Newel Proselytism, Lone Rondure Syllabus

Brainwashing the masses is in full swing, establishing relentless highbrowed bashing from the media and movies. When did this all become so important? It started a long time ago, and is coming to an inescapable conclusion that the 1 percent of society is looking for ways to panic the bourgeoisie so they can establish marshal laws all over the world to exterminate the excess of humanity not worthy to survive in the new world order. They have no use for the under educated and the ignorant of society, They look upon the masses as useable, disposable merchandise to be used and refused at their discrimination. They have no empathy for survival of anyone common. Only their own selfish needs and desires to dominate, rob, and plunder the masses in order to keep themselves secure above anyone not in that 1 percent of the wealthy (wreathed) society. The Mini-Monarchs of our world need to take control once and for all to satisfy their insatiable greed and desire to make room for their cess spawned  bloodlines of the so called intellect and upper crust of proprietary knowledge, creating mazes of confusion purposely distorted to make anyone, without the key, believe that they are not intelligent enough to be as worthy of the 1 percenters of this new world order. They count on the masses (mob) at the correct time to rebel and cause a chaotic ruckus in order to justify and implement systematized laws and controls making it simple to justify the brutality from the abuse of power that will be unleashed upon the proletariats.

This will be willful in order to accomplish the desired, manageable population of slaves needed to keep the New World Order functional. Because do you think for one second that the 1 percenters and their spawns would want to work or get their hands dirty? They need slaves to do their bidding and crude chores so they can lay about like the lazy opulent scum they really are. They use surgical gloves to count their gold and diamonds in order not to smudge or get finger oil on the commodities of lavishness. Daily they worship the golden gods of dissipation, then disperse to abuse their under aged servants sexually and humiliate them to suicidal rebuke. Demons of ravenous legions evoke this lust daily,  rupturing adolescent wombs ensuring the Mini-monarch royal blood line can never be contaminated by the commoner scum slaves of the New World Odorous Order. Stench of lustrous sexual deviancy continues day and night, only to ultimately end in a exterminating frenzy of over zealous gatekeepers whom receive the leftovers and used of the perverted wreathed Mini-monarch sluice of degradation. Blood and vomit, ejaculatory fluids slicken the floor, only to be mixed with more semen and menstruated ovaries, in which the gatekeepers of the scummy Mini-monarchs gladly lap up only to regurgitate into cauldrons to boil and congeal into hokum spew-age stew to be fed to the vassals that are misfortunate enough to be enforced to continue their servitude of the Mini-monarchs of the New World Order.

From the Slave masters through the Gatekeepers, Dragoons, Militarists, Politicians, Mini-Monarchs up to the one percenters, they grope and chain to each other in securitised scrutiny, not one trusting each other, only used as a essential power mechanism in this demonic chain of corrupt brainwashed command.  However, even with the sophistication of this well organized beast of enslavement and toil, the slaves still outnumber this cumbersome powertrain of deceptive laws, domination and disorder. The slaves, because they have not the ignorance of the past conquered souls, now take organized action, forming a massive standstill of production. The dragoons and Militarists start to attack and kill the masses, but because of their own oppression, and the fact that they are killing their brothers and sisters who are only displaying a non-aggressive standoff of non-compliance, turn their blades of death and aggression to the ground and join their families and brothers and sisters in their non-aggressive standoff whereby the corruptive machine of profit and proprietary production is stopped and dismantled. The one percenters immediately attempt to bribe the masses to hire more Dragoons and Militarists, but have no leverage left because the monetary system that depended on the love of opulence is no more and discarded, replaced once more by the populist dedicated to serve one another in a community that is dedicated to survival of equality and truth. Money, gold and other so called precious measures of wealth are discarded and ignored. They are not needed in the advanced civilization the once was, in the not so distant past and can be again. The devil has no refuge in a community of illumines and justice for the masses.

The 1 percenters strike back with another flurry of opulence induced corruption  attracting the truly greedy and callous that idolize the master/slave analogy that has enthralled our existence since Cain struck Abel with the large rock, spilling Abel’s brains and blood to the ground. Even, after the great flood, Cain’s influence carried on through out the ages, at first as a small glimmering trickle, then forming into a mass river of vile and degradation, promoting greed and aggressive idolization . But the meek are sure of their repose and intelligence, and remain steadfast, not giving into the temptation and creating an equilibrium that pushes the 1 percenters and their ravenous followers back, to allow new hope for the truly intelligent civilization that rejects the opulence that has enslaved our communities to serve the Mini-monarchs and their puppeteers, the 1 percenters. The seeds are being planted, and the 1 percent and their minions do everything in their power to contaminate these seeds before they germinate, in the attempt to control and conquer the masses once more to do their greed inductive bidding. But, it is the seed, not the contamination that truly sprouts and as long as the miracle of life can flourish, then the contaminants are shed like dead tissue, not able to truly control the natural paths, only distort them.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Who Amongst is The Bettor Plunger? Cardsharp Profligate?

Is that your Brain? Or are you hiding a Pea?

Seeping down from our social media and mediums, like slimy, spewing, refuse regurgitating into our brains, honing us at will to believe we may just win that pay dirt! Who amongst us believes gambling is the deterioration of our morals and faiths is a better question? In the end, however, when you have been repined for all that you are worth, you will know the true meaning of gambling. When someone houses a casino, or games of speculation for people to play with their hard earned cash, they are playing to win. End of story. So you may think you have a flawless, honest system to win, but in the end, you will lose. End of story. Anyone that denies this probably owns there own casino or houses games, legally or illegally. They know what side of the enterprise makes the money. It is the house, not the gamblers. If it were the gamblers, then there would be no house, book maker, stakes holders, etc.. It is like the old grift game of shells. Guess what shell houses the pea? In most cases, none, because the pea is only placed to appear to be under another shell when revealed. Honestly, it is never under any shell when you make your selection. You never seem to choose the correct one unless the grifters allows this to happen, to give the appearance someone can actually win, or to encourage the bettor to up his stakes. The pea, in actuality, is hidden in the grifter’s palm, thus he can make you appear to win at will and lose at will.

