We are dead as the free, now home of the coward. Self preserving and petrified of fictitious narratives as dictated to everyone (who is stupid enough to purchase the data to actually watch this swill) on their smart phones and 60 inch smart TVs, serving up nourishing propaganda pabulum to their indoctrinated minds, as to lap it up insatiably like brainless fools, unable to think or decipher reality, totally dependent on the pacifying approval of their masters from media world. Nauseating is it not? If you find this statement insulting, then go watch Netflix or HBO or whatever cable system you still are stupid enough to plug into and melt your brain. I get it, it is easier to be a mindless tool, not having to make any decisions about what is real and what is not and believe in fictitious viruses and diseased fables, wearing your mask at home, fool, so you can breathe in some more CO2, depriving your brainwashed brain of oxygen. But, you are being safe! That is the important thing, even though you are killing yourself and your children wearing masks of the truly retarded, meanwhile, the elite are laughing their asses off while masturbating, watching you suffocate. Believe BLM and Antifa are actual organizations for the masses, whilst they lead you further and further away from the truth, like pied pipers of deception, which is 5G being implemented on every block and city, municipality, county, community, rural, so they can infiltrate you skin cells with millimeter waves, altering your skin cell’s nucleus, causing your cells to repair this damage, forming virus like structures that resemble covid-19. Yes, and that is where this virus originates, from your own body, in attempt to cleanse itself from this millimeter wave electrification. So if you are actually stoned enough to believe this is a evolutionarily biologically produced virus from a snake, bat, to pig then you have to believe that 2400 years of evolution simply produced itself in a 10 year span of time. Are you really that stoned? Are we in some sort of time flux or time machine? Did someone actually invent the flux capacitor? Yeah, ok.
The Dimension of Dissention
As most of the world repeats the same narratives, over and over again, like a skipping vinyl LP, nauseating everyone to the point of vomiting all over the newspapers, the publishers distain with their lies everyday, attempting to keep everyone indoctrinated that, there is actually a deadly biological virus floating around out there, that evolved from a bat, into a human, claiming that 800 years of this evolutional leap was accomplished in 10 years. No, you cannot be that stupid to believe that fantasy, right? They cannot even keep their lies straight. I think it would be more believable if this covid-19 came from an outer space alien. That way, we could send the enterprise and captain Kirk to kick some ass and get this virus under control, or find the antidote. That way, Operation Warp Speed could be changed to Operation Warp Speedy Impeachment and get that fool out of the Whitehouse. But there are still morons out there endorsing Trump even though he is the biggest threat to the American way of life. It so obvious this pandemic is a hoax, that the ruling class is doing everything it its power to lead everyone astray to be occupied by the phony race wars they are starting around the globe, in virtually every major city on the planet. Antifa and BLM are CIA (or other international secret agency) funded organizations that infiltrate the pandemic protest groups, destabilizing free countries, pushing them into a deranged, Satanic form of Marxism. To get there, their mission is to destroy the middle class and devastate small business. Already, they have bankrupted at least 30% of the middle class, not including what businesses that were destroyed and financially toppled, mostly mom and pop shops. It has gotten to the point that no one trusts the mainstream media (which is a good thing) and distrusts any thing that happens, digging their heads in the sand, trying to hide from the obvious influence that is pretty much, in your face. Once they succeed in getting everyone at each other’s throats, fighting and killing each other, they will drop the hammer of hades upon us.
X Marks the Marxist
However, it still grinds on, pushing the same narratives that covid-19 is an actual biological virus that actually does some worthy killing, only to give way to how resilient humankind is, that in most cases, can withstand the ill effects of 5 G EMF radiation poisoning or millimeter wave induction of our skin cells, causing damage to the nucleus, being patch with virus like structures that resemble covid-19. This makes perfect sense because PCR viruses only replicate within the living host and cannot be transmitted to another host, similar to the Avian Influenza strains (See invisible Rainbow). But it is the truly greedy and ruthless that stands to gain from this pandemic and biological virus indoctrination and are pulling some ultra high ones on the common people to keep them distracted and led astray, fighting phony race wars and Marxist movements that hold no promise of prosperity, only oppression and despair. Does this mean Trump is a patriot? It means he is a liar and thief, stealing away all of your freedoms and destroying the constitution. This is probably the first time in history that they have politicized pandemics, controlling the treatment, equipment, procedures and remedies, which several have been eliminated from the shelves because it contradicts their Operation Warp Speed vaccine (forced) agenda. Permanent lobbyists in Ottawa and Washington DC that are pushing (buying) congress and elected officials to keep the pandemic lies afloat by lying themselves, betraying the masses, while using us as test subjects to see how it can potentially control our every move. Control is illusive and once the government discovers who really possesses the power, they will crack down and attempt to steal it back.
“5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic (skin) cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Intrusive Electromagnetic waves introduced, move and produce some extra waves within the cells as to the reactions, inducement from millimeter waves potential voltages, creating current or opposition of poles that cause vibration as to the repelling back and forth as the poles change to the induction. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.” Extracted from the paper,
The Lie
So, we are led to think that this coronavirus, Covid-19, is a biological virus that made an evolutionary leap from a snake, then a bat, then to a pig, then to a human via ingestion. After they found that this story was a bit if a stretch to swallow, they decided that the bat bit the pig, then through ingestion, people caught this novel virus, Covid-19. When they found that people were having an issue with that story, they decided to eliminate the pig, and said that the bat, in a Wuhan laboratory, bit a technician, or someone, whose identity was never disclosed, and spread it around, being allowed to leave this laboratory facility. Rumors started to mill about this being a biological weapon, crafted by the Chinese to mainly infiltrate and attack the people of USA. When that seemed to be a hard pill to swallow and the populations of the earth started protesting the unnecessary pandemic lockdown of citizens and small business, they decided to stage a police brutality murder, two in fact, one in Saint Paul Minnesota, George Floyd who was a African American, and another just days apart in France, of another police officer doing the same identical murder to an young black citizen of France. After this, surrogated protests and riots began in Minnesota and France, inducing the race movement of the BLM across the world, mainly the USA, Britain, Australia, Canada and France. These countries were the targets obviously, most likely because of their free democracy styled governments, attempting to destabilize and cause civil unrest and general chaos. The truth is nowhere in this neighborhood of this elitist fantasy, so we will attempt to decipher the truth from this staged madness.
The Harsh Token of Reality
The truth is, George Floyd was a Free Mason and his membership was handed down from his father, who was also a Free Mason. Does this really matter that he was part of the Masonic order? Not really, but his so called murderer, Derek Chauvin, was married to the oriental cop’s sister. This oriental cop was also on the scene of this staged event. It is rumored that they are all Free Masons. There are also rumors that George Floyd is not even dead. In any event, this whole cop brutality scene was staged to shift the protest from the unconstitutional lockdown to a racist protest, specifically calling for the defunding of the police. It is also notable that most of the businesses that were destroyed were small mom and pop establishments and the luting that started, in most cases, were induced by government agent surrogates, whose main purpose was to start riots and orchestrate unwanted infrastructure demolition. If one was motivated enough to look at the insurance claims of these periods, they would most likely find a pattern of deliberate arsons to rid the investors of low income housing and low rental business buildings. This kind of reminds me of Detroit in the 70’s and 80’s when they used to light up old buildings and failing small businesses across Detroit on Gate night. But this is a much larger scale demolition, and now that Antifa and BLM are infiltrated in these protests against Trump and his unfair favoritism to the elitists, which only serves the conglomerations of large franchises and corporations. However, Antifa and BLM have questionable roots and appear to be CIA funded organizations. On the other side, they have other phony organizations like the Boys in Blue, among others, that are in basics, politically fueled groups, most likely funded by the political Trump movement.
