Drop to your Knees Golden Greedy Eye Shadow by You-Stink
Hopefully I am wrong, but I think we are all captivated by the golden fairy dust being blown around by our friendly fantasy inducing media culprits, attempting to con us into the next covet-level purchase that will somehow bring us a bit closer to the 1 percent of society, well, at least illusively. Money and wealth only provides security to those who hide behind that pecuniary golden fence thinking they will be safe, until the money runs out. And it almost certainly will, unless you are a 1 percenter. We are taught to emulate the 1 percent as if they are our ultimate role models to follow, influencing our offspring to follow their example of greed, just long enough until they, like you, have been totally ensnared into deep financial debt, never to see the light of day again because of the interest payments imposed onto the over inflated bursa that was freely loaned, burying them into a financial grave that will enslave them for the rest of their lives. The next time your boss asks you to climb under his/her desk and demands you to do something simply unreasonable, remember that if you do not, you will be replaced by someone willing to blunder themselves to get your job. The labor regulations of any country will not do a thing and by the time they can actually look at your case, you will be most likely retired before you get any satisfaction. You can always get a lawyer that will speed it up slightly, but that solicitor will end up with 40% of the take. Is there a solution? Yes there is, but it entails you having to tell your boss where to go each and every time he decides you are stupid or desperate enough to break safety rules, work extra time for nothing, or provide sexual favors. But, we are in so much financial debt. We cannot do that and loose everything? But really, what are you loosing? You are just loosing debt. So really, you are loosing nothing. Your dignity may suffer but you will become stronger because of the humility.
Barbed Wired Freedom Camp Lip Liner by Robbie Frown
We all should be aware by now, that it is against the holy scriptures to charge interest or push debt to oppress your neighbors just because you have more money or material then they have. Why is it shunned by the holy scriptures? Because it makes slaves of the people that are forced to pay interest on money provided to them out of need. But capitalism is based on debt pushing and interest. Capitalism is dependant on slavery. Capitalism is a system of deception and greed. But you say to yourself; “I am not a slave. I am free.” Oh really! Ok live in your delusional world and fantasize you are free. Look around you and tell me, what are you really free to do? You are free to shop for more product jettisons. You are free to borrow more money. You are free to watch brainwashing snot nightly on your 60 inch indoctrinating flat screened boob tube, as long as you pay your cable bill. You are free to walk down the street and get mugged by people more desperate then you are. Try an experiment. The next time you go for a walk, just carry cash and no wallet. When someone robs you or threatens you, just freely give them all you have. Most likely you will confuse the hell out of them and they will be more afraid of you simply because you freely gave them what they needed. But if the assailant watched too many idiotic police epitomes, they will most likely hurt you.
Is that my Daughter Performing Fellatio Mascara by Booticontrol
Remember, aggressive behavior is taught in our education systems. Competition is force fed into our children. So are we really surprised when your son or daughter comes out of the school system as an aggressive byproduct ready to do anything for money? Just ask Candy, barely 16 and posing as 18 or older as she gets into another car ready to do any sexual act for money. Is your son/daughter missing? Want to really find her/him? Then drive down the red light district in any town or city in any country in the world, depending where you live, and there is a great chance you may find him/her, standing there attempting to be sexy, luring in the next trick. Or you can simply open up google and type into the search field “escorts in “Your City” and you will get site after site listing all the escorts in your city. Seventy-five% of these women will be 20 years of age or younger ready to solicit anyone willing to pay. Out of these women under 20 years of age, forty% are guaranteed to be underage prostitutes. Remember, escorts are nothing more then prostitutes. To be conned otherwise means you are pretty dammed stupid. Thus, there is an excellent chance you may find your missing child working tricks to stay high. But if you cannot face the fact that your missing child could be in these circumstances, then you may be in denial or just plain ignorant. However, it is a place to start. But a lot of these children are there because of drug related addictions and do this to support their habit.
This is a blender, This is your Brains Rotating in a Blender Lip Stick by Lobe-Sieve Cosmetics
Oh yes, that reminds me, Canada just legalized marijuana (October 17th, 2018) for the entire country. What will this do to stop the drug abuse in that country? Absolutely nothing. It will make it far worse, pushing children faster to the harder, truly addictive drugs. Why? Because organized crime cannot compete with the government on a level playing field so they will concentrate more of their illicit efforts on cocaine, crack, PCP, heroin, crystal meth, etc.. And let us not forget the prescription opiate and morphine drugs that are sold by prescription users of these drugs on the street to minors and junkies alike so they can eat and pay rent. Who really makes the money when prescription drugs end up fair game on the streetwise pharmaceutical superstore? The 1 percenters of course whose main objective is to enslave anyone and everyone any way they can for profit. And a populist with drug addictions are far more controllable then people that have their wits about them and are capable of critical thinking. So go ahead and buy some of that legal weed and roll a doobie, light it up and choke it back cannonball style, chasing it down with your favorite brain shrinking elixir to avoid cottonmouth. Just be sure you do it before your favorite indoctrinating TV series so you can sink into the couch prepared for your frontal lobe assault, liquefying your mushy brain.
“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)
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