The Autonomous Murder of our Sovereignty

We have all been under the illusion that we were born onto a sovereign state, as in citizens of a country. This is most glaringly apparent in North America, the so called “New World”, a world that was already occupied by the indigenous, the North American Indian. It should be common knowledge that during the time of the settling of the west, west referring to the continent west of Europe where Europe and England were emptying their prisons and sending them to the New World, most likely as a relief tactic because of their over-populated prisons. Send the undesirables to the New World and if they survive, then it would be safe for the nobility and royalty to setup business interests to reap whatever resources the criminals may have found or developed. Keeping a watchful eye on their progress, it was apparent, at least at first, that this land was occupied and these Indian nations had no intentions of sharing the land to these invaders, invaders that were preceded by the Spanish attempting to settle the USA and Canada via from South and Central America.

However, because of guns, the bow and arrow did not provide the resistance needed and slowly but surely, were pushed further west from their eastern invaders. Already pushed somewhat north from their southern neighbors from South and Central America, it was apparent that the European invasion would progress slowly west and north. But because of the French settlers from France, were getting pushed south beyond the Canadian Border. Once civilization and cities started to spring up, and a bursting economy was apparent, England mainly had intentions of usurping this bustling economy for their own, both in Canada and the USA.

As history has it, the English failed to conquer their way into the USA, However had different results in Canada, where they eventually defeated the French army in Quebec’s Plains of Abraham, filtering further and further west taking control, to a point. Fearful of an all out battle with the French to completely conquer Canada, they instead made bargains and deals, pacifying the French occupation by utilizing trade, especially in the Hudson Bay area, and the use of Christianity and Popery to dominate and disband the Indigenous people, pushing them into reserves by the use of secret treaties and other trickery. Because the French already were trading with the Indigenous people for many years and had somewhat of a peaceful cohabitation amongst the Indigenous tribes, mainly the Iroquois nations, proved to be a useful tool to further England’s occupation that gained momentum, outlawing tribes and chiefs that would not cooperate and remain on their reserves, that for the most part, were changeable depending on where the resources were found.

Today, since the 60’s and 70’s, a traditional movement from the Indigenous was apparent, which was actually labeled as extremism and terrorism by the FBI, who needed the excuse to jail or kill the organizers of this movement. The FBI was also aware the traditionalists were in possession of these so called, secret treaties, which stated in general, that the occupation of the “white man” would be tolerated only if the Indigenous were guaranteed to retain vast portions of their lands, which spread from Mexico, clear on up into Canada, mostly occupied by the Sioux nations. The only problem with this arrangement is that the settling parties of the time only entered into this agreement to segregate the Indigenous onto these reserves to isolate and kill them, imprisoning their Chiefs and tribal councils, taking away their ability to organize and fight. Alcohol was also used to pacify and distort their capacity to organize and effectively fight back, turning most who succumbed to the alcohol, into lawless criminals and marauders.

In the last several years, this movement was manipulated by North American leaders, in attempt to start a race war between the masses and the Indigenous, utilizing events that happened more than a hundred years ago, blaming the Catholic and Christian churches for events that were most likely caused, by the British armies and Canadian conscripts of the time. Because there are no real records of these supposed crimes, leaves a confusion amongst everyone as to who was responsible. Of course, the Canadian and American governments point the fingers at anyone else, refusing accountability of the actions of the Union Armies, who was well known, at that time, for the mass exterminations of the Indigenous, both in Canada and the US, mostly in the US. Because the Union Army failed to invade Canada on specific occasions, being ambushed by both the Indigenous and trappers, successfully turning them back, did not mean the Canadian conscripts and British armies of that time did not participate in this extermination, who were mainly in the more populated areas.

Canada Day represents the spurious independence given to Canada by England, in hopes that an all out ambush type warfare would not develop, that would of destroyed the already fragile supply chains, which would devastate any control England may of possessed at this time. But to be sure, they resented this concession and waited for the day they could usurp this independence away, and take control once again, innocuously of course. This time, if they successfully get the Indigenous and the masses fighting on the street, they will implement martial law and totally destroy what’s left of our sovereignty and economy. Then the enslavement and extermination will commence to rid of all undesirables, mainly the patriots, and Indigenous inclusive. Globalism is the key word, and currently, the elitists and their bought off politicians are stopping at nothing to achieve this objective. Any politician that attended the World Economic Forum in any capacity is bought and paid for, property of the elitists. Soros and billionaires like him are funding radical organizations that are attacking the heart of these indigenous groups in attempt to radicalize their beliefs and movements to take back what is rightfully theirs. And the more Indigenous people that get pushed off their reserves because of staged forest fires, water contamination, etc., the more we have to buckle down upon the government to take accountability for their invasive acts of treason. We as the population have to ask for their resignation. If we do not, we will be living a Utopian state where prosperity will be a figment of our imaginations.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023

Plandemic Series, A Trilogy of Truth, or a CIA Franchise

In this era of extreme deception, we are faced with now, many new organizations, all stating they are for freedom. How do I test any organization or truther for validity? It would be, of course, their production quality. The poorer the production quality, the more chance they are telling you something for your own benefit. However, you have to use your own judgement.

Some are hard to distinguish, like, Doe-nut! But he is definitely in it for the money. Right now, my mailbox is littered with these organizations, all saying they are for the truth, for a price of course. Many of them do not restrict content if you do not donate, but they all solicit for these donations to keep you informed about things that are right in your back yard.