Sincerely Ravenous Evermore
Who is sincere in this maze of massive confusion? What is real and what is staged? It is obvious to me that these protests against this unconstitutional lockdown, Trumps insane wall agenda, Operation Warp Speed, the enforcement of unnecessary vaccines and the enforcement of masks, especially to our children, are the source of all these protests. To think otherwise, you would have to be totally stoned, or extremely stupid. Tom Baffoonery at its finest and the elitists are laughing uncontrollably. People forget how ruthless Trump is and he has never displayed any real form of decency ever in his life. He has never been successful in business and if it was not for the old money he inherited, he would be penniless, begging on the streets. People that support Trump are mostly the upper class, or wannabes, and love tax breaks and shelters. But the real agenda now is to bankrupt property owners and claim their lost legacies, thus making extreme profits for Wall Street, which is overpopulated by a greedy, self-serving populous. Bankrupt all small businesses and the middle class, stealing everything they have worked for all their lives or acquired from past generations. Thus creating a slavery to serve only the insanely rich. Globalization has started and do not believe for one second that Trump is not on board to push this agenda through. He is definitely an enemy of freedom, USA and North America. This does not validate the democrats and they are far from innocent, promoting the same lockdown and globalization agenda. This is all about pushing 5G electrification as a safe technology and depopulating the earth so the elitists can repopulate this planet, filling it with their spawned scum.
With the increase of violence from planned/paid riots, using our children to destroy small business and the inherently valuable, we are seeing strange behavior from our leaders all over the world. No matter what party, or governmental system, they are all on board to eliminate the middle class and small business, that keeps a large thorn into the elitist’s side of totalitarianism and absolute rule. But why 2020? Why now? Is it because of Earth Day and its obscene agenda to save the earth? Is it the elitists that want even more of the wealth that they are not sharing (stealing)? Do they even want people to prosper? Is it because of 7 billion day and Ted Turner’s ridiculous Georgia guide stone’s ten commandments that somehow replaced the Holy Bible’s Ten Commandments? Are they really on a quest to depopulate the earth to the level of the sixteen hundred’s that was around 500 million people? Is that why the idiot Mayor of Minneapolis cited the 400 years of slavery which brings us right back to the sixteen hundred’s. Is it aliens who are already residing beneath the earth and feeding on the adrenal glands of our youth? Was Phil Schneider telling the truth before his murder? I think that his prediction about depopulation by 2029, is very close to the 2030 predictions and we are definitely being controlled at this time by the Global 2000 agenda. If we were not, then why is the whole world on total lockdown? By who’s order? Whom would carry such power? What diabolical mastermind (villain) has orchestrated the take over of our planet? Will Austin Powers come to the rescue? Will his secret agent babes seduce all heterosexuals to death thus allowing the alternative belief systems, demonize the earth into non-religious blasphemy whilst converting the world into a totalitarian regime of idiocy and madness? All countries of the world are being conquered into a dictatorship, all in the name of an overblown virus that couldn’t kill my grandmother even if I held a pillow to her face for 5 minutes. Seems extreme? Well that is exactly what our trusted leaders and so called health experts around the world are doing to old people, especially in controlled environments like nursing homes, enforcing mandatory face mask policies. They are murdering people by the thousands and we, like dummies, believe it is some stupid cold virus that has the relative potency of a 24 hour flu bug. We, as a population, have become so uneducated that we cannot even dispute the simplest of physics questions that would defy every law of physics and common sense as so amply displayed by 911 and their fictitious terrorist theory that airplanes caused these towers to collapse, that only a true moron stoned out of their tree would believe. Anyone that endorses this story is a shill and an abomination to the human race, justifying any alien race to eradicate immediately. And you wonder why they want to erase our asses from this planet. No intelligent person or alien race should have to put up with that amount of stupidity.
But this stupidity is all around us and like morons, the same idiots are still watching the same indoctrinating programs as if somehow they will be educated and saved from the tyranny, even after they were physically assaulted by an array of paid protestors, surrogates, provocateurs, CIA, FBI, and NSA agents alike. How else would organizations like BLM, ANTIFA, Black Bloc, etc. would even be allowed to terrorize people, annexing parts of cities and advocating lawlessness and fear inflicted upon tax paying citizens. Because the government, Trump, Trudeau, Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives etc., depending on your country’s political system at the moment, have sold out to the New World Order. There is a New World Government that has seized the entire world, and if your government was based on a constitution of freedoms, they have already been abolished. You just do not know this yet because you are still watching the constant indoctrination spewing out your TV or media device, laughing like a total, stoned moron. Well laugh away, the majority, because you as the stupid majority, have lost your liberties and rights to your destroyed constitutions. Some people, like myself, have written our political representatives, filed human rights complaints against the infringements of our constitutional rights. But the rest of the people are too busy running to the beer or liquor store or buying their medicinal or recreational weed, or opiate pacifiers, to remain drunk, stoned, inebriated or a combination thereof, watching some idiotic mini series full of brainwashing indoctrination, guaranteeing substance abusers to go right back to sleep.
If this describes you and your life, well there is no hope for you really, only waking up once the NWO takes complete control and decides to take away your drugs, TV and booze. They have already taken away all sports, the right to publicly gather, churches, bars, live entertainment, music, culture, libraries, museums, all except commercialized marred televised content where they decide what is good and what is not. But you will probably froth at the mouth watching that too while choking on your weed, washing it down with your favorite brain honing elixir, remaining brain dead as ever. I have no sympathy really, but do feel bad that the so few that have not fallen for this brainwashed swill, being inflicted by this mass regime change of where the commonly stupid will preside, and the stoned and the drunk will have the ultimate voting power, meaning they will vote for whomever they are indoctrinated to vote for via social media and televised commercial mediocre brain pacification. And if somehow, enough people vote for the wrong person, they will just fix the election anyway, causing a controversy that will last in your stoned brain for approximately 2 minutes, or until the next brain honing mini series starts, which ever comes first. As our society of fools are easily led into slavery, ripping down monuments, pissing on the constitution and basically being played like a puppet, remember, it is because of the 1 percent and the elitists why our society is falling. They have stolen everything the can from you, and all that is left is a few mom and pop shops, some people with ownership or the brains to save for a rainy day. The rest are burdens to society and are prime candidates for eradication. The elitists are not going to spend their wealth to keep you afloat. You will be disposed of unless you wake up and push away their faithless spoon fed pacification to oblivion.
Environmentalists are “applauding some of the measures put forth from the North American government, and the world, since the covid-19 influenza flu bug, for a greener world, however certain environmentalists by no means are for the “little guy”. Who are these entities that slither in and out of festivals like RIO-20 and other proprietary events promoting a green world and de-population? It makes one wonder why any environmentalist group would even endorse 5G technology and push the fear mongering of covid-19 that has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, less lethal then the common flu. The radiation levels that 5G inflicts on the population will certainly be far more lethal than the limp, covid-19 virus. Why has the world centralized its concentration on North America? Because propaganda suggests that North America is the greatest polluter on this earth. This is certainly not the case and many other countries, like China and India, contributes more then their share of pollution to the Earth. It all boils down to is one unequivocal result, de-population. Of course environmentalist groups would love to see this, as long as they are not the ones de-populated. Almost anyone would love this except, who will be killed and who will be saved is another story no one thinks about, as long it is not them. It is like three people in a vault with limited oxygen and one has to die in order for the greater good of the other two, but who will die? Naturally, it would be the weakest of all three that would most likely perish. Politically incorrect as it may seem, how else would this play out? Only, in the visions of madness as seen through the ambitious environmentalist, the greedy ones that is, two of the three would have to die for the greater good of the one.
Zoom in on the statue of liberty, it shows the torch not lit and writing that states: “liberdade para poluia” translated as “Freedom to Pollute” and a Greenpeace sign stating: “por mundo verde e justo” translated to “for a green and fair world” Propaganda certain environmentalists spread around about North America to the third world is causing hate and prejudice towards the western continent. You can be relatively sure that our present turmoil is seeded from events (RIO+20) like these, endorsed by political entities like Gore and Clinton, which in itself, is an act of treason to USA and genocidal to the rest of the world only focusing on depopulation.
