Propagandise Proprieties Temples of Foreordination

Community DisMemberMent

Nestled in the heart of a residential community, where once, not so long ago, stood a temple where the community consecrated their wealth for safe keeping so all could feel secure that their spoils of labor was safe and secure. Slowly but surely, when faith was replaced by greed and opulence, banks and banking institutions replaced the temples and started to charge interest for loans to people in exchange for interest paid for the use of the community’s money that was kept for safe keeping in these banks that once were community temples. Slowly but surely these banks monopolized the community’s wealth and charge them fees to keep the community’s money safe. They still paid fair interest for this use but only to the wealthy, to whom, they would pay prime interest. For the rest of the community, they would pay a very small interest, if anything at all. And if they paid better interest, the average community member would have to lock away their money for long periods of time and would charge that community’s average member large penalties for the access of their money. The government would also follow suit and tax the withdrawn money’s portion of interest as income. After the locked down term of their money (maturity), and if the community’s average member did not need to withdraw this money, they would successfully gain an interest generated portion of this money which in the end would not seem worth the amount of time the money had to be locked down. Not to mention, the government taking their cut deeming this small amount of generated interest as income. In the mean time, the bank got to use the community’s member’s money for 1 to 2 to 5 to 10 to 20 years depending on the term, and the bank generated 10 times the amount of money they gave the community’s member as earned interest.

 Commandeer Accrual, and The Comptrollers of Defalcation

With these large gains the banks generated from the community’s members, they formed a mini-Monarchy for the rich and opulent to prosper, and slavery for the community’s average members to squalor. As time went on, the rich of the community joined the 1 percent and served as mini-Monarchs to provide vast wealth to the 1 percent all at the expense of the community’s average, now poor members. As the mini-Monarchs prospered at the benevolence of the 1 percenters, the average, now poor community members started to live solely off credit because the mini-Monarchs and the 1 percenters successfully stole all the community’s average, now poor member’s money and prosperity, that at one time was measured by the commodity, but now measured by owed interest, that deflates the worth of the community’s commodities when sold, and inflated the value of the commodities when sold back to the community’s average, now poorer members. Now, vast loans are required to prosper enough to pay back the interest owed by the community’s average, now poor and oppressed members, just scraping by from pay check to paycheck. Instead of banks, the mini-Monarchs and the opulent 1 percenters created money stores to further reach into the community’s average, now very poor and very oppressed member’s pockets to make sure 90 to 100 percent of the community’s average, now enslaved member’s borrowed prosperity is re-circulated back to the mini-monarchs and 1 percenters.

Assimilated Pervaded Anonymous

If you cannot see what is happened to your community, it is because we all have been conditioned (brainwashed) to accept this as standard living. Money stores have existed for decades, and as time goes on from generation to generation, the 1 percent and their mini-Monarchs hope that no one will remember how it was and how it came to be, such as it is now, a rich and opulent society dominating the masses, forgetting our rights as community members because we have been conned out of our prosperity for 3 generations. If you are young, then you would except “credit” as a staple of existence and would certainly not be able to dream of existing with out credit. That is a sad thing because it has been embroidered into our everyday life as if it was “the gospel according to capitalism”. The 1 percent and mini-Monarchs will continue to destroy the church and anyone with  faith by disproving the need for spiritualism. As churches and temples crumble, the mini-Monarchs and 1 percenters will shun people that have faith in spiritualism and deem it is necessary to worship money and opulence. Something that  you are sure never to see or experience, because you are the slave to the society (1 percent) that controls your future. It does not matter what faith one has because the 1 percent of society has no use for any of these religions and will continue to tear down these beliefs until no one believes or cares. If you think that this is an exaggeration, then look at all the abandoned churches in almost any community, in any city in commercial corporate North America. Even if you have no faith, you will still be a serf to the whips of extravagance.