You may ask, what are these things right in my back yard? If you have to ask this question, then you are not paying attention, or want to be entertained. Like, Who’s on first, Who? I just told you. Ok, who is on first? Who! Just tell me who is on first! Who! What? No, What is on second, Who is on first. Who is on first? I just told you that!

They are all pushing the “Great Awakening”, a film that has no bounds to its promotion. But the Great Awakening is a concept during this whole pandemic. The people were waking up prior to this pandemic, that is why they created it, to steer the masses into the direction they would like you to take, just like the 60’s and organizations like the Weather Underground or the Black Panthers, all CIA infiltrated groups to steer the movement into ambiguity and lawlessness, like the FLQ, similar to Anonymous, BLM and Antifa, Boys in Blue, all controlled by the CIA.

People have short memories, and the CIA and like organizations know this and take full advantage of the effects created by this social human flaw. Remember Seatle and the Autonomous Zone created by the Homeless of Seattle? During its wake and duration, what did Info Wars or any other Alternative media tell about this movement? That it was all about the far-left extremism and they were terrorists against freedom and patriotism.

The mainstream media was plugging this movement as the “summer of love”, or just another freedom movement for sex and sexual diversity. Pushing it as an insignificant event attempting to aggravate the small to medium business sector and all who worked there, creating conflict. In reality, it was homeless people striking out against the system because of their inequity of wealth distribution, forcing people to live on the streets after stealing their equity and wealth, something that has been occurring right under your nose well before the pandemic.

You were just too asleep to figure out what was going on because it never affected you. Then, on cue, BLM and Antifa infiltrated the Autonomous Zone and buried it, dividing and leading all involved into scattered directions, something the CIA does extremely well, on foot, as well as online, which you can see many examples of this tactic on every social media channel, attempting to get you to hate certain races, lose faith in your religion, or simply and the most damagingly, in yourself.

Once you lose faith in yourself, then you are primed to be led down the garden path of control and slavery. Remember, it has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with slavery and being stripped of your assets and legacies to serve a greater purpose than yourself. To serve your slave masters who are the 1 percent of society. They are so greedy; they want to steal what you have left and anything else you are concealing in your back pockets. In short, you will own nothing and be happy, which is just a phrase for docile or stupid.

It is true that this vaccine is killing a multitude of people and mostly, people are letting it happen. The vaccine is filling the obituaries with far more people than you realize and has killed millions, if not the tens of millions worldwide. Open your eyes and say no to their vaccines and phony concerns like carbon output, global warming, or 20-minute cities which are just euphemisms for detainment camps, death camps, slavery. The governments, no matter left or right, are bought and paid for by globalism which is just the top 1 percent of the world.

All the front people like Klaus Schwab are just front men, puppets. And when you watch productions like the Great Awakening, produced by a person that appeared from seemingly, nowhere, always perform a “great reset” on yourself, shed the brainwashing, and watch for the obvious like movies produced by the CIA. There is a lot at stake here, so be aware that they will use anybody and anything to deceive you. The more they can scare you, the easier it will be to take you by the hand and terminate you. So, stay away from their injections and fear porn and “Wake up!”

I mean really, now that they are all in one hole, meaning the association between Alex Jones, Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis, David Martin, and all the other so-called scripted experts featured in these films, you can now listen to what they say with extreme discernment and read the propaganda being reversed to just confuse you even more. But that is what the CIA does, and Alex Jones, was fingered as a CIA connected producer a decade ago. Are they all CIA contract agents? If you ask that question, then you are definitely waking up! This whole pandemic is just another “black op”, led by Master Bards and Pied Pipers. What about 5G? That serves better as a story of its own.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023

Canadian Prime Ministers Former Security Detail: Daniel Bulford Testimony | Red Deer Day 1 | NCI

This video describes the corruption within the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies and the government in general. Watch this video and be aware of what has happened and why, within the last three years of government overreach and constitutional devastation, in the name of globalism.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023

We are on a Hiatus, But we Have More at the South Gillies Hound

We continue our message as always and there is ore to come on this site. There is plenty to read here, and there will be more. In the Meantime, checkout (The South Gillies Hound).

The South Gillies Hound attempts to give a more citation type reporting of current events and stories. However, because many mainstream stories are so ridiculous these days (last 3 years), it will be hard to distinguish between what is real news or satiric. There is wealth of ridiculous news spreading like manure everyday so this will be brought to your attention. If you prefer the mainstream media as your source of information, then, God Help Ya!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2023

The Integral Steps of Producing a Shamdemic

Provide no Proof that the Covid 19 Virus Exists, and Do not Question the, ah, Experts?

Covid 19 is the symptoms developed from the Sars Covi II disease. The Sars Covi II Virus as claimed, has never been isolated as in purified or identified as an actual living entity. There are simulated computer models that attempt this assembly however never get closer than eighty percent when matching with actual DNA found in any human via PCR testing. The human and the monkey are 3 percent difference in DNA structures (Chromosomes), thus making 20 percent a vast difference; like the difference between a human and the platypus? I am sure I have never seen a bill on a human unless it was from Visa or Mastercard charging their usury (interest) fees, thus can rule out we were somehow related to the platypus or even a monkey for that matter. However, because I am not a scientist, I cannot display any common sense to what seems extremely logical. I have to trust the, ah, science. The only flaw in that theory is, that many eminent scientists and doctors share the same decerning logic as in, this is a whole lot of tripe. As in cow stomach, and no relation to a human stomach seeing humans have one stomach and the cow has seven. But what they Hay, we are all mammals, right?