People have a natural instinct to live; therefore everyone will strive for survival, killing the weak and helpless that may be in their path, if a revolution begins. How do you create weak and helpless people? You starve them and strip them of their money, property and dignity. Then they will eventually perish by suicide, starvation or simple restriction to basic health care. Seems similar to what is happening right now with this pandemic, creating weakened masses, mentally and physically, bankrupting them with unnecessary unemployment by eliminating their employers (small business), forming an enforced boycott against free enterprise and small businesses, similar to the Nazi’s boycott to Jewish business during the holocaust. Many countries in this world are experiencing this because of this boorish, self centered, criminal lock down imposed by our new global government who do not give a rat’s ass about anyone but themselves. That is happening because the trends were suggesting that small business was gaining momentum, personal real estate was climbing in value, people were borrowing less and putting more money away which all gives less and less power over the people in general. So now the ruling elite, governed by the global cabal will push us back to the edge of poverty and massive control, with 5G technology and propaganda as in “Covid-19”. Rumors of detention centers with train access in the USA are being told. Is Covid-19 the new Star of David? Could our leaders have this strength to commit genocide? Or is it an monetary influence that they cannot resist because of fear and greed? Or is it a giant contra-conspiracy to keep Trump in office.
Like the rumored Covid-19 detention centers for people that are infected by covid-19, or more likely because they simply refuse this dangerous vaccine, awaiting their passage to wholesale murder by rail? A picture of the Hungarian Jewish Detention Center
So now, the house of pandemic cards is weakening, and certain democrats have openly shown their totalitarian autocracy, promoting a one world government. Is this the case for all of the democratic party? Not likely, however if you go along simply to avoid opposition, you are guilty of passive negligence. Democrats on the whole, are clearly on the same page environmentally as to depopulation, or more subtly put as written in the Lockstep publication, authored by the Rockefeller Foundation. Ties to the Georgia Guides Stones and Ted Turner would be obvious to the advocacy given to the democrats via CNN, founded by Ted Turner who was one of the visionaries that produced the Georgia Guidestones, and in turn, Gore and Clinton, who are the powerful political lobbyists, influencing most environmental movements for the last 20 years. All of this gives Trump a “get out of jail free card” as to the impeachment when clearly, the majority of Americans want him out of office. This is a catastrophe to the USA because Trump too, is an advocate for absolute rule of power. He is endorsing the same package of monocracy reflected through his fascist Mexican border wall and his advocacy to “operation warp speed” that will enforce vaccines on the masses which will alter your DNA (mainly to disguise the radiation damage caused by 5G saturation). Will these injections contain micro-chips for tracking and behavioral modification, embedding into your tissues? If you refuse this vaccine, your segregation may indicate the purpose. There are no boundaries that Trump and the democrats haven’t purged during this sleepy pandemic, and both party’s willingness to endorse 5G as a safe technology, making both parties strange bedfellows, sleeping with the telecommunication barons who have corrupted most of the environmentalist groups with massive bribes and payoffs, or controlling interest acquired at a stock market level. Environmentalist groups are ignoring the damaging radiation caused by 5G because of their monetary ties to the elitists. The “Green Movement” of the last two decades have simply accelerated the consumption and damage to the environment. It would seem we, the masses, are being blamed for the elitist’s stupidity and greed.
Disclaimer? Visit our about page. Last updated April 30th 2020.
The illusion of the Covid-19 spillover phenomenon correlates with the lockdown of non-evasive ventilators. Testing for this virus is similar as to test for radiation poisoning, amplifying a discarded cell’s RNA sequence for a similar pattern to the Covid-19 RNA pattern, or the RNA pattern of a cell after radiation. Logically, if they were looking for a virus, the easiest and most logical place to look is in the blood. This raises the question of what will the blood actually show and what is the implication they do not want lab technicians to discover? Possibly more evidence of cell damage from radiation? Dead bodies are handled in no special way other than wrapping (sealing) the bodies in plastics and burying them the traditional way or mass grave sites. This directly contradicts the so called contagion possibilities, creating toxic graveyards? Clearly a contradictive and “cheap” solution to disposal where the family, whom is going broke from unemployment, will be burdened with the “extra” expense anyway. Seriously, this would be a comedy if it was not tragically real. In the most basic interpretation, it is categorized as “denial of coherent medical treatment”, malpractice on a massive scale, creating more deaths to be labeled as Covid-19 related. Under the government’s sinister direction, every hospital in the world, have “hidden” their non-evasive ventilators saying they would spread Covid-19. But the WHO says it is not airborne. So how would a non-evasive ventilators spread Covid-19? Simply put, it does not because it is contained with a mask and the person is simply being assisted to breath. Being 2 meters away from the patient or even in another room certainly does not violate the current safe- distancing conditions. Further, the possible generated mist is or can be filtered. Non-invasive ventilators can be used for hypoxia conditions, monitoring and adjusting the amount of oxygen that your tissues are absorbing during respiration, not ventilation. This modified treatment could be used for people breathing in patches of air that the oxygen has been absorbed by 5 G radiation. Clearly because the respiration method allows the lungs to operate on their own, preventing lung damage. When introduced to air with insufficient oxygen, an organism will go into a hypoxia state, severe lack of oxygen, commonly known as the Death Zone in mountaineering..
In the most basic interpretation, it can be viewed as malpractice on a genocidal scale, denying proven basic medical treatment. This is no belter then the Nazi’s and their experimental ways to exterminate a race, finding the most efficient and cost effective ways to murder the human race and dispose of the bodies (mass burial). Because hospitals have “hidden” their non-evasive ventilators makes all hospital administration personnel liable. In the picture below, the patient’s breathing is contained with a mask or helmet, simply being assisted to breath, maintaining inflation or respiration of the lungs.
Does this look uncontained? How does this contained assisted breathing spread Covid-19?
Being socially distanced from the patient or even in another room certainly should be more than adequate, even to the WHO’s changing standards that seem to fluctuate to place further fear into people, pushing them back behind their masks, staying at home. Is the picture above inspiring Trump’s comical idiocy suggesting everyone to wear space suits as protection, or is he as ignorant to the real implications of the mass malpractice he is endorsing by locking down the public, small businesses and the idiotic modifications and layoffs inflicted on hospitals and their staffs? Trump and Trudeau are gutting our health care systems. So free health care will be a thing of the past in Canada and will be even worse in the USA. But you cannot complain because you are letting it happen by being glued to your phone and TV, thinking there is an actual reason to forfeit your basic fundamental liberties (that even the main stream media is starting to complain about), believing (indoctrinated) in a phony pandemic.
Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, New York ICU Doctor suggested that the non-invasive ventilators could be used in a modified way to treat patients experiencing this “new” form of hypoxia. Health organizations mandated the non-use (Now illegal?) of non-invasive ventilators, where the treatment was enforced as to the invasive ventilation treatment. The invasive ventilation treatment requires a hole cut into the patient’s throat for a tube that assists ventilation/respiration via this thin tube. Could this invasive action of cutting a hole into ones throat when your lungs are caving inwards already cause even more chance of death? Non-invasive ventilators assist in the inflation of your lungs but can be modified as a respirator if the lungs are clearly working, just providing oxygen.
