Obsolescence of a Magisterial

Ashes to Whip Lashes, Dust to Bust

With your demise, a certain expectation will be, at your funeral, that you have formed or left  some sort of legacy for those whom you have left behind. The more people that idolize or worship your “public image” and dowries, the better you will look. If you look at the person that dies on the street, what real fuss is made over that person’s death? That person could of been the greatest aerospace engineer of the 70’s but fallen from grace over the years because of curtailment and job elimination. His/Her accomplishments are not known because he worked for a company that stole his ideas. How is that done? It happens everyday on every job vocation when, some eager and willing new employee (slave) comes up with great original ideas for productivity, modifications, or inventions. Basically original thoughts. If you closely look at any employment agreement, you will discover that anything you come up with “on the job” is not yours. They own your brain and the thoughts your brain excretes. So, it easy to see how people die on the street, penniless, everyday that will never be recognized. Sometimes, by absolutely nobody, not even their family. A lot of families are brainwashed to be embarrassed of homelessness and destitution.

Epitaph of the Insanely Greedy

When somebody with wealth dies, the exact opposite happens. Even though, they may not even have one solitary friend at their funeral (including family members). The pretentions enthrall into full swing of the person’s monetary value and what he/she has done for the community, city, state, country, or the world depending on the person’s final assessed wealth at the time of their demise. Main con-stream media pulls the strings to have everyone in the appropriate vicinity (anyone with no self-image) morn and discuss the magistrate’s great accomplishments and what a value they have been to the community, city, state/province, country, world  in the past, and for decades to come.  We live in societies the tend to idolize false prophets, leaders, and Gods. Eradication of this rapacious attitude is the upmost concern for people that value equality and human rights, to be a true human being. This ravenous attitude, at the same time is cherished and protected by the 1 percenters idealisms, utilizing the “Trickle Down Economical Attitude Adjustment Theorem” .

Funnel of Loathe

The less conformity, the less monetary, pecuniary flow to that particular community, city, state/province, country.  Sometimes the world. This sort of control has been used over the ages, but it is a wonder we as the “mob” put up with this treatment. Probably because we have just enough slave masters cracking their whips to keep the illusionary, allusion alive to herd us in the correct direction towards serfdom. How do you keep the slave master’s happy? By allowing them to control the “controlled dribble” to the slave living in subjugation. To be honest, the “serf driver” does not get much more then the serf, only enough to keep them happy thinking they get more. These “peon enthrallers” can even be family members. To the 1 percenters, we as nobodies do not even deserve the dignity of being in a family. So you can bet your bottom monetary trinket that the 1 percenters would never hesitate buying a family member to destroy that family. Every family unit that is destroyed is to the 1 percenter’s advantage. Divide and conquer.  Anyone that has played the game Risk knows that stratagem.  

Murder by Numbers in Cold Blood

If you consider that the US monetary value is approximately 87 trillion, the US population is about 318 million, and the 1 percenters hold 99% of the wealth, translating to everyone else having an average net personal value around $2700.00 . Of course, per household this number may increase by 2 or 3 depending on the census. But it is not much in reality seeing that the average house is worth 80 to 100 thousand dollars. Basically guaranteeing that most families or individuals have to go into debt for most of their natural lives. Most families or individuals live pay check to pay check, possibly making $2700.00 per person. If you look at the average wage, which in most cases is closer to minimum wage, in the neighborhood between $8.00 to $12.00 per hr, certainly does not translate to $33.75 per hour to make $2700.00 per pay check. Even if you said that $2700.00 is a monthly wage, it would still translate to $16.88 per hr, still being higher the highest minimum wage of $12.00 per hr. This means most people are around or lower then $12.00 per hr and might make up to $1920.00 per month or $960.00 per pay check. This means if you work full time, you would be getting one third of that illusive $2700.00 per pay check. This also means that there is no “middle class” because most people are living much below middle class levels. This does not account at all for the unemployed, homeless or destitute which paints a much bleaker picture.

If we were all equal as this capitalistic society tells us, divided evenly, in the US, 87 trillion translates into $273,585.00 per person. In Canada it would be $468,320.00 per person. But it is insanely obvious this is not the case in either country. That gives you an idea how we are all getting screwed by the greedy. But all you have to do is look at Bill Gates who is worth around 79 billion. That means each person young or old in the US would have to give Bill about $250.00 to equate his wealth. Bill Gate’s house is worth about $2.00 per person in the US. On a world scale, Bill Gates has about $11.00 of wealth for each person on the planet. That does not include how much Microsoft rakes in every two weeks, but that is another story. Of course, we tend to think that hey, may be I will get rich some day, keeping the corrupted dream alive.