Exosomes or Sars Covi II, that is the Question; and They will Never Suspect a Thing, Dumb Masses

Exosomes or viruses are solvents, like soaps, virally created by our body to flush out poisons and harmful substances we take in our bodies that are far too toxic for our bacteria and fungus to eat. When the bacteria and fungus start to die from eating the contaminated dead tissues exuviating from our infected cells, our body creates a particular solution specific to that poison and virally releases these exosomes to clean our cells. These exosomes are specific to the toxins that have infiltrated our cells and will dissolve these toxins out of the cell without compromising the cell’s integrity. The fact that these exosomes are solvents means they are not alive and have no nucleus or respiratory system, similar to water which is classified as earth’s number one solvent. Because they are produced virally is why they are called viruses but can only be produced in the host and are not transmittable nor contagious. Of course, if you are a necromancer, possibly you could animate these exosomes to be alive, but even a necromancer knows that inanimate objects or substances like exosomes never were alive in the first place thus they would not waste their time trying to revive something that never lived. But necromancer or not, what about gain of function? What about it? It is just a way to make you afraid that someone like Fauci and his henchmen could actually get a dead virus material or particles to animate and jump six feet and crawl up your nose.

Testing or Wheel of Misfortune?

The PCR test used for DNA testing allows amplification that will, if done very well, produce a DNA trace of any molecule because your body most likely has encountered every molecule known at one time or another. However, it counts on less amplification to be accurate meaning, the more accurate DNA match you are looking for, the less amplification required to reliably find the DNA match. Anything over 24 cycles of amplification used is inadmissible in a court of law. During the early stages of the pandemic, they were using 40 to 45 cycles which produced the well know 98% false positive reputation when looking for that particular DNA match. Simplified, it means the higher cycles used in a PCR test, the more likely you are to find even miniscule traces similar to that DNA, which in light of what they are looking for only has to match 80% of the computer modeled sequence, thus could be almost any molecule that exists. However, Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR testing stated, when he was still alive, the PCR test cannot tell us anything about infectious disease therefore cannot be used to diagnose infections. In fact, PCR testing has gained a reputation for being inaccurate because of the amplification capability, especially in criminal forensics. So much so that in Canada and United States, they passed laws protecting people that did not want to participate in the PCR testing with the Genetic non-discrimination Act. If you don’t know this, then you are probably watching to many CSI reruns. Bottom line is you won’t have some cute blond bimbo from CSI swabbing your brain mesh. It will be some haughty nurse dressed in full PPE jamming a swab up your nose.

The chances of death are very low if infected with Sars Covi II, but hey, Every Life Matters, right?

Interestingly, the WHO, World health Organization, lowered the bar of how many fatalities it takes to declare a pandemic as in virtually none. The WHO, whom could never be confused with The WHO British rock band, that interestingly their songs were used for the intros of CSI, Crime Scene Investigation, television series where in virtually every episode, were swabbing various orifices of suspects to use the PCR test to prove them guilty or innocent. It was plastered inside the brains of those who watched this series faithfully every week and also reruns, that submitting to swabbing for PCR is your duty as a good citizen. It was the new fad thing to do to be cool. It is not a wonder that people were lining up to get their brains scratched. According to the CDC, the Survival rates of Sars Covi II go like this:

Ages 0 – 19: 99.9% chance of survival Ages 20 – 49: 99.98% of survival Ages 50 – 69: 99.5 % of survival Ages 70 – 100: 94..6% of survival

Looking at this, one would have to determine that the pandemic was a total sham. In fact, the only way they could inflate the Sars Covi II death rate was to steal the deaths from other categories, even motor vehicle accidental deaths.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

Global Puppets and the CCC, Creepy Cancel Culture

We Cannot Agree so we Cancel the Debate Eyeware by Hate Spade

Choose this line of Eyewear if you really want to “get down” and boogie off the stage, at a moment’s notice, when the debate gets into areas you just do not (cannot) answer because of that enormous bribe you just took to keep your DMS, “Dammed Mouth Shut” about the past lockdowns, vaccines, or any other controversial topic that may arise from the scummy masses or freelance barbarian reporters who just cannot STHU, “Shut the Hell Up”, like the latest Netflix propagandist Series instructed. It comes with, at a moment’s notice, darkening lenses that activate when your perspiration level increases, to make your escape off the stage, platform, TV set, convention center, etc. much more innocuous, fooling all the guttersnipes and paparazzi’s just waiting to humiliate the elite privileged 1 percenter such as yourself, or perhaps you are just a wannabe earning your spurs. Either way, it will SYFA, “Save your Fat Ass” from excessive humiliation and opportunities to come clean and tell the truth. Also included, an Acme Black Hole, that comes inside a small oval container, just the right size to fit into your pocket, easy to open, self-unfolding, for quick escapes when the “Exit Stage Left” option is under construction or already used by your numerous counterparts that are being exposed and hunted down. Act now and receive your own de-personalized fake ID and Passport when escaping the country is your only option to avoid prosecution. Snub nosed 38 Special and Dirty Harry Holster extra.

