Prostitution Evaded for Pecuniary Tax Collated?

The definition of prostitution to the layman is “receiving monetary rewards for the engagement of sexual activity” thus rendering an illegal exchange of money for sex. But if one were to solicit a prostitute and pay her in drugs, is that illegal other then the fact that the drug itself illegal? Or how about food? If a hungry person solicits themselves in the exchange of food for sexual activity?

If you are a stickler then: Oxford Definition of prostitution – the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.

Canadian Dictionary: Prostitution is the practice of exchanging sexual services for money or for other needs such as food and shelter (In Canada, Prostitution is not a crime, only the solicitation and communication thereof todo with prostitution, which is just a play of words because it is still illegal in the whole sense of the transactional agreement, solicitation in accordance to “sex” and the monetary exchange thereof.) 

Merriam-Webster: Prostitution: the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money. 2 : the state of being prostituted : debasement. (Which brings in the procurer (Pimp) element of the illicit endeavor.)

No matter how you slice the pie, it is illegal. So why can certain sites solicit sex over the internet? IE: A woman/girl and/or man/boy sits at home, on camera, hosted by an any number of so called legitimate  membership hosting sites, and awaits someone to purchase a membership to enable them to purchase sexual activities based on the ongoing micro transactions made from the account depending on the customer’s/member’s requests of what sexual activity they want the female/male or both to perform, whom sits in a bedroom being procured (pimped) over the internet. This is not real modelling or acting because it is a real time performance not intended for distribution by policy of the site, this is sexual activity with penetration for money. Prostitution, not simulated.

Or if a woman/man and/or man/woman is paid to have sexual intercourse and/or foreplay/fellatio/cunnilingus/sodomy on camera to be sold to a wide variety of people to view over the internet or by means of electronic medium or another volatile or non-volatile data recording medium like DVD/Blu-ray, SD card, USB drive or removable drive. Although pornography is viewed as acting and is why it is legal for adults to purchase and view, it is still prostitution because they are having “real penetration and orgasms” during sex and is not simulated or acting. It is having sexual activity for money whereby usually all parties are being paid for performing sex onto each other. To watch someone murder a person on camera for real is illegal and considered not acting because the actual event is occurring, not simulated. Then why is pornography viewed as not prostitution if the actual act is not simulated but real? If this is legal then so should be prostitution on any level.  Because if one was to hire a prostitute to have sex with them and filmed it for the intent of sale and distribution on a legal market as a production, then it would make any act of prostitution legal so long it was filmed on the intent to be distributed for legal sale.

This would make any “John”, the solicited, a potential producer/director/actor of a prostitution filmed and make any “Jane”, the  prostitute an actress. Any lawyer, however incompetent could argue this case and win so long as the John/Jane encounter was filmed.

There has been a lot of upheaval in the underground markets for prostitution and it has certainly made many people paranoid. When Craniumslist decided to kill the personal section of their long-time bulletin board, it would seem they started a trend of fear. I have lost respect for that firm simply because they are not standing up for their First Amendment rights as a publisher.  They really are offending the freedom symbol they use as part of their logo. Either way, they have just made my corporate hated list to be sure.

Freedom of the press: the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc.

So instead of cleaning up the personals and enforce anyone that publishes an ad, to be responsible for their own publication by making them the publisher, through the terms of service, they could not be held liable and the Feds would have to chase after the individual offenders who become the publishers. But because of the push from special interest groups, lobbyists, and/or corporations pushing to eliminate the so called underground element on free personal ads, not to mention trying save money for the US Treasury,  they create a blanket form of enforcement (FOSTA) that just tightens the noose on freedom of speech, creating a fear and panic that causes everyone, once again,  to run back into the cloakroom and cling to the teacher’s dress.

In the area I live, the police and authorities have followed suit with raids and crack downs on the streets causing people that would advertise for the locals in a personal format, eliminate their ads, allowing large corporate sex sites to take over for fees of course. It is not very discreet when you have to register to a site that simply just wants your money via debit or credit card for information that should be free. In most cases it is just a con job that will string you along to spend more money in exchange for basically, nothing, not to mention make anyone that is stupid enough to join these pay sights susceptible to credit and identity theft. If they do not want money you will be spammed out by countless commercial and phishing emails. The best way to combat these marauders is to not patronise their money sucking hypocritical websites. They are the gatekeepers and the doorways to what and who is really controlling the sex trade, attempting to mold it into a totally virtual format. Virtual prostitution will make it even more secure, at the expense of your privacy and security,  for sex pushing corporations to enslave participants to perform in virtual rooms who could be of any age really and no one would ever know how they were recruited and if they even get paid keeping them hooked and stoned on opiates. Human trafficking will skyrocket  in the next decade to come, unless we educate and home school our children now before your child is the next enslaved victim via virtual sex room for virtual prostitution.


“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2018



Subscriber Option now Reopened

We have reopened our subscriber option. So if you are inclined, please subscribe. Be cautioned however; if you use a email address that is  linked to any or all of the blacklists, we will delete your account. We have zero tolerance to spamming, hacking, or whatever you like to call this practice. Please use a clean, valid email address.

To all that had current subscriptions and a valid email attached, all your passwords were reset and you may of received an email informing you of the change. To all that had no valid email attached, the account was deleted. We apologise for any inconvenience this may of caused. To reset your password go to the login page and select reset password.