Now, they want auto companies to make new non-invasive ventilators when many reputable medical companies have already perfected the manufacture of non-invasive ventilation machines. This is most likely to avoid conflict to the dictation of how these new non-invasive ventilators will be made, and more importantly when they are made which obviously will not be immediate. However complicated this seems, it is really not hard to see what is happening. Fear is destroying everyone’s will to look at the obvious. Covid-19 is radiation poisoning from 5 G radiation. The supposed manufactured Covid-19 in a Wuhan lab is an old virus called Coronavirus, Chimera (animal virus), or simply, the common cold as described in medical encyclopedias. What strain of Coronavirus is Covid-19? It is a replicated resultant virus that could contain hypoxia related RNA sequences, that are purposely being falsely called ARDS. the common cold RNA sequences, influenza (flu) RNA sequences, and fever RNA sequences. RNA sequences are found through an amplification process of your cell’s RNA, DNA, a common diagnostic procedure used for people that were exposed to moderate or high levels of radiation. Because of the more gradual radiation exposures of 5 G radiation, it has to be amplified several times to get a similar RNA sequence to be evident. The Boston Medical Department in 1917 could not prove contagion of the Spanish Flu. This could be the very reason they do not test the blood and strongly discourage fluid exchange to healthy subjects for testing contagion, because it is not contagious by blood or fluids. Even if you ended up with this manufactured virus in your system, it is highly doubtful you would get sick at all. As an airborne virus, it is simply ludicrous. Thus one could ponder that zoonotic viruses exist and can miraculously jump from specie to specie (Bat, pig, human) accelerating Darwin’s theory of evolution as in the so call sketchy Spillover Infection. This phenomenon is based on theory and cannot be proven. So why are we believing unproven theories? Why are all major pandemics declared in the same years of every major electrification (RF radiation) change? Believe it or not, the facts support the Electrification Hypothesis, so why are you ignoring them and hiding under that ridiculous paper face mask? Even if you believe this Covid-19 is a virus that is contagious, it is not at all warranting the current lockdown. Watch this Video. It shows the low fatality rates found in California and the rest of the world.
Let us crunch some numbers. Even if the worse case scenario shown in Event 201, deciding that a projected 65 million people may die comes to pass. On a planet of 7 billion people plus, it is less than 1% of the population (and it will be the wrong 1 percent guaranteed, not the rich), meaning overall, you have a 99% chance of survival even if you catch this so called Zoonotic Virus. So why are you afraid to leave your home? You have 99% chance of survival at worst, so get up and open your dammed businesses now. If you work, go to your city hall and pressure your mayor to open the city. If everyone did that they would have to stop this ridiculous charade led by the Pirate of Silly-Conned Valley. Bill Gates and all of his counterparts are conning you out of your future. By the time they are done, you will either be dead, homeless on the street or in so much financial debt, you will never recover, losing any possible legacy you could of passed on to your children for generations. The UK openly flaunts the Coronavirus symbol and a 5 G tower radiating on their currency.
Look closely at he tower and crown circle symbolism on the right of the bank note Coincidence?
Everyone on the planet is getting electrified, excreting the Covid-19 signature virus from their poisoned tissues and cells caused by 5 G radiation. The more intense (density) of available, utilized commercial 5 G service in large suburban, highly populated areas (like New York state), the higher (more intense) the 5 G radiation is present, therefor the more critical number of noticeable symptoms of radiation exposure. We all have Covid-19. There is not one organism on this planet that will escape this radiation, and certainly does not warrant the current pandemic, which is just a cover to steer your attention away from the real cause of Covid-19, which is simply, radiation sickness from 5 G radiation (electrification). Would you rather be a free person at risk, or a safe, dominated slave under your master’s whip? WAKE UP!!!
The coronavirus has everyone running once again, back into the cloakroom, clinging to the teachers dress. Or wait a minute; they closed the schools, so that cannot happen, at least not right now. But if the schools were open, that is what would happen. The World Health Organization suggests that the coronavirus (Covid-19) is a contagion, a contagious virus that can be transmitted simply by touch or cough (saliva). However,If you believe what you learned in biology or were paying attention; people do not “catch” viruses; our tissues and blood create them to remove harmful toxins that intrude into our bodies. Quoted by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD, “Viruses are excretions of a toxic cell; viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with other proteins, they bud out from the cell; they (viruses) happen when the cell is poisoned. Viruses are not the cause of anything.” In the last 103 years, Pandemics of history can be traced back to the electrification of the earth. Electrification of living organisms poisons the organism’s cells and tissues, which in turn, will excrete this poison as viruses. Quoted by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD “Whenever you expose a biological system to a new electrical field (frequency), the poison will kill some, and the rest go into a sort of suspended animation, living a little bit longer and sicker.” Scientifically, this is well known, but telecommunication companies may be playing on people’s ignorance. What is a virus? It is an ultramicroscopic (20 to 300 nm in diameter), metabolically inert (inactive), infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals: composed of an RNA or DNA core, a protein coat, and, in more complex types, a surrounding envelope. What does this tell us? Viruses are an inactive resultant from cell and tissue poisoning that can only replicate inside a living host.
Covid-19 is real, but there is dispute of its actual origin, either being derived from Avian or mammal evolutionarily spillover, ultimately infecting humans, or it is the resultant of EMF poisoning, that our cells excrete because of 5 G electrification. According to the WHO and other studies, Covid-19 is theorized to originate from a bat, and/or snake. A pig was bitten by the bat or snake (transmitted by blood) commencing the spillover phenomenon. The pig was then sold in a “wet market” (suggesting it was sold alive) in Wuhan China. From this pig, it supposedly infected humans through touch or ingestion. (Source)(Source). For this to be credible, you would have to believe that a metabolically inert (inactive) virus, duplicated from the RNA, DNA signature of a bat and/or snake, emulated the pig’s RNA, DNA, making its final evolutionary leap, infecting humans, somehow forging (emulating) the RNA, DNA structure within the human’s cells and tissues, which is supposedly unique to individual humans and individual species. Some studies suggest this spillover infection will require vaccines that will contain the same virus without the RNA, DNA, only the protein coat. This suggests that the spillover infection cannot emulate your RNA, DNA further, but fails to explain how the vaccine exactly reverses the so called emulation of your RNA, DNA. Ergo, it will not be a cure, only prevention, but is sketchy as to how it will prevent further spillover at the RNA, DNA level. In practical medicinal sense, it seems to be a useless injection.
As of mid April 2020, reports are back-peddling as to the origin Covid-19, however not entirely, stating that within a Wuhan lab, a patient was bit by a bat, and then transmitted Covid-19 to another patient, and that patient went out into the public where it supposedly spread. Even though the wet market was clearly not involved as to the origin of Covid-19, they are still clinging to the evolutionary spillover infection theory. This may indicate that the thin house of pandemic cards could collapse because, it would be impossible to tell how many other lies have led up to this point of time, not to mention accountability; shutting down businesses and bankrupting countless people who were put out of work. Where will the focus turn now? It is clear that the bio-weapon “dead horse” analogy has been flogged too many times in the last 103 years. Bio-weaponry is lame excuse, trying to keep the spotlight away from the real issues and causes of the related deaths.
So a conflict in scientific beliefs, where the right believes that metabolically inert viruses are pieces of RNA, DNA and other proteins, excreted from a toxic cell after the organism is poisoned (radiation or electrification) that requires no vaccine because the surviving organisms will become immune (suspended animation). Or on the left; stating these viruses are zoonotic diseases, spread from avian, reptile, or mammal origins as viruses that attack and inject the human’s assaulted cells with its own animal RNA, DNA, then emulating or forging the human’s RNA, DNA, that to prevent, will require experimental vaccines, containing the virus, vacant of the RNA, DNA, with the protein coat. However, no matter how brilliantly and scientifically they attempt explain this supposed evolutionary spillover, these studies are mostly based on unproven theory. The Electrification Hypothesis is based on a century of chronicled events and history. (The Invisible Rainbow)
Recently, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, New York ICU Doctor, discusses what he has attempted to treat as pneumonia or ARDS, but was discovering that the patients showed symptoms that suggested extreme altitude changes, being immediately shifted to a high elevation from normal elevation, as to the “death zone” described in mountaineering, whereby the oxygen level is insufficient to sustain life. The lack of oxygen in normal terms can be related to the lack of oxygen commonly due to extreme atmospheric pressure changes. 5 G frequency of choice is 60 Gigahertz enabling pristine data transfer. 60 gigahertz is the frequency where the oxygen absorption spectrum begins. This absorption of oxygen changes the magnetic properties of the oxygen molecules within the oxygen atom, and when breathed, will fail to attach to the hemoglobin, causing the oxyhemoglobin count in our blood to decrease rapidly. Dr. Kyle-Sidell’s pertinent discovery, witnessed from firsthand experience of the Covid-19 cases admitted to the hospital, seemed to strike a nerve with opposing forces in obvious support of the evolutionary spillover infection theory and its host of diseases. Clearly, these patients were dying from lack of oxygen, not ARDS.
