of this nightmare do you? Vaccine passports will lead to being chipped like a dog in no time at all, labeling you like a product of Pfizer, or Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson or whatever other jab manufacturer is producing these death serums. And you will die, no question about it my friends because there is no antidote for this jab. If you don’t die on the first, you will possibly die the second, or may be the third, possibly the forth and so on. But why does he want to be in power until 2025? That is the magic marker date whereby depopulation will be fully underway. By then, if that slime ball Trudeau and Larry Fink of the World Banks and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum have their way, we will be either dead, stripped of all our assets and property, enslave to load dead bodies into incinerators or residing in that comfy detainment camp not to far, close to a neighborhood near you, awaiting your death.

Trudeau’s Hench Woman, Patti the Witch Tells all into a hot mic, setup by her neighbor…

Patti The Witch and her Monkey Slave

Patti the Witch narrates: “Oh my pretty’s. Just wait for the detainment camp we have selected for you to replace your tiresome home that carries such an oppressive mortgage. Yes my pretty’s, you will all reside in comfort at a special detainment camp, designed solely for you and all your middle class friends, so you can all smell the stench of your rotting flesh, as you die one by one, getting a whiff of all that baking body meat, I will cook up at high temperatures, ensuring that you will all be transformed into large piles of ashes, whereby me and my satanic friends will watch via monitors, as we pedophile your children and transform them into sexual chatelaines or gigolos, soulless husks, whose sole purpose is the servitude of their masters who will train them to be obedient slaves to the elites. Oh yes my Pretty’s, Just line up for that jab and join the Debt Forgiveness Program so you will be under my roof of enchantment, where you will give up you own flesh and blood to stay alive for a little bit longer, kneeling at my feet, begging for my mercy, hoping to be my slave, serving me as my zombie. But, you are far too old for such a position that would better be served by your spawned offspring. But please, keep begging. It is the ultimate aphrodisiac that elates my sexual potency, enabling me to enter torrent sessions with your offspring that is sure to be evil and orgasmic. Yes my Pretty’s, you have already sold your souls taking that jab, that brands your DNA with the mark of the beast, the beast, the only entity I will bow to, other than Trudeau, who I frolic with when his wife is away, never does she know why he is smiling when she returns. But that is another story my Pretty’s, far to complicated for your brainwashed mind. Line up my Pretty’s” recites Patty with a seductive, evil stare, as she giggles fiendishly, whilst her zombie flying mutated monkeys chatter and hoot, the very monkeys that died from the animal trials of the Covid jab, but were necromanced back to life by Patti’s alternate love, Dr. Fauci, the Pandemic Hero.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021

Fallen Equinox, The Murderous, Genocidal, Maniacal Cull

The Marxist Deception Equality

With September knocking at our door of our constrained freedoms, will we answer the door with a howitzer of opposition, or will we just comply to their tyrannical rule? To do nothing is what will lead us to the slaughter. But may people are still brain dumbed by the mainstream media and big tech social networks of communism. Laughing at stupid posts that really mean nothing and are nauseating just to read. People in a whole have lost their individualism, or just traded it for socialism to avoid the confrontation. But you have to invite confrontation and stand your ground. You have to face the opposition and bravely, defying their totalitarianism. I do not think you are ready to be culled. They will convince the weak that culling of our population is necessary, however in the end, it is just to save resources to enable the elitists to enslave the unlucky ones that are kept alive and horde all the remaining resources for them and there greedy, grasping spawned scum. But in actuality, if you are contemplating socialism or Marxism or Marxism/Leninism or Communism, which was a Post Monarch wet dream of the elitists to somehow retain control in disguise, using the military as their kingdom and the soldiers as their dragoons, protecting their newly shaped power hierarchy from the scummy masses, or so they believed in their sick corrupted minds, then as a bad episode featuring Gomer Pile; surprise, surprise, you are still the serf. Only now, you have no real capacity to prosper and are forced into a pathological mediocracy that will keep you in total dependency to the military/police state.