FOSTA Festus Optimum Stupor Tax Advocacy

They’re Spew-ky and they’re Puke-y, But all they want is Nookie, They all smell like Sushi, The FOSTA Family

FOSTA seems to be a real wake up call for freedom and anyone who would give a night soil about our right to speak and author what we like because well, it just is not lucrative enough to care so why should anyone fight for freedom of speech? Just because most of the major news publishers and main con-stream media owned by Commercial Corporate North America have been bought and paid for, does not mean we should just give up. But we have haven’t we? Does anyone really care about whether Craniumslist can have a personal section? Does anyone really have any concern whether offers free personals? I really do not think anyone on this planet does unless you are an eccentric control freak like a not so recent president elect, whom seems to think he is everyone’s “Daddy”.  In my opinion, unless the FBI can come up with some substantial charges against, then they are, in the whole sense of the ideal, on a witch hunt which is about as base and primitive, not to mention ignorant, as it comes. Sex has been totally virtualized by the internet and there is a furious fight on who is going to control those billions in the next decade to come. Yes, do not think for one millionth-second that is not the score. They are not going to get rid of virtual prostitution, sex trafficking, porno sites, escort services (which is just a legal front for prostitution) Child abduction/pornography, pedophilia, incest, rape or anything else that can make a buck on the internet. In basics, human trafficking is not myth or something that is rogue controlled by a few shady individuals. It has been very big business all over the world for a very long time and the internet has enhanced these perverted practices, nothing more. The only question remains, is who is going to control the billions of monetary bursas yielded from these illicit endeavors. Not only does the government want to be your dealer, they also want to be your pimp.

Their House is Helter Skelter, For all the Wealth can Shelter, Plus Gold and Metal Smelter, the FOSTA Family

Yes, legalize marijuana and control prostitution, That is what they want. Not hard to figure that one out because, if it makes money for the wealthy only, it has to be ok, right? Wrong, unless of course the 1 percenters are willing to send their daughters to audition for Somehow I cannot picture that for some reason. But if I had a daughter, and thank God I do not, it would be ok for her, once she turned eighteen, to audition and become one of the many exploited on a minute to minute basis by these so called rogue elements in our business sectors. You will find, that a lot of these sites and establishments have major financial backing and benefactors. This is all completely cool to the FBI and IRS because these sex exploitation firms are paying taxes. Or am I looking at this all wrong and these companies are just too savvy to be caught? Or is exploitation an acceptable trade in commercial corporate North America and the rest of the world. So, they just slap down the cowboys that want to break into the industry to keep the ones that have plagiarised and pirated their way to the top of the money grab, safe from competition. It is so obvious it is totally boring. The internet is becoming a commercialized cesspool of broken ideals and monetary capitalization all made possible by places like De-Faced-Book, Ewe-Boob, Droolgle, Microbsoft, HooYa, LOA, virtually all dating sites and many more that I really care not to mention. It has become the 1 percenters tool to control your brain, if you still have a brain. Just pay your taxes and be a good little surf.

They will sell you Marijuana, to make you a Moron-a, Then screw you in a Sauna, The FOSTA Family  

In the last 10 years, we as individuals have played right into their greedy hands, because of our own need for greed. While the 1 percent laugh to the bank, they howl at us who are retarded enough to offer them slapstick humour via fights in Booger Kink or fights in Mc-Dumb-ass. I do not want to offend anyone’s creative abilities, but that is just as low class as it gets. Perhaps we are low class but we do not have to be low IQ. If we all just stood up and said what we really feel and stood up for our rights, this world would straighten out in a hurry. It is hard to respect yourself if you have no respect for what is happening to your offspring, especially your daughter on the street prostituting herself as the government basically says it is ok as long as she is paying taxes working through a bogus Escort Service front that pays taxes from their monetary control over your daughter exploiting herself to get her next fix of opiates or crack. Callous am I and callous it will be, but better to be humiliated into pulling your offspring off the street then viewing their abused corpse in the city or county morgue. That is as serious as it can get, and the reason you do not worry about such things happening to your kids is because commercialism brainwashes you to think everything is hunky-dory and the system is looking out for their best interest. Do not be fooled, and home school your children, trash your television and any other commercialised devise that will just rot their brains to become zombies for the system.

They will exploit you on some film, For some crack or may be pill-m, Until you want to Kill ’em, the FOSTA Family

Possibly there will be a surge of people demanding their rights and we can turn the tide away from these ravenous elements that is controlling our entertainment by means of cat and mouse. Give you a little freedom and take it away. Buy this and get this app free but if you upgrade, the system does not support that app anymore, but you can re-buy the version that can be supported. We cannot have much respect for ourselves if we allow them to abuse the constitution over and over again to suit their financial cravings. They are like scavengers picking our bones clean, waiting for our offspring to take our place so they can pick away at their bones.  We cannot be humiliated over and over again without growing out of their control, and we will. When that happens, we will be feasting on their bones.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2018

