Interview with Kissra Lynnkay

A very interesting woman indeed. Although you will find her responses straight forward, you will also find she does not reveal her mystique. She is no stranger to the camera, but refuses to be labeled an actor, professional or amateur, or even an artist of any kind. She has a frightening look to her, sometimes reminds me of an Evil Gothic Queen. She views life and social issues in a straight forward, rigid manner. Or does she? Kissra is hard nose chic, but I do believe she is a light to follow, only if she would uncloak her purple disguise that veils her illumination.
“Nice to meet you Kissra! Please tell the readers where you were born?”
Kissra: “Montreal”
“How was your youth? happy, Sad?“
Kissra: “Normal.”
“Describe your family?”
Kissra: “Average.”
“Did you like school?“
Kissra: “Not really, who liked school, lol.”
“What was life like where you grew up?”
Kissra: “Nothing special.”
“What cultures do you have in your blood line?”
Kissra: “Polish, Canadian.”
“Explain your title, “Dark Goth Angel”?”
Kissra: “I’m creating my web site and I will have detailed info about that. It’s a long interesting story.”
“Come on, you do not want to share anymore info then that? Sounds exciting!”
Kissra: “Wait and check my site to see…”
“Culturally, I find that we are all the same. But what are your views on different cultures introduced to North America?“
Kissra: “Today with the internet, social media and how the world connected all cultures blending into one and living/behaving similarly as time goes on. I have no views about a particular culture because all cultures are fading into one globalized mono-toned life with the exception of the few free spirited souls.”
“Being an artist, how do you perceive the world now compared to how you viewed the world in your youth? Has it changed your artistic “output”?”
Kissra: “I don’t view myself as an artist. I simply live my life the way I want without external influences and be mindful of those around me.”
“I disagree. But you are right. To view yourself as an artist puts a label on your work. Would you rather be considered rebellious vigilant crashing artistic barriers?”
Kissra: “Like I said, you seem to view me as an artist when I’m nothing but an average woman living her life. I don’t sell my content and offer it free.”
“Where do you see yourself in the future? Do you want to continue acting/modeling? Would you be interested in making a main stream movie or would you be more interested in acting as a “Mary Hartman” type character in a satirical soap opera?”
Kissra: “I never considered acting. As for the modeling I do it as amateur to satisfy curiosity and experience and I’m open to anything that sparks my interests.”

“You should consider acting. Explain “amateur to satisfy curiosity”?“
Kissra: “I don’t think I will consider acting and the word amateur is just to convey to you that I’m not doing anything to model or to act. Just living my life and sharing it online. You want to view it as modeling or art that’s up to the viewer I guess :)”
“Would you consider yourself a submissive person or a dominant person in a mutual relationship?”
Kissra: “I’m submissive by nature. Being submissive lets me see how others think and what they do to get pleasures.”
“If someone offered you some money for a sexual encounter, would you be insulted, flattered, or would you just want to hear the details of the offer?”
Kissra: “I’d want to hear the details of the offer lol :)”
“When I first seen you on the internet, I was instantly attracted to your soft evasive allurement and originality. You seem like a woman that is focused on what she wants. What is the single most important goal that you want to accomplish?”
Kissra: “Live life and have as many experiences as possible.”
“Describe your wildest experience?”
Kissra: “Nothing I experienced was so wild to be distinguished as “the experience”. I’m sorry to disappoint you but you are seeing me as some celebrity model and expecting celebrity answers when I’m nothing but an average woman living her life and sharing it on the Internet. If you’d like you can read my blogs off my web site and I explain in details why I do what I do ;)”
“What are your thoughts on pornography productions on the whole? Do you think pornography acting leads to more promising careers?“
Kissra: “Pornography is boring because it’s all the same thing (not real). People don’t behave like that when are aroused and want to/having sex. There is a difference between romance and soft love making with a sole mate and raw animalistic “dirty” sex to satisfy sexual arousal. Porn on the other hand is an inaccurate male fantasy that is pitched to the world by small group of people with limited views that does not represent the “people” of the world. Amateur porn filmed raw is more exciting because people can relate to.”