Talk Hard and Avoid the Swift Kick

But the problem exists because we all hope that we can get something out of the system designed to, percentage wise, oppress us all into poverty. If you live an honest life, you deserve the best of what life offers, but that is part of the illusive hook of capitalism. A system that keeps you hopeful to become the next greedy rich person that we are all brainwashed to admire. If you can reject that idealism, then you will see that we as a society across the planet have to change big time. This is nothing new and many people know this and I admire them for believing that we do not have to live in a world that teaches us to compete with our brothers and sisters for something that is all ours in the first place.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Delving for a Gaper’s Hauteur

Stereos on Steroids

Momentous spectrum of possessions and riches. A lavish parade of spoils and collections. To attain the optimal materialistic inanimate objects that individuals crave, fight for, squalor, compete to fondle and own as if you can gain spirituality  from the transition. What am I saying? I am saying we as a society put far too much emphasis on material wealth. When people want a house, they just do not want any house. They want the house they can barely afford. Thus diving into the credit abyss to be enslaved into the master/slave reality that from most people do not realize freedom until they are old and grey. In most cases people become too old to enjoy the spoils. After which it is divided up by greedy in-laws, offspring and siblings.

Sell your Parents Soul To the Highest Bidder

Now most parents for these offspring would say, “my son and/or daughter would never be greedy with my assets.” All one has to do is to see how many of our elderly get chucked into old folk’s homes and institutions because their own offspring cannot be bothered to let them live out their golden years in peace and dignity in the properties that they struggled all their life to  pay for. I have seen it generation after generation. And the whole point of the endeavor is to seize their assets so the can liquidate and take the spoils of their parent’s labor. Just attempt to argue with one of these offsprings that are in the process of alienating their own mother or father or both. They will have justifications hidden up their sleeves that will bewilder your psyche. In most cases it is just plain ruthlessness and greed.

Whips and Chains Toil in Vain

But the elderly are not the only people that are being pushed into oblivion from this rapacious behavior. It is a general master/slave routine. Slave masters are everywhere. They are in every job or career that you may have the misfortune of doing as a vocation. When you work for these establishments the management is so top heavy that it is a wonder that any of these businesses actually make any money. But they do make money mainly because, well, look at your paycheck. I mean, really look at your paycheck, instead of letting them direct deposit your money while running to the bar everyday after work spending money that you really do not have on alcohol and/or drugs with friends you really do not have. Anyone that has lost a job and went bankrupt quickly see how many  friends they truly possess. That number is usually non-existent. The only friends you will see are the friends that want to purchase your possessions for a bargain basement prices.

Bargain Jobs for Bargain Wages

I get a feeling of dread when I get a job now. Because I know almost automatically that the job will not be what they advertise the job to be. Private employers are usually barebone operations that break every safety code and rule in existence. That is mainly because they get taxed to death by our trusty governments in order to make sure that the business does not prosper all that much. Which in turn makes sure that the everyday average Joe or Jane that may work for this company does not prosper either. Corporations on the other hand fit into the “top heavy” category which translates into 4 to 5 people controlling one person that actually does any meaningful or productive work. Middle Management, in corporations ensure that the top controlling executives of the company, subsidiary, or branch will not interrupted during their salon appointments or golf games. Almost like, Royalty? Exactly like royalty.

Working Hardly at Screwing the Pooch

What on earth makes people in upper management so much better then everyone else? Absolutely nothing as far as I am concerned. But upper management and CEO’s would argue that point by saying they work 10 times as hard. Blasphemy! Does the term “Hardly Working” ring a bell? It should, because if it does not then that would mean you are extremely brainwashed. Then you may ask this question; If this is true, then why don’t I just retaliate and confront this unfairness? Because we are conditioned to believe that we are being treated fairly and dare not complain. People are starving in Africa and dying from viruses like Ebola.  However, if you look at these things logically and for what they are, then you would see that it is just another way that these over educated, greedy, ruthless, and self centered people (1 percenters) attempt to keep the masses scared  of that reality being a possibility where ever you may live. That way, they can justify keeping their wealth and not helping these starving, diseased people while they keep you spinning in circles afraid to question and demonstrate dissatisfaction.