Pecuniary Delusions of Science (Citizenry of Coercion)

Maniacal impediments imposed on our businesses and citizens perpetrated by our bureaucrat, as dictated through secret meetings and treaties, discussed by the Bloomberg Foundation featuring barmy man speakers such as Bill Gates, and eloquent deception masters, such as Bush and other former presidents, secretly deciding our Great City’s future during this obscure plight as set forth by the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset”. Pondered and insinuated by our so called sovereign leader, better known as the “Prime Minister”,  whom stated on numerous occasions that; This pandemic is our opportunity to adhere to this “Great Reset” collating compassionate theft programs such as the “Asset Acquisition”, offered to faltering Canadians that have lost their livelihoods to this mysterious virus, which can appear and disappear depending on the current political climate and public adherence to these perpetuated infections of political aspirations which float in the wind magically as to whom they infect. Yet, people believe, as in asserting blind faith towards a computer generated science that models this virus isolation, only in theory, that cannot be proven beyond a shadow of any doubt by any stretch of the imagination, unless you’re aboard the “Enterprise”, exploring strange new worlds, whilst discovering strange new viruses that can be proven beyond a shadow of any doubt on Mars, possibly, depending on the gravitational pull and atmospheric pressure, which would change the science as in results, at least, concerning free fall speed, which could indeed, shatter the demolition theory of the World Trade Centers.

As it is Written, So it Shall be Said?

What side do you stand on? For Christ or for Satan? You may say to yourself, “I do not believe in God or Satan (Lucifer). But in the case of the ladder, belief is not required and your soul will be harvested for hell if you comply to the works of Satan. Which is the “Great Reset” as proposed by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum which is just the front for the Masonic Order of Lucifer, The Light Bearer, who, by the way, is the same entity as Satan. So, if you comply with the vaccine, you are aligned with Satan, You are receiving the Mark of the Beast. Not sure what that is? Think of the app you will be required to put on your phone, at your own expense, to prove you are current in your vaccine, as a precursor to the identifier that will be lodged under your skin that will serve as a passport because they will deceive the public into believing it will be un-hackable, unlike a phone where anyone can acquire and falsify as their own. Yet, one could just hack off your hand and use your chip, couldn’t they? Hmmm, I guess they never thought of that one. Or have they in the scenario of forced compliance? However, back to the Mark of the Beast analogy. Once you agree to expose your medical information and history, they can tie that together with the nanobots (created with Graphene material) existing in your body via the vaccine, enveloped and delivered with the toxic Graphene Oxide into all parts of your body, beyond the Blood Brain Barrier, where they will be able to control your mind by influence, using ultra low brain wave inducement, better known as Operation Crimson Mist, matching your brain wave frequency. Only problem is, the Mark of the Beast has to be updated every 3 months by Bill Gates and Microsoft so if you have received the vaccine(s) which so far, already amount to one every three months, prepare to roll up your sleeve, or drop your drawers, every three months for the new update of this vaccine (Gene Therapy). Yes, this vaccine actually changes your genetic and RNA/DNA structure/signature to be marked as to the vaccine manufacturer’s intellectual property, all rights reserved. Now, ain’t that a pretty Mark of the Beast, same as you getting your ass branded by the World Economic Forum brand acronym, being WEF. Well, cattle are branded as to their owners and so will you be, as to the technology you allow these pirates to inject (brand) you with, or better put, brand your RNA/DNA as to their property. Sounds so much like selling your soul to acquire what you already have like a job and freedom of movement and travel, or just to breathe. And that kids, is just the beginning.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021