The Double-Sided SS Nazi, reversable to the SS Minnow Silk Woven Arm Badge by Hugo Boss

Worried about your career as a Genocidal Nazi SS but are not quite ready to come out of the East Berlin Closet of War Criminals? Now that the wall is gone, and you can be spotted a mile away by these pesky civil do-gooders, this arm badge is quickly reversable so you cannot be pinpointed by any groups of freedom or religious terrorists. It comes complete with tear gas and an AK 47 Assault mini rifle that can be concealed easily in your pant leg or the optional SS army issue trench coat (extra) where you can also hide many hand grenades and other death devices and gases. The Nazi SS helm is also available through special order (extra) for those who really want to role play this scenario scaring any number of gullible, brainwashed, single brain celled masses who are as easy to manipulate, as it is to frighten, keeping them lining up for your experimental death injections, guaranteed to produce an any multitude of side effects, diseases, heart conditions, aids, HIV, cancer, aneurisms, etc..etc.. So, as you enjoy watching the most vulnerable choke and spew, wearing three masks, gasping for air, suffocating and finally dropping to their knees from the lack of oxygen and pure exhaustion, you can finish the job with a rope tightened plastic head bag so you can watch and take snap shots of their facial expressions as they die in agony and vain.

The Luciferian “The Pope on the Rope Anal Protection Soap” by Must-Go Feel, Claus Schwabo

Interview with Lucifer, Part Two

Interviewer: “Thanks for your “Pope on the Rope” soap gift. It really smells nice. Thanks Lu!” Lucifer: “No problem. I enjoy these little interviews by little men. Keep that with you at all times. You never know when you may end up in prison for telling the truth. It may save you from having to uh, bend over to pick up the soap.” Interviewer: “It seems things have turned around and everything, for now, seems to be in its proper order again. What are your thoughts about this miraculous about face?” Lucifer: “As I stated in my last interview, amateurs! I hate to be classified in the same level as those clowns. However, it seems that they lost their so called “grip” on society. Fools, did they really think it would be that easy? Morons.” Interviewer: “So you are disappointed as to their performance to eradicate the masses from earth?” Lucifer: “Disappointed? Certainly not! Things are again speeding up to its previous peak of madness, greed, apathy and hate. More souls are losing hope as this Merry-Go-Round of faithlessness becomes rampant as they run to my side for, ah, protection and my scorching warmth, draining them of their everlasting souls, transforming them into my husks of evil to do my bidding. Depopulation? Why on earth would anyone do that? The more people on the planet, the more hopeless souls for me to corrupt, destroy and collect, making this all, so much fun, not to mention, keeping my legions of demons busy, instead of loafing around in hell playing penuckle. What a yawn fest.” Interviewer: “Well, at least you can get back to the business of what you do best. However, The Freemasons say you are the light bearer. They idolize you over God, whom in their scriptures state that God is Vesper. It would seem that all of this Global infiltration into our societies is done in your name, or at least, one of your names.” Lucifer: “As I stated before, I have many names. However, God does not. Vesper would be an ambiguous terminology, a metaphor for looking up or gazing at a star, or the evening star which would be the most common analogy. The Freemasonic culture does worship me as the Light Bearer, this is true. Perhaps that could be explained as a friendly deception to recruit more souls to my side. In any event, I take no responsibility for their writings nor their Tom Foolery. Does this impact the soul collection? The deception is divine, but their methods are crude and exposes itself. True deception never reveals.” Interviewer: “So, you do not see any benefit as to what they attempted on the world scale?” Lucifer: “I see many fools that adopted this nonsense of a biological virus which leaves them standing holding the “pandemic bag”, if you will, running and hiding, attempting to justify their newly founded evil, and now doubting their very existence, and avoiding prosecution for their endorsement of this eloquent killer vaccine. They can run but can never hide and when they freely give their tainted souls to me to avoid the gas chamber, I will have their fearful, informed consent to consecrate their souls with Hell. Oh goody goody, so much fun to get souls that were destined for purgatory come straight to my scorching inferno.” Interviewer: “So, you did benefit from this attempted world domination scheme?” Lucifer: “Of course. I always benefit from poorly constructed plans. It is the failure ratio of any plans that yield the best harvests. Very few know how to bounce back or take accountability for their actions. If they only knew it was as easy as absolution, I would lose a lot of souls. This is where faithlessness is my best ally, indeed. And for those fools that contrived this plan, I already have their souls. I will have so much fun incinerating their souls for eternity, yes. Like a barbeque of tainted meat to feed to my legions of demons, yummy.” Interviewer: “You mean the deal I took with you means I will be on your demon’s menu?” Lucifer Chuckles: “Well, you did not think an interview with Lucifer would come free, did you? Read the fine print my boy, always before you sign anything. Don’t worry, you have many years left before you become a main entree to my hungry demons. I mean, who else will interview me? Relax and keep that Pope on the Rope Soap close.” Interviewer: “Um, well, thanks Lu, or master.” Lucifer: “Anytime my boy!” Lucifer disappears in a puff of smoke.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

Afterbite Reruns, Crawling out of the Sewers of Corruption

Updated September 20th, 2022

Parasites from Hades

It is obvious that the Global Terror Machine is being jumped started continuously in hopes of some momentum to fire the cylinders of the sputtering motor that is in complete need of an overhaul after the resultant buildup of heavy carbon that has stifled the motor’s rhythm and timing, back firing and spewing black smoke and finally stalling once again. Countless repeated kickstarts are utilized again and again, only to vainly stall and grind to a halt once again. This is judgement that is divine, above man’s so-called laws. Yet, the WEF and its snobby counterparts keep the propagation whirlwind spinning its distorted web of world domination. The mandates are pretty much toast in countries like Canada, where skeptics from the controlled opposition keep gaslighting the remainders of fears as in a corruptive Deja Vue that keeps blowing around in the winds of distain, isolated, abandoned by the WEF and billionaires, whose patients wore thin as to the monetary loss experienced because of their underestimation on that certain percentage of common folk resources, holding out, and not selling their souls (not taking the vaxx and/or testing) in order to keep their slave driven job. Granted, the majority fell for this idiocy, but as time went on, and they saw that the un-vaxxed were doing just fine and were in much healthier condition, started to hold out as well. Quite a few of the vaxxed kept testing, however, were not taking any more vaxxes. Has the WEF been scolded and “Slapped down”? Is it because their projections of world domination keep extending the schedule set by these greedy billionaires, as in, “just another six months and we will have these scummy masses begging at our feet for mercy”. But that six months came and went, came and went, again and again and again, until the profit margins of these blue-chip companies started to wane, bringing a number of billionaires to their knees, begging for the “business as usual” q-card to be raised. However, whilst waiting for this illusive q-card, and corporation CEO’s had to actually do some work, missing many key employees and executives that did most of the crucial work for them, who said, “stick that vaccine in your own arm” and took a vacation, CEO’s decided to abandon the WEF’s crazy world book of domination and dropped the mandates across the board.