Mercantile Meted Asininity Minacious

Slogan Persuasive Telemarketer Pristine House Slippers by Sue Can Menace

In the most realistic of things, one could say advertising is just a staple of life. That we must endure its vivacious folly that totally insults our brains and integrity. This could be more of a deterrent causing one to stay away from media, however it does not. In fact, subconsciously, it makes you crave more. You will feel odd if you watch non-commercialized programming, missing that familiar tone of a commercial voice or quality in the background while you meld up some spew-age stew enjoying your brainwashed comfy kitchen décor that resembles that Nome and Farhan  kitchen from a not too distant issue you were conned into subscribing to, thinking your home was not stylish enough for the status quo. When a commercial comes on, we either inflict our brains and psyche by sitting there watching the barrage, or we get up and check on the spew-age that may be over-boiling in our debt induced designer kitchen, still hearing the propaganda because the broadcast simply turns up the volume when a commercial invades your living room like an evasive/invasive blitz to your molded brain via your eyes and/or ears, knowing that some men/women will jump up, like programmed cyborgs to check on dinner. How do advertisers and programmers know this? Research and lots of it, that continue to conduct by selecting out of the many, but are the (so called) few for the Nielsen Ratings surveys! Oh boy, now I get to trash and endorse who I want for programming. Really, in actuality, they could care a less your opinion on programming. The just want to know your schedule and when is the best time you inflict your brain with  televised indoctrinated scat.

Cushy Washee Bond Mohair Pews for the Living Room  by Nina Pinta-Con-Zio

It can be almost like a good guy/bad guy routine, like good cop/bad cop, whereby, the brain melding series you watch insults you brain in so may ways, like “a doctor that is 12 years old operating on humans” or “that skinny model woman who is 100 lbs soaking wet is beating up  2 to 3- 200 lb + bikers” or “that under 20 years of age grand prix racer that learned how to drive on his laptop taking a formula one vehicle for a spin down a city street”. Are these events possible? Could be, however, not likely even in the most illusive sense of the fantasy. But they play the bad guy, making you feel you are worthless because you yourself cannot beat-up one biker let alone three, and why would you really want to anyway? Then, the commercial comes on, like a dream to encourage you that you could afford this sleek, beautiful, option packed suitor magnet, “so long as you want to go in hawk for the rest of your life vehicle”. Ah, yes the pleasure, the status, into the elite you will become! Meanwhile, in the driveway, rusts away your current dream gone nightmare vehicle that you still owe a couple years payments. Scenarios of grandeur seemingly entices us to watch and listen, however we should reject this and find some actual excitement in our life instead of virtual detritus.

Copious Teeth Staining Water Discoloring Heart-attack inducing Brewer by Smug

In our daily lives, we seem to be led around like dogs on a chain, only allowed to run in controlled environments like shopping Malls or public restaurants/lounges that are experts on sucking up all the extra cash or credit you may have left for the week or two week period while waiting for that next paycheque. And usually, of course, you will feel obligated to give the server a tip to make up for the low wage the restaurant management is too cheap to increase, and will just fire the person before they want a raise anyway for some ambiguous reason, just good enough, not to have to pay severance. Exaggerated? I wish I was, but that is what makes all of this so spooky, because I am not saying enough. If I was, then possibly more people would listen. I guess I could exaggerate in the sense by glamourizing being brainwashed, but how would one do that and what would it look or sound like? Indoctrination City, where you, yourself, get to choose how we brainwash you. Yes, we have several brain shrinking plans for you to choose from and we can get it done for you in 45 minutes, or less. Just think, you will never have to doubt again whether you should climb up on that conveyor belt to clear up a jam  without first disconnecting and locking out the breaker, you will just do what takes less time to please the boss! Just think of the time you will save with our Ultra Brain Honing Monthly Plan that will keep your brain shrunk  continuously enabling you not having to watch TV so you can spend more time and money in supermarkets and shopping malls, staying in complete debt and knowing exactly what brands to purchase! The monthly plans come with a free frontal lobe trim! Shock treatment extra.

The In housed Organic High Wired Puddle Catch Tub by Just-in-a-Psych-Ward 

In most cases, we all seem to dream about the lavish lifestyles that we could possibly aspire to, just by pushing ourselves a little bit more at work to maybe get that raise or promotion, or work endless overtime (sometimes for no extra money) just to get noticed for our sacrifices. Some of the lucky ones may get noticed, perhaps, but it is just a draw to keep you spending all your free time to make your employer more money, and when you stop that performance, because you realize they are not going to promote you or give you a substantial raise or even pay for the time they owe you for, they just fire your butt for poor job performance. There are some individuals that fight corporations, some of these people are high profile, but seem to also to get ridiculed or defamed when they reach a certain level of “truth”. Reckonable Causatum seems to be the most fitting phrase. However, there are so called truth media channels, mostly on Ewe-boob, and now, it is hard to decipher which ones actually are for truth in media, from the ones that are using it to get monetary payouts because of the advertising. Really, if one was really for the truth, they would avoid advertising like the plague. Even on Ewe-boob, you can publish and stop the advertising entirely, making your videos free of advertisements for your viewers. You do not get any money, but you can still do this and more people should because ultimately, this may turn the tide on Ewe-boob, giving it back to public for what was originally intended; a way to self publish videos to share with others.  Look at it now. It is a three ring circus with an abundance of advertising endorsing clowns.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2018




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Enclaved Media and the Plushy Blue-pencilers of Diminuendo

