Autonomous Meld of the Grandiloquence Ponzi
Reversing the evolutionary scale, compromising intellect and culture, crawling and scrawling are the advancing degraded graduates of the Doctrines of Greed and Ravenous. They only comprehend what is good for the selfish corporate enterprise self-serving and destructing, leaving in its wake a waste land of broken idealisms and hope. They inflict depression and oppression to all whom they encounter displaying little or no emotion in fear of loosing their livelihoods that they were brainwashed to perform in the mannerism of solidifying the bottom lined ratios of profiteering. They are receding us all on the evolution chain of progression. We are becoming barbaric and unfeeling. We are worried only for how aspects enforced by the “Corporate Fungus” affects us and will burn and betray anyone that does not show fear and compliance to the corporate wrath of domination and usurp-hood. Uncanny how it is that they expect anyone and everyone to forfeit their rights to receive a fraction of what they are worth. But they have more then enough to pool from to ensure that no person would stand up for their rights and cower away from the corporate mini-monarch’s scepter of frugal-ism and grasping. They have successfully burned us all down to soulless husks of dominated serfdom scrawling jesters, ready to betray our own brothers and sisters for a few ungenerous scraps of materialisms and indebtedness
Enshrouded Exiguous Edified
We scrounge around, trying to save a penny of credit, that we know we can never pay back, only to be coerced to borrow more credit to pay it back with interest. Interesting concept that no one really understands, because if you are borrowing on credit, money that is not really there, by the time you make your minimum payment, they apply more interest on money you have never seen or banked, only used to pay the borrowed interest generated from the original interest from paying a bill or purchase of some product jettison. In reality, they are stealing money, and owe the lot of us money, that they keep embezzling from our lives’. People exit schools now with little or no tangible skills, and are basically illiterate. They have enough just to squeeze them by to get that slave driven job that will compromise their rights, because they have no clue what their rights really are, and cannot not add unless they had a calculator. Corporate dream employees, enabling them to infract on labor laws and keep these employees scared, in the dark, hiding in the cloakroom, clinging to the teacher’s dress. If you think that is not you, then go to work and tell your employer that he/she owes you money for the backlog of hrs that they refused to pay overtime for, or they owe you a deserved raise that bypassed you for the last few years. Can you do that? If you can, then you understand and want to change the trend of slavery that we all are being ensnared into by the use of credit. If we all refused credit and used our money as we made it, the system of credit would crumble. Then employers would have no choice but pay people what they are actually worth to keep the economy afloat. This would kill inflation, and the 1 percenters would have to let go some of their stolen money, taken from your prosperity in the first place, to stimulate the economic confidence and encourage people to spend money because of the refusal of using credit. But that would take individuals that have willpower enough to shed the brainwashing and see through the grift.
Baneful Citizen Vade Mecum
But I still see people running to the stores, standing at the till with their carts fill with materialisms to give to their families and friends in generosity of the holiday, flipping through their maxed out credit cards, trying to find one that will clear the bill so they can go home and relax in front of their TV to be brainwashed by their favorite commercialized series, watching the actors portray the exact same thing you just went into major debt for, only the portrayed citizens on the TV seem to never run into money problems and every episode ends in a happy indoctrinated conclusion that you did the right thing, so have your favorite social lubricant or two and pass out in front of the tube. Let me put it this way. If you are an individual and you need a shopping cart when you go to the liquor or beer store, or any establishment that profits off alcohol, then you have a major problem in more ways than the obvious. We are owned by the corporation of Commercial Corporate North America and we have sold our souls for a credit card. We are all doing the bidding for the corporation and are owned lock, stock and barrel. We are transgressing into slaves of ancient Egypt, toiling and withering into ultimately useless and half crippled beings that will become so called “burdens to society” by the very group of ravenous culprits that put you there in the first place, shuffling you off to the home for the aged in exchange for your property and money that you managed to own and keep, at least in part once they minus the taxes and debts that were never paid. We can stop this from constantly reoccurring, but that would take self restraint and hope. Hope of a prosperous future and not a debentured soulless faith, chained to the wealthy’s desire to keep you enslaved to do their travailing servitudes and tasks that they are too fainéant to perform for themselves. Yes they have indeed regressed to the primordial monarchs of the past, thus instead of a “farewell to kings” we have the “revival of the maharajah”. Lest we put on our jester’s suits and fumble and frolic around in dearth and funk, we should all be rejecting the lures of credit and enslavement enabling ourselves to take back our futures as human beings. Humility is only an emotion that they can convey onto your reality, but only makes one stronger then they could ever imagine. Rich, be wary of the entrenchment of your jonah edacity and the flagitiousness it begets.
“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)
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