Gimme Some of That

It is monarchy all over again. As far as I am concerned, the 1 percenters have achieved exactly that in the last 26 years. They have successfully made the job market an employers market, enabling the employer to dictate the terms of employment no matter how ridiculous and unsafe. They have approximately 100 people chasing the same carrot (100 people attempting to get one solitary job). Unemployment is high however the unemployment statistics for any country are not an accurate measure of worker prosperity or even how many people are actually working. The afflicters are happy how it looks because it does not make the employers, politicians or the 1 percenters look bad. However, anyone looking for a job at the moment knows the difference. The person working in McDonalds knows the difference. What is this difference? What it means to prosper compared to what means to plunder. However, there just enough slave masters to keep the unruly in line ordering the slime pie that the 1 percenters brew up on a moment to moment basis. The blood and guts stew is brewing just for you and all you have to do is grab your bowl, and hold it out showing your mealy mouthed look of pathetic-ness and they will serve up a ladle full just for you!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

1 Percenters as Consanguine

1 percenters, in this blog publication refers to the 1 percent of the world’s population that holds 99% of the worlds wealth. Thus if anyone is confused why this term is used in these publications, then be confused no longer. As numbers and pecuniary influences fluctuate on a global scale, I am positive that some “scholar” can dispute the 99% rule of thumb  of how much wealth the elite of the world actually hold. But, most scholars would not want to touch that subject because whatever accurate percentage that could be accurately calculated would still be a total embarrassment of wealth tipping the scales in the 1 percenter’s favor.  In fact, 99% may be too modest of what wealth the 1 percenters truly possess. However, the term “1 percenter” pretty much says it all.

Knavery of the Pillarist

So you think you can Augur Life Skills?

You do not have to travel to far to witness the debauched approach of employers attempting to handle the labor force. There is an alarming, systematic “flash in a pan-ism” infiltrating our life lines. Our right to mature and receive the benefits of aging are being stripped away by scholars, Knaves, systemisers that figure they can learn wisdom by reading a book or listening to a lecture. In essence, they figure they can automate or simulate the absorption of “life skills”. To even think you can teach “life skills” with a text book, computer program, or eBook, that has been created to eliminate the need for generational wisdom, is absolutely retarded.

Life Skills, not Timothy Leary Pills

The only way to learn life skills is to live life. That is why they call it “Life Skills”. They do not call it, S.S. “Simulated Skills” To watch TV programs that show a young group of geniuses solving life’s problems in forty minutes or less, is not “Life Skills”. Thus if you take TV programs or methods like this seriously, then, SAO, “Smoke Another One”, or, HAD, “Have Another Drink”, or, PAPP, “Pop Another Prescription Pill”. Timothy Leary was the psychedelic, hallucinogenic, LSD  guru that attempted to learn wisdom by the use of drugs, ultimately attempting to stimulate inner growth by the use of drugs. An early example of some scholar attempting to gain wisdom by short cut. Kind of like Basil Brown who drank carrot juice until he died of vitamin A poisoning. But, it is proof that he had to live through that experience to die, learning that you should not drink that much carrot juice. Of course, he could of avoided dying by being aware of vitamin overdose warnings. Perhaps he wanted to die or he just did not possess any “life skills”, like being able to read or reason.

The Fool Succeeds Where the Hermit Knows Not to Tread

There are no short cuts to attain “life skills”. You have to live through the trials and tribulations that mold these skills. We can also learn from the mistakes of others. Like people that have the wisdom and benefit of living through experiences gained. Although we may be able to absorb most of what these experienced people tell us, we still have to live through these experiences to truly learn these lessons. These experienced people can only provide the knowledge, teaching us the best way to “live” through the situations. Older people that have survived as long as they have, offer valuable insights and wisdom that we should all listen to, and cherish the fact that they are willing to share. Yet, we seem as a society, to spurn this offer of valuable insight and throw these experienced, enlightened people in old folks homes to rot.  What a waste. Have you ever gone to the dump lately? People have absolutely no idea of the value they dump on a weekly basis. All one has to do is open their eyes to see the treasure.

Conformed Fear of Ridicule

Capitalistic societies seem to adopt the “flash in the pan-ism” philosophy on the merits that it “fits” into their 1 percent agenda of “Global Financial Domination”.  They use secret societies, IE: The Illuminati to achieve this aspiration through, where it makes sense, fear and ridiculousness. Scare the scare-able and ridicule the ridicule-able. This method is very effective especially in the “ridicule” aspect, keeping people down and non-inquisitive when pertaining to their illusive degradation only to keep conformed people in control by the use of the “conformed fear of ridicule”. You have to think of “purse strings” as the “puppeteer’s strings”. Purse strings are used by the one percenters to keep you dancing to their financial tune. Puppeteer’s strings are used to keep the puppets dancing to their whimsical control. Thus, the 1 percenters are the CEO’s puppeteers. CEOs are the  politician’s puppeteers, politicians are the employers puppeteers, and the employers are the everyday Joe’s and Jane’s puppeteers. Where does the religious or the cleric fall into this progression? It doesn’t, at least not anymore. They are beginning to be considered social outcasts because of the 1 percenter’s social engineering.