Most large telecommunication companies argue that the power of the receiving devices are low therefore cannot cause any radiation or carcinogenic problems on the long term, simply because the wavelengths are too short and powerless to penetrate the skin. They also use the adage that many devices that we already use like 2.4 gigahertz routers, Bluetooth, wireless printers, laptops, iPods, iPhones, iPads are already employed and safe to use in your home, however many studies indicate otherwise. On the flip side of this coin, experts warn that because of the non-penetration of these intrusive 5 G wavelengths, they become refracted angularly, creating multiple receptors upon your skin, attracting and intensifying more 5 G signals towards your body, increasing the potential exposure exponentially. It is hypothesized that any living organism electrified by 5 G millimeter waves, emitting 30 to 300 Gigahertz wave frequencies (millimeter sized wave frequencies that most humans of the earth have never been exposed to), forces our poisoned cells to excrete viruses, hence Covid-19. But if this was true, then this is one of the biggest cover-ups known to humanity? Not really, because this has happened before, more than a century ago.
In 1860, a new disorder called Neurasthenia (Anxiety disorder) was thought to be a physical disorder until the year 2000. Tracing the course of this illness followed the Telegraph wires, wherever they were laid worldwide, interconnected via submarine (ocean) cables. In 1889, alternating current was harnessed which was the same year of the first modern Influenza flu epidemic.
In 1918 (WWI), the Spanish Flu (H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin) broke out producing many fatalities. It was believed then that this disease or virus was contagious. However, no matter how the Boston Medical department tried, they could not transmit this disease from one host to another, chronicled in the book, “The Invisible Rainbow”. It is curious that “avian” describes birds as the probable cause and origin of this thought to be airborne “virus” due to the unexplainable speed of the infectious travel over oceans, across the earth. What factually happen was the introduction of radio waves, exposing every living organism across the world in the late fall of 1917 to these new RF signals . It was hypothesized that these new radio waves poisoned (electrified) all living organisms, causing their cells to react, excreting toxins as viruses.
At and around the beginning of World War II, the next influenza pandemic(s) (H2N2 avian influenza) arose successively when radar was introduced perpetually during 1957 and 1958 to living organisms of the world, blanketing the entire earth with radar fields, thus (electrifying) poisoning all living organisms, forcing them to excrete the (EMF) poison from their cells (tissues) as a virus; or a H2N2 avian influenza virus, thought to be derived from birds as would indicate in the term avian, also thought to be airborne due to its overseas miraculous spread?
In 1968, in the Van Allen Belts, which are the earth’s protective layers, satellites were launched into these belts, and within six months, a new pandemic arose, which was called the Hong Kong Flu. The new radioactive frequencies from the satellites poisoned all living organisms of our earth, forcing their cells to excrete the toxin as a virus, creating a new pandemic; or H3N2 flu strains thought to contain genes from the avian influenza viruses (birds). As early as 1957, satellites were sent up, first by the Russians, then by the USA. From that point on, satellites have been traced to sicknesses experienced by organisms worldwide. Every major electrification change of the earth has been related to Avian or Zoonotic type influenzas as the explanation to these outbreaks, but clearly has no solid scientific evidence to support the evolutionarily origin of these viruses. Why the avoidance to other origin possibilities? Why lobbied laws like the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which says: States and cities may not regulate wireless technology on the basis of health and is left to the sole discretion of the FCC who has zero health and safety expertise?
The first 5 G blanketed city was Wuhan China, so there should be no surprise that a new virus, Covid-19 arose. 5 G satellite radiation at the same time, was inflicting the populous of Wuhan with 30 to 300 Gigahertz frequencies causing radiation sickness (biological poisoning). The WHO decided that, in record speed, this virus, Covid-19, was a specie to specie transmitted virus, highly contagious and declared a pandemic worldwide. At the same time, twenty thousand new satellites or more, are and will be residing in the Van Allen Belts to accommodate the 5 G technology. Because of the high frequencies (30 to 300 gigahertz) used from the satellites, base towers on earth are needed to transmit/receive this ultra small millimeter wave length, because it cannot travel far requiring transmission/receiving towers on virtually every block, in every neighborhood, in every city. The most curious aspects of all of these pandemic events are the isolated virus cases that sprouted, when these individuals were nowhere near these outbreak areas nor in contact with anyone who had this virus, clearly supporting the electrification hypotheses versus the avian theory that birds and other species somehow transfer these viruses.
Italy, the most tragic and effected country experiencing high mortality rates mainly because Italy has a high percentage of elderly people (23% that are 65 or older who are thought to be at the highest risk to the 5 G electrification or radiation (RF poisoning)). However, the healthier you are or more vital, seems to make you more susceptible. What was the exact extent of Fifth Generation Cell tower implementation in Italy? According to this map, virtually every major city in Italy is blanketed with 5 G transmission and receiving towers, with 5 G as a commercial available service in the whole of Italy, however other maps show a different saturation. 5 G implementation actually started in Italy as early as April of 2019, some 5 G testing in 2018. Italy being closer to the equator, having 23% of their population over 65, and the vast amounts of satellites launched to accommodate the 5 G network, it is not a wonder they have a high ratio of death.
Notice the Side menu indicating 5 G coverage in Italy5 G coverage in Italy
You may say to yourself, this is a coincidence. But coincidences like this do not happen at this rate. It breaks the laws of probability (chance). This outbreak, with Italy’s death toll rapidly climbing, is being blamed on a biological birthed Covid-19 contagious outbreak, and at the same time, 5 G electrification is virtually starting to cover the entire world. Population of Italy is 60,461,826 people, out of that ~15,000,000 elderly. Could Covid-19 (virus) be caused by the 5 G electrification (EMF Radiation Poisoning) of all living organisms, or is a incredible contagion that has a sensational specie to specie origin? Of course with all these pandemics, even the early outbreaks, the espionage theory, where the terrorists or biochemical warfare card is pulled probably to confuse the origin and speed of contagion (distances). Covid-19 origin depends on so called research called the Spillover Infection or Event or pathogen spillover phenomenon where Covid-19 and other avian transmitted “viruses” are somehow infectious from species to species. In fact, this virus is supposed to have incredible longevity, able to live on surfaces longer than the average life span of most house flies (24 to 72 hours).
The Corona Effect is the discharge (Radiation) that deteriorates insulators on wires and coils when the installation is incorrect. In basic, harmful radiation discharge from a magnetic field. This is wasted energy. EMF causes a high mortality rate to electricians who are constantly exposed to EMF of high voltage. EMF and it’s detrimental effect on humans when living in proximity to high voltage wires, substations, cell transmission towers and repeaters. Currently, the cell transmission towers for 4th generation cell service are spread apart making it somewhat safer of a service, but has been harmful to humans that may live in proximity of these towers. Blue tooth and WIFI also cause related health issues that are closely related to EMF radiation. In fact, any radio wave transmission has similar gradual harmful effects. (Source) (Source)
5 G has been independently researched by different Doctors and scientists. According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a professor of public health at the University of California, the rise of microcell antennas in cities is only part of the concern. Dr. Moskowitz says that the low to high (30 to 300 Gigahertz)-frequency millimeter waves (Frequency switching for talk) used in 5G could cause serious problems to the skin, eyes and nervous system. “The implementation of 5G, or fifth generation cellular technology, is a huge experiment on the health of all species. Since MMWs are weaker than microwaves, they are mainly absorbed by the skin, which means that their distribution is rather focused there. “Since the skin contains capillaries and nerve endings, they can be transmitted through molecular mechanisms from the skin or through the nervous system.” said Dr. Moskowitz. Dr. Moskowitz isn’t alone in worrying about 5G. Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University in Jerusalem recently wrote a letter to the Federal Communications Commission setting out his major concerns about 5G, MMW and how it could impact human skin. Stein claims that human skin has the ability to absorb over 90% of microwave radiation and will cause serious head to toe problems, especially for the most vulnerable such as children, the elderly and pregnant women. In the table below you see what is called the “electromagnetic spectrum”. The “radio wave spectrum” and “microwave” part is what is called RF radiation. So microwaves are just a higher frequency radio wave. And remember that within the RF radiation part of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous the waves are for living organisms. (This is not the case with the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum.)