Deceptive Eloquence League of Hypnotic Parables

We have all been conned to think the church is the enemy. The church was the symbol of the community. Not the Pope, not religion on a global scale, not the Vatican, not the vast wealth that certain false prophets have amassed through the populist, not the sexual abusers that hide behind the church, not the greedy that have reaped mass wealth from the church. The church’s true meaning is the community, where the community enjoyed spiritual activities that only enriched the community, making them stronger. It does not take a genius to see why the 1 percent of society wants to tear religion down. In most communities, they have been successful and have enslaved the people in those communities to work (slave) for one common objective. To keep the 1 percent of society and their mini-Monarchs idolised as a way of life. However, that way of life can never be attained by all, thus becomes illusive and waning. In basics, spirituality teaches us to rely on one’s self to continue their journey. Ultimately, that is all spirituality is all about. It does not need a temple, bank, or money store. All it needs is belief, and it is free. So if you prefer to listen to that rich opulent artist chant their melodious intonation rants promoting capitalism, greed and opulence, all at the cost of freedom, or that commercial ad about how great people are that buy that opulent, overpriced vehicle, or commercial programming about cops busting the poor and indigent of society.  Then you will never be free. Just a conduit of commercial adornment.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017



Liegeman In the Orphanage of Non-Acquiescence

Doctrine of Proprietary Philosophy

There more lies in this world then the truth. But one ounce of truth can destroy one ton of feint. This world can not seem to rid itself of the constant barrage of ravenous thought and actions that put a stranglehold on our daily existence. If we cannot share our wealth then we are nothing. Colleges and universities put astronomical price tags on knowledge that should be shared amongst everyone. The internet is a positive stride towards shareable intellect, however, because of commercialism and profiteering, it is being scattered and produced into fragments and pieces of arbitrary, non-sited left overture. What is sited material? Bibliography? To show the reader where the information was derived from. Is it important? In my opinion, it really has no bearing other than making the reader comfortable that he/she is reading something that has been verified before. Like an author of a mathematics book who uses verified methods and formulas to create his/her own styles and varieties of solutions set forth in his/her “original publication”. This also sets the stage for the necessity for one to be aware of the history and hierarchy of information and knowledge which in turn sets a proprietary regulation, enforcing people to go to certain institutions to be brainwashed in the knowledge or doctrine people seek or desire. Usually for money, because that is how we have been conditioned to  believe things work and the only way people can be creditable or credible. The more you pay, the smarter you can become? I doubt it very seriously. But if you do have vast amounts of money, it can be bought.

Diploma of Homelessness

It can be a scary thought when all one really has to do is be from a rich family to get a university education. People do argue though that many people from any income bracket go to university. Yes they do and not without sacrifice. Bottom line is, there are many a street persons with university degrees. Many of them fell through the cracks and you can bet your great grandmother’s wedding band that is in the pawn shop because you had to buy groceries, that a person from a wealthy family that has some sort of degree is not the one on the street. The fact that this proprietary snobbishness dictates what information is creditable and what information is not, is the reason the internet is being converted from the information highway, to the  infiltration commercial sewer. Where the only thing a brainwashed mind would deem creditable or credible is what commercial corporate North America and their bought off main con-stream media says is true or creditable (credible). Once you tear down the illusive barriers the 1 percent of society props up, like a “B” movie stage set, you can see how they manipulate people into doing their bidding. In one word, slavery.

Certificate of the Indoctrination

The internet still has the information, if you scrape for it. You can pretty much find any information you need, but in most increasingly cases, you have to put up with proprietary commercial ads imposed upon you by the mini-Monarchs and the people that allow those ads on their sites, videos, etc. Some people will defend this to the highest degree, but in the end, you will find they are collecting a lot of money from these ads playing on there works. The commerce of commercialism changes how the internet works and feels. Surely I should show some empathy for these individuals, firms, companies, mini-Monarchs that impose this brainwashing spew on a daily basis, hour to hour, minute to minute, second to second, not. I despise commercialism to the highest degree. It has been so overly abused and compromised, that one would wonder where it really started and how did it get so twisted. Greed has twisted its’ intent to provide information where the commodity is available by attempting to brainwash you that you cannot exist properly without the commodity. People that watch TV and put up with commercials every 8 to 10 minutes interrupting their brainwashed entertainment really need help. But to confront these individuals is almost impossible. They will say things like; “I like to watch commercials. They are funny.” or “I like commercials because I can get up and get things done during the commercials.” or “Some commercials really do provide me with great product information.” I am almost positive anyone has heard these lines before in one form or another. If you do, then you really have a brainwashed victim on your hands. Now that streaming and alternate programming feeds are available, some people still flock to the same old mind deteriorating swill series, but now without the commercials. Better, yes but still brainwashing. Because they, in most cases, depending on the series, have one full hour to keep you under constant brain-hone mode, uninterrupted. Remember who ultimately pays for these series and miniseries. Commercialism, brought to you by, the mini-Monarchs of commercial corporate North America, courtesy of the 1 percent of society.