Scry into the Black Mirror of Capitalistic Grift

If you look, really look and listen, when your mind numbing favorite TV series tunes in after the News Hour of Indoctrination at Five, then you will start to see through the props of spurious influence or “pretend”. They hire actors that are just good enough to convey some generated “pretend” emotion, whether it be comical or sad, dramatic or horrifying, accented with just the right musical overtone to set the “pretend” mood. Ah, yes, escape from your enforced daily fop enhanced slave driven profession, where you can remove your footwear and put your feet up and watch, drinking your favorite brain cell burning elixir, after you quickly choked down that doobie of that soon to be legal brain shrinking cannabis outside, because we are all brainwashed to think it is some how dangerous to smoke inside our homes or vehicles due to second hand smoke, even when nobody else is even around, but will still fill our own lungs with damaging fumes that will guarantee your grave plot to be incanted that much sooner so the government can keep the rest of your pension money that you still had left to collect. Can you see the light yet? Perhaps that distant light refracting into the culvert of mind control from a piece of broken glass that came from a fop inducing elixir bottle? Ah yes, reality. WTF, I guess most would rather watch Epic Fails on Ewe Boob would be a predictable safe assumption. That is sad, so sad. I visit friends that are “hooked” on this deception, marred with corporate advertising, just like watching bogus past series like “That’s (not) Incredible” or “Commercial Corporate America’s (not) Favorite Bloopers” from 30+ years ago. Seems really familiar somehow, like “Frown, you are on (not) Candid Camera!” Just sign this release and we will give you $50.00. Wow, a whole $50.00 to look like a ass! Great, thanks a million! Only now, people act like asses for free and submit this detritus to certain channels on Ewe Boob for, what reason again? Oh, to look like an ass. I forgot, sorry. The worst part is someone is raking in the cyber cash on other’s misfortunes which is the basis of the capitalistic system.

As Ewe-s-less as a Boob on a Mule 

Ewe Boob is getting worse by the moment and there is no turning back. You can still publish for free on this medium and, yes, there are some things that are useful, but not much of this is free of commercial corporate ads of indoctrinating madness. In fact, Ewe Boob is so brain taxing now, it is definitely on the list of corporate brainwashing abuse. Some people think it is still “cool” but I think it is mostly drool now. But corporations and their willful campaigns of mind control are ever so prevalent on the internet as a whole and they will not stop until they have swallowed it up and totally control the broadcast, creating another cable like entity whereby only the chosen few can publish under the enforcement of censorship and content control, whereby if they do not agree with your message, it will not be published. Period. And of course, it will cost extreme amounts of money to publish anything, just like the glory days from the 1920’s up until about the time the internet became very popular for social interaction and games. After that it was wide open, until now, or actually it started declining about 7 years ago. What can anyone do about this reversal? Reject it and think for yourself. Stop being the next drunken fight in some fast food franchise to be captured by some bored individual just ready to upload it to Ewe Boob. Simply, stop being a victim of greedy indoctrination and stand up for yourself and just , walk away. How do you handle the gatekeepers of greed? Simply walk away and eliminate the need. They will be unemployed soon enough.

Trade in you Family Bible for a Comic Book!

We all create our own desperation. Desperation that is seeded by having to have that covet level possession that is designed and marketed to keep you broke and on the edge, whereby you are controllable by the pecuniary strings of corporate devise. The masses are on one side, and the 1 percenters are on the other. In the middle are gate keepers, special interest groups, registered charities, large corporations, politicians, armies, police, CIA, FBI, NSA, RCMP, Homeland Security, etc… The “Tower of Economical Babel” Only the elite would plagiarize the bible and discredit the volume at the same time, for control purposes of course. One would have to wonder why religion is being discredited and shunned from public displays and schools. Culture wise, every culture has a religion and to spurn those beliefs is only to gain control over the corrupted side of people to do things primarily for greed induced purposes, which contradicts the bible and all of it’s verses. Simply put, the 1 percent of society do not like the idea that there may be a supreme entity, like “God” in existence that contradicts their current greed induced agendas of the modern times we are experiencing.   If they can destroy your heart seated beliefs, then you will do their bidding and sell your soul for a fop outfit and middle to lowered classed income. What would you have left to teach your spawn? Not much. This creates the disposal of the family unit and more mold-able desperate minds full of fear and hate, primed for indoctrination. Lets face it, a desperate individual will believe anything to feel right again. All part of the indoctrinating corruption. Bottom line is, if you think the 1 percent of society really cares if you live or die, then Wheaton New Jersey exists and so does Superman or Batman, or Catwoman or Batwoman? Or is that too gender specific? I forgot, we must become gendercide specific, whereby there is no male or female. Just a mule engendered species of such designated for work, and nothing more whereby sex is useless, only a taboo pastime that would cut into the media’s chances to brainwash you further into the cauldron of commercial melding spew. Yummy!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2018

Distain of the Sumptuous Death Dogs

Vampires at your Front and Back Doors

We are all victims of greed. Every time you loose your job for some ambiguous reason, you were a victim of greed. People of corporate mentalities are nothing more the conduits of greed. No matter what idealisms they started out with, it seethes down to greed, because if they do not endorse the greed mentality, they will be sumptuously replaced, as to say, they will spare no expense to get rid of you. People in the corporate bursa seem to think they have job security, but they are mistaken. Then can and will be replaced even if you are doing the quota and towing the line. It all has to do with integrity, and if you have integrity, then you will have a short employment. When and where was this attitude developed? It has always been the case, only now it is more prevalent and obvious. With labor laws disappearing, and corporate lobbying, we and our rights are being sold down the river of gluttony. They will not stop because there is no one to stop them. We could crusade and change this tide, but that would mean we would have to ban together. Stop watching mind numbing advertising and brainwashing main streamed media designed to keep you mesmerized and glued to the tube of indoctrinated deception. The North American dream is nothing more then a corporate slanderous nightmare keeping everyone afraid to retaliate, fearing that they will offend a potential employer. But in the end, we should retaliate and keep talking and writing about the erroneous mess they are making this world and leaving less and less for our offspring.

