Little Does your Nose Knows about the Calamity of the Pied Piper Led Destitution and Red Tapestry of Slavery; A Matter of Faith-ism, Paganism, Cyborg-ism and Propaganda-ism

It is clear that Canada has bitten on the Globalist phishing lure of conquest, hook, line, and sinker. Even our local governments as in Municipal, all “useless” officials are merely regarded as empty vessels to be filled with the latest Globalist propaganda of the moment, as in, what will deceive the masses today and how much can we really wring out of the latest globalist grift.

Sixty percent of our House of Commons are filled with politicians that attended the YLP (Young Leaders Program of the WEF, the World Economic Forum. Traditionally, the WEF has always had some form of monetary grip on many political leaders and if you talk to your local municipality who are convinced they cannot retaliate against the provincial or state governments, it will not take long to see that many of these municipal officials have been tainted monetarily speaking. However, there is no proof to this and you will never get a corrupted politician to admit their transgressions merely because it affords them a lifestyle beyond your level of existence.

So where is the faith? The demonization of CERN Particle Acceleration is a well planned elitist ploy to fool the common man to think that the only viable solution to petroleum on this planet is Nuclear Power, and is needed to power that over priced electric car that you were conned into purchasing by your friendly neighbor hoodwink car sales representative who vows on a stack of New Age Bibles that the electric car is worth the investment, but fails to mention the exact details on the cost of charging these vehicles and the frequency of charging needed to go over 100 miles.

You ask yourself, why would the religious community endorse this crazy phenomenon that CERN is the gateway to hell? Why would they get the so called “truther community” that advocates Christianity, tell tales of fire and brimstone that CERN particle acceleration is conjuring demons to enter our plain of existence? The truth of that matter boils down to financial incentives that are as corrupt as the TV Evangelist movements of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. And by way of YouTube and other social mediums, they obscurely publish these videos through so called Christianity members of advocates similar to the now debunk “Vigilant Christian”, or more obvious “cracker” truthers, like “Jason A” and others, that spread this religious propaganda of demons crashing into our world via manmade portals, basically emulating the social media’s version of “That’s Incredible”.

All this new form of “entertainment” tailored for the “slight of mind” via their 5G cell phone, during their lunch, at their job provided lunchroom, poster labeled with health propaganda, eating their McDonald’s hokum spewed burger and fries, washing it down with their hokum spewed version of soda water, that is 90% sugar and 10% artificial flavor. In essence, that is how they con the average Joe, or Jane, as to their de-power-ment of their brain overload, guaranteed to leave this individual with dementia as an elder, if that individual was lucky enough to survive the Covid 19 kill shots and all of their lethal boosters, shaving your lifespan by five years, every time they are injected with this hokum spewed, so called, MRNA injection, that implants self organizing circuits, and graphene in your body, that attracts signals, and in harsh cases, metallic objects, that will totally magnetize this Mac addressed emitting fool, a shell of a once natural human, enabling their brain neurons to accept mind controlling manipulation.

And if that serf-induced individual grows old and gets dementia, which is 100% guaranteed with all of the hokum fast foods, brain honing elixirs and weed inducing impediments, lacking vitamins and minerals that are, at this very instance, being demonized and legally discredited in favor of the kill shots, will be offered the MAID program to check out of their indoctrinated self induced systematic destruction of their health and mind pathetic existence.

Religious or not, you will find more than enough “truther tailored propaganda” to suit your so called indoctrinated beliefs, that will lead straight to hell on earth, mode of existence, or political extremist beliefs, that you are pelted with daily, depending on your “brand” of social medium-ism, or IQ-ism. And as our Trusty Dusty, redundant, should be mothballed, or dismantled or decimated or arrested or imprisoned or put to death intelligence groups, that are in need of improving their IQ’s, since the Bush administration, because any agent before Bush, actually had a brain-ism, we continued to get milked for our tax dollars that is converted into a mere fraction of what actually goes to government administration and services, the rest going to black ops.

Even though you have no idea of how many underground cities exist, or even if they exist at all, and the disappearance of so many children and people, supposedly to the inflated idea of human trafficking, that is just a front to obscure where these children and individuals really end up, not in slavery, but as advocates and high paid workers in these underground cities that will summarily take over once they rid of all people on the surface that do not have a clue as to their schemes and depopulation agendas. They only reason we are still here is because they are not in the full gear of depopulation, and still need us as propaganda filled shells to continue paying and supplying their black operations to build a new world order, that has no inclusion of you, only that they will dispose of you when they are done and ready to unleash the “real” depopulation  method of a full scale assault using our own compromised armies as pawns to usher in this new existence on top of your bloodied bones as they crunch under the tank tracks of dehumanization and depopulation 1-O-1. The bottom line of particle acceleration is clear, and it would replace all fossil fuels and Nuclear as a viable abundant clean source of energy that would save the earth and support our current populations and beyond. The only hindrance of this seemingly pipe dream-ism is Greed-ism.