“When looking at your facial expressions in your pictures, you seem to be half happy, half sad. Like the Greek theater masks. Did you develop this charisma or did your experiences in life from this character you emulate?”
Kissra: “People see what they want to see. Based on your views, outlook, and experiences you will see things your way. Some people see a horny bitch, others see a sad person needs rescuing and you see half sad and half happy ;)”
“I see a very interesting character. If you feel you are happy, how would you rate your success in social interaction compared to being sad if you want something from the interaction?”
Kissra: Not sure I fully understand this question. But, I don’t care much for social interaction or the need to interact. I don’t avoid interactions but I don’t seek it.”
“What is your ultimate wish in life; love, charity, profession or money?”
Kissra: “To live life to the fullest and have as many experiences as possible and money facilitate that, so I seek money as well lol.”
“What do you think of exploitation guru’s like Hugh Heffner, Larry Flint?“
Kissra: “For one to be exploited one needs to be tricked into something. What I do is by choice and that’s not exploitation. This question can be asked to Hugh Heffner, Larry Flint or an exploited person; they will be able to reflect on this question better than I can.”
“You are undoubtedly a very attractive woman with extreme character. Do you find when men hit on you (and do not tell me they do not) that they can be pushy, expectant, or do most men approach you with chivalry? Women?”
Kissra: “Blushing…thank you 🙂 …. I love it when I’m approached. I don’t like it when people are pushy or expectant but chivalry goes a long way with me ;)”
“You have a lot of tattoos. My favorites are the Snaked Dagger and the Eye of Horus. Body art is a statement. What is your statement?“
Kissra: “Each of my tattoo’s have specific meaning and the location of each is by design. I will include the story behind each of them on my personal (free) web site, it’s in the making and soon will be online ;)”
“Looking at your pictures on your site, you seem to have a poetic flow through with your female anatomy and your body art. Was this purposeful, natural, or accidental?”
Kissra: “Accidental lol 🙂 each photographer shoots from their perspective and what you see is a representation of the shooter rather than the model :)”
“Do you find it annoying when men approach you in a gaga mannerism?”
Kissra: “I love being approached as long as you remain thoughtful, respectful and not pushy or expectant.”
“What are your thoughts on the people that control the common wealth of this country? Are you a fan of the Queen?“
Kissra: “I never followed politics and I think of politics as a giant toilet with different sh#$ in it; and that’s true anywhere you go in the world! So to answer your question about the Queen or the people who control the commonwealth of the people is I’m neutral towards them because their power comes from the very people who complain about them. So in essence, the people empower these elites and then the same people complain about them. My answer to this simple equation is do not participate in a system you don’t believe in. Don’t vote, don’t riot, don’t protest, buy the minimum you need to get by…simply do not participate in a system you don’t believe in and if everyone does this to any system anywhere in the world that system will fall apart overnight ;)”
“Being a person from Montreal, what are you views on the French and English rivalry political mongers keep dredging up as an actual issue in Canada?”
Kissra: “It is an issue if you make it one. I don’t participate in rivalry of any kind so you are asking the wrong person about this ;)”
“What are your thoughts about Justin Trudeau?”
Kissra: “Very cute and intelligent ;)”
“What are your views on drug use, especially with the youths of North America?”
Kisssra: “I never done any drugs of any kind in my life so I wouldn’t know how to answer this question well.”
“So you do not think it is a problem?”
Kissra: If you think its a problem then it is for you. if you don’t think it is one then its not. People make choices and they live by the choices they make regardless of what one thinks.”
“More and more clinical and lab produced (synthetic) drugs are available in the streets, highly addictive and damaging. What is the best advice you could convey to young people dabbling into these types of addictive drugs?”
Kissra: “It’s their life and their experiences. Who am I to tell them what to do. The way you make your bed is the way you’ll sleep.”
“What about chronic addiction? Can anything be done without compromising liberties?”
Kissra: The more people have opinions about stuff, the more laws and micromanaging we get. Let people do what they want and live with the choices they made as long as they don’t force their way on others, I couldn’t care less.”
“Sexual child abuse in the home is approximately 1 out of every 3 homes in any city, in any country, in the world. A lot of these children end up on the street, desolate, prostituting, and addicted to drugs. Others end up with severe emotional and relationship problems later in life. Do you have any suggestions to authorities (Children’s Aid) how to illuminate and punish the offenders? What advice would you give to the abused, being abused by a family member past or present?”