Recycled Opportunistic

The employment revolving door philosophy has been adopted by many employers in Commercial Corporate North America . This is because governments offer subsidies to multi-billion dollar corporations to keep you employed and will pay these subsidies for 3 to 9 months to the company. The atmosphere this creates is the need to rid you as an employee before these periods expire so they can get another new employee to renew the subsidy period, giving the company 60 to 70 percent off the wage, and paying the small difference. The government agencies that are suppose to watchdog these hirings, in basics, do not do anything even when they know the employer is abusing the subsidies to get very cheap labor. Really, that is the only way the government can compete keeping jobs in Commercial Corporate North America using the tax dollars collected from the working to keep hiring new individuals to suit the corporations that have already bought and paid for most advocates in the government. Most politicians extend their greedy claws out in anticipation of the large payouts, not that they do not already get money from the tax payer by embezzling from the funding in their particular ridings. We are surrounded by these Sumptuous Death Dogs, and if you get in their way, they will manipulate you away form the source of their fraudulent money collection. Nothing fancy, just smart enough to go along with the Corporate Dictators. The key emotion here is greed. If you can master that, you will fit in just fine with these debt inducing corporate armies. They collect taxes from your wage that you paid back to yourself by producing the subsidy via the taxes collected from your last pay check. How would this work you may ponder? Well, very simply by for every tax dollar collected, they print out the remaining percentage paid to that corporation that has hired you with new money, borrowing off the future projection of that particular circulation of money from interest gained in short periods sitting in a transitional bank account generated by your hard earned wage. That is why the deficit is astronomical and never really under control. Clever, however really sad because we are paying our own wages ultimately, giving these corporations a free ride. In fact, the only money the large corporations contribute to your employment during these employment subsidy periods is the portion the government takes off you during taxation of your paycheck. Thus, the corporation gets a totally free ride because we are paying them back for their employment, and you can bet your great-grandmother’s wedding dress that is sitting in the local pawn shop that helped you pay your indoctrinating cable bill, the government gives these corporations huge tax incentives to participate in these employment schemes to hire people in North America instead of outsourcing in third world countries.

Fanatical Future Frenzied Fascism Fantasies

People however do not see this and really do not believe it even if you told them because of the indoctrinating influence main con stream media pacifies all who are foolish enough to continue the constant brain barrage that creates heaps of mind garbage that will occupy your brain cells until you develop dementia. That is the key to keep us down and them on top whilst you idolize them in awe envying their so called intellect, social stature and materialisms that we will never attain, only in wanton fantasies. So as they steal your future and your capacity to provide futures, property and dowries for your offspring, all at the expense of providing their own offspring million dollar homes and Porsches while your offspring frolic and prostitute themselves to eat, just keep watching “fights in McDonalds” on Ewe Boob, or “fights in Burger King” if you prefer. Communities continue to be compromised and destroyed at the expense caused by corporations buying up all the independent businesses and media, by forcing them to bankruptcy and buying them cheap, replacing them with mindless corporations with only greed induced incentives operated by the very people that owned these usurped businesses in the first place working for minimum wage. We cannot see this happening? Of course we can but because we are brainwashed, we think somehow corporations can sell us a carton of milk better then the corner store that was destroyed in the franchised wake? Wake up and smell the cappuccino.

Build Upon Their Distained Bones of Greed

People adapt and change and that is our only chance against these corporate marauders. We have to reject their purse strings and go back to basics by becoming self-serving as a community again and rebuild our self-sourced infrastructures by producing our own commodities thus trading with other communities that have other commodities in need for what they need. Reject the corporate mentalities and their franchises and plow them over to create room for sowing and renewal of our local social infrastructure. Reject the monetary greed and produce for the needs of your community, shunning all forms of capitalistic, mind numbing conglomeration. We have nothing to gain by idol worshiping these sumptuous death dogs that are destroying our communities for the corporate bottom lined agendas.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2018

Me, Myself and I, and the Garroter

Ladder of Progressive Cranium Rupture

He is the only friend I have, the only person interested. What does that mean? It means everyone is being enslaved and I have moved on. Could it be I am befriending the willing, the insane? Or just anyone that will communicate above the brainwashing of society. I believe people that engage in the “taboo” type lifestyles and professions most likely see beyond the cloak room of indoctrination. Taboo does not describe sexual deviants or professions of exploitations, although some of them are in this category, but like to dominate others around them for their pecuniary cravings which would put them in the “greed” category. They may very well see above the indoctrination, but also use it for their own selfish ends. People idolize these culprits, but I find myself getting ill of their reminisce. People in any job profession are filled with culprits of the ravenous, all the way up the ladder of progression. People that advanced these days are the ones stabbing everyone else in the back to advance. I have plenty of scars in my back. Why is this evident when we enter the job market? Because we are brainwashed to behave this way, grab something before someone else does, even though you may not even need it or even want what you are groping for. Possibly that is why I find friends in strange professions because that type of a profession is a “lone wolf” occupation. No superiors, no subordinates. They may share their trade secrets with people they can communicate with on certain levels, that seem to fit the profile, but are never afraid to do this because, who would believe you anyway? And really, you cross someone that is a professional, then you will disappear soon enough.