Doctor of Adverse Advertisement

Ultimately, what does this do to the people that reject the programming? It attempts to isolate us into desolation. In hopes that people around will label you into some sort of loose cannon and will attempt to humiliate you back to the program. Thus making anyone still on the program the gatekeeper for commercialism and they will defend greed, opulence, aggression, violence, barbarism, domination, and slavery. And, they will not even know it, only that they are defending the thought process of the status quo, capitalism. Greed = opulence, opulence = aggression, aggression = violence, violence = barbarism, barbarism = domination, domination = slavery. We have become divided, even in our own homes. It is the family unit they want to destroy, With that destroyed, it makes their agendas easier because without the family, our morals and dignities are at great risk. One can stand alone, because ultimately, that is how we are born and that is how we will leave this world. Isolation may hurt but it will make one stronger. People will see your strength because you are following your true life’s path. That can only inspire a following that everyone is equal and able to choose without fear of reprisal.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Martyrdom of the Abecedarian, Impalement of the Unindemnified

Despoiler of the Quotidian Muliebrous, Philistines of the Gridiron

How do they keep us down so beneath our dignities? When and how does this pristine twisted attitude penetrate our hearts and become respected knowledge? One may philosophise that it is the way of the natural world, that we are all naturally, barbaric and aggressively competitive. Possibly. But I have the belief that the ravenous of society are the creators of this stage of vulgarity because they know it is damaging to the human spirit. A spirit that they need to control or crush. How is this accomplished? There are “soldiers of depredation” all around us. We usually cannot distinguish who they are out of blind faith pounded into our brains as children in the capitalist schools of proselytization and, later in life, famed idolisation. Many indoctrinating methods are utilised. But some, are best explained by the “experience”.

Amiss Gullion of Intrepid Torment

A woman in her early 30’s, now divorced with 3 children, living in low cost housing, large enough to shelter herself and children. She was victimized as an young child, sexually abused at the hands of her mother and father. She was married early, at 17, to a physically and sexually abusive spouse who fathered the 3 offspring that she now solely cares for. Being alone, responsible for 3 children, she prostituted part time to make ends meet, filling the void that social assistance failed to cover. She was partially illiterate, with no marketable skills for employment. Easily influenced by showy people who encouraged her profession, she kept irregular hours, and hardly ever got time off to do anything for herself. Although she kept her alcohol and drug consumption in check, she liked to go out with a girlfriend for drinks at local venues to free herself of stress. Being a hockey fan, she could not help but notice, in the particular lounge she and her girlfriend chose that evening, had several hockey players seated at a couple  of adjoining tables celebrating. They were surprised to see the crests on the player’s jackets indicated a professional hockey league team, being that their town did not have a major hockey team, only a minor. Her girlfriend, being more outgoing, got up and walked towards the tables occupied by the hockey team members. Her girlfriend immediately sat down and started talking to one of the team members. Being receptive, the hockey players all raised their drinks. “This toast is for, what is your name sweetie?” asked the team captain, directing the toast to her girlfriend still seated with the hockey players. “Karen!” said her girlfriend enthusiastically. They all drank to Karen and slammed down their glasses. “Why don’t you invite your friend over here Karen? She must be lonely sitting at the bar by herself.” said another team mate barely standing up. “Sit down Pete, before you break your neck! We are just passing through. How would it look if you were injured in a nowhere town like this?” said the captain, grabbing his shoulder and pushing back into his seat. “Come over Darlene and bring your stuff!” called Karen getting snuggly with one of the team members. Darlene, nervously grabbed her stuff and walked towards the table and sat close to Karen. “Come on, honey, mingle with the boys!” said Karen now holding hands with one of the players. Soon, one of the players started talking to Darlene. “Don’t mind these fools. We’ve had a hard road trip and have a one day layoff. We will be headed out tomorrow afternoon. So we are blowing off some steam.” said the player to Darlene. Darlene, although still a bit nervous, was attracted to his seemingly stability and control. “What is your name?” asked Darlene being more at ease. “Joselyn, but just call me Joe!” said Joselyn smiling. Darlene smiled back and shook his offered hand lightly. After a few more drinks, that seemed to continually appear before her, she was feeling a bit light headed. Pete, who was stumbling around, grabbed Darlene’s shoulder. “Hey babe! drink up!” said Pete, grabbing one of her untouched drinks, slamming it back. Darlene who was startled, looked up at Pete and let out some laughter. Being close to closing, the captain stood up. “Come on everyone, bar is closing. we have to go to our rooms.” said the captain finishing his drink and walking towards the lobby leading towards the rooms. “Hey Darlene, come to our room for a drink? A few of us are going to have a small party. Want to come?” asked Joselyn in a pleasant tone. Darlene not really sure hesitated to answer. Karen, who was arm and arm with the other player said “Come on Darlene, I will be with you. It will be cool.” Darlene stood up and grabbed her coat and purse. “Ok, one drink won’t hurt.” said Darlene staying close to Karen and Joselyn whom offered his arm for her to hold.