Free Mason’s Jar

It is hard to conceive how these ridiculous organizations have gained so much power and following. Mostly because, at one time, people looked to them as an alternative to anarchy. Anarchy was an useful tool during the medieval periods, creating the allusion that there was a need for one commerce to keep all who conformed, safe and secure. As people became more educated and less ignorant, it became exceedingly harder for the 1 percenters to keep control as an open monarchy rule. Thus trading monarchy for secret power societies that manipulate power structures, like parliaments, and democracies, to basically create a so called safe alternative to socialism. Socialism was the downfall to monarchy and is the downfall to the 1 percenters reign of power. They definitely knew this before it even was conceived by Carl Marx. Marxism, by conception, was to make everyone equal in their productivity. Everyone worked and earned equal retribution of the societies assets. No one would have control over anyone else, and everyone would have an equal share to the spoils of their productivity, and an equal say in the political direction. In theory, it was pristine. Only truly greedy people would find fault in this system, like the 1 percenters.

Spy verses Spy

Socially planted surrogates were quickly placed by the 1 percenters when socialism overthrew monarchy in Russia. Quickly, they were able infiltrate the political arena of the newly established reign of power that by design, was to put the workers of society in control.  These surrogates were very successful, and because of the death of Vladimir Lenin, his successor, (The one percenter’s main surrogate) Joseph Stalin, caused socialism to fail. That is to say, Joseph Stalin corrupted socialism into a communist dictatorship, hardly resembling what Carl Marx conceived, and what Lenin tried to implement as the reigning power structure of the new socialist society. Socialism died with Vladimir Lenin in 1924. Joseph Stalin was a full fledged dictator. Thus it is easy to see why his new communist party was the enemy of so called democracies of the world and also the enemy of the socialist oriented parties of Russia. Divided and conquered ensuring its death, even though it was a very slow death. To make a long story short, the workers of Russia were never in control.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Did I mention we hate spam?

Please take note that if you subscribe to leave a comment then unsubscribe, your comment will be deleted. If your email address domain links to any blacklists, I will terminate the account without hesitation or warning. If you are confused by our policy not to adopt spam supporters, then please read the “about” page. This may anger people, justifying that “spam” is their way to make a living. Great! Just do it somewhere else. Thanks

Genesis, Mendacity, Aborticide


Abortion is nothing new and has been widely practiced in commercial corporate North America, and other countries, legally and illegally, for a century or more. Of course, I am almost positive it has been practiced for millenniums, just in a more hushed, crude mannerism. Biblically, it is an absolute no no. However, we have scholars and study groups that attempt to twist the Bible’s word for their own purposes. These skeptics usually ride on the LTDEWWITBTCATHF (let’s tear down every word written in the bible to contradict anyone that has faith) wagon. It is currently a pretty big wagon. Lets face the fact that there are a lot of “sinners” that cling to this sinister, perfidious, barouche. The main argument for abortion is, in my opinion, pretty lame.

Murder, She Rout

Sperm is ejaculated from the penis into the vagina or artificially inseminated into the womb. The sperms then begin their journey (race) towards the egg to impregnate. Once a lucky sperm manages to get to this low percentile target, and penetrates the egg, the fetus starts to grow. Not before. Not after. Right at that moment of conception. Done deal. Pretty simple concept. Not rocket science. Pro-abortionists would have you believe that because it is not classified as a real human being yet, you can kill the fetus. Like eating a fertilized chicken egg. Wrong. Anyone that has cracked open a fertilized chicken egg that received the correct amount of heat (98 degrees), for a about eight hours, will see blood in this egg. No, that is not voodoo. It is the fetus starting to grow and form. Because the human egg, instantly, recieves the correct amount of heat, the fetus starts growing immediately.

No Brains, No Pain

Pro-abortionists hinge on the fact that the brain has not developed. They believe there is no real living being to worry about, thus it can be killed without remorse. They maintain that the fetus is somehow not conscience therefore has no worth. Any woman that had an abortion, or miscarriage, most likely would have a different opinion. Women that are “victims” of abortion/miscarriage develop great remorse and emotional issues after the fact. They have feelings of great loss in the “spiritual” and voided sense. However, that is not allowed in commercial corporate North America because it does not “fit” into a ruthless, capitalist, greed-orientated society.

Dictated Pro-Choice

Yes, you read correctly.” Women that are “victims” of abortion/miscarriage”. I do not believe any woman is in the proper state of mind to make that decision when pregnant. I am not suggesting they cannot make their own decisions, but it seems when a woman makes this decision, it is rarely, solely, their own because of the emotions involved. These women always seem to have others around them, family, friends, doctors or professionals pushing them into this decision. Saying that it is for the best. Best for who? If these women would of consulted a cleric, minister or priest, they may of had a different light shone on the situation. More balanced. Clerics, ministers and priests (if competent) would not tell the woman what to do, rather point out the positive aspects of pro-life. This can create a more stable decision-making environment allowing her the power to make the right choice rather than being pushed into a serious decision that may scar the woman’s psyche for life.