Follow the Walled in Road of Limitation

Why do these individuals in these professions do what they do? Because they get paid for these contracts and never know who they are eliminating, only where to find them, the reasons for their demise, description and other pertinent data, nothing more. They eliminate the target and collect the remainder 50% of the payment. If cheated, well, would you cheat someone in that profession? Nah, most likely not. It is a built in occupational security because most people fear death, thus why would anyone cheat a contractor? If any person doubts that this happens, then Wheaton, New Jersey is looking for a Mayor. May be you should run? We are bombarded on a daily basis with mind garbage from our friendly commercial corporate North American main con-stream media, and if you allow your brain to absorb this swill, well you are a puppet to be used and disposed of in any indoctrinating method of the current advertising campaign. Mind garbage is so prevalent that is absorbing all of your brain cells and memory. You are being dementia-itised. Trained to be a consuming zombie, only having enough brain power to be dictated to and purchase all of the programmed product jettisons melded into your controlled brain. Does this mean a contractor is smarter then you? It just means they are off the program and into reality, which would be the only way for them to continue such a path in life. Is it right? Is it wrong? No one can judge and it only indicates they have gone for themselves and are following their own paths. You are brainwashed to think they are evil instead of thinking for yourself, which only causes confusion for your controlled mind.

Skillful Projection of the Rejected

Personally, I could not do that sort of profession. But to say it is right or wrong may be a difficult choice. Anyone that has had the misfortune to be in the armed forces would be in the same category of professions. You are paid to kill, and not very well I may add. The government pays you to kill. You are killing people you do not know, nor have the faintest if they deserve it or not, only that they are the misfortunate schmucks hired by that government to shoot at you, whom they have know clue, other then you are shooting at them. I guess you could call this a “planned” self defence, but still sounds feeble on that level. To the corporate owned governments that sent all of you there is the first place, it is right and patriotic because you are defending you homeland and the ways of indoctrinated life, where you do not own anything, just owe for everything and with the armed forces’ enforced wage, you will not pay it off too soon, if ever at all. Men and women come back traumatised and disabled mentally and physically (unless you are lucky and never seen any combat) and are ruined for life. Not the same, and will carry that burden until they die. But they did their patriotic duty. However, once they are used, no one really, wants to deal with them and shuns their existence. Send them to shrinks and keep them drugged up because if they ever woke up, they would be another person that has seen beyond the brainwashed, phoney staged propped commercialized existence we are all forced to endure from our childhood’s cloak room of indoctrinated security.

Teams of Self-Destructive Identities

But I have a friend, and friends do not judge each other. They just remain friends to communicate and collaborate everyday burdens and things of creative interests. They do their best not to betray each other’s confidence and support each other in times of woe. Despite all what the brainwashed masses and their programmers and controllers say or dictate, you can ultimately chose your own path in life, good or evil, and it is your choice alone. If you are told what to chose or have no idea how to make your own choices, then you are brainwashed and have to break the program with all of your will. A clear sign of this mode is if you have to consult someone else to make a simple choice. If you cannot choose for yourself what you like then you know you are totally brained honed. Don’t get help, help yourself, and soon. Teams and team players are hoodwinked people that are just bricks in the crumbling walls protecting bloated kingdoms of indoctrinated propaganda.  And remember, to be isolated, is to be an individual of your own creation, no one else’s.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2018

Dark Goth Angel

Interview with Kissra Lynnkay

A very interesting woman indeed. Although you will find her responses straight forward, you will also find she does not reveal her mystique. She is no stranger to the camera, but refuses to be labeled an actor, professional or amateur, or even an artist of any kind. She has a frightening look to her, sometimes reminds me of an Evil Gothic Queen. She views life and social issues in a straight forward, rigid manner. Or does she? Kissra is hard nose chic, but I do believe she is a light to follow, only if she would uncloak her purple disguise that veils her illumination.

Nice to meet you Kissra! Please tell the readers where you were born?”

Kissra: “Montreal”

How was your youth? happy, Sad?

Kissra: “Normal.”

Describe your family?

Kissra:  “Average.”

 “Did you like school?

Kissra: “Not really, who liked school, lol.”

 “What was life like where you grew up?

Kissra: “Nothing special.”

What cultures do you have in your blood line?

Kissra: “Polish, Canadian.”

Explain your title, “Dark Goth Angel”?”

Kissra: “I’m creating my web site and I will have detailed info about that. It’s a long interesting story.”

Come on, you do not want to share anymore info then that? Sounds exciting!

Kissra: “Wait and check my site to see…”

Culturally, I find that we are all the same. But what are your views on different cultures introduced to North America?

Kissra: “Today with the internet, social media and how the world connected all cultures blending into one and living/behaving similarly as time goes on. I have no views about a particular culture because all cultures are fading into one globalized mono-toned life with the exception of the few free spirited souls.”

Being an artist, how do you perceive the world now compared to how you viewed the world in your youth? Has it changed your artistic “output”?”

Kissra: “I don’t view myself as an artist. I simply live my life the way I want without external influences and be mindful of those around me.”