The Gateway to Hell, or the Demonization of Technology That Would Free the World

What is a particle beam? It is the same technology as particle acceleration. Particle acceleration was invented in the late 70‘s early 80’s. Scientists and Technical Publications revered this invention as the new clean power source that would replace fossil fuels and atomic energy, but there was a problem, the elitists, one percent of society. They had no intentions of allowing this new technology to flourish. So they buried it into ambiguity, now viewed as technology that is providing the new dimensions, or as religious propaganda would put it; as the gateway to hell, or better known as CERN. explanation to particle accelerations is, Quote: “A particle accelerator is a machine that accelerates elementary particles, such as electrons or protons, to very high energies. On a basic level, particle accelerators produce beams of charged particles that can be used for a variety of research purposes. There are two basic types of particle accelerators: linear accelerators and circular accelerators. Linear accelerators propel particles along a linear, or straight, beam line.” End Quote.

So is it really that mysterious what happened in Maui? It would be to the slight of mind worker watching YouTube videos, during his lunch, at his slave driven job’s provided lunchroom, where the curled up old covid posters have been replaced with new covid posters, as his blue mask hangs on his chin, taking a bite of his Taco Bell Taco or Big Mac burger, dripping Thousand Island sauce or Taco pap, all over his company provided shirt, staining the company logo permanently.

However, the governments of the world know perfectly well that particle acceleration can be used for clean energy without any known environmental or health drawbacks, but in preference, would rather proprietize the technology as secret energy weaponry, for secret security and weaponry purposes only, similar to the star wars technology, or the fabled fusion technology, that has been buried and discredited as a viable energy generation technology in favor of science fiction stories for the masses watching TV at home, eating the 2 for 1 special pizza deal from their local franchise pizza shop, greasy and dripping, staining their newly purchased, overpriced , liquidated sofa from their local franchised furniture liquidation warehouse.

However, the research into particle acceleration assumes onward, hiding the great energy propulsion potential, in favor of dimensions and the recreations of sun flairs and different plasma (fire) states. Quote: ”Fire is neither liquid/solid/gas, instead, it is another form called PLASMA, the universe is made up of 99% of plasma, plasma is made up in extremely high temperatures like the sun and stars” End Quote. The destructive behavior of particle acceleration is what has been focused on in the last 44 years and mostly hides in the corridors of CERN, which has been demonized as a demon portal, another dimension, similar to the ramblings of the movie “Star Gate”, to scare the common folk to disregard, and at the same time, be entertained while they chug back their favorite brain honing elixir during half time, displaying the sexually divertive half time, seemingly cheerer leaders, but really, are transvestites dressed as women, possibly arousing the sexually confused male as he looks at his wife, then looks back at the screen, not really knowing what to think, thus takes a long drag of his doobie, that was just delivered by the local “Son’s of Anarchy” approved “legal weed” store, chasing it back with a cool carbonated, brain honing elixir.

Animals and particularly, a frog, being petrified on contact from this giant simulated solar flare, incinerated or petrified people, leaving no time to attempt to exit their vehicles. This has been all covered up, but pictures remain in the wake of what happened. Most notable, was the strange acceleration of metals molting and burning, leaving other flammable materials seemingly intact, as if they were acting as insulators of a hot disintegrating wires which illuminates that the particle inducement from the particle beams were targeting metal molecular structures, specifically aluminum, melting them, in turn, incinerating flammable objects if the particle acceleration (atomizing) was sustained long enough at that particular event. If the government wants to prove climate change is this dangerous, they would have to explain why metal was the most susceptible to heat radiation during this simulated event.

The inconsistency of where these fires burned and where they did not is more than enough evidence to place this into the “Planned Event” category for the stupefied. Nonetheless, people will disregard it and move on a few steps closer to the total enslavement of people kind, body, mind and soul, as is, bio-digital convergence, where your soul could be trapped for eternity, within the confines of a virtual reality of electrons. In any event, what possible faith could one have anyway, when they step up for a experimental vaccine and boosters? Where in the scholastic years did that person lose touch with his own intellect and soul? Is this because school for ages have been propaganda tools to brainwash young minds into old “order following” thralls, indoctrinated at every turn when seeking out entertainment?

To every person that has woken up, you have a duty to break the programming enthralled upon your friends, attempt to deprogram them of their commercialized trance, so they can heal and become true human beings again, living their lives for themselves. You have a duty to challenge all slave masters mentally to show them they have no real power, only simulated. You have a duty to save those you can and talk to anyone who will listen to plant the seeds of freedom in their mind. They will grow, and if you cultivate their brainwashed mind, they will break out of that indoctrinating prison created by our commercialized governments on behalf of the one percent, the illuminati, the ones that have the supposed secrets of control. Their control will crumble because their secrets are built upon illusions.

And if they come for you, all you have to say is, I am free and you are the true slave of material, the material that will consume your soul for eternity.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023