Only You Can Prevent Feticide

But the “barouche” pushes on into the depths of idiocy, not respecting other countries’ morals, values or traditions, force-feeding everyone with their capitalist, self-righteous propaganda-pabulum. Genocide. Feticide. Lets call it what really is and not attempt to twist the meaning of established philosophy. In fact, we seem to frown more on “herbicide” then “feticide”. We are being told not control what plant forms grow in certain areas with herbicides because it is not “natural”, yet we are encouraged to abort a fetus from a woman’s body. Something terribly wrong with that picture. Has anyone ever camped in a controlled camping site/area and collected dead wood laying about in the bush to make a camp fire? Then, have some “retard park attendant/ranger” come out of no-where and say “put that wood back where you found it because you are “disturbing” the natural reforestation”. Yes, that happened to me once. I then asked the park attendant “do you want me to place every piece of dead wood back in it’s exact, original location?”. Unfortunately, you cannot do that with an aborted/miscarried fetus.

eJACulation the Ripper

Illustration-wise, dead wood really has no relation to a dead fetus, other then being good fertilizer, but it does show the stupidity of what we are “brainwashed” to think is important. Dead wood important, new human fetus not important. This does not suggest all women that have had abortions should be metaphorically “burned at the stake”, or even censured. It means our value system is so corrupted and manipulated by whatever the current, 1 percenters, agenda propagates through our learning systems like a computer virus. Dismantling the Bible and the faith it invokes. Tearing away our spirituality, with small, sharp, fish hooks, ripping your soul into tiny little smidgens of distorted belief. Yes, like “Hell Raiser”. However, it is not the “prime evils” that are coming to rip your soul apart. It is a bunch eccentric, egotistical, snobbish, money grubbing 1 percenters monetarily subverting our beliefs and spirituality. If you want money? Drink from the poison well and become “agents of misfortune”. Or just sell your soul.

Put a Rubber on it

Women that want (have) the choice to abort a child should think about the responsibility of having such a choice. Moralistically, abortion is not a sound choice because it implies carelessness. Contraceptives are available so, really, there is no excuse not to use them, even in 3rd world countries because they are not that expensive. But, because of capitalism, they have not figured out how to turn a profit by educating and supplying people that, have no knowledge and/or, cannot afford contraceptives. That would mean they would have to give them away as “charity”. So what is the solution? Legalize abortion in all countries and apply pressure on countries that refuse to legalize abortion. That way they can push more health care and make more money! Sell more drugs back to the countries they steal the drugs from in the first place.

Viral Cloud of Disdain

Viruses, that are linked to birth defects, seemingly convey the justification for abortion. There are many substances that are linked to birth-defects that we ingest or breath-in everyday. No matter what the health or viral concerns may be in whatever country, respect has to be shown for life and should not be treated as a disposable product at any stage of existence. Once the fetus starts to grow, it is alive, brains or no brains. To think otherwise is irresponsible and nefarious. But of course, commercial corporate North America has already normalized abortion so what do we have to worry about? Just kill it before it spreads.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on January 30, 2016

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Propaganda Panacea Proselytism

Everyday Deceptive Boondoggle

Having a recent conversation with my brother about employment factors and the realities of what may shift employability from one extreme to another opened my eyes on the shared attitudes of people that are fortunate enough to have a stable income. People that have stability in their assets and proceeds, whether they are retired or still working, blue collar or white collar, have a dangerous perception on why people are unemployed or destitute. Dangerous in the fact that, they do not fault the government. They fault the social aspect, the community and/or the persons underemployed, jobless or indigent. Summarily leaving the government “painfully” faultless. The government, whether municipal, provincial/state, or federal, is and, should be held accountable for any unemployment or necessitous. Hey, these individuals (Politicians) are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for their so-called service to the people and after 8 years , are eligible to a premium pensionable retirement. Thus, why should they not be held accountable?

Extortion Coercion Opprobrium

People that control the government decide where our taxes are applied and can create the environments for prosperity where all can benefit. To keep the masses working is to the best benefit of the government. They work for us, not the other way around. So why are they (politicians) paid so handsomely and assured a prosperous future after service? To keep us in a working, viable country to ensure all can prosper and retire in dignity. Does this happen? I do not think anyone can argue that prosperity does not indeed happen for everyone. In fact, I would go as far as saying that the majority of people are not assured anything whatsoever. When I pay my tax dollar, I get no guarantee that the government is spending my tax dollar in my best interest. Whether you live in Canada, United States or even Mexico, political scandals are leaked out to alternative media feeds, streams, and/or print. Some of these scandals are so obvious that the main con stream media has no choice but to publish these infractions. Most of these scandals are about misappropriated money/funds, pensions, grants and/or resources. Do the infracting politicians, that are suspected of involvement, really need to be stealing more money than they already, legally, harvest from the system? Perhaps because they are ravenous?