No Time left for You, Because I’m Getting Sued

In any event, these mandates were never law, just under the table “suggestions” propagated through the legislative systems as if they were permanent rule, to fool the average Joe and Jane to think they were actual decrees. Thus, the employers held the cards whether to implement or trash at their discretion. And trash them they did when the government abandoned their vessels of litigation while disgruntled employees filed labor suit after labor suit against these companies who were abandoned by the very government that slung this propaganda across their corporate boardroom tables. What is their incentive to keep this manure machine slinging when they are liable to every Tom Doris and Jane who decides to sue? And suing they are. I know what you are thinking; most lawyers were on the side of the mainstream propaganda. But they are loyal to no one and will sell your ass down the river for a buck. Likewise, they will sell the government asses down the river just the same. And money they will receive, at 40% of the spoils. My suggestion is, to do it yourself first before you hire those shysters, unless all else fails. Lawyers were a huge part of the problem, sitting on their hands, for a price of course, telling everyone there is nothing you can do, just take the vaxx. But when the payments stopped coming in, they retaliated. Now, you are starting to see the effects of lawyers, guns and money in full force, chasing down all these perpetrators of “crimes against humanity”. Problem is, many of those lawyers could be just as guilty. So, choose a lawyer wisely; one that has not sold out to this giant pile of covid horse dung.

Monetary Toilets of Capital Displacement Courtesy of the World Banks

Ah yes, the world banks and Larry Fink. What are these Jewish owned banking cartels and conglomerates like Blackrock, Bloomberg and Vanguard doing now? They own all of the media and most blue-chip corporations as well as all of the small excrement-slap communities local Newsletters and Chronicles, dictating what can be published. Are they going to relinquish this control so Farmer John who was smart enough not to take the vaxx, can advertise his manure to other local farmers to fertilize their fields for next year’s crops before being bought out by Bill Gates who is in desperate need of hard assets before the Biden administration scares everyone to turn in their capital for these illusive bits and bytes of Biden Bucks? What everyone is forgetting is, that Biden Bucks are merely cryptocurrency subject to the same pitfalls as any other cryptocurrencies chosen for these bust and boom monetary displacements. And every shyster is in on the scam, even Brian Rose and his so-called Censorship Free Broadcasting shell company, London Real, now backed by shareholders who bought into his crypto & defi academies. That is how they will truly destroy the North American Economy or any other freedom orientated country. Get everyone scared enough to buy into these shyster bit currencies and flush it down the boom-and-bust Bill Gates Toilet of Carbon Distain. And faster than you can say Carbon Controls, you will be working for a fixed credit system with no chance of prosperity or ownership, just “a slave to the grind” in the true essence of the phrase; that is, if you were not depopulated first. You may ask, why don’t they just take money out of circulation right now and force everyone into these bit currencies? Because, if they did that, the economy would truly collapse and many of these hard assets that are not paid for yet, will be up for grabs on the world auction table, shifting the wealth to many differing faucets of new, uncontrolled ownerships, just pushing back the world domination plan decades. No, they need your compliance because they can control the outcome of your stupidity and enslave you permanently. For world domination to work, they have to catch all of the wall street rats into one hole and release the “Jack Russel’s” to clean house. The ones that have the wall street parachutes will elude this final squash of the world’s largest temple of wealth called “Wall Street”. Then, the “Free World” is truly done.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

Governmental Corruption Keeps Propagating its Propaganda Mill of Deceit

The Klaus Schwab Insolent Aftershave Potion by Shill-ik

It is now 28 months after the announcement of this phony pandemic and the Governments of the world, are still pushing the same old lies about this phony Sars Covi 2 and its even more phony, asymptomatic symptoms, attempting to rewrite the definition of having a common cold or flu. They have selected the 2 most common ailments and redefined it as a deadly virus. They have inquiry after inquiry trying to prove gain of function research and experiments, attempting to pull out the stale, 100 year old bio warfare analogy propaganda loaf of moldy bread and force feed it to the public through Senate committee investigation meetings, trying to show how useful the Senate is, and how wisely they are spending the tax payer’s dollar by fueling another pack of lies to heatsink the excessive sweltering foundries of molten metal coverup. What is this coverup you may ask? Simply put, it is 5G and its electrification of the public via millimeter waves of destruction. They are covering up the damage 5G is causing across the world and using this damage to push moldy vaccines that have been sitting on the shelf, way past their expiry dates, utilizing the Emergency Use Authorization to protect the vaccine manufacturers from the shark effect of everyone that experiences so much as a head cold suing these companies for everything they got. However, anyone awake knows there is nine pages of side effects and diseases that can be contracted from these so called mRNA vaccines that were actually designed to thin out the population. And the governments and the FDA keep stating the same old lie that the benefits outweigh the risks. So when you went to get this vaccine, did they actually show you the nine pages of side effects and diseases you could get before you took this vaccine? Did a pharmacist actually sit down and read off the nine pages of all these possible side effects and diseases explaining these risks as in; informed consent? No, they did not because they knew how scared you were of a fictitious virus, thus they just used your ignorance and victimized you, using coercion and intimidation until you took these multiple vaccines and boosters, further using your employer to threaten unemployment if you did not succumb. All of which is highly illegal and a total breach of your constitutional rights, medical privacy rights, and the Nuremburg Code. Is the picture materializing in your brainwashed mind yet?

