Mormon Baits, Mankind sleeps with the Fishes
January has always been the month of the “Hang-over”, whereby we realize just to what extent we were exploited and hammered by commercialism with their seductive ad campaigns. They told us how special we were, in December, and how they love us so, by bringing us all the product jettisons we can afford, or not afford, to buy that, not so special person, a gift. A gift that will be forgotten, guaranteed before January of the new year, before that first set of overpriced fireworks illuminate the darkened, bleak sky. Just as your eyes are dazzled with spectacular colors and eye candy, it will start to dawn on you how much money you were, once again, conned into spending for those, not so special, family members. In fact, if you had an axe in your hands right about that precise moment of realization, you would most likely chop them all up into itty bitty pieces, small enough to dissolve the remains with hydrochloric acid in your bathtub and watch them all swill down the drain. And as you take another gulp of your favorite brain honing elixir, you will smile thinking about all the money you will recover when you return all the gifts before the 15 day return policy is up! And, after they arrest you and you sit in your new suit, purchased with the money you received from all those returned gifts, during your trial, a trial that you convinced your attorney to plead temporary insanity, you will still be, yes, smiling knowing you will be out in the next 30 to 90 days after you are deemed totally insane, but because the province/state cannot afford to maintain insane asylums, you will be living in a halfway house for free, until they figure you can actually hold a job without killing your employer. Thus if you managed not to do any of that, I guess you are still brainwashed into thinking that somehow, Capitalism is still blessed by our Lord and Savior. I think he would have had more respect for you if you committed the ladder. Loser!
MK Ultra-Violence
Now with the new set of tyrannical chains of debt attached to our credit, accompanying all the other chains of debt induced by one brainwashing ad campaign or another, you will keep trudging along, being pulled over your head by these heavy anchors of “chit”. So avoid holding any blunt objects, unless they are sharp, just incase your spouse says in a irritating voice that the kitchen needs to be revamped after reading the latest issue of “Hone and Jargon”. But hey, don’t deprave yourself and make a ritual out of the slaughter! Enjoy it thoroughly, while you severe them from limb to limb. Grow some balls and do what has to be done! It is the only way you will finally see the light because lets face it. Once you deprogram yourself from the indoctrination, you will not find anyone capable of holding a truly intelligent conversation. Look at it this way. It is just one less indoctrinated human to deal with, that’s all. No other way to put it, really. You can try and deprogram them, but after they call you stupid and idiotic over and over again as you attempt to get them to see the light, you will most likely start sharpening your axe. It is just not worth your time, and besides, being brainwashed is like being a drunk. You have to want to be helped or it just does not work. Then again, we could lock all the brainwashed up, but that would be hugely impractical because 90% of the population are hopelessly brainwashed.
Birth Space, Should it be Rented or Taxed?
It would take a revolution or some drastic event, like the Great lakes over flooding, or earthquakes in California, or the earth’s axis to tilt and wash away 90% of the population, hopefully the right 90%, including the 1 percent from which all this greed and tyranny was conceived and carried on from generation to generation. But of course, the 1 percent would think they would be the only people worth saving. But that should never come as a shock to anyone that has seen the light. Not withstanding that, what would be the answer? There really is no answer other then extreme measures. While they discredit Religion and the faith in God, they will attempt to produce a new moral fibre that will be intertwined with commercialism and capitalism of course, so you will hold it close to your greedy heart, accepting it as your new misguided faith. On the 3rd day he created Tide, so you can at least keep your clothes clean even though your soul will be highly tarnished from corruptive sinning. Keep tearing down those Churches or convert them into condominiums. No space or abode should not be without debt in order to make that land or structure truly productive. You do not need money, because you will have plenty of credit to keep you enslaved to the system until you are old and grey, or dead, which ever blesses you first, which means, death will be your only solace. Old age will be your hell.
God Misplaced his Rain Rattle
Will God save us? Why would he? He would have to repeat history in attempt to keep a small portion of the population to thrive and flourish again, in the right direction. Obviously, that did not happen because if we call what we have achieved up until now as something to be proud of, then we should all be chopped up into itty bitty pieces and fed to the fish. What would be God’s next move? Well, he already came as the lamb. He will now come as the lion and for that, we should all be weary because none of us will be saved. Perhaps he will start another earth somewhere else in another galaxy, hopefully far from this one. And no, he will not allow the 1 percent safe passage or consolation. Perhaps by that time, the 1 percent will figure out how to escape through a black hole and save themselves, because that is the only way it will happen. But it would be their just desserts actually, to bounce around from time warp to time warp, truly exposing their cosmic insignificance.
“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)
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