Concessive Depressive of the Molested

Perceptions that do not fault the government for the downfalls of society is a major copout because people that protect the government in this manner are afraid of change. They fear this change because of the impact it may have on their livelihood. Understandable. But still, if you have a room of hundred people, and only one is filthy rich, cannot anyone see the problem with this picture? That one person has exceedingly more wealth then the ninety-nine remaining people in that room combined. IE: 99% of the population of that room holds 1% or less of the prosperity, while the 1% of the population of that room holds 99% of the prosperity (wealth). If any person believes that this is a fair ratio, then they are either stupid, ignorant, or simply unaware. Or they are the 1 percenter person of that room. If I was in a room of 100 people and I had 100 apples and I gave 1 apple to the 99 remaining people to share. I would think it would be safe to say I was being greedy.

Monarch-Capitalism Theorem

Why can 1 percent of the population have and keep this ratio of prosperity from the remaining 99 percent? It is because the government of the people allow this to happen. The government works for the masses, but is controlled by the 1 percenters. Sad, but a harsh truth. If anyone complains or makes accusations in this manner, they are called communists. I call this ratio the Monarch-Capitalism Theorem. Because, that one person in that capitalist room is definitely as rich, if not more, then any, past or present, Monarch. Again, I am sure, some university scholar can mathematically prove the necessity of this Monarch-Capitalism ratio. Why we as the masses should accept and protect it’s conceptive deceptiveness, and embroider and cherish this idealism, as true democracy, vital to freedom and liberty. But, it would still sound like propaganda-scandalous.

Vainglorious Cognoscenti’ Indoctrination

How much does one person really need to live? To exist? You can bet your 1/99th slice of that apple the 1 percenters know exactly how little one person needs to survive in todays capitalist economy. They know right down to the penny. Anything over that, in their voracious-envisioned concept would be their definition of prosperity for the masses. Needless to say, much of that prosperity has to be borrowed from the debt-pushing banking institutions. In that manner, they even make more money (interest) off your borrowed prosperity. Cogent acceptance is the key that makes this portentous economy work, otherwise, we would just take our fair share. Admit the fact, that if there was 1 person in one room with all the apples, expecting 99 people to share only one apple, in reality, no holds barred, what do you think would happen? The one percenter person, in this room, would be overrun and the apples would be shared and distributed in a more equal fashion, even at the discretion of the “populace mentality”.

Prorated Proletariat

There would be people that would argue that the “populace” cannot govern itself. That it would be rampant and unorganized. Possibly. But to get to that point, you would have to “antagonize the multitude”. Why does there have to be a “mob mentality” at all? Because, that is the natural result when you give so little to so many, expecting them to accept and be content with the few scraps thrown from the 1 percenters plethora. A sense of anxiousness is always the element of the multitude because they really have no idea the power they have unified. If they did, that anxiousness and discord would be consecrated into one ominous force to be reckoned and feared by those who would be foolish enough to oppose. However, that never seems to happen because each person that makes up the mob is conquered and divided mentally. Brainwashed. If we followed the biblical cautionary guidance against “coveting”, then we would be unified with our neighbors, thus less susceptible to the “commercial citadel of babel” that convinces us, by the use of “covet level possessions”, to either buy that “covet level possession” or just be envious of thy neighbor.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on January 14, 2016

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

The Bravura of Competition Piquant

Exposing Private Lies

We as human beings compete from natural instinctiveness. So it may seem. Has it been bred into us, inbred into us, or is it a greedy need to grasp something before someone else does? I do not believe this personally because I think, when we are born, we have no competitive nature other then to survive. We were given brains like no other species. Thus why do we still act like jackals scrounging and fighting over a gazelle killed and half eaten by a neighboring lion family. Is this a desired behavior, or a side effect of social decimation. We, as humans, everyday, think and act in terms of competition. We behave in this mannerism like it is natural instinct. That is a potentially dangerous scenario that, in most cases, ends in some form of languid conflict.

Children that come up through the school system are taught that competition is good for the spirit and character. From kindergarten, and up through high school, this idealism is forcefully forged into their impressionable brains. Everyone in the classroom is aware who is the top student, and who is the dunce. The teacher is the culprit that usually exposes the weaknesses and strengths of all the students. What is the exact reasoning for this exposure? Why does this progression have to be evident to everyone in the classroom? Is it because we as adults, want to push our children to these idiotic extremes that were never attained when we were young? Thus we allow the school system to employ the competitive empowerment that is more destructive then getting the strap from the principle.