The FDA Dungeon Body Fragrance of Blood Clots from Blood Letting Tortured Children, by Sham-ell

Worst of all, is the decimation and murder of our children. Now, the corrupted FDA has put their bloody blood clotted, seal of approval on these torturous vaccines for children 5 and under including newborns. How dismantled and sick is that? And you just sat on your blood clotted corpulent asses and did absolutely, nada in fear of missing that idiotic Netflix Series, featuring pedophiliac, transgender, de-populist, transhuman, zombified propaganda. Seriously, if you are a parent that thinks this is a good thing; you yourself, should be burnt at the metaphoric “stake of the moronic” so you cannot spread your stupidity on anyone else. Yes, burnt at the stake because you are that stupid. Or perhaps this sort of terrorized torture and decimation of children turns you on and you would like the world to sink to these abyssal depths. There is really no excuse for this kind of brain disfunction other than brainwashing and even then, there is no excuse because knowing the difference between right and wrong is always within your psyche, thus you can break the programming and get off your dead beat asses and do something, like write your political representative and demand this crude blast of propaganda and deceit be straightened out, pronto. But, tearing yourself away from that Netflix Brain-hone of the mesmerized, means you would have to use your zombified brain, something that seems much too tiresome and inconvenient, disrupting your sloth filled day, drinking brain honing elixirs and smoking legalized weed. Sounds about right, right? And if you ever wake up, you will be too fearful of losing that useless job, if you actually work, to stand up and be somebody. Yes, telling the government where that vaccine really should go and not into the tender arms of our newborn babies and children. What side will you be on when the “witch hunt” starts for all that have played into this genocide? Because that day will come. Or when it does come, will you be hiding behind your couch, something you laughed at on Facebook, when they had photoshopped pictures of Saddam Hussain hiding behind his couch after Bush invaded Iraq and not finding one weapon of mass destruction. I bet Saddam is living in some undisclosed location laughing his ass off at you, watching live cam feeds sent to him by his buddy, Jeffery Epstein, who also lives at that same undisclosed location, watching the North American Public decimate themselves, willingly, just waiting for all those underaged teens to become available to perform a series of services for the elitists.

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Underaged Rug Burn Soothing Cream by: Big Shlong-son & Shlong-son, An Incestual Family Company.

School’s fun filled curriculum, featuring bisexual sex education for your tots to learn and enjoy, even though they have utterly no idea what is being lectured to them as in urges or motivations, other than to raise their hand to go to the toilet, or the inpatients of getting outside during recess and play in the sandbox, or pull Mary’s pigtails who may be sitting in front of them. Perhaps a couple of spitballs flung across the room, hitting Sara Snobby, or Rita making googly eyes at Pete who is daydreaming about getting home to continue his airplane models. Possibly, there is a small smidgen of sexual thought somewhere inside that classroom, perhaps seeing a couple of dogs doing it in the hedges during the trip to school, or a few bees pollenating some flowers. However, that would be nature and being naturally attracted to the opposite sex would be something that would confuse the “New Curriculum” to the point of social decimation. How dare someone even contemplate that being bisexual is not “natural”. Nature is usually balanced and any animal displaying oddities of behavior, weakness or anti-socialism is naturally culled from the herd, or flock. It is only when animals are kept in captivity with the same sex will they display homosexuality or lesbianism. To compensate for the lack of a male or female in the flock. An imbalance created by captivity. Animals in captivity is not a natural environment, domesticated or not, thus failure to provide the females with a male; or a male without the females will result in this “compensation”. Like in prisons all across North America, where only males are locked in with other males or females locked up with other females. That is why homosexuality and lesbianism is practiced on a daily basis within these institutions, like it or not. To teach our tots about these imbalances is preprogramming them to live in an imbalanced state, or possible pedophiliac situation, something that really does not need to be taught or even contemplated, at least not at that level of child mentality. One should ask themselves, what in the name of Christ or Satan, would our children need to know this type of information unless you are attempting to condition them to be sexually unproductive, as in not repopulating by naturally having more children. They want to create sexless drones to be slaves. Humans became expendable in the last couple of years, and you have not seen nothing yet, unless you do something about the situation. But that would mean risking your useless job and standing up and being somebody other than what they want you to be, which would be a spineless husk of flesh to do their bidding.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

CIA Defined Propaganda. Trails of Falsehoods and Moldy Breadcrumbs to Keep you Stupefied and Led Astray