The Crown of Cellular Thorns, An Interview with Lucifer…

Interviewer: “Hello Lu, may I call you Lu?” Lucifer: “Sure, I have many names, but I never fear the informalities of the “Common Folk” and their pretentious hospitalities.” Interviewer: “Thank you, I was wondering about the current state of the world and ponder what influence you and your angels have had in this plight to our humanity and freedoms?” Lucifer: “Amateurs! I would never influence such Tom Buffoonery, excuse my metaphors.” Interviewer: “So you have no stake in this take over of the planet. You see no benefits to its succession?” Lucifer: “I have no stake in stupidity, but will accept the fallen souls as the result, kind of like a poorly cultivated garden, even though the yield appears to be waning, I, in the end, will benefit from what Death reaps at the blade of his scythe.” Interviewer: “That is fascinating because I would have sworn you would have had a more active role in this takeover, seeing how many people are committing suicide and the collateral death and maiming introduced with the experimental vaccine.” Lucifer: “Yes, suicide is rampant and more death has been registered, keeping my entry clerks completely swamped with souls, however, many of these souls are returned as to their purgatory status, meaning, even though this vaccine is experimental and it is classified as suicide, can only be valid if there is proper “informed consent”. Without that, my soul acquisition ratio of returns goes out of control, rendering a deficit that ends up to be a waste of processing time and resources. Heaven can be a stickler to details like coercion and improper knowledge of certain actions, like coerced suicide, meaning, under those circumstances, it is not suicide, only murder.” Interviewer: “So you do have ethics. I would of thought you would have a deficit in anything positive.” Lucifer: “Who says ethics has to be positive. Ying, Yang. It would depend on which end of the scale, that ethics would apply as in, good or evil. There has to be a balance to make any of this “fun”. Tipping the balance in your favor can be elating. That fine line that makes one truly evil, but must have some goodness in their temperance. Otherwise, it just no fun at all. Someone that is truly evil has to derive from a truly good person, that had innocence, corrupted and now a true agent of misfortune.” Interviewer: “I would have thought you would approve of the bondage that is being placed upon the earth, as in bio-digital convergence, controlling our every thought and move, true slavery.” Lucifer: “Sounds very boring as in, where is the choice? And here again, there will be many purgatory recalls, a complete waste of my time. Martyrizing all souls that are in bondage, surely destined for purgatory as in to recycle back to the rebirth that will continue to be a sleep fest as in acquisition of truly evil souls, never knowing the difference between true good and evil, getting back to “informed consent”. How does one get properly informed if they are dumbed down with digital control? No choice, no true acquisition possible, only a boring conveyer belt of recycled energy as dismal as a generator and its constricting power lines. Why on heaven’s gate do you think I was created and cast down? Plutonium was getting bored and wanted to “spice” things up.” Lucifer chuckles. Interviewer: “So, you like the challenge of soul acquisition as in, the chase is more satisfying then the catch?” Lucifer: “Of course! Watching a youthful innocent bungle and botch their way through humanity when they first strike out on their own, Those are the most satisfying souls to acquire, when they compromise themselves with drugs, then prostitution, losing all self worth, ultimately committing suicide, falling into my lap of deceit and treachery, feeling the scorch of my inferno, and all of the time, having the choice of removing my chains at their own will, but keeping them in place out of fear and ignorance. Yes, I will miss those days indeed. Interviewer: “The story sounds more intriguing, kind of like a Mark Twain episode or something.” Lucifer: “Well, entertainment is half the bang for your buck, if not all of the bang, as in interest. Why would I want to end up with just Birx, Fauci, Gates or Schwab, among others. Perhaps Biden if it can be determined if he is not already converged to a digital state that is offsetting his dementia. They have all sold their souls to acquire what they have. If this is the end yield then it would be truly disappointing as in, knowing already what you are getting for Christmas.” Interviewer: “You celebrate Christmas?” Lucifer: “Of course, don’t you?” Interviewer: “Then, you are a true “sportsman” indeed. This takeover must pain you as to what dreariness is to come?” Lucifer: The world, before this shutdown, was spinning way out of control. A feeling of dread was overcoming the psychics of the earth and the greed and apathy was rampant. It was shaping up just nicely and I was on the verge of my greatest acquisition of truly deserving souls that were placing the chains of bondage on willingly, without any help from the elites, that to my disappointment as to giving them their fortunes in exchange for their souls, are conspiring against me, getting greedy, not surprising, and attempting to become immortal at my expense. This just won’t do!” Interviewer: “It sounds like these elitists, that gave up their ever lasting souls, are victims of divine intervention, as in a whisper from an angel as to the secrets of becoming immortal, undermining your work that was so eloquently mastered, and was victim to the applied brakes derived from this divinity of intervention? Lucifer: Ah, yes, devious indeed. But who would of ever thought he would be capable? I am not sure that would be within the rules, however, all is fair in love and war. I will have to consult my prime evils as to this possibility or better put, infraction of the cosmic rules. If so, it just broadens the playing field. No more questions, please. I must retire in contemplation.” Interviewer: “Thanks Lu!” Lucifer: “Anytime.” Lucifer disappears in a puff of smoke.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021