The Foully of Forged Evolution

Has the school system and their teachers progressed? I would think that they have most likely regressed and are far worse then ever before especially in the capitalist environment. If you look up the definition of “competition” you will be negatively informed, contradicting your brainwashed impression of competition. When a child wants to play a sport, the school system only has room for a certain amount of participants to play on the “school teams” therefore, pick the cream of the recruits of all who apply to play. What percentage of students get to be on these teams? Depends on the size of the school. In a sense, everyone gets to participate in physical activity during “gym class” and that is the forum that the competitive destructiveness and constructiveness begins. All at he hands of the haughty, drill sergeant mentality, serf driving gym teacher.

Some children progress in this precarious environment and most children become scarred for life in this “boor huddle of torment”. Why then do it at all? Because, the school system has to provide a certain amount of physical activity for your children, therefore use this opportunity to sift out the undesirables and promote the 1 to 2 percent that may make the school teams. Usually this is a performance based criterion, “natural ability”, that is utilized, therefore systematically decimating the other undesirables’ will to compete. This also means that any children that could of been “taught this ability potential” will most likely not develop the motivation to evolve because their will has been “shot down in flames” by the process. Teaching involves patients, encouragement, and nurturing. Most gym teachers that have these qualities are not employed.

Social Disgrace 101

Schools in the last 20 to 30 years have become social runnels, ultimately leading the majority of students to mediocracy. Is this a desired social result? To the 1 percenters and wealthy, it is a successful deviant necessary to keep the majority of the population to remain without hope or prosperity. In basics, you become a slave mentally and physically because you will have no notion that you are enslaved and will work until you die or until you are just not useful anymore. What does this say about our education system? Not much, thus if you send you children to school because you need day care and do not stay attuned to their progress and mental well being, you might as well send you child right to the street to survive as social outcasts. Because that is where they may end up as prostitutes, porn actors, gang members, drug pushers, and/or junkies, or just plain homeless and destitute.

The “professional bum” analogy may exist, but is used as an excuse by certain individuals to avoid the mental need to help the helpless. Thus, you can see how competitively twisted out social thinking is when we evaluate who the “top bum or bums” may be. Perhaps we could develop a “bum championship system”. This synopsis probably would get ratings and would have more then enough participants. This would also increase the suicide ands murder rate, in turn, thinning out our population of social undesirables because lets face it, if you cannot be evaluated as a “top bum” or even a “ranking bum”, drastic measures would be utilized because what is left to lose? This thought is far from original because there are many movies, current and past, that use this epitome.

The Thrill of Agony, the Victory of Defeat

Sports, from grade school to university, ultimately leading to professional, minor or major, teams keep this contorted vying spirted and augmenting like a cloud of airborne viral contamination, infecting all who breathe this essence of voraciousness. We have all cheered on our home professional team populated with possibly 1 or none local players, in a championship series, in a mob like presence, possibly breaking into a riot if our team wins or loses all in the name of capitalist competition. On the other hand, it could be just an excuse to lute local businesses for the “covet level possessions” the most people struggle or cannot afford to buy. But let us not forget Olympic type sports and endeavors that basically produce the same reckonable causatum. The ultimate gag-reel for the wealthy and 1 percenters.

We that Reject Brainwashed Residuals

There are a lot of parents that are wise to this downfall of public or mass populated schools no matter if they are public, private, religious or not. These smart parents homeschool their children in attempt to teach their children proper values and educate them in stress free environments free of stupid competitive attainment. Does this work? It works because children learn better in controlled, happy environments when allowed to evolve and chose freely to aspire the directions that they would “naturally” take when given these opportunities free of bullying and tyrannical suppression. Parents that are smart enough to take this venue also teach their children the realities that they will face instead of sheltering the child, using (screened) current news events to show what society can be like negatively and positively. (Screened meaning no brainwashed main con stream media, advertising, programming with advertising or any medium sponsored by commercialism.)

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on January 5, 2016

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Corporate Nemesis of Credit Jobbery

They are Dreaming of a Green Christmas

I cannot remember a Holiday that has been so trampled by commercial corporate North America then Christmas this season, and other seasons past. Over the years, as people get older, they attempt to stir clear of the over expenditures when giving gifts to seemingly everyone, family members or not, in there direct circle of cohabitation. Still, even if one can resist the use of credit cards as an excuse to “overspend”, there is still a large covet damper that will hover over your holiday spirit. I can truly say, at this point of society, it is clear that commercial corporate North America has stolen Christmas. They have stolen this holiday and warped the period into their own private, corporate owned, profiteered fundraising nightmare.