Kissra: “First off you mention prostituting as a horrible by-product of abuse. What if the woman agrees to rent her body to a willing customer who have little time to socialize and they both enter into this business transaction that’s agreed to by two consenting adults? There is nothing wrong with prostitution in my opinion. Now if an abused child grows up and gets into prostitution and drugs who’s fault is that? Certainly not the healthy consenting adults who chose to enter into a business transaction for profitability and pleasure. Society is so ignorant today that they stereotype everything with excessive micromanaging to the point where it became nauseating. To answer your question about what to advise authorities about child abuse is not to associate prostitution or the right of people to use their body with child abuse. To tackle the issue independently from association. I’m not an expert on child abuse since I had a rather comfortable life without suffering abuse so I can’t answer this question properly.”
“Certainly there are prostitutes that make a good living by choice. Prostituting underage. Victims? You see this as a choice rather then a manipulation?”
Kissra: “You speak big words and expect simple direct answers. no one is saying underage prostitution is OK but if an under age prostitute chose to earn a living this way, do you go after the root cause or the underage prostitute? The real cause has nothing to do with prostitution.”
“I find that the pornographic trade is filled with corporate entities trying to monopolize the mediums and control the trade. What message would you convey to these hypocritical shysters, if any?”
Kissra: “They make their profits from who? How about directing your question to the same people who pay these corporate profiteers or what you call shysters.”
“People that like porn pay for the medium. It is a highly competitive field. You do not think the actors of the trade are under paid? Or do you think it is a fair exchange for the actors (all actors)?”
Kissra: “I never acted as a paid porn actress so I don’t know what’s involved in making the movies thus I can’t say if its fair or not. A porn actress can answer you better than me ;)”
“Male and female anatomy has its own essence and beauty. Society today thinks it is more acceptable to watch people getting graphically murdered rather than displaying the male’s and female’s sexual anatomy. Society is saying that it is ok to have a view for a kill but not ok to look at a woman’s vagina or a man’s penis. Why do you figure society is so embarrassed of their own sexual organs?”
Kissra: “Few people control the media. Same few people reflect their views to the world on how things should be. Does that mean the people of the world think like that? Ignorant people might but not the whole world, so in essence it’s wrong to generalize society thinks it’s OK to…etc. If you fall within the group that believes what is represented in mainstream media then perhaps you can answer this question ;). I on the other hand think it’s OK to display male/female body uncensored. People can choose to watch what they want. Making the choice for people is simply wrong and no free intelligent person would agree to it.”

“Are you, or have you ever been married, common law or otherwise? If you have, please tell the readers what type of experience it held for you. What is your attitude towards marriage?“
Kissra: “Why would you need a paper to be in love? I don’t believe in religion or GOD therefore I don’t require a paper from a religious establishment or any establishment for that matter in order for me to love someone or choose to be with one. To answer your question I’ve lived with different people (guys and gals) and I have a unique experiences with each. Some I loved more than others but all were unique and I wouldn’t want to forget them. I live my life for the experience ;)”
“You openly exclaim that you are bisexual but prefer men over women in general. If in a relationship with a woman, does this cause friction between you and her? If in a relationship with a man, what problems exist knowing he has more competing suitors that could steal you away?“
Kissra: “I’ve been with many women in a relationship and that never happened. We sometimes get a guy and play wild and never once either of us thought of jealousy. Insecure people have these thoughts and not people who love themselves and the people around them ;)”
“Tell us more about your heart and soul. Do you believe in God or spirituality? What makes Kissra tick? What makes Kissra kick?
Kissra “I don’t believe in religions. I think religions are created to control the weak minded that uses fear for subjugation; these are the traits of a con artist for control. What makes me tick, well if someone pricks my butt with a needle I will jump and bitch-slap them and I kick with my feet :)”
Post Script: This interview was granted by Kissra Lynnkay and was done for non-profit/educational/entertainment purposes. Reproduction of this interview is granted by a permission basis only by the interviewer/interviewee. © Copyright: All rights reserved 2017.
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