I disagree. But you are right. To view yourself as an artist puts a label on your work. Would you rather be considered rebellious vigilant crashing artistic barriers?

Kissra: “Like I said, you seem to view me as an artist when I’m nothing but an average woman living her life. I don’t sell my content and offer it free.”

Where do you see yourself in the future? Do you want to continue acting/modeling? Would you be interested in making a main stream movie or would you be more interested in acting as a “Mary Hartman” type character in a satirical soap opera?

Kissra: “I never considered acting. As for the modeling I do it as amateur to satisfy curiosity and experience and I’m open to anything that sparks my interests.”

You should consider acting. Explain “amateur to satisfy curiosity”?

Kissra:  “I don’t think I will consider acting and the word amateur is just to convey to you that I’m not doing anything to model or to act. Just living my life and sharing it online. You want to view it as modeling or art that’s up to the viewer I guess :)”

Would you consider yourself a submissive person or a dominant person in a mutual relationship?

Kissra: “I’m submissive by nature. Being submissive lets me see how others think and what they do to get pleasures.”

 “If someone offered you some money for a sexual encounter, would you be insulted, flattered, or would you just want to hear the details of the offer?

Kissra: “I’d want to hear the details of the offer lol :)”

When I first seen you on the internet, I was instantly attracted to your soft evasive allurement and originality. You seem like a woman that is focused on what she wants. What is the single most important goal that you want to accomplish?

Kissra: “Live life and have as many experiences as possible.”

Describe your wildest experience?”

Kissra: “Nothing I experienced was so wild to be distinguished as “the experience”. I’m sorry to disappoint you but you are seeing me as some celebrity model and expecting celebrity answers when I’m nothing but an average woman living her life and sharing it on the Internet. If you’d like you can read my blogs off my web site and I explain in details why I do what I do ;)”

What are your thoughts on pornography productions on the whole? Do you think pornography acting leads to more promising careers?

Kissra: “Pornography is boring because it’s all the same thing (not real). People don’t behave like that when are aroused and want to/having sex. There is a difference between romance and soft love making with a sole mate and raw animalistic “dirty” sex to satisfy sexual arousal. Porn on the other hand is an inaccurate male fantasy that is pitched to the world  by small group of people with limited views that does not represent the “people” of the world. Amateur porn filmed raw is more exciting because people can relate to.”

When looking at your facial expressions in your pictures, you seem to be half happy, half sad. Like the Greek theater masks. Did you develop this charisma or did your experiences in life from this character you emulate?

Kissra: “People see what they want to see. Based on your views, outlook, and experiences you will see things your way. Some people see a horny bitch, others see a sad person needs rescuing and you see half sad and half happy ;)”

I see a very interesting character. If you feel you are happy, how would you rate your success in social interaction compared to being sad if you want something from the interaction?”  

Kissra: Not sure I fully understand this question. But, I don’t care much for social interaction or the need to interact. I don’t avoid interactions but I don’t seek it.”

What is your ultimate wish in life; love, charity, profession or money?

Kissra: “To live life to the fullest and have as many experiences as possible and money facilitate that, so I seek money as well lol.”

What do you think of exploitation guru’s like Hugh Heffner, Larry Flint?

Kissra: “For one to be exploited one needs to be tricked into something. What I do is by choice and that’s not exploitation.  This question can be asked to  Hugh Heffner, Larry Flint or an exploited person; they will be able to reflect on this question better than I can.”

You are undoubtedly a very attractive woman with extreme character. Do you find when men hit on you (and do not tell me they do not) that they can be pushy, expectant, or do most men approach you with chivalry? Women?

Kissra: “Blushing…thank you 🙂  …. I love it when I’m approached. I don’t like it when people are  pushy or expectant but  chivalry goes a long way with me ;)”

You have a lot of tattoos. My favorites are the Snaked Dagger and the Eye of Horus. Body art is a statement. What is your statement?

Kissra: “Each of my tattoo’s have specific meaning and the location of each is by design. I will include the story behind each of them on my personal (free) web site, it’s in the making and soon will be online ;)”

Looking at your pictures on your site, you seem to have a poetic flow through with your female anatomy and your body art. Was this purposeful, natural, or accidental?

Kissra: “Accidental lol 🙂 each photographer shoots from their perspective and what you see is a representation of the shooter rather than the model :)”

Do you find it annoying when men approach you in a gaga mannerism?”

Kissra: “I love being approached as long as you remain thoughtful, respectful and not pushy or expectant.”

What are your thoughts on the people that control the common wealth of this country? Are you a fan of the Queen?

Kissra: “I never followed politics and I think of politics as a giant toilet with different sh#$ in it; and that’s true anywhere you go in the world! So to answer your question about the Queen or the people who control the commonwealth of the people is I’m neutral towards them because their power comes from the very people who complain about them. So in essence, the people empower these elites and then the same people complain about them. My answer to this simple equation is do not participate in a system you don’t believe in. Don’t vote, don’t riot, don’t protest, buy the minimum you need to get by…simply do not participate in a system you don’t believe in and if everyone does this to any system anywhere in the world that system will fall apart overnight ;)”

Being a person from Montreal, what are you views on the French and English rivalry political mongers keep dredging up as an actual issue in Canada?

