Ladder of Progressive Cranium Rupture
He is the only friend I have, the only person interested. What does that mean? It means everyone is being enslaved and I have moved on. Could it be I am befriending the willing, the insane? Or just anyone that will communicate above the brainwashing of society. I believe people that engage in the “taboo” type lifestyles and professions most likely see beyond the cloak room of indoctrination. Taboo does not describe sexual deviants or professions of exploitations, although some of them are in this category, but like to dominate others around them for their pecuniary cravings which would put them in the “greed” category. They may very well see above the indoctrination, but also use it for their own selfish ends. People idolize these culprits, but I find myself getting ill of their reminisce. People in any job profession are filled with culprits of the ravenous, all the way up the ladder of progression. People that advanced these days are the ones stabbing everyone else in the back to advance. I have plenty of scars in my back. Why is this evident when we enter the job market? Because we are brainwashed to behave this way, grab something before someone else does, even though you may not even need it or even want what you are groping for. Possibly that is why I find friends in strange professions because that type of a profession is a “lone wolf” occupation. No superiors, no subordinates. They may share their trade secrets with people they can communicate with on certain levels, that seem to fit the profile, but are never afraid to do this because, who would believe you anyway? And really, you cross someone that is a professional, then you will disappear soon enough.
Follow the Walled in Road of Limitation
Why do these individuals in these professions do what they do? Because they get paid for these contracts and never know who they are eliminating, only where to find them, the reasons for their demise, description and other pertinent data, nothing more. They eliminate the target and collect the remainder 50% of the payment. If cheated, well, would you cheat someone in that profession? Nah, most likely not. It is a built in occupational security because most people fear death, thus why would anyone cheat a contractor? If any person doubts that this happens, then Wheaton, New Jersey is looking for a Mayor. May be you should run? We are bombarded on a daily basis with mind garbage from our friendly commercial corporate North American main con-stream media, and if you allow your brain to absorb this swill, well you are a puppet to be used and disposed of in any indoctrinating method of the current advertising campaign. Mind garbage is so prevalent that is absorbing all of your brain cells and memory. You are being dementia-itised. Trained to be a consuming zombie, only having enough brain power to be dictated to and purchase all of the programmed product jettisons melded into your controlled brain. Does this mean a contractor is smarter then you? It just means they are off the program and into reality, which would be the only way for them to continue such a path in life. Is it right? Is it wrong? No one can judge and it only indicates they have gone for themselves and are following their own paths. You are brainwashed to think they are evil instead of thinking for yourself, which only causes confusion for your controlled mind.
Skillful Projection of the Rejected
Personally, I could not do that sort of profession. But to say it is right or wrong may be a difficult choice. Anyone that has had the misfortune to be in the armed forces would be in the same category of professions. You are paid to kill, and not very well I may add. The government pays you to kill. You are killing people you do not know, nor have the faintest if they deserve it or not, only that they are the misfortunate schmucks hired by that government to shoot at you, whom they have know clue, other then you are shooting at them. I guess you could call this a “planned” self defence, but still sounds feeble on that level. To the corporate owned governments that sent all of you there is the first place, it is right and patriotic because you are defending you homeland and the ways of indoctrinated life, where you do not own anything, just owe for everything and with the armed forces’ enforced wage, you will not pay it off too soon, if ever at all. Men and women come back traumatised and disabled mentally and physically (unless you are lucky and never seen any combat) and are ruined for life. Not the same, and will carry that burden until they die. But they did their patriotic duty. However, once they are used, no one really, wants to deal with them and shuns their existence. Send them to shrinks and keep them drugged up because if they ever woke up, they would be another person that has seen beyond the brainwashed, phoney staged propped commercialized existence we are all forced to endure from our childhood’s cloak room of indoctrinated security.
Teams of Self-Destructive Identities
But I have a friend, and friends do not judge each other. They just remain friends to communicate and collaborate everyday burdens and things of creative interests. They do their best not to betray each other’s confidence and support each other in times of woe. Despite all what the brainwashed masses and their programmers and controllers say or dictate, you can ultimately chose your own path in life, good or evil, and it is your choice alone. If you are told what to chose or have no idea how to make your own choices, then you are brainwashed and have to break the program with all of your will. A clear sign of this mode is if you have to consult someone else to make a simple choice. If you cannot choose for yourself what you like then you know you are totally brained honed. Don’t get help, help yourself, and soon. Teams and team players are hoodwinked people that are just bricks in the crumbling walls protecting bloated kingdoms of indoctrinated propaganda. And remember, to be isolated, is to be an individual of your own creation, no one else’s.
“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)
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