In Germany, researchers studied over 1000 residents who lived near two cell phone towers for about 10 years. According to the study, during the past five years of the observations, the researchers found that people who lived less than 400 meters from the cell towers were diagnosed with cancer at a rate three times higher than those who lived much further away. Another scary study in 1994, well before 3G, 4G and 5G, connects significant health problems with people living in a London apartment building with a cell phone antenna on the roof. In this study, the cancer rate of those living on the top floor of the apartment building had a cancer rate of 10 times the average in England. (Source)
Fifth generation (5 G) cell transmission will require a cell tower on every block in the city, one possibly on your block. With that will also include small substations for these towers on every block. It will also require an antenna on your house if you elect to patron this service (Some communities are setting up fiber optic connections for home routing to remain innocuous). In 5 G scientific studies produced by countless doctors and scientists, all agree that the ill health effects will be numerous including, cold like symptoms, shortness of breath, and pneumonia like symptoms for the short term. Long term effects include DNA damage, cancer, infertility in men, ovary (egg) damage in women. Young children and infants will be the most susceptible to this harmful radiation. WIFI, 2.4 gigahertz, is the maximum dielectric loss of the water molecule begins. WiGig, using frequencies between 2 and 6 gigahertz, breaks down the iodine molecule causing respiratory distress, depression, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, change in mental status, and change of mental consciousness, all complications of hypothyroidism resulting from iodine deficiencies. The most possible immediate danger of 5 G transmission is the disruption of the oxygen atom (60 gigahertz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum) , heating it up, affecting the orbital properties of the electrons in the oxygen molecules, causing it to lose its magnetic properties, becoming unstable. If breathed by humans or animals, this could cause oxygen deprivation, unconsciousness, brain damage, or even death from the lack of oxygen to the tissues and brain. This happens because, when you disrupt the oxygen atom, it fails to bond to your hemoglobin cells in your blood stream, unable to carry oxygen to your tissues, most importantly, your brain. This, in the long term will cause vitamin D deficiencies in your skin and eyes, making one more vulnerable to sunlight radiation. Included are paralysis, arrhythmia, neurological problems, fatigue malaise, virulent strains of polio, neuro invasive encephalitis and arrays of other related health problems. (See The Fullerton Informer) (Also see Jeremy Johnson, an Expert on EMF Exposure)
Take this knowledge and apply it to where 5 G cell service has been implemented currently. These large outbreaks for coronavirus are occurring in Italy, China, and many other countries where these 5 G cell systems are up and running. Look up Event 201. This shows they had knowledge of Covid-19 since October of 2019 when it was believed 5 G testing was fully under way in Wuhan China. According to the electrification hypothesis, and because thousands of new 5 G satellites are already residing in the Van Allen Belts, whether or not your community goes 5 G, you will be subjected to this high frequency, millimeter waved electrification regardless and possibly show symptoms within 6 months. As to the Spillover Infection Theory, people may or may not catch this said to be highly contagious Covid-19 virus, depending on exposure to people or organisms that are already infected. In reality, this Spillover theory is evolutionary in concept thus challenges religious beliefs. (Source) (Source)
Please keep in mind with the Coronaviris propaganda fed to everyone daily by mainstream media has gotten brutal, and has become a marauding of internet sources. Indie websites mostly have become extreme targets for so called pandemic law enforcements (Unconstitutional censorship to freedom of speech and publication, or press). Therefore, some of these sources and citations on this article may change due to this chagrined invasion. So I will update them as they are corrupted by the mainstream scrutiny according to the wealthy and the 1 percent of society. So if you are stupefied about this current pandemic and the power elite’s futile attempts to destroy small business, the working class, and the economy, then give your head a shake and stop watching their brainwashing hysteria. “Earth Day” is just a metaphor for “Sophism day”. Wake up and take a look inside your hospitals. You will find they are not being used for anything. They are basically calling any death a Coronavirus death, and lord forbid if you are on the brink of death, they bring you to a hospital. Read between the lines of anything you see as “news”. Even so called truther news and beware of the political branding, trying to blame this party or that party for our current events. Politicians, no matter what party are puppets on strings being marionetted by the 65 million people called the 1 percent of society, that endorse Earth (Sophism) Day as their own private rebirth of the world, without you in it, and the depopulation for their own benefit and evil spawns. The Vatican and major (wealthy) religions are not the answer and certainly do not speak for God, endorsing the crashes of all economies to benefit the 1 percent. And if you see your church encouraging you to attend via “online mass” then you know they have swallowed the propaganda pill, or the dreaded blue pill. I pray that I am wrong everyday. But for some reason, I keep waking up, and so should you.
Keep track where people are dying: Here Note that this link is most likely compromised with “fudged data” to the benefit of false and inaccurate models.
Sign a world petition to stop 5G Electrification of the Earth: Here
You and your community do have rights. Don’t Agree with 5 G? Take a look at this: NRDC
We are living in changing times, where Churches and faiths are being decimated by the government and minority cultures, sexual preferences and lifestyles, that the new testament shuns and warns us about. But in reality, I as a new testament believer have no ill forebodes against any minority, culture, sexual or otherwise. However, these same cultures would not hesitate to throw anyone in prison for a verbal or written remark uttered by someone in jest or otherwise. Ergo, we, for some reason, can still make fun of “rednecks”, Christians, or any other religious group that is based on the Christian bible, the writings of the Apostles according to Jesus. “Hate Crimes” tend to limit ones freedom of thought and speech, written gestured or verbal. Sounds a bit like Nazism, the rise of the anti-Christ for that period, forsaking the Jewish beliefs and religious establishments to the point of eradication and genocide. Religiously, this would be a transitional elimination, because taking away faith, as in a whole population, would be detrimental to any ruling class foolish enough to attempt such a move, at least in an sudden, immediate manner, further substantiating the rules of “How to control the masses for Dummies 101”. Satan worshipers reside in our political corridors of power and are gradually pushing religion out of the School systems, at least in the public school sectors and have succeeded to the point, that students of public schools, your children, will not have a clue who God or Jesus was. Children will look upon Christmas in an absolute Pagan philosophy. Satan prefers everyone ignorant and faithless. In fact, Satan could care a less if you know anything about him. You are more useful as soulless dummies, prime candidates for rituals and sacrifices, destitute for hell. Your salvation depends on your belief in God and the Devil, which affords you a choice in the end.
Pull the Plug
The Old Testament really has no forgiveness for blasphemy of any flavor. It is no wonder that Jesus was sent down in attempt to simplify things for us, at least in the fire and brimstone department, which entailed ultimately, the eradication of all humans on the earth. Noah was his witness and savior of the species and animals, but in concept, perhaps God was hoping that Noah and his family would just die off, with no offspring, at least which seemed to be the plan, depending what story you believe. It most likely would of been a good thing because if you evaluate our progress, one would have to wonder why they hell we were allowed to continue. We are no better then the decedents of Cain, being selfish, money grubbing, faithless souls of humanity. We are serving evil anytime we go to work. Anytime we see desperate souls, drunk and destitute on the streets, we know we have failed as a culture and a society. We have failed miserably. So what is in store for us now? Well, God has turned his back and decided to let us figure it out. Once he looks back at us again and sees our progress, he will most likely send his son back as the Lion. If you believe, and at least try to show some empathy for others, possibly you may be saved. But most of us will be eradicated. He will look upon his pillaged churches and temples and surely know we have lost our way. He will judge who is living within the ten commandments and surely see that most are ignoring his laws. He will see our ruling class is full of liars, deceivers and haters, witnessing there is no moral leadership. Most people do not believe, being totally forsaken, easy prey for evil.