Kissra: “It is an issue if you make it one. I don’t participate in rivalry of any kind so you are asking the wrong person about this ;)”

What are your thoughts about Justin Trudeau?

Kissra: “Very cute and intelligent ;)”

What are your views on drug use, especially with the youths of North America?

Kisssra: “I never done any drugs of any kind in my life so I wouldn’t know how to answer this question well.”

So you do not think it is a problem?

Kissra: If you think its a problem then it is for you. if you don’t think it is one then its not. People make choices and they live by the choices they make regardless of what one thinks.”

More and more clinical and lab produced (synthetic) drugs are available in the streets, highly addictive and damaging. What is the best advice you could convey to young people dabbling into these types of addictive drugs?

Kissra: “It’s their life and their experiences. Who am I to tell them what to do. The way you make your bed is the way you’ll sleep.”

What about chronic addiction? Can anything be done without compromising liberties?

Kissra: The more people have opinions about stuff, the more laws and micromanaging we get. Let people do what they want and live with the choices they made as long as they don’t force their way on others, I couldn’t care less.”

Sexual child abuse in the home is approximately 1 out of every 3 homes in any city, in any country, in the world. A lot of these children end up on the street, desolate, prostituting, and addicted to drugs. Others end up with severe emotional and relationship problems later in life. Do you have any suggestions to authorities (Children’s Aid) how to illuminate and punish the offenders? What advice would you give to the abused, being abused by a family member past or present?”

Kissra: “First off you mention prostituting as a horrible by-product of abuse. What if the woman agrees to rent her body to a willing customer who have little time to socialize and they both enter into this business transaction that’s agreed to by two consenting adults? There is nothing wrong with prostitution in my opinion. Now if an abused child grows up and gets into prostitution and drugs who’s fault is that? Certainly not the healthy consenting adults who chose to enter into a business transaction for profitability and pleasure. Society is so ignorant today that they stereotype everything with excessive micromanaging to the point where it became nauseating. To answer your question about what to advise authorities about child abuse is not to associate prostitution or the right of people to use their body with child abuse. To tackle the issue independently from association. I’m not an expert on child abuse since I had a rather comfortable life without suffering abuse so I can’t answer this question properly.”

Certainly there are prostitutes that make a good living by choice. Prostituting underage. Victims? You see this as a choice rather then a manipulation?” 

Kissra: “You speak big words and expect simple direct answers. no one is saying underage prostitution is OK but if an under age prostitute chose to earn a living this way, do you go after the root cause or the underage prostitute? The real cause has nothing to do with prostitution.”

I find that the pornographic trade is filled with corporate entities trying to monopolize the mediums and control the trade. What message would you convey to these hypocritical shysters, if any?”

Kissra: “They make their profits from who? How about directing your question to the same people who pay these corporate profiteers or what you call shysters.”

“People that like porn pay for the medium. It is a highly competitive field. You do not think the actors of the trade are under paid? Or do you think it is a fair exchange for the actors (all actors)?”

Kissra: “I never acted as a paid porn actress so I don’t know what’s involved in making the movies thus I can’t say if its fair or not. A porn actress can answer you better than me ;)”

Male and female anatomy has its own essence and beauty. Society today thinks it is more acceptable to watch people getting graphically murdered rather than displaying the male’s and female’s sexual anatomy. Society is saying that it is ok to have a view for a kill but not ok to look at a woman’s vagina or a man’s penis. Why do you figure society is so embarrassed of their own sexual organs?”  

Kissra: “Few people control the media. Same few people reflect their views to the world on how things should be. Does that mean the people of the world think like that? Ignorant people might but not the whole world, so in essence it’s wrong to generalize society thinks it’s OK to…etc. If you fall within the group that believes what is represented in mainstream media then perhaps you can answer this question ;).  I on the other hand think it’s OK to display male/female body uncensored. People can choose to watch what they want. Making the choice for people is simply wrong and no free intelligent person would agree to it.”

Are you, or have you ever been married, common law or otherwise? If you have, please tell the readers what type of experience it held for you. What is your attitude towards marriage?

Kissra: “Why would you need a paper to be in love? I don’t believe in religion or GOD therefore I don’t require a paper from a religious establishment or any establishment for that matter in order for me to love someone or choose to be with one. To answer your question I’ve lived with different people (guys and gals) and I have a unique experiences with each. Some I loved more than others but all were unique and I wouldn’t want to forget them. I live my life for the experience ;)”

You openly exclaim that you are bisexual but prefer men over women in general. If in a relationship with a woman, does this cause friction between you and her? If in a relationship with a man, what problems exist knowing he has more competing suitors that could steal you away?

Kissra: “I’ve been with many women in a relationship and that never happened. We sometimes get a guy and play wild and never once either of us thought of jealousy. Insecure people have these thoughts and not people who love themselves and the people around them ;)”

Tell us more about your heart and soul. Do you believe in God or spirituality? What makes Kissra tick? What makes Kissra kick?   

Kissra “I don’t believe in religions. I think religions are created to control the weak minded that uses fear for subjugation; these are the traits of a con artist for control. What makes me tick, well if someone pricks my butt with a needle I will jump and bitch-slap them and I kick with my feet :)” 

Post Script: This interview was granted by Kissra Lynnkay and was done for non-profit/educational/entertainment purposes. Reproduction of this interview is granted by a permission basis only by the interviewer/interviewee. © Copyright: All rights reserved 2017.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017