In the room, which Darlene had no idea whose room it was, assumed it was Joselyn’s room. She was drinking, and was more relaxed. She was listening to Pete mumble on about his wife and the problems he was having being on the road so much. To Darlene’s dismay, she noticed that Karen and the player she was clinging to was no where in sight. Suddenly, Joselyn grabbed Pete and led him to the door. “Go to you room and sleep it off!” said Joselyn as Pete stumbled out the door with a few other players leaving. Darlene, now sitting there in one of the room’s chairs felt alone and vulnerable. Joselyn was whispering to the other players in the room, 7 or 8 team members in total but Darlene was not really sure. “Where is Karen?” asked a nervous Darlene standing putting on her coat. “Karen who?” said Joselyn sarcastically. Darlene then grabbed her purse and started to walk towards the door. Joselyn roughly grabbed her arm and made her sit on the bed. “Let go of me!” said Darlene in retaliation, now thoroughly frightened. Joselyn just glared at her as he went towards the door and locked both locks. “You are not going anywhere.” said Joselyn in a threatening tone walking back to her, standing over her. “Look, I have kids at home. I have to go back. Please let me go!” said Darlene in a frantic, pleading manner. “You industrial town bitches are all alike! You let us buy you drinks and tease us with your skimpy clothes, but when the time comes to put out, you all make excuses.” said Joselyn as the other drunk team members laughed. She got up again and Joselyn pushed her back on the bed. She defiantly rolled off the side close to the door, got up and made a dash to leave, but felt a sharp, blunt pain against the back of her head, and blacked out. She abruptly awoke to a glass of vodka and seven splashed on her face by one of the chuckling team members. Two teammates held her arms and two others held her legs up in a spread eagle fashion while she laid upon one of the bureau dressers. She was completely naked minus the her half torn bra that was now around her waist, and her high heeled shoes, one of them with a broken, hanging heel. Joselyn, who was holding a lamp minus the lamp shade with a lit incandescent 100 watt light bulb, moving the lit bulb now very hot towards Darlene’s open and exposed vagina. “Please, let me go. Please!” said Darlene in duress and fear. “I wonder if we can insert this bulb without breaking it?” asked Joselyn sadistically as he moved the hot lit bulb, now very close to Darlene’s vagina. “Please, stop, please! I will do anything you want! Please don’t!” cried Darlene now sobbing uncontrollably unable to struggle free in fear of being burned as other team members laughed and drank more. As Darlene was almost ready to pass out again, from the fear and feeling the heat of the hot lit bulb now just millimeters away from her exposed genitalia, Joselyn pulled back the lamp back a bit. “Ok, you have a deal. You will do what ever we want and will satisfy everyone in this room. Then you can go home to your kids.” said Joselyn heartlessly as the remaining teammates in the room laughed. “Yes, I will do whatever you want. Just please don’t burn me!” said Darlene still sobbing. Joselyn pulled the cord of the lamp out of the wall socket and tossed the lamp across the room. They proceeded to rape her for what seemed like hours. They left her alone in the room after they were finished raping her. She looked in the mirror in the bathroom after she cleaned herself and cried. She managed to dress with her torn clothes. Darlene left the room, hobbling down the hall with her broken heel dragging, leaving out the rear exit.