Necromancing the Home. Juvenile Roulette, Corruption Style

Human life is not worth much to the elitists and all they have to do is throw money around to recruit any number of base, corruptible humans to do their bidding and kill off the ones that remain neutral. The ones that hold out are being tricked by Trump’s PR experts to con those supporters that he is really not a corrupt politician and will save America, for a price of course. What is that price? That if you support Trump, take the vaccine, because he is draining the swamp. He does not want to hear about your pro-choice. He wants compliance. And those who are stuck on that Maga wagon will soon find out that it is all about him and his ego, and not about pro-choice concerning any poisonous vaccines. If you trust Trump to drain the swamp, just take the vaccine and fill his gold coin purse. Screw your pro-choice, because there is no such thing on the Maga wagon, just total submission to Trump. So while you line up for his vaccine produced by Operation Warp Speed (Which was already made years ago and pulled out of storage) he will be groping your old lady’s ass and smiling for the cameras at the same time. And on the other side will be Klaus Schwab seizing the pandemic moment to molest her free butt cheek, in the name of the Grrreat Rrrreset, you betcha. Possibly, that could be your underaged daughter getting her butt cheeks fondled, but you will be too busy shining Trumps Shoes to notice as they pump your buttocks with vaccines. Make Trump’s shoes look like mirrors!

Your Body, Their Choice, because you Gave it to Them to keep your Slave Driven Job.

As I watch the traffic become unbearable again, thinking this pandemic is pretty much over, I pinch myself and wake up to the reality check that is completely surrounding us, as in, virtually every person that kept their job has succumbed to the vaccine or weekly/daily testing in order to serve our slave masters. Every person you encounter that is working gave into this coercion. You can hardly associate with anyone that has not succumbed. Any protests that are against the vaccine, their leader of these so called protests say they have taken every vaccine including all of the flu shots available, and are not anti-vaccine. They just believe in pro-choice. Like Kennedy, or most of the trucker protest leaders. Why follow Kennedy when he is definitely controlled opposition. Having a anti-vaccine protest leader that is not anti-vaccine is like hiring Ron Jeremy to babysit your pubescent 13 year old daughter. The idea is to influence the ideal that hey, I took the vaccine, and I am far more important than you, so why are you still holding out? Most of the truthers out their, with minor exceptions skate around this issue, acting like they are truthers, but really stay within the parameters of censorship, which is becoming narrower and narrower, thanks to these cowardice truthers who obey like well trained monkeys, so long as their donations and residuals keep coming through. What about Elon Musk and his rescue of free speech? Twitter is controlled by far more powerful people than Musk. He is, let’s say, like a persistent fly that keeps landing on your forehead. Sooner or later they will swat him with the “DeLorean Fly Swatter”.

Fight for Freedom of Speech, or Perhaps, a Columbian Neck Tie?

Yes, remember DeLorean? The man responsible for most of the muscle cars in the late sixties, seventies and early eighties? The guy that went independent (DMC) and was going to revolutionize the automobile, providing an automobile that will not rust in a hurry, made of stainless steel, outlasting the finance options, so you can actually own a vehicle that won’t self destruct before that 7 year auto loan option elapses? Wait a minute, doesn’t Musk have a line of stainless steel vehicles? It will be just a matter of time before they swat him into compliance. Perhaps, before his state legalizes hard drugs, someone will drop a huge baggy of cocaine in his bottom desk drawer, and while working on free speech amendments in his executive office, just in time for that police raid, tipped off via anonymous phone call of Musk’s subversive dealings, Musk will be swatted into compliance? However, if you have been following that Twitter deal, you will know that Musk already “gimped” out, deciding that Twitter is not transparent enough with their so called phony “bot” accounts. However, what does Musk expect anyway? Twitter is bound by privacy as to their account holders thus how would that be possible anyway? No, I believe it was similar to that school yard brat always boasting how tough he was until, he finally met that huge opponent waiting for him behind the school yard dumpsters, lulling to tear him limb from limb. Don’t think so? Well, either way, Musk took a huge “powder” and made himself look like a huge “wuss”.

We got ’em, We got ’em, We don’t Got ’em

What are we fighting for anyway? The fight is over. We already lost the battle and are losing the war. Why? Because virtually everyone that is working complied with the vaccine mandates to keep their job. Either way, they are already vaxxed with all the boosters, or they are submitting to daily, weekly or monthly testing. They are sharing their medical information with countless entities worldwide, and are making the digital ID a viable requirement to basically do anything. and when you think everything is back to abnormal, they will want to measure your carbon output. How will they do that? Why do you think Bill Gates makes toilets, and Al Gore purchased carbon surveillance satellites? Because they want to measure your excreted gases for carbon output. Imagine if you will, having Bill and Al inside your indoor outhouse when you are excreting your daily stool, measuring your carbon output. Think that is over the top? Wake up and do your own research and stop being a boob tube sucking propagandized fool, fool. Anyone that is awake will know these details, thus you can exclude yourself from the “boob tube sucking propagandized fool” analogy. Bread trail after bread trail, you will follow them all, and think you are well informed. But remember, the CIA, NSA, FBI, WEF, all controlled by the Masons and the Illuminati, are masters of misdirection and own people like David Martin and Robert Kennedy Jr. (who was born into the Illuminati). Yes, they do sound credible and eloquent, and seemingly have all the evidence to their accusations that in a nut shell, if you attempt to validate or follow, you will be misled in a thousand other misdirection’s, finally getting bored and giving in, thinking, it is all for the betterment of mankind, as you smoke a huge doobie and chug back a cold one, being sure to hold the bottle so the manufacturer’s label can be prominently displayed as to your personal choice of “brain honing elixirs”.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022

The Folly of the Political Poles, Tennis Anyone?