Lost Souls of Damnation
The problem lies whereby, we are not worshiping the correct values. We think being rich and having fame is the way to bliss. But it is surely the way to damnation. We still listen to so called classic rock written by the old thought of Gurus of freedom, but they have only led us to this philosophy of prison mindlessness that just allows our leaders to enslave us. Yes they have sold us out, all of them. We are so afraid to retaliate in fear of ridicule and inconvenience. We are afraid to start over and make our own decisions, something that many of us are far too brainwashed to accomplish. We go home and drink our favorite brain honing elixir, smoke brain numbing legal marijuana, watching our favorite indoctrinating programs or mini-series, being spoon fed all the propaganda pabulum you can stand, or at least until you fall asleep. Once sleeping, it continues in a full dream like state. The best way to evaluate if you are brainwashed is, try deleting your de-Faced-book account. If you do, then stay away from it for 30 days until it actually deletes. If you can do that, you are one step in the right direction of shedding the indoctrination. Next, kill all your social media accounts and simply visit people face to face. Talk to them about the weather and simple things. Much more interesting and satisfying than sitting at a computer screen waiting for some idiot to like or tweet your nauseating posts. In fact, once you are off the medium for a while, you will see how ridiculous and phony it really is, only serving indoctrinating commercialism and mind control philosophies, kind of like the movie, 1984, but way more disorganized, being much more powerful at the same time. de-Faced-book, half-Twitter and the rest of those so called social media franchises are censorship tools of mind control that will ridicule you for thinking for yourself, causing you to be a mindless pathetic fool making foolish comments and posts that are repugnant and childish. But don’t worry. Maybe someone that has broken the program will throw you a lifesaver and pull you out of the sea of indoctrination. Or, maybe it will just hit you in the head while you were laughing at the latest abhorrent post. If you were God and you witnessed this, would you throw these pathetic souls a lifesaver? Hmmm?
Clouds of deception roll out from Washington DC, as in to explain the current President’s actions inspiring impeachment. The distain of this influence is capturing a hoard of otherwise upright politicians, if there is such a thing, to do his bidding and run to his defense. Clearly, indoctrination knows no bounds and of course, the influence of monetized corruption has no limits and shows, everyone has their price. The master of manipulative maneuvering, saying this but, really saying that, disgracing anyone foolish enough to cross his path to ultimate power and destruction. A true “War Pig” in the offset of the public’s narrow sight, enabling this person to do damage far worse then any of his predecessors. The Jester, remember him? He was that long respected comedian that had fame and fortune. A black man that achieved what few men could, despite the environment of racial bigotry he rose from. Now, this man is despised and remembered as a sexual deviant, sexually accosting women, using his fame to seduce unsuspecting women into compromising sexual episodes. The timing of these accusations state it all. These accusations began just after the Jester warned the American public on national television, to shun the “The Mogul of Trumpery” as a possible presidential candidate. You were warned and did not listen. Now we have to put up with his manipulation and deceit. Power, that was the tool used to disgrace the Jester into shame and oblivion. Are any of these accusations true? Who really knows, and it really does not matter because of the media storm it created, taking the magnifying glass off the “The Mogul of Trumpery”, placing it upon the Jester that spoke out against him.
We have a Comedian in our Midst..
That is all history, and people will argue to the bitter end (gate keepers) that none of this is true. That the “The Mogul of Trumpery” had nothing to do with this and the Jester received his just desserts. Even if he somehow, the Jester, redeems his reputation, the deed has been accomplished. Are you scratching your head? Well if you are, you are indoctrinated to the ways of deceit and social engineering, social media style. It was on Half-T-Witter, so it has to be true. If talk shows run the tale of scandal, it has to be true. The “The Mogul of Trumpery” knows social media is powerful and is why he has recruited this tool for his basket of chicane. Gatekeepers keep the skeptics occupied, using ridicule and cyber-bullying to ward off bad public opinion. And of course, examples like the Jester would intimidate most people away from even thinking of contradicting this “Master of Menace”, the “Mogul of Trumpery”. Now the Jester is in prison, after losing his spouse, still making people laugh. Everyone the Jester encounters, he makes them feel his humor despite his plight. Because the Jester knows it is only a game. “The Mogul of Trumpery” continues to destroy and corrupt everything he touches. He disparages need and mistrust between the sexes, jealous of marriages that have real devotion, something he cannot achieve in his quest for top chatelaines of that particular decade after adolescence. One would only see a mirror reflection of “The Mogul of Trumpery” if they were to look upon their own “Demons”. Demons that reside in all of us and is why “The Mogul of Trumpery” can smear his propaganda pabulum and hate between the sexes, using the want and greed of others, who would prevaricate for any amount of money, or fifteen minutes of fame. It is the success of his own personal endeavors that betray the calumniated.
Jester’s Power of Humility
Yet, the Jester lives on, only to make people laugh, spreading his humor as a way to cope with the backbite, because the Jester knows indeed, the source to his malign. What is the purpose of this liaison? There is not really an answer other than greed for power and money, control. A catastrophic future is unfolding and the “Mogul of Trumpery” is the tool of our destruction, destroying our minds, bodies and spirits. The Jester, well be known to slavery and bigotry, stemming from generations before, will attempt to tell a joke or dispel the oppression inflicted by the “Mogul of Trumpery”. Out of humility comes victory. No amount of prevacation can diminish a truly humiliated spirit and they will rise up and conquer. Is this why the Jester still attempts to get laughs from whomever will listen? Is it because he knows the “Mogul of Trumpery” is really the person in bondage, captivated by ideals of control and destitution of spirit? Would the Jester still attempt to make the “Mogul of Trumpery” laugh despite his spiteful persecution? Most likely he would and could afford a laugh or two. But this remains to be a classic struggle that has plighted humanity since the beginning of time. With nothing left to loose, the Jester will remain in his cell until release or death, only to tell a tale of humor to anyone in his vicinity. As he remembers all of whom he gave laughter to, over the years of his fame and fortune, will it help him through the stagnant times bound to occur during his time spent? Or will he await his final judgement at heaven’s gate and afford a laugh or two while ringing the bell. As interview after interview is attempted over the phone, thus to distort the Jester’s voice and charisma, censorship details the restrictions over the press, reporters or medias, forbidding visits face to face in which all prisons allow. The “Mogul of Trumpery” will have anyone believe that the Jester has no rights, yet as the constitution would read, if anyone took the time to look at this ancient document, that the Jesters does have rights and his voice should be heard with clarity. But the “Mogul of Trumpery” would obviously be worried that people would listen and believe, and possibly be amused from what the Jester would have to say. But there would be no such courage afforded by the “Mogul of Trumpery”…
T’is the season to be folly, fa la la la la, la la la la. Purchase all your gay apparel… The key word here is “purchase”. Keep buying gifts so the corporation can make a fist full of dollars. Greed is the need and we play into this every year in attempt to remain elated and joyous. But what has the corporation given back, but January bills that keep giving for the next fiscal year and beyond. They will continue to collect their bursas and send the collection agencies after you if you default on your payments. Money Store loan sharks will foreclose and garnishee your wages, if you still work, because the last thing they want is the merchandised jettisons you were conned into purchasing . Why would they want that stuff anyway? What on earth would they do with it? They would have to pay for storage until it was auctioned it off and by that time, would make a fraction of the storage costs back. So, they would rather break you financially, until they could not squeeze another dime out of your hide. By that time, your wife would have left you and your kids would be selling their hides on the street to maintain their fentanyl addictions. In fact, you will be in the same soup kitchen line with them, so at least you can still eat as a family, sort of, watching your daughter count out her cash from her daily tricks, and your son, ducting out of the way every time he sees some lights flash in fear of capture after the last heist, he and his friends just pulled on the local “Son’s of Anarchy” approved dealer’s house, stealing all the exchanged jewelry and loose cash lying about, and whatever else they could carry out fast. But it isn’t the police they are watching for. It is the local “Municipal” approved “Son’s of Anarchy” approved gang who will surely break some limbs if they find these culprits. You attempt to show some supportive protection, only to fall back to the floor off you chair, inebriated from the bottle of alcoholic mouthwash you conned some lady at the grocery store to purchase for you, then, after robbing her and leaving her bleeding in the snow from bludgeoning her head with a beer bottle you found in the gutter, only to find points cards and a hand full of change in her junk ridden purse. You scour her car, finding some more change and CD’s that you brought to the pawn shop, getting 25 cents each, for a grand total of a dollar seventy-five. Along with the other change, you manage to purchase a bottle of Triple X brandy, only to get it taken away from you by a mall security guard, whom let you keep the mouthwash.