Sentinels of Misappropriation

Some will argue and defend gambling to the death. Suggest it is honest and legal (where it is legalized) and they would never intentionally cause someone to lose all their money, possessions and property. In other words, they say, when controlled by the state, province, and/or municipalities, it honest and upstanding. But they are only defending this unscrupulous enterprise because they are making money or benefiting from the gambling one way or the other(Gatekeeper). But, others also say gambling is a disease? Addiction? It must be kept under check. You must gamble moderately. If the government, federal, provincial, state, or municipality, controls the gambling, it is somehow cleansed and sacred? Somehow the government supersedes established morals and philosophies? Gambling is so old and common, that societies, though the ages, are well aware of the ills of gambling. It has been written and re-written and made illegal for, in my opinion, good reasons. Because it is immoral, dishonest, and ruthless. Just ask anyone that has lost everything to these casinos. These casinos never say: “You gambled away your life savings? Well in that case, we will give it right back to you.” or “You just lost your house? I am sorry sir/madam, we will give your money right back!”  If you think casinos have these types of morals and remorse, then you must of just bought your first house in Wheaton New Jersey and are waiting for directions to move there!

Finis of the Habituated

I know people that gamble and think they know the system. It is pathetic to listen to these people talk and attempt to convince you that gambling is a friendly, harmless activity. Common sayings would be: “I never bring more then $50.00. Once that is gone I stop! I swear!” or “You just have to know which machine is paying out, hot. Once you master that, you will always win your money back, or break even!” or “I am just going to make one more bet. Just one and that is it!” or “I have studied the methods of blackjack and other card games. I have the perfect system. I cannot lose!”. These sayings are clear indications of gambling addiction. So if you care about that person, encourage them to seek help immediately. Before they lose everything and are asking you to bail them out. Worse, this could be your spouse gambling away your money and property. Why has the government adopted gambling as a vocation and an acceptable enterprise in commercial corporate North America? Because they can control it and tax the royal dung out of each and every casino, not to mention getting bribes and other incentives to legalize and normalise the corrupt activity. They can also tax the winnings, so they have both hands in both pockets, one in yours and one in the house. (Canada has tax free winnings, but not for long.) When I see a billboard or some other form of advertising for gambling and casinos, it makes me very saturnine and fearful of where society is heading. But clearly I see it is greed and opulence that creates this rapacious and unscrupulous behavior. We are defeated by opulence. That is why gambling is prolific throughout commercial corporate North America and the world. But who is it serving? The 1 percent of society. Make no mistake.

Advocates of the Injudicious

I am standing in line to pay for fuel that I just filled into my vehicle’s gas tank. The line is going painfully slow. Unusually slow. Or should I say, usually slow, or bad timing. Who is ahead of me in this line? People that also purchased fuel? Some. But it is not the purchases of fuel that are causing the delay. It is gambling. Mostly older, semi- retired or retired individuals with their scratch tickets, lottery tickets, raffle tickets, faithfully checking each winning ticket and purchasing more tickets in hopes to win the big stakes, or at least another ticket so they can keep playing. If they lose, does this stop them? Never. They just keep buying more and more tickets, slowly exhausting their pension checks, savings and legacies that will most likely be depleted sooner or later if they live long enough because you can bet you last money store interest payment that they are in the local casino 2 to 3 times a week. Yes, they have successfully conned our elders that gambling is the way to financial freedom, something that they are suppose to already be enjoying, but because of our weak banking systems and morals, their pensions turned out to be a fraction of what was promised or cut down. In any event, “freedom 55” turned into “serfdom ’till you die, fool!” Yes they may even of got the level of pension they were told, but inflation and recessions caused the difference, mainly the value of a dollar, that always mysteriously cannot buy as much as it did in the past. Like the grift game of shells. Always mysteriously ending up somewhere else, most likely in the 1 percenters pocket who is the ultimate grifter of them all. But, words of avaricious wisdom told to me by a local business vendor, who by the way, never even sold any gambling tickets in his establishment, said quote: “You can never win if you never play! That is what I tell anyone that criticises gambling.” end quote. Are the 1 percenters fooling us? You can bet you last marriage’s hocked wedding band they are.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Endless Fables of Regurgitated Prosperity, Ho Ho, you Ho Yo

In December, You are Incredible. In January You will be In-credit-able

Economists for the 1 percenters of the population toil over how to make the system look fair amongst the masses, the backbone of any greed induced economy. This time of the year is extremely special because the 1 percenters want to convey that they really give a hokum’s ass about anyone  other then their own cess spawned families and relatives. So, in a not so perfect illusionary world, everyone who works gets their fair share of the spoils and prosperity. And to show this appreciation from getting your fair share, you must do the “Fop Dance of Consumer Consumption”. So, as you play favorite Country, Rock, Pop, Rap or R&B CD or stream of that famous, rich, opulent rebel artist, playing or singing their brainwashing tunes, wearing multi gold chains and rings, bought by you, who were stupid enough to buy their unoriginal aneurism inducing intellectual art, you can spend all your money in all the commercial corporate establishments with confidence that you are being financially sodomized. How popular is sodomy? Just do a internet search and find out. By the time you are into the 3rd week of December, most people and families see that they are financially broke. What do they do now? Don’t worry. Just pull out that credit card and start charging, if you haven’t already done so. And for those that have already maxed out their credit, the 1 percenters and banking institutions will take care of you. With their money stores! The 1 percenters have faith in their slaves. That is why they will let you borrow on your next payday! So instead of living paycheck to paycheck, you can live from next paycheck to next paycheck. Or next, next pay check to next, next paycheck. There is really no limit to the downslide of credit. That is, until you lose your job. Once that happens, then you will be financially exhausted and in-credit-able.

You May be the Next Billionaire on “The Fantasy is Right!”

I have learned in this world that to be fair, one must assess what one has in order to be fair with someone else. If I had $10.00 and you had $0.00, would it not be fair to give you $5.00? Of course it would. Would I do such a thing? To be honest, I have no idea. But I think that is because we are valuing paper and not the actual commodity. If I had a plate of food, and you were hungry, I would gladly give you my plate. But brainwashing tells us subliminally, that we cannot trust anyone. So if you say you are hungry and need $5.00 for food, The first thing that enters most programmed minds is that the person is soliciting money from you, so do not give him any. He does not really need any money. If he does, let him find a job. Is that fair to think on those terms? Not for a second. But we all do, not by nature, but by distrust imposed on us by the 1 percenter’s commercial brain honing. They want you to think like they do. How else can they live with the fact that they have billions of dollars, gold and almost every other so called precious commodity and not share while nations of people starve to death. They can live with it because we allow them to live with it, hoping we will be a billionaires some day, not! If anyone could fathom how much space you would need for 1 billion dollars, it would exceed most small apartments in space. How much space would the bank need for your money? A small coffee can most likely would suffice.