Scavengers of Slim Pickings

When walking from shop to shop, in local malls, vendors stand poised, like ravens in a pine tree overlooking the latest road kill, in front of their cash registers, waiting for their next purchase victim. These victims purchase gifts out of a jagged persuasive coveted need to purchase the right, overpriced (between $15.00 to $20.00 or higher), low quality item, guaranteed to break, or be misplaced by the 15th of January, for that not so special friend or family member. One does not have to look too far for this product jettison. When getting a gift, most people accept and appear appreciative of the gift, but in reality, it is usually shoved aside and forgotten. If the gift, however is equal to or exceeds the “covet level of expectations” (a level usually set by commercial corporate North America through brainwashed advertizing) that is entirely a different story.

These are usually gifts, like the latest and greatest game consoles (even though you bought that same console last year but now has an updated version). High quality jewelry (or so they say), high quality ipads, laptops, smartphones, HD TV’s. This includes most over priced and highly over rated electronics. Tools and household items can fit in this category as long as they equal or exceed a certain price-quality level. What is this price level? Usually $450.00 or higher. Taking the price tags off items is a very redundant practice because, IE: if you buy your daughter a smart phone, she will know exactly what was paid for the device. If it is the latest and greatest device of it’s type for the price range paid($450.00 or higher), she will love the gift! Why? Because commercial corporate North America has programmed her mind to appreciate that latest and greatest, covet level gift.

We Won’t Break Your Leg, Just your Life

Will these covet level gifts make your family member love you more? I doubt it to the highest level of scepticism. In reality, everyone appreciates gifts when given. But that is a euphemism for “even low quality gifts are appreciated as long as you spent money (usually $15.00 to $20.00 or higher). That is how we are programmed. So when you shop, that is exactly how you will act when looking for that “not so special gift for that not so special family member or friend”. If you are broke, don’t worry about it. Just use your “close to maxed out” credit card or go to a money store and sink further into the credit abyss. I guess there are even loan sharks around, but who needs loan sharks when you have places like “WWLMBPDYWUCIJAC INC. (We Will Lend You the Money, Because Pay Day or Your Welfare/Unemployment Check Is Just Around the Corner Incorporated)”. These sham outfits will set you up with a nice high interest (28 to 40%) loan with plenty of special fees.

Biblical Blasphemy

Remembering the Bible story when Jesus toppled vendor tables and stands of businesses attempting to do business on the day of the Sabbath (Sunday) gives me chills of what he would do to the average vendor market of today. A strong bolt of lightening or flood comes to mind. In fact, according to the Bible, lending money for interest is a direct infringement on the scriptures. Leviticus 25:35-37. So how can anybody, in the name of Jesus’s birthday, charge interest for any loan. The Bible never included any exceptions to that infringement to be inflicted on the poor or otherwise. The scriptures certainly did not provide loopholes for profiteers to crawl out of to justify charging a single penny of interest on any loan. Of course, there are most likely one or two, so called, scholars that would provide this loop hole, for a price of course. But commercial corporate North America would have you believe that the Bible was the greatest fable ever told. Bibles now, in some bookstores, reside beneath the New Age section, in a very small area, perhaps one shelf.

Debt Pushing Golden Horde

Commerce, corporations, banking institutions etc. would be baffled on a no interest concept. It just could not register in their greedy little brains. There are interest free loans you can get, for an example, on car and truck loans in certain promotions in the attempt to move more new vehicles. So it can be done. Or are interest free deals like this only executed when the company is totally desperate to increase car sales. In a nut shell, the car companies that have their own finance corporation will do this because the real profit is made off the vehicle. Ergo they still make money. But what about the banks? How do they survive? Who cares. Stuff your money in your mattress because banks offer little or no return for the use of your money, other then security that you will not lose your hard earned cash unless the economy totally crashes.

But, the so called experts of the economy believe in these banking practices, Wall Street, capitalism, and greed. But, of course they do not call greed by it’s name. They call it necessary commerce. Great deal for banks. The can use your money and pay you squat for that use, and still charge you service fees. Interest , if paid, is next to nothing, possibly .001%. If you want to lock your money away for one, two, five or ten years, then it may pay a few more percentage points, possibly 1 to 5 %. But when they loan you money, you have to pay the premium interest rate, and if it is under $20,000.00, you will pay between 18 and 40 percent interest. So why the difference? Why let them use your money for nothing and pay through the nose for credit at the same time? Because we are brainwashed to accept this difference as necessary.

I guess it is easy to see how people end up in financial hot water in January. The blame gets put on Christmas. But the birth of Christ has nothing to do with this brainwashed, twisted, corporate version of Christmas. Lets put the blame where it belongs shall we. On the 1 percenters, wealthy, debt pushers, corporations and banks. No matter how many university papers are published on how to govern and backlash the middle class and poor into financial oblivion, it will still seethe down to one incessant concept. Greed.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on December 26, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016