She never talked to her friend Karen again, despite Karen’s several attempts to call or visit. She tried to press charges, and told her story to female constables countless times, and they made the report, but ultimately was buried by the crown/district attorney suggesting the lack of the accuser’s credibility and evidence. It never lead to any charges being laid and the story was buried in some basement in some box with other abandoned cases.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Commercialistic Commerce, Contiguous to the Heart Attack

The Rook, the Cad, and the Greedy Thicker Lash, by Ney-von

We cannot escape the ads of compliance, looking at that smiling model fool used for an advertising campaign to sell some May-Bullying or Loather Gur-l makeup, featuring that opulent pop star, or that semi-over-the-hill TV personality putting on their best extremer phoney smile. We look at these people as if they have some sort of mystic message to enlighten us with, but subliminally these ads are saying, “buy more makeup, and don’t forget to buy my latest migraine producing intellectual art CD, DVD, or stream, and don’t forget the Tylenol, or Advil, or Generic if you prefer, possibly laced with some codeine, washed down with your favorite brain shrinking elixir, after choking from cotton mouth from that huge toke of the now legalized brain honing weed of wistful-dumb.” Just think, you can look almost as good as the model in these exasperating ads of compliant-ology, cosmetology. You may even, someday, be “just like them”.

Bloody Scabbed Skin Tracks Nail Polish , by Ramble-On

Who are the new breed of drug dealers? That can be a tough one. We still have Sweet Willie, slinging his overpriced, laboratory made, synthetic crack balls. Or he may sell you some supremely trounced upon cocaine with a mere 7 to 10 percent purity. Try boiling that down. The newest, well not so new, but newer, is  (some of) the disabled from some industrial accident or severe back problem patients selling their excess morphine (Opioids) pills on the street for, depending on milligrams of content, up to $150 per pill. The purchaser (needle junkie) will cook it up via spoon and main vein. Why do these injured people do this? Because they are broke most likely and/or hooked on morphine, heroin and many other drugs. Possibly they see it as a way to make a retirement plan. In the end, these people are responsible for many new breeds of junkies. The worst being the morphine (Opioids) and crack attics (free-baser). Who is the supplier, the source? Your friendly neighborhood doctor! All you have to do is permanently maim yourself and they will prescribe what you need just to get you out of their office. Want to know how to make crack from everyday available over the shelf products? It is all over the internet. Even videos from National Geo-graphite. And, lets us not forget the methadone program, not that we could forget.

Closet Hooker Lipstick, by Suburban Dismay

How to become a prostitute? there are 32 million search results.  Reasons not to become a prostitute? About 4 million hits. Thus there are 87.5% more reasons to become a prostitute? We are in a world that is deteriorating by the moment. That gives you an idea how much swine pen scribble scribe is infiltrating the young minds of our children. Truth is, we keep falling into that trap of closet-ology. We are lured to the things that seem rebellious. That may piss-off our parents, or authorities. However, being a rebel has nothing to do with destroying your brain, body, reputation and motor functions. The illicitness of things are there to amuse the wealthy and the 1 percent of society. Keep you spinning in circles of plunder and destitution. They enjoy watching you squalor and hurt. They figure, you deserve your fate. That way, they can feel superior and justified to keep their amassed, opulent, lavish lifestyle and proliferating bank accounts that flourish from this programmed, rebellious behavior. The idea is to steal your money, your dowries, you family wealth, your home, your prosperity, your future prosperity, your offspring’s prosperity, your offspring’s, offspring’s prosperity. In one simple word, slavery.

Rebels of the Despotic Blush, by Estate Launderer

Rebellion is a good word. However like everything else in this opulent fueled world, it has been twisted into brainwashed perceptions of what rebellion means. It has been twisted because the 1 percent of society does not like it’s true meaning. To successfully rebel is to turn off their constant streams of suggestive, commercialized behaviour and regulation constraints. How to act, what to eat , what to wear, what to listen to, how to walk, talk, and how to be compliant to the so called laws and by-laws of the enforced society that cause your nightly headