Dimwits Doofus Morons of Propaganda Propagation; An Interview with Joe, X of Karen

TV Rabbit Ears of Bad Deception

Need I say more? Ok I guess I should. Karen, who is Karen? She has a family and has rid of her husband due to the mind boggling brainwashing that is performed on a daily basis on commercial programming that tears down the family unit and how useless husbands are since the mid 70’s and still going strong, now breaking the sexual barriers promoting transgenderism which is, for lack of a better definition, a wholesale sweep of all of our individualities, priming us for a world that will transform us into bio digital eco-machines or, remember the terminator? Cyborgs wrapped in human flesh. Yes even the movies have been prepping us to accept the bio-digital convergence that is so eloquently explained here. Remember, The World Economic Forum is a nightmare institution of anti-realism that describes the agendas of the elitists, whom have successfully infiltrated all the countries of the world, with their phony Covid 19 pandemic, that is willfully destroying our economies as scripted, in order to usher in 5G and their asset acquisition, depopulation, sterilization, and bio/digital convergence, all brainchildren of the “World Economic Forum” and their cronies that are holding key governmental positions to perpetuate this idiotic pandemic towards world domination. Of course, these brainchildren also include, global warming and carbon controls. all of which is a blatant attempt to franchise the “Green Machine” in order to control our every move, basically starving us out of independence and forcing us to beg for what was rightfully ours in the first place. Like that retard Park Authority popping out of the forest, intruding into you rented camping space demanding that you put back all the wood you stole from the forest’s eco-floor, while building a campfire. Is this reality? You betcha!

The Interview Preamble

But what about Karen? What has she have to do with all this? And 5G, what does that have to do with world domination? I don’t get it! Of course you wouldn’t because you are watching re-runs of “2 and 1/2 Men” and “The Big Bang Theory”. Possibly “Friends”? Or maybe “The 70’s Show”? You would be better off watching Gilligan’s Island or the Munsters, or maybe “The Adams Family” where we have Uncle Festus played by Klaus Schwab. No? Oh my, I could have sworn that was him. Oh well, the theme and epitome seemed consistent. Karen is the “average American divorced housewife” that is empowered by indoctrination of independence, using the crutch of commercial TV which she rules her existence around, whilst she forces her kids to wear masks and has made appointments for all of them to get their vaccine, all because the TV told her so. Can someone slap Karen in the head and tell her the truth, Please? 5G is the tool that will make bio/digital convergence possible to the unlucky ones that survive depopulation, converting them into bio/digital slaves. And let us not forget that 5G millimeter waves are small enough to enter our skin cells and damage the nucleus, causing our bodies to act virally, creating exosomes (viruses) that suspiciously resemble Covid 19 in shape that is produced by our immunities to flush our systems of the radiation produced by 5G millimeter waves at the cellular biological level. The huge elephant in everyone’s living room is that our mainstream source of information is accurate and the truth. This is indeed not the case in any stretch of the imagination, not for a very long time.

The Interview

Joe says with curiosity; “So that is Karen? Sounds like my X-wife before she threw me out because I was laid off for the summer. I guess she had enough of my seasonal job that has cut my pay by 40% and forces me to work in places like Alaska and the Yukon Territory, all accommodations covered except for meals up and above the total cost of 25 dollars a day. I suppose if I eat at Mc Donald’s, if I can locate one around here, I can have 3 meals a day and not go over the allotted meal expense. But usually that is next to impossible, even at Mc Donald’s because, eating there up in no man’s land, you would need more than 50 dollars a day. So, I just go to the local grocery store and buy hot dogs and buns, perhaps a container of mustard, cooking them with a 1983 version of a microwave, provided with my cheesy motel room that usually smells like stale sex. Of course to work where I do, they mandated the vaccine as a condition to work, even though I never work near a soul, later finding out that they had no right to use my job as a bargaining chip to take this untested vaccine. Well, who cares; we all die sooner or later, right?” Interviewer interjects: “That’s funny; I could of sworn you said; “We all die sooner or later, right?” Sounds like perpetuated Euthanasia, am I right?” Joe continues: “Well, you know what I mean. I have nothing really left to live for anyway so why refuse a vaccine that may kill or maim you, to keep this minimum wage job, that for the highlight of my day, because I am forced to work in bung-hump Egypt, are the abused, overused, overweigh, prehistoric hookers with bad teeth and gingivitis breath , that have been active since 1991, just after they were coerced into trying some form of opiate, getting hooked instantly, using prostitution to feed their drug habit. Now that methadone and other compassionate drugs are available in the many clinics strewn all over in any town, city or community, they only do opiates obtained from the local “Son’s of Anarchy” approved dealers after these abused, overused, overweight, prehistoric hookers with bad teeth and gingivitis breath, come banging on my cheesy motel door to apply their trade, usually breaking me financially until I get paid again, which is probably why I keep this useless dead-end job.” Interviewer comments; “Sounds like it could get tough and you are contradicting yourself as to the reasons why you would take a vaccine to keep a job you obviously do not like, but here again, maybe you could win the lottery or find a rope suitable for hanging?” Joe laughs and continues; “What else would I do if I did not have this job? Who would pay my child support I am court ordered to pay Karen every month? I buy lottery and scratch tickets all the time, but never win more than a free ticket or 10 to 20 dollars, only being used to pay the Cash advance interest applied by whatever local money store I have to bargain with in order to support the local abused, overused, overweight, prehistoric hookers with bad teeth and gingivitis breath, and to suffer some provisioning like beer, hotdogs and buns that will last me about 4 days, if not eaten and drunken by the abused, overused, overweight, prehistoric hookers with bad teeth and gingivitis breath, forcing me again to get another payday advance.” Interviewer asks; “What is your job anyway? Who do you work for?” Joe answers; I install commercial 5G transceivers and accessories for local corporations, installing these 5G elements on hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, old folks facilities, long term care institutions and local participating businesses that were paid to allow the telecom corporations to use their land for the installation of these strategically placed transceivers, readying all communities for the commercial version of 5G. I am legally bound not to divulge the name of the corporation I work for because of my secrecy oath I have to sign and renew monthly.”

What did Joe die of anyway?

Later on that month, Joe was found dead in his hotel room by the
abused, overused, overweight, prehistoric hookers with bad teeth and gingivitis breath who called 911. The death report suggested that Joe most likely died of a heart attack and appeared to have been robbed, missing his wallet and having his motel room ransacked, but could not be confirmed as to the reason of death, due to Covid 19 preventing a proper autopsy. Because this death was not covered mysteriously, by the corporation Joe worked for, Life insurance policy, Karen was forced to take a second job to support her children.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY) © Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2021

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