After a look of distain from your son’s eyes, hearing laughter from his fiends, your daughter assists you up from the floor. At that moment, the “Son’s of Anarchy” approved gang barges into the soup kitchen, as most everyone else, dropping their utensils, run out via the entrance door. Zeroing in on your son and daughter, the “Son’s of Anarchy” approved gang members close into your table, pushing you back to the floor. The lady server of the soup kitchen, swiftly approaches the front door, locking it while smirking sadistically at your daughter. You attempt to get up as one of the “Son’s of Anarchy” approved members grab your son’s neck squeezing, pulling him over the table, throwing him to the floor. Your daughter pulls a knife from her jeans and slashes the “Son’s of Anarchy” approved member across the chest, drawing blood as another “Son’s of Anarchy” approved member punches your daughter’s face, making her collapse to the floor. As the lady server snickers at your daughter, your son attempts to rise, only to be shot in the forehead by another “Son’s of Anarchy” approved member. By this time, one of the “Son’s of Anarchy” approved member grabs your daughter’s hair, pulling her up from the floor, attempting to drag her out of the soup kitchen. You manage some adrenaline, and swiftly rise to your feet, picking up a metal chair, smashing across the “Son’s of Anarchy” approved member’s back, that had a hold of your daughter’s hair. You feel a sharp pain to your head, and all goes black.
Some light appears, with a feminine voice echoing in your head. You call out your daughter’s name, but only feel a prick of a needle to your arm, then seeing everything go black. Later, after some time passed and some faint dreams, you awaken again, to find yourself in a slightly darkened hospital room. You look over to the next bed, seeing a feminine silhouette. You call out your daughter’s name, only to realize that the feminine silhouette is the lady you bludgeoned with the beer bottle, apparently alive, but unconscious. You start to tear wondering about your daughter, and also knowing the certain death of your son. You attempt to get up off the hospital bed, noticing your limbs in casts, causing extreme pain. Once again, you feel a prick from a needle, as all goes dark once more. Later, much later it seemed, you find yourself at a dinner table in a moderately decorated home, sitting with the woman you bludgeoned with the beer bottle accompanied by your daughter, three children and a man. You notice a picture of your dead son prominently displayed on the dining room wall. The memories surged as you remember this woman you bludgeoned forgave you and married you. You also remembered that your daughter managed to get herself off the street and drugs, marrying this man, having three children. Your newly realized wife rises up, kisses your cheek and says; “Yes it is true, we are all together. Merry Christmas..”
We can always count on backlashes from the brainwashed when we attempt to be different or free. If we state something a bit different than the status quo. De-Faced Book is the medium that this philosophy shines through in full colors. In basics, people will not share or acknowledge anything that may seem off the beaten path of indoctrination. And if you do or post something that goes against the grain of there comfort thought zone, the gatekeepers come out of the woodwork to dispel and ridicule until you fall into their catechize zone, to get re-educated back to brain numb 101. Then everything will be fine and they can all go back to sharing idiotic trivia and nonsense. It may seem rebellious, but remember, rebellion is the predictable resultant of how to control the masses 101. If you rebel in a open and flamboyant way, as in sharing something idiotically rhetorical, you are well within the program and they can keep you in line and under surveillance. Most people will only touch the edges of this controlled rebellion as to stay within their comfort thought zone, as in not to get ridiculed or pressured into deleting or reversing their post. Centered out is the weaponeer they use because no one likes to be centered out and made to look like a fool. Myself, I retaliate if I am inflicted by a gatekeeper. I love to put them into their place. But it is funny because all the indoctrinated people the gatekeepers maintain under control come to their rescue and make you feel as if you over-reacted or misunderstood. But do not fall for that because you were right on in your assessment. Should you back off and let them have their way? Delete the post? Not a chance. Leave it there in its entirety as an example. It will be some time before they challenge your thoughts again. However, that post will be quarantined as in, a pile of dog dung on the sidewalk, and the brainwashed will simply walk around it and ignore. What does this say for the populist? Not Muckin’ Fuch.
Fools Shout by: Malice Blooper
We as a society are controlled more then anyone realizes. You may think you are free, but the fact that you think you are free, is proof you are a brainwashed slave to the establishment. You are not free and never will be. Let us get that straight in the offset. If you at all read this blog and take it in sincerely, you know this and is why you keep on reading. Freedom is an allusive tool the one percent of society use to keep you enslaved to your job, thinking that you will be rewarded for you sacrifice because you are working for some multi-billion dollar franchise for minimum wage. Even if you make more than minimum wage and are part of a union, your extra level of money will be sucked away faster then you can say “payroll deduction”. So how do we win? Sacrifice, as in rejection of establishment and greed. If you work for your money, that means you have integrity. But this does not mean you have to be a moron. If everyone in the working society “woke up”, rebellion would start. But not an open, foolish rebellion, a silent underlying rebellion that would take the establishment from the inside. No need for any violence, just eradication of the greedy and the power hungry. They would all fit in the established prisons just fine with room to spare. You Boob Tube, De-Facedbook, Half t-Witt-er, etc are now totally controlled by the establishment and commercialism. I never thought I would have seen this day so soon, but it transitionally happened between 2017 and 2020. Yes, they have assumed control, they have assumed control, they have assumed control. And why? Because of greed and our brainwashed need for money and indoctrinating education received daily from commercialism. My advice to you is to delete you De-Facedbook account, cancel your Cable, Media or programming subscription and read a printed book.
Magic Carpet-Bagger Ride by: Stepford Milf
In the distant past, revolutions came to pass and in most cases, never really succeeded. These revolutions however were surrogated by agencies like the CIA or KGB, or like clandestine establishments with goals of overthrowing existing reigns of power, mostly for the purposes of seizing oil or resources. These are not true rebellions or even revolutions. These were manipulated masses fooled to think they should rebel for democracy, only for the purposes of someone else’s greed, nothing more. If you have followed any of these so called revolutions, police actions, or invasions as purposes to free an oppressed society, you have seen that these people are in no better position, and in some cases impoverished more as an resultant of these actions. Oppressed even more. But lest we forget, Jed “Two Gallon Hat” Barnsworth and his acres of dried up oil wells in Texas, wildcatting for more holes to drill, his interests would most likely turn to the Middle East, lobbying the corridors of the Pentagon to invade Iran and like places so he can carry on his “Daddy’s” oppression inflicting journey to remain filthy rich. It is nothing more than this and far less mysterious then supposedly oppressed societies that in reality, are nowhere near oppression. Oh, wait a cotton pickin’ minute (Excuse the racial slur phrase depicting cotton picking slaves). What about all those oppressed women that are married to these Middle Eastern Tyrants who treat them like slaves, forcing them to take care of their families. Oh my god, what can we do. We cannot have women in foreign societies not acting like cavalier, strident, odious, North American Women with their self-appointed right to abort fetuses and because they were once oppressed housewives taking care of their families, founded new rights to be tyrannical greedy bitches, just like their husbands were, before the feminist’s movement. Somehow, this does not fit today because most of those women in North America that did actually take care of families full time are in their seventies, in retirement homes where their daughters put them, so they do not have to deal with the burden their mother carried for them, whilst they were growing up. However, men of today are even more disappointing because they just let the female species get away with this behavior all in the hopes of getting laid. Now, if that ain’t brainwashing, nothing is and I am wrong, not. You see, I am not a chauvinist. I think men and women are equally brainwashed.