A Left, a Left, a Left Right Left

Things are getting worse and it is mainly because the masses keep falling for the same old political game. If Trump did win the election, people con themselves that everything would be so different. The swamp would be drained, the ethical capitalists would be in total charge, minimum wage would go back to chump change, the Trump wall of Fascism would be re-erected, and the social programs would be cut to a minimum, just enough that they are there, but barely afloat to appease the poor just enough so they can get by another day. Health care would be back to “normal” and astronomical in price. As it is now, however, who is actually going to hospitals now unless they were ran over by a truck and in a coma? No one is going to the hospitals anymore unless they absolutely have to because of the Covid malpractice of remdesivir and invasive ventilators you would be treated with if you so much as display a sniffle. Yes and this was occurring under Trump’s watch, yes indeed. I watched a 2020 news reel that featured Trump and his plans to allow vehicle manufacturers to get into the business of making invasive ventilators to make sure there were enough murder weapons at the hospital scenes of these “crimes against humanity”. Remember the 2020 riots and Trump’s response to confronting Soro’s minions at the gates of Washington DC where they came, took and burned, all under Trump’s watch? Where was Trump anyway? He was hiding in his underground bunker tweeting that he and his family was safe. Meanwhile, he allowed Soro’s riot to rape and pillage cities all across the US of A without as so much as a decisive military deployment. Small to medium store owners were being beaten and killed protecting their proprietorships. Gangs under Soro’s funding were following provocateur’s instructions, no matter how insane. Contractors were paid to place pallets of bricks strategically for the rioters to grab and smash storefront windows. People forget that because they are too busy listening to pro-Trump propaganda from truth media outlets smeared all over the alternative YouTube channels, mainly on Brighteon, Info Wars, Rumble, and others too many to mention. Yes, they have successfully polarized the truth movement. All the more popular channels, with a very few exceptions, promoting that sleazebag Trump. If you are a Trump supporter, and have read this far, you are probably programmed to determine that I have to be a far leftist. You would be wrong in that decision because only a moron would have voted for any of these clowns, left or right. You would have been better off getting something done at home like planting a garden or placing a rain barrel instead of wasting the time and effort voting for either of these corrupted parties. So as your brain gets bounced left and right like a tennis ball, remember if you can, that political corruption knows no borders or directions, left or right, fool.

Millimetered Waves of Deception. The Criminals remain Untarnished or Noticed.

Big Telecom has virtually been let off the hook for the health damage and death they are and continue to be responsible for, invasively filling our atmosphere with damaging millimetered waves, better known as 5G, 6G. 60 gigahertz was and still is the oxygen absorption spectrum that has left many victims breathless and left to die on remdesivir and invasive ventilators. Remember Wuhan China in 2019, just before event 201 scenario, when people were dropping like flies on the street, later covered up by the phony Bat to Snake to Pig spillover phenomenon in a Wuhan market, later changed to the bat spillover phenomenon in the Wuhan Market, then to the bat biting a human in a lab spillover phenomenon, then to the extracting the virus from bats from a mysterious cave and Fauci’s gain of function phenomenon, to the virus does not exist phenomenon? All incorrect. To hell you say! Virology is debunked! Not quite my friend. Remember ancient history? The Dr. Cowan video? (Please download then view). Yes, I cannot keep this video reliably active so you might as well download it and share because it basically speaks the truth. However, Cowan merely rips a page out of Vonderplanitz theory, explaining that viruses are excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are produced by your own cells in attempt to cleanse the cell from these tissues that are too toxic for the parasites and bacteria to eat, thus are cleaned out of the cell with viruses which are merely solvents developed to clean out these specified toxic tissues within the cell resulting from intrusive millimetered waves entering your skin cells. How do they enter your skin cells? Simply by their size which allows them to penetrate and enter, poisoning the skin cells which in turn, the cells produce the virus (solvent) to clean the cell from these toxins. This is why they avoid blood tests in favor of PCR testing. Simply because the blood will not yield the correct results in order to bamboozle the public into believing this is a virus that came from a bat which is simply, Hocus Pocus.

Abra Capocus, Pocus Cadabra?

This is the truth no matter how they try to push this spillover phenomenon bogus theory that breaks all the laws of evolution, or at least in this Law’s time factors. They cannot even follow their own rules. But that is because they think everyone fell asleep during science class when covering the evolution theory. Perhaps it was the monotone voice of the boring instructor? Who knows really but, that would give you an idea how easy it was to slide through the secondary schools system and come out basically knowing, NADA. But, that is not a real excuse because if you look hard enough, even now with all the censorship, you can find hordes of information on Darwin’s Original Evolution Theory minus the patch work to accommodate the tripe they are molding science into to prove these idiotic revelations that we caught a virus from a bat. However, religiously, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is satanic in nature and not proven. Wrong again my friends because the Masons believe in God and Lucifer, thus makes the evolution theory a book of lies, which it is because Darwin was an accomplished Freemason who believed in God and Lucifer. But they believe Lucifer is the light bearer and God is Vesper. So if you can think in reverse religiously, you will have the Masonic bible down pat. But what about these vaxxes? What about them? They are just more poisons to screw up you body and to hide what millimetered wave poisoning is doing to your health. Sue the Big Pharma companies? Yeah ok, whilst they enjoy the protection of the FDA’s emergency approval. But if I did not take the vaxx, I would of lost my job! Too freakin’ bad. I lost my job because of not taking the vaxx, so join the club. However, all of this is just smoke screens to keep the masses following bread crumbs away from the simple truth that Big Telecom is the bandit that has robbed the entire planet while they were following ridiculous spillover phenomenon viruses, that keep leading you away from the truth. If you too are for sale, I guess you will buy into their tripe and roll up your sleeve. See you on the flip side!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2022