Molding Golden Calves of Wanton

It is opulence that defeats us. What real power does the 1 percent of the population have on the community? Nothing. Can they eat money? Gold? Diamonds? What real practical use do these items have anyway? Nothing, other then the measure of wealth. Who is giving them the power to measure wealth with these inanimate objects and paper? We are. And we continue to allow them to control us in the hopes that we can someday be wealthy. It is a pipe dream. It is a distorted illusion of success. Do you really think that everyone on the planet can be a billionaire? Even a millionaire? Of course not. So why are we idolizing these greedy people and their greed inducing media of brain control? We as a community can have it all and be happy. We as a community can grow are own food and livestock. We as the community can build our own houses and barns. We as a community can blacksmith our own tools. We as a community can make our own generators. We as a community can pulp our own paper or make our own lumber. We as a community can make our own clothes. We can survive without opulence. And if we find a lump of gold, we can melt it down and use as a conductor. Or use it for a doorstop. If we find a diamond, it could be used as a frequency controller or oscillator or we could see how many times it would skip across the lake. These things, other then being shiny, are just things of opulence. Not worthy of any community’s worship. If any community knew what power they really have, the 1 percenters would attempt to crush that community with some sort of police action and/or label it as a extremist cult or commune justifying intervention by the FBI or CIA. Come on, you did not think that they knew that this may happen? They have nightmares about it every night. That is why they have such organizations like the FBI, CIA, NSA, RCMP…etc.

No Diamonds in the Manger

You can’t fool a government/establishment founded upon insurgency. Or at least a government’s puppeteers who are the 1 percent of society. No hope? Not by a longshot. We as a community have the right to insurgency. It says so in the constitution of USA. But it really does not have to say so in any constitution. For a community to take action in order survive is the right of any community and every person in that community. Survival is an instinct. Cannot be bred out of us or abolished as a way of thinking. It is a natural response to aggression. And it is legal to survive. If anyone knows of any laws that prevent survival of a person, group or community, please enlighten me.  But to rebel in an open evasive action is outworn and antiqued. It is our thoughts, not our actions that rebel successfully. Because eventually, it will be taught to our offspring that opulence is truly our enemy and the destructor of the independent community. Merry Christmas, the true meaning of the birth of Christ.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

The Bastille Nix, Gulag, Septentrional Fredonian

We are the Internees, of the World…

A large bulldozer chugs along, in a snow covered, remote community pushing large, heavy crates of materialism, consisting of diesel/gas high watt generators, backhoes, mining and forestry equipment, testing and analyzing equipment, office equipment, toppling over older smashed and broken crates of untouched, unused but weathered equipment of the similar categorisation, only to be covered with more snow and other natural seasonal shedding debris. Rejected tools of conglomeration representing millions to billions of dollars. Why are these items of profit being disposed of unopened and unused? Why would these tools of profit and natural devastation be rejected like the plague? One could say ignorance? One could say laziness? One could say progress avoidance? I say it is most likely the deposal of unwanted government gifts with large, string like chains of bondage attached. I say it is a strong message to the government that the community will not accept these items of slavery as payment for the community’s resources and/or lands. To the layman in corporate fantasy land, it looks like a defiant strike against the government and unpatriotic. But only the truly brainwashed would think on this naïve level, not thinking for themselves. But the main con-stream media will feed you as much bull-dung hokum as you can stuff down your throat, with out choking and spewing all over their corporate Persian rugs and mahogany desks, not that you would be in that area, or floor of the conglomeration anyway.

Hollow Seeds of Prosperity

We need to follow this example in all communities. The only real enemy of the people and their communities is the conglomerate, franchising, incorporating, self-serving, profit reaping, prosperity stealing corporations. When these gifts mysteriously end up awarded to any community, we as the community should do the exact same thing. Leave as undelivered, only moving these gifts of gulag for storage as not to clutter up the community, awaiting the sender to remove as to being unclaimed. Because if the community accepts these gifts of deception, that community will be destroyed, and its populous removed and replaced by the more deserving slaves that the conglomeration wants to place in order to serve the slave masters of the mini-monarch’s corporate annexation of the once independent community. When a community appears to be weak, or not prospering, shrinking in size, makes these communities perfect (ripe) for corporate take over. How is this accomplished? By killing the community trade and prosperity. This in turn pushes the populous of that community to places like Malwort, SuperScore, WafeSave, Gartet, Pimpson Fears, HomeoRepot, Woles, 11 7, Crac’s Cart,  Messo, Spell, Crusty, Retrocan, Dead Owl, Dikea, Done Kin’s Wilnot, Robbings Blowhut, Jim’s Horkings Tollrut, Jest Buy, Crapters, Mork’s Fop Scarehouse, McRubles, just to mention a few. If you are confused what corporations these are, then you must live in Wheaton New Jersey.

Live Now, Go Bankrupt Later

But to dwell on what businesses these are is just promotion for these businesses. They are the culprits and as long as we patronize these money hording conglomerates, it will continue to get worse, a continuing downward spiral to excessive debt and bankruptcy. You may say to yourself, why would they encourage people towards bankruptcy? Would it not be better to keep you paying? Yes, logically, it would. But it is a number’s game. A con game. They know how many people may go bankrupt, which is a percentage, usually low in reality. But it really does not matter to them because, when you claim  bankruptcy, you are pretty much done anyway in a credit productive sense, so they really do not care at that point, because the debt is written off and the remaining tax payers will pay for it anyway. Besides, by that point, you have most likely paid off the materialism purchased by credit threefold, so it is just interest generated money they are writing off, which means, it is money that you really do not owe in the first place, other then generated by interest agreed by that particular purchase agreement. The only downside to that scenario is you lose your shirt and the conglomerate does not. The only thing the conglomerate loses is a potential credit abusing slave, for about 7 to 10 years in reality. This is why prosperity is credit generated. To get the “covet level possessions” one must borrow or save. To save, is a great option, however, in most cases will not keep that new spouse happy for very long living in a seedy apartment or run down house, with a “ready for the junkyard” vehicle, located in a demilitarized zone of the city. Very few couples can tolerate this type of existence before they crack and take a ride on the credit train to oblivion.

Illusionary Dream Home of Allusion

In reality, people that make under $50,000 per year as a household income have to go into major hock in order to get even an old house in a semi-respectable area of the city. Houses can range from the reasonable to the astronomical depending where the house is situated. But unless you luck out and find an estate sale, you can find an acceptable, but not pristine house for approximately $80,000 to $100,000 in a semi-secure neighborhood any where in North America give or take depending on the demographical incomes and populations. This would not really include very large metropolitan areas that have their own sets of income/property/demographic ratios. But as you can quickly figure, for a household that makes under $50,000 a year and has children, this would be a struggle to maintain as a mortgage making it impossible not to use credit on a weekly, or even daily basis to keep food on the table. Will you get a head? You could, if you resist the credit temptations and live within your means which does not generate much excitement. That is where brainwashing from our friendly home entertainment providers get you, with their subliminal suggestive behavioral and monetary messages, basically saying, it is ok, borrow!!! Use your equity!!! Get a second mortgage!!! Say OK to that credit card they keep sending you in the mail or offering on the phone!!! You are worth it!!! Do not let your frugal spouse limit you!!! Use your credit!!! Leave him!!! Sue him for half of everything he owns, or borrowed for!!! He is limiting you and your potential!!! And if you do leave, and you end up not having enough to maintain your own life, then sell yourself!!! You are worth a lot!!! Now I do not want to get to obvious, but yes sexual innuendoes in brainwashing exist. Planting that seed. Females and teenagers are targeted. It is a multi-billion dollar a year trade, and is growing rapidly. So why struggle when all you have to do is sell yourself?!!! Spitting up the family unit creates more need for credit and borrowing. Just ask your friendly neighborhood divorce and family lawyer, for a substantial fee of course.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Mossbacked, Exodus of the Seditious

Stands with Hands in our Pocket

More and more, I see people cling to our so called leaders for proper guidance and leadership. But it is the conformed that seek this guidance. But where is the basis of this trust? The track record these incompetents leave, time after time, should make everyone realize our system of over-commercialize existence is outworn and useless. Besides, they are puppets and are not fit to lead, and are just scripted what to say, commands written by the scribes of the one percent of society. We cannot be governed by these morons no longer. Because they are just in it for their own prosperity and livelihoods, protecting their own spawn of over-wreathed, opulent bloodlines. They continue to steal our property and prosperity, and tally it up in their own over-loaded bank accounts, having more then they could ever use and wanting more. Greed is a disease and the only cure is revolution. Redistribution. It has been done throughout our histories and needs to be done again. But it has to be done right this time. Where do you find people that are not greedy that would redistribute fairly? Cannot be done. We are too grasping by nature to share in a fair manner. One could say to himself, “If I had a million dollars, I would give my own family all equal shares.” But once it happens, it is never done because of coveting. We covet everything around us we do not have. By nature, the beast has taken control of our reason, luring us to be the same, greedy opulent money grubbers as the rich and powerful, if given that chance, which you will never get.  Because you are a financial slave.

Speaks with a Fork Tongue

So why cannot we change? We could. But we do not for one simple factor. Brainwashing. We are brainwashed to think we cannot change the fate that has broken our will to rip the hearts out of the greedy 1 percent of the population. We could do this and more. But because we have so many slave masters and gate keepers that have sold their souls cheaply to these devils, they connive and influence those of us who fear for our security and livelihoods. But all we have to do is bring these dark souls to the light, a place they are very uncomfortable and will burn from its righteousness. But instead we hide and make it easy for them to manipulate us to slave for them. Where does that leave us? In a void of hopeless existence. Stuck in a traffic jam of materialistic bondage. If you loose your job, you will first think of all the negatives that will happen to you. But in many ways, it is the best thing that can happen to you. You may not know it but you are free. We could lick their boots to get another oppressed job or we can live out our true life’s path. But in the end, it is money that is the root of all evil. I am sure most people have heard this tidbit of philosophy.

Dances with Grifters

Have you ever wondered where the money philosophy came from? How it replaced us serving one another, sharing the work load, providing each one of the community with what they need in exchange for what we may need? How did this become some jerk’s desire to control what they never worked for in the first place? How this person ever manipulated the community, that was bound to serving each other, to serve that one greedy individual? And that is how it happened. One individual in that community of 100 people decided they wanted to control it all. It is simple. Not rocket science, not that rocket science is that complicated either. They connived and stole, manipulated, over complicated the process, discouraging the community to think that they needed this plagiarized, phoney, systematic epitome of greed and domination. Plagiarized in the sense that the community already had or has this knowledge and the manipulators (1 percenters)  re-wrote the formula to their own benefit and wealth, conning the community that they somehow know a better way to pasteurize (Louie Pasture) milk or how to make cheese, or butcher a cow, or how to grow a potato. But the community already knew how to do this so why did the community allow this shyster to control the commodities and re-sell it back to the community that produced it in the first place? Sounds pretty silly if you break it down. But we all think that we need their management of opulence and rapaciousness.

Writes With Rubber Neckers

I could write an article about how communities could take back their prosperity and be self sufficient but that would be a waste of scribe. If the idea indeed became popular, it would be plagiarized and re-written by some economics major in order to capitalize and franchise. They could call it “That Old Community Knows How Inc.”  and sell shares to oppress more honest people that will work for minimum wage and/or excessive hours for the new franchise, wear a lame company fop suit displaying the company colors, and it will become another bull dung enterprise designed to get the rich more rich. If you really analyze things, you would come to the conclusion that they have franchised rebellion. Anarchy. Look at how many records and CDs have been sold by our so called rebellious role models that we looked up to during our youth. They still have a host of these rebellious opulent seeking false prophets ( wealthy musicians and entertainers) writing fop orientated mind shrinking intellectual art (over educated formulated uninspired cookie cutter plagiarism). Guaranteed to brainwash you to think they really are rebellious. But the only time these money grubbers get rebellious is when they don’t get their expected due for their so-called work. Are all musicians and entertainers like this? The famous ones are because they do not want to lose their millions or billions. So really, how can you idolize a rich greedy rebel? It just does not work in my mind. I idolize the oppressed, because in most cases, if they tell you something out of experience, you can bet they have lived through it and did not learn it sitting in a sumptuous university classroom or reading it from some cloaca scribed text book.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Portrait of a Puppet Master, Greedy Goblin Gobblers

As the Clock Strikes the Ritching Hour

As the clock strikes the ritching hour, all the greedy goblin gobblers count all their acquired ritchs they usurped from the multitudes of brainwashed masses, spending countless hours counting and recounting to make sure it is not a penny short of their expected due for their provided service/product jettisons.  Making sure all their enslaved dealers, franchises, corporate affiliates are not taking any extra hokum from their corporate collection bursa. Money, money, toil and honey, they squeeze out of every collective “mom and pop shop” they conned into carrying their service/product jettisons for a mere percentage with lots of twisted, nightmarish contractual clauses and fine print.  At the same time, their municipal corporate buddies make sure the taxes of these businesses are just high enough to keep the independent business owners enslaved to the corporate provided, advertised service/product jettisons that the enslaved businesses solicit to  receive a nominal percentage, fee or markup. The goal is, of course to not only squeeze out all the honey, but squeeze out the entrepreneurs, mom and pop shops, and independents from the market square’s Temple of Greed. This also pushes the labor force, made up from the masses, to the corporation for job insecurity, although the employee is brainwashed to believe otherwise, to fear the great, mini-monarchs wrath of unemployment, cowering away, giving up their rights, freedoms and labor laws for a few scraps of procured credit fueled prosperities, which will add up to absolute negative tallies. Just make sure you make your minimum payment.

Regurgitated Hokum Coated Apples, Trick or Deceit

As the intellectually sound looks for the positives, the mini-Monarchs, puppet masters and enslaved slave drivers make sure their is always a negative in your pocket. You have $5.00 dollars in your pocket? To vacuum that plus out of your pocket, they will give you a procured $50.00 in financial-ensnaring credit because there is nothing on this planet you can buy with $5.00, except possibly a swill-fully brewed cup of caffeine water and a guaranteed to rot your teeth out jelly glazed, icing sugar covered piece of fried bread. What this means is for every dollar you manage to make from your enslaved, slave driven job, the bank will provide you $10.00 of credit, on average. That way you can go and buy that over-priced house, over-priced vehicle (guaranteed to rust after the payments are done) and that astronomically over priced home entertainment system with hookups to all the brain-washing channels to watch all the stars of The Big Bang Theory grow old and unpleasant. In the mean time, while you choke on your hokum, and wash it down with some brainwashing social lubricant, you are well on your way to be a enslaved, credit drowning alcoholic peasant. “Hey honey, grab a plate of hokum spew! I made special for you! Let’s eat in the living room and watch TV! And bring me some wine!” said Jessica waiting. But no one comes with the wine or hokum spew. Being half in the bag already from over-priced wine, due to her over-stressed, slave driven job, she remembers that she kicked out Joe six months ago because he lost his slave driven job due to curtailment (greed). Joe, who is also an alcoholic, was forced to travel to the northern territories for a job and on a daily basis after work, he sits in the bar in the over-priced smelly hotel getting wasted on over-priced social lubricant, getting solicited by the over-weight, over-used hookers that gain their lively hood from saps like Joe who has lost all confidence and is still heartbroken over Jessica. Sounds like a nightmare? Divide and conquer and keep the family unit’s counterparts divided, hopeless, enslaved, broke, and inebriated. Brainwashed.

Cloak and Beggar

Large World Corporate Financial Groups that control (or procure on behalf of our friendly 1 percentage of the globe) invest in cons, virtual prostitution, scamming social media, sexually induced phishing, bank information pirating, theft, abuse, sexual abuse, humiliation, rape (ritch). If a man and a woman dates and start making out, but the woman or the man decides they do not want to continue the sexual encounter, most reasonable people will stop the interaction with respect. But if you watch a porn film of a young college girl being abused, slapped and choked, enforced to continue the sexual act with verbal abuse even though the woman is crying and resisting for real, that is ok because it makes lots of money. As long as she signed the waiver, which basically waived her rights from being a human being, to be treated like a farm animal, makes it ok. It is acting.  Although she is vomiting, crying and in painful duress, she is acting? If you believe that then I guess you must be a share holder of that particular pornographic producing website corporation. May be they should play that particular clip at the next share holder’s meeting and they can all masturbate while their profits and dividends projections are announced for the next fiscal year. Or that bank information phishing call center in Nigeria, Russia, Virginia, or anywhere thanks to the VPN technology. These information phishers set up phoney profiles on most or all free dating sites, even some of the paid sites, and prey on men and women alike, focusing on the age bracket of 45 to99 years, specifically the 50’s male bracket because most men in that bracket are in their financial peak, more or less. These scammers, through proposed sexual, emotional companionship or interaction allurement, will attempt to get some form of personal or banking information or money. Once that is accomplished, they will continue to scam you until you stop or close down all financial ties.  But by then it is probably too late. It is just too lucrative for world banks and financial groups not to invest in, or capitalize. But if they had any morals other then pecuniary morals, they would not condone these illegal activities.

The Bumpkin Headless Horseman

However, we are developing into a society on non-accountability. No one in power, and certainly not the 1 percenters, want to be accountable for anything that would interfere with the flow of money to their fat pockets. We can be tried and convicted as the masses, because for some reason, we have to be accountable for our actions. But any person on the mini-Monarch level will not be held accountable for anything. Just pin it on the masses, and hope everyone will forget who was really responsible for 911, or the slaughter of women and children in the Gulf wars, not to mention the soldiers that died from commercial-corporate North America. They will take no responsibility for anything. They will have everyone believe they didn’t do anything. Innocent. Meanwhile they were  filling their oil barrels and wallets with stolen prosperity. And they will keep doing it because no one in commercial-corporate North America will question them in fear of losing their careers or livelihood. We are beat if we allow our fears to create a bubble of conformed security ultimately self serving to the 1 percent of the population’s profit margin.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Going Gaga over Nada, The Whimsically Departed

Catholicon for Voracity? More!

Money holders, banks, employers, financial providers, the rich, greedy, opulent, debt pushers, credit mongers, interest dealers, land grabbers, carpet baggers, municipal monopolisers, opportunists, capitalizers. capitalists, venture capitalists, prosperity stealers, “patent, intellectual, artistic, literature  plagiarizers”,  slave drivers, investment capitalists, pension robbers, “below the minimum wage enthusiasts”,  prosperity stealers, land grabbers, property hijackers, business pirates, conglomerations,  incorporations, corporations, franchises, “Lets bring in fruit pickers from foreign countries on temporary Work Visas to work for half of minimum wage, conniving farm and food corporations”,  “Lets pay so called refugees $2500.00 to $3000.00 per month (which well exceeds the North American’s old age pensions that may amount to $1800.00 per month if you work to 65 or 67 years of age) to move to Canada because the cold weather of Canada outweighed the fictitious CIA generated danger from CIA developed terrorist groups (ISIS) and implanted surrogates created solely for North American’s brainwashing, and the prosperity monopolization of Syria and other selected countries, in the way of the oil pipelines to Saudi Arabia.”, government migration ministries, culturist groups and associations. In other words, the 1 percenters and all their world wide buddies, wanabes, slaves, and slave masters, agencies, mercenaries, and international law enforcers.”

Excise Levy Conformed for the Prosperity of the Extralocal

Any one that would dispute this is conned by the government that everything is “A” ok and they are spending your tax dollars in a humane mannerism. It is our turn to toil and suffer even more now to make way for these, already wealthy and/or educated refugees so they can be implanted in our jobs and steal our birthright to our country’s prosperity. This is nothing new. It has happened time after time. But this time  it has exceeded sane levels of restraint and reason. I have no problem with any culture but if I have to work for them now because the government has decided to give them my prosperity, I believe that it is antagonistically purpose minded to divide the cultures and people even more to lasso more control over an awakening public that know something is not right with our political systems when they offer our prosperity to our neighbors. Personally, I do not care who they give the money to but it is a clear signal that the political systems in North America are missing a couple of marbles and are not fit to run our countries. The US, now with 2 equivocal candidates that in either event, will destroy the county, blitzing any freedoms and rights we have left.

Prime Evils

It is the election of the 2 evils. It is actually being called that. Vote for the lesser of the 2 evils. Pretty lame. I say vote for “none of the above”. Or a no confidence vote. The only solution to ensure that by some miracle, somebody competent may take the throne. But the choice is clear. Vote for a chauvinist pimp, or a money grubbing whore. Wow, what a choice. I feel sorry for the US citizens that will be standing in the voting booth, scratching their heads, wondering what candidate would produce the lesser evil. Back and forth with negative political ads about the other candidate, like two school yards brats, calling each other names during recess. I think men and women are on level terms. There will always be debate who is smarter or more capable, but in a sense, this battle is done. This campaign is just a revive of an old argument designed to further create more divorce, separatism, alcoholism, substance abuse and the dismantling of the family unit. But, while the 1 percenters live in their  million dollar homes, acting like they are above it all, floating on a white cloud of saintly hood, they watch and laugh, looking down as they witness the humility of the masses they created and are maintaining by endorsing no hope to prosper, or progress as a family unit. I would like to say the 1 percenters are headed for hell, but I think they would be rejected because of their boorish snobbism, causing extreme boredom, only to be enthralled and doomed to a eternity of neutralism (purgatory).

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Labyrinth of Artifice, Oligarchy of Inveiglement

Rated “B” for Bull-dung

History is written to pacify the reader that past decisions or actions taken were made for the best. Kind of like a rating system for movies. Depending on the content, it would be labelled with a rating system signify hieroglyph. Thus history is subjected to censorship. Even books and movies written to contradict historical events, usually is culturally fueled, depending on one culture’s version over another’s, making it even more ambiguous and cumbersome to really give a dung. Like a debate between groups of 1 percenters and their over-glorified, bombastic scholars. If you do not fall asleep within the first 5 minutes of that deliberation, then you are hopelessly a 1 percenter, or a postulant. The most scary part of history, or the scribes that write history, is the scribes base it on so called reliable news sources and media of that chronology. Some media, as we well know, is thrown away, discarded, or ignored. EG: A black man being beaten to almost the hereafter, with several cameras recording the video, that caused one of the worse riots in Commercial North America’s history because of the authorities refusal to properly deal with the marauding constables . However, videos, taken by a commoner are always tossed aside, or ignored, unless it fits the 1 percenter’s agendum of dominance and brainwashing.  So what is real? An old saying says, believe 1/4 of what you hear, 1/2 of what read, and 3/4 of what you see. Or 1/2 of what you see and nothing that you hear. I say, believe your own experiences and learn from them, do not doubt what you see, scrutinize what you hear, and if written by a 1 percenter, it is probably fustian, and is for certain, not written for your advantage or plenitude. Just to con you.

Rated “G” for Genocide

All in all, historical events about other competing cultures, can be somewhat believable. I do believe that Nazi Germany is responsible for the death of millions of Jewish people. But I do not believe the rest of the world was powerless to stop the growing genocide. The Nazis’ merely gained their wealth, power and productivity that revived industries, by stealing gold and money from the rich portions of the Concentrated Jewish communities in Germany? Even if they did, why would the rest of the world continue to monetarily trade with Germany? Ignorance? No because of greed. The rest of the world’s corporate 1 percenters continued to trade and fuel the genocide out of greed, claiming ignorance, making the whole world guilty. History is carefully written, not for accuracy, but for accountability. If no one wants to be accountable, or there is no one to pin it too, then, so let it not be written, so let it not of been done. Isolation of the truth leads to isolation to the noncompliant. Divide and conquer. Because how long can one stay lonely? I have read story after story in newspapers that amounted to mundane words that described nothing but a one sided tales, leaving in wonderment of what the other side of the tale was. Tale? Yes, I call them tales because a true story requires two sides of the of the account. The only time you get a true story out of a newspaper, magazine, or some other corporate, profit orientated, dung dripped, cess-recital, scrawled, over-censored journal-nod-ism, is when it is about a sporting event or an election. However, the story, to be sure, will be embellished towards the victors. Why is journal-nod-ism written in this manner? Because, it is censored towards the corporate, profit oriented, 1 percenter narrow-ism of enforced thought provocation.  Whether it is in a newspaper, magazine or broadcast by radio or television, it always leaves the same after tones. Hopelessness. Well, at least to the non-brained-honed of society.

Rated “OO” for Opulently Oppressive

But biblically, God says we are fed. “I feed the seagulls, I feed the crows, which carries importance, but not the worth of you, so why would I not feed you?” (Not an exact quote) But we still cling to possessions and stature inducing riches like they are our life’s blood. Do we carry these oppressive burdens of possessions because they keep us alive? Make us happy? Or do we cling to these ornaments of materialisms out of brainwashed need. I stand as a man to be noticed, to be loved and respected because I notice, love and respect you. If you hit me with your rock of aggression, I will fall and bleed. But it is just tissue that I lose, and not my individuality. Thus I will not strike you back in anger. And if I survive the blows you have intruded onto me, I will heal, get up and scribe them as they happened and not bare false witness, only to say, you stuck me down, and I forgive you. Is this weakness or strength? I call it strength because for one to carry the humility caused from an aggressive action, and stand up, and still love, that is strength no one can combat. Our minds will protect our soul. Ergo, as long as we can keep our intellect aggressively shielding against other’s will to dominate and bewilder, conning you to do their bidding and enslave, your freedom of decision and emotion will lead you to your true life path.

Rated “F” for Fear

Fear is the common tool 1 percenters use to keep people in their servitude. In the old south, they kept the slaves of that time fearful, using brutality, murder and bondage. Fear is a strong emotion, because even if you yourself do not fear, people you care about are fearful, causing you to fear for them. Their anguish, if you decide to break the chains of slavery, will keep you in those chains for your family’s safety. This is why, if you lead your family out of bondage, direct confrontation will not work. The most successful rebellions are secret, intellectual and non-aggressive. Once the mind is convinced we are going the wrong way, then the battle is finished. Rebuilding our morals and how we live is the real challenge. We have to live for life, and not for so-called progress that is capitalizing everyone’s freedoms and individuality. I would trade the progress attained tomorrow, to keep my freedom today. People of wealth simply do not understand the concept of freedom, other then their own. People of wealth would do anything to keep their wealth, and do on a daily basis. They look down on the commoners like they are diseased sycophants that do not have rights. They hate labour laws. They hate any service, controlled or not, that provides money to the indigent. They hate liberalism, but will support it in the sense of capitalism, but only conservatively . If you collect welfare, they think you do not deserve the money. If you draw on your employment insurance, they think you a indolent cadger. If you file a compensation suit against an industry or conglomerate they think you are a quisling and perfidious, just scamming the system. They hate Green Peace and label them as terrorists. If you had any idea how they really viewed you as a commoner, your illusions of this world would shatter revealing reality, allowing yourself to pick up the pieces of your broken idealism and become productively free. The Towers of New York were a masterpiece of fear inducement. This fiasco of corporate bunco killed thousands of people during, and for years after. They ruined countless careers and lives of people that proved scientifically it was a controlled eradication. They kept everyone fearful, in order to invade foreign countries to control their prosperities, for a price of course. What price was that? Their freedoms.

Rated “S” for Slavery

But the banal cess-mill of arrogance rolls along in a circular motion, shrinking our brains, influencing us to become dormant and abeyance. On call to do their bidding, conveying more brain-rotting swill of useless education of compliant-ology. It is all for the progression towards the 1 percenters vault of sadistic, domineering, cataclysm that rewards the  esurient and the hoodwinkers. Battle after battle of deceptiveness and pilferage, beating each other to submissive floundered shells of progressive or regressive enslaved chaos. There can never be permanence in the victories in this vault of sadism, because of the volatile structure, always changing to suit the profligate of this rapacious induced community of lost souls.  If you grab the stem of a rose avariciously, you will be punctured by the thorns, and drip blood needlessly to the soil. Perhaps that is a lesson to be gentle in our grasp for prosperity.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016


Presidium Rat Race Residuum, the Abeyance of the Plebeian, Animus Against Anima

Kiss My Royal Sash

People with wealth and power see the commonalty as low, beastly, uneducated and useless, unless they can perform remedial acts of servitude and abjection. They see us as their slaves. Monetarily chained to their purse strings, and fearful of destitution and vagabondage. But it is nothing to fear. We have nothing to fear turning away from their enslavement of honorarium. It is something everyone can do but are afraid of it. The only thing that keeps them secure is our desire to be like them? But we are not like them. We are far more superior. Because those of us that see, know they are a bunch of children with inherited powers. But their power is allusive, being stamped into your brain every time you turn on that idiot box of serfdom-ism.  “Idiot box” is an old term to describe the television, possibly even radio. But it is boredom that draws us to these devices of conformity.  All we have to do is live our own lives and if you have a fire pit, burn all these devices that carry the commercial imprint. The internet, unfortunately, is being dominated by commercialism, making it harder and harder to find commercial-free content. I have seen when the internet was born. It was created with other innocuous intentions, then distributed as a tool for information storage and retrieval. It had many unknown uses, and evolved into a powerful informational library. For the last 20 years it is been marred and distorted into tools of profit. You cannot go anywhere on the internet without getting garbage advertising on every page. It is safe to say the internet has been successfully, commercially dominated. But here again, we could use the internet for informational purposes and not worry about the “WDIGOOT?” (What do I get out of this?) syndrome. Con after con, shill after shill, profiteer after profiteer, hijacking knowledge and information and trying to get rich from plagiarism. Stealing knowledge from libraries and re-selling it via video, because, lets face it, a lot of people are too lazy to read. So we watch senseless video after video about, in basics, the humiliation of the commoners. Because as each of us watch this, we somehow think we are better then the person being degraded or exploited.

Pompous Crass of Prominence

Fame is the buffer between the 1 percenters and the classes. They are the heat sink. The people that actually work in government and law enforcement are not our enemies. They are the manipulated strong arm that is protecting the 1 percenters and their greed. We have to hold the source accountable. We cannot lose focus on the greedy millionaires and billionaires that love the royal treatment they receive daily. Famous people are our enforced roll models. Why do you think they have every sewer stench-scribed nasal discharged blether rag on display at virtually every grocery store checkout till? For your entertainment? No, for your brain honing. Subliminally being convinced that, we want to be them. They are the upper crust that we want to be, to have worth. But, wake up. You do not want to be anything like them because they are bought and paid for, and they couldn’t care a less about you, their serfdom fans, only that you idolize them. But don’t get to close, or you will get clobbered by several police batons as they get escorted off to a more secure (peon-less) area. No slaves allowed in the Royal chambers. Authorized servants only. Idolize them or resent them. They are not the ones we should focus on. They are there to distract, brainwash and bewilder and keep our eyes off the 1 percenters as the continually pick our pockets clean. This method stretches back to ancient Egypt. Nothing new. Just amazing they still use this method to docile (con) the masses. Politicians are in the same category. The famous ones. The ones that run for the top office for every municipality, state, province, or commercial North American country (federal).

Hearts May be Trump, But Diamonds are Forever

The current presidential race is somewhat of an over-endorsed, fable driven fiasco. It can only illuminate the depths that commercial North America has stooped, attempting to get the populous to view this slap-stick comedy routine of  malicious, brain insulting, outhouse seepage, verbalism of plague infested, festering media. Trying to revive the feminist movement/male dominance dispute that is so old and moldy, that the hopeful female presidential counterpart (Queen of Hearts, reversed) is confusing this with the odor fumigating from her labia. And the male presidential counterpart (King of Diamonds, reversed) that has died his hair blond, making a feeble attempt to appear young and more progressive, and trying to arouse the female counterpart of the vote with his portrayed masculinity? This guy is seriously out to lunch. Both candidates are out to lunch to be frank. I think they would make a great couple actually. They are so desperate trying to appeal to the younger generation, and really have no clue how to do that, but if they got married, or had a torrent affair, they would both get publicity. And, who ever wins, can be the animus or anima of the relationship. That way, they would both win! Donald and Hilary! Don and Hil! Or just “Down the Hill!”, a tale about “A Bankrupting Commercial Love Story. Starring the 1 percenter’s Poster Boy, The King of Diamonds, reversed. Also starring, the Female non-accountability trait Poster Girl, The Queen of Hearts, reversed. Oozing out of a commercial theater near you, soon!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

In the Canonization of the Archfiend, We the Financially Preponderated, Demurral You!

Golden Corporate Undulation of Disillusionment

The Trumpets sounding the Mini-Monarch’s Jingle, well be known to the subjects in the commercially conquered community, cardboard silhouettes of the Owner’s Royal family stand, overseeing its courtyard, filled with the mini-Monarch’s subjects anxiously awaiting the daily scrolls, featuring the latest charitable discounts the fair mini-Monarchs dictate to us as the current corporate law of the land, until a better charitable discount arises and is scribed on new commercialised scrolls in their branded mini-Monarch calligraphy. Later, the min-Monarchs ride in their horse-powered drawn carriages down the old business sector streets, now filled with vacant business buildings for rent, with municipal corporate tax levis impervious to the barbaric entrepreneurs abating the chance to vie. Scornfully, the mini-Monarchs look through their dark tinted coach windows, turning their snob noses up at the sights of deferred people, derelicts,  bag ladies, junkies, drunks, thieves, pimps, prostitutes, single mothers with their poorly dressed children, as they pass by broken and shattered display windows, now covered with boards or featuring empty shelves and baron merchant counters, illuminated only  by sunlight that manages to penetrate the dust incrusted windows of the rat infested decanted store rooms. As their coaches’ golden rimmed wheels are pushed swiftly by the asphalt down the broken street, two dragoons, from the local prefecture, severely beat a homeless man to submission, with their batons, spectating, as the delict blood torrents down the curb, into the sewer. Portrait after portrait is taken of this seemingly atrociousness of justice on media devices by 90 % of the guttersnipes in portrait vicinity, only to be discarded evidence by an overpaid (debauched) lawyer magistrate under the direction of the royal commercial municipal corporation.

A young boy, dragging an old dismantled crib across the street to the local pawnshop where the pawn vendor will ungenerously give the young boy 7 dollars, whereby he, as instructed by his welfare stricken mother, to purchase a direly needed loaf of bread and condiments, perhaps some milk if is afforded by the illiberal generation from the pawned crib. The horse-powered drawn carriage with gold rimmed wheels comes to a stop before this annoying obstruction, only for the carriage driver to climb off the carriage to inspect and clean the delict blood off the gold rims. The dragoon swiftly runs behind the carriage entourage , stopping traffic so a distance can be kept between the horse-powered drawn carriages with gold rimmed wheels, whilst yelling at the young boy to “lug the crib faster across the street, you are impeding the mini-monarch progress and safety!” Within moments, the annoyance (boy) manages to struggle his blockage off the path of the mini-Monarch horse-powered drawn carriages, allowing the dragoon escorted royal entourage to continue its plague inflicting journey of brainwashing and deceitful conglomerating. In its wake, it leaves a destructive path of falsehood and mayhem. Discouragement and brutality starts to spread aggressively and virally. People on the streets start attacking each other, destroying and luting, trying to understand the hopelessness that they are feeling, retaliating because of emptiness in their souls that is being stolen in exchange for the coveted materialisms that we are mesmerised to believe will bring us dignity and stature , being left behind to rot in the refuse that was once a prosperous community that the mini-monarchs stole and are now hording to get as much gold as they can reap from the distraught and the humble who are the remaining populous that have the will to strive forward.

Quickly, after the remaining dragoons withdraw because of the might of the mob, more dragoons appear along with militant reserves and conscript soldiers whom were quickly recruited in case of an uprising, dress in full armored riot gear, shields and weapons of dominant inflicting persuasion. The dragoons and their arrived counterparts, form strategic lines to push and separate the chaotic mob, followed by large wagons to stack the dead, and larger caged wagons to confine the captured or innocent. For seemingly hours, the mob continues its retaliation, and the dragoons and their counterparts push, divide and conquer little by little, piece by piece, until they subdue and disperse the frantic mob, with the remaining that managed not to get beaten to death or captured, run and hide in fear. The dragoons in their blackened triumph, instruct the remaining people of the commercial dominated city that they are under martial law and are to stay within their huts and shelters until further notice. Anyone caught on the street will be imprisoned without trial. Anyone already captured will remain in the prison camps until they are similarly tried and convicted. In the mean time they can live and work in their respective prison camps ergo the community can remain productive at the benevolence of the mini-Monarchs, whom conspired and construed to the local dragoons and their authorities, that for everyone to remain a productive member of society, this is the only viable solution. No need for a monetary system inside the barbed walls of these prison camps because everything that is necessary will be provided on a rationed basis to promote the importance of following laws set forth by the mini-Monarchs and their royal families.

Marriages that anyone within these walls are part of will be abolished because anyone that is in these prison camps are deemed guilty, thus the only determination that will be determined is whether the criminal will die for their conspiracies against the mini-Monarchs and their royal families or to serve in these camps for the remainders of their natural lives. Anyone related to the captured inside the barb walls of these prison camps will also be subjected to the same conspiracy trials to determine whether they will die or serve, and if found guilty to serve, will be in separate prison camps and not allowed to visit their former family members. Any children left orphaned because of the delict behavior of their former guardians will be submitted to orphan institutions and retrained and educated to the emancipation and proclamation of the mini-Monarchs and their royal families, and may, if astute enough in their training, be offered the honor to a life of servitude in the mini-Monarchs and their royal families homes and establishments. Certain females that are orphaned that fit the genetically intellect and skeletal structure will be employed as surrogate birthing mid-wives, to provide pleasure for the royal barons and provide infants for the royal baronesses. Any of the lesser astute males and females will be genitally severed and will serve as drones for the municipal corporation performing the lesser and laborious duties. As for the criminals in their respective prison camps living out their lives in servitude to the mini-Monarchs and their royal families, they will be allowed the privilege to line up daily and bow in respect to the mini-Monarchs entourage in revel of its gleaming gold rimmed wheels.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016