Fop Conforming Jumpsuit by Caldwin Blind
We look to our Guru’s for guidance, but it is not there. Most of them have sold out to a better livelihood. We all succumb to the “pecuniary adjustment theorem”. That is how this ravenous system of capitalism survives. On our own greed. We have our “shimmering gurus”, “rebels without a maximum cost”, phoney personae’s grinning and posing, trying to steal the camera’s eye, whilst our own children get exploited on the streets of desperation. This is the example our children are forced fed on a daily basis by our media, teachers, counselors, etc. The “chaotic clergy” of any given town, county, settlement, city, municipality, owned and formed into a greedy selfish corporation. You can drive almost anywhere in the country, and find corporate owned farmers, whom once owned the farm, but now work for that corporation who comes to “skim the monetary cream” of their toils. Even if the farmer managed to form his own corporation to stay alive, it is still a corporation of self serving importance. Only to support their own spawned offspring. But to be fair, the ones that sold out to this greed, did not create this atmosphere, just step up and took what they could to survive. Does it still make it correct? No, it just makes it conforming. In schools, the agenda is clear. Conform and be a good little surf, and you will prosper? No, you will never prosper because of the “credit philosophy of debt”. Stay in debt until you are old and grey, or better yet, dead. They teach you how to obtain credit and sustain credit, because that is the only way you will prosper? No, because that is the only way they can control you and keep you enslaved. The invisible chains of bondage that hold you in your fop job, paying for your overpriced house, and deteriorating vehicle.
Unmistakable Rebel with a Ruble Slacks by Wannahella Disgrace
The family philosophy has been so twisted into “fop-hood-ism” to keep everyone in your family on the edge of “discontent”. Because, you as the father, or mother of this middle to lower classed family will struggle your whole life to provide the pecuniary crassness force fed by our brainwashing media to keep your son/daughter slightly to completely discontented for his/her entire teenage hood, depending on your level of available credit verses your income, to purchase the “covet level possessions” that your sons or daughters were brainwashed to allusively think they need to be “cool”. If you are a parent, you know exactly what feeling this is as you shop during the late summer, early fall to get your “teenagers” readied for another brainwashing school year. Schools have their agendas and most of the teachers and staff really do not have any time to truly discriminate what example this forum of education is really teaching our teenagers. It is a arena of dissipated hope, whereby all students have to follow a predicted “pecking order” that is necessary to produce slaves in our society, by sifting out the potential 1 percent of society, usually in a monetary mannerism promoted by the curriculum of the boorish tormented class structured enforcement. Class as in your parent’s income. Upper, middle, or lower. But that does not include the 1 percent that are in a class of their own. To become a Upper classed individual, you have to become “just like them”. Does intellect have anything to do with this struggle? No, but it may cause some retaliation in the lines, but in the end, the “pecuniary adjustment theorem” wins. Because our streets are filled with homeless people with high IQ’s.
SS Imperial Revolting Swim Wear by Gorging-o Armedarmy
If anyone has any doubt of this reality, then you are living under a rock, or were home schooled. How do I know this? Because I went to these schools as a child and as a teenager and graduated. I had the rare advantage of a “nomad family” that were always moving me around, usually because of pecuniary reasons which allowed me to see many different schools in many different municipalities in commercial corporate North America. Every school is the same. Period. I would like to say there are some schools that were different, but that would be an optimistic lie. They have to brainwash you as a child because that is their greatest chance for it to “stick” to your brain throughout your lifetime. It has a 98% success rate and is why you grow up to be a fop living slave. Can you change this path? Yes, but you have to be willing to stand alone. Truly alone. I do not think there are many “self proclaimed” people out there that say they are alone and really understand what “alone’ really is when rejecting the brainwashing. Because, your friends and family will turn their back on you. This is implanted and a behavioral side affect that keeps the brainwashed free of the ones smart enough to break the programming. Most people run right back to their friends and family (friends mostly) in fear of social isolation. No one likes to be truly alone and it takes a vey strong individual to be truly alone. The power of abandonment is so intense that people that do get isolated, will pay people to keep them company. They will actually borrow more money to pay some scheming person to make them feel they are not alone. Are all these isolated people “breaking the program”? Not all of them, because that is a the “fatal flaw” associated with the recent brainwashing, interfering with the older brainwashing, sure to isolate people that are not with the current indoctrination. These are the soulless individuals that are the prime candidates recruit able for a revolutionary cause, like Nazism perhaps? Communism? which should never be confused with Marxism-Socialism. Why did I leave out Leninism? Because I am not convinced he was ever for the worker solely.
Bleeding Punched Face Feminine Business Wear by Cuckoo Channel
It is frightening how a revolution can happen overnight. It is something that is easy to orchestrate given the right greedy wealthy domineering individual to conceive. But that is what we are brainwashed to think could happen (fear) and that revolting is the only way to change things in a dominated society. That could not be further from the truth. We have to walk away from the so called status quo. That is, in a nut shell, all we have to do. Violence is a vast resource of a limited mind, and I believe one of those individuals has been elected President of the USA recently. Elected officials are usually polished people that make superb puppets, and fall guys, for the 1 percenters of society. Aggression and fighting is an outworn behavior that is dredged up for fear. To take things by force is a base tactic, and although it may succeed, it is never a permanent solution, and is a taught indoctrinated behavior to trap those on the edge of breaking the program who will lash out as predicted to be incarcerated and labelled, pushed into ambiguity until their hope and will is dissipated. What do you think gang violence is all about? What do you think social digression and humility represent? Prostitution, drug cultures and alcoholism? Theft, Mafioso, exploitation, underworld? Perhaps there is a reason these are pushed as popular epitomic programming by the commercial owned media? These are preferred modes of behaviour if you reject serfdom-ism and attempt to retaliate, thinking you are rebelling. In truth, you will be doing exactly what you are indoctrinated to do so you can be easily found and labelled with the “star of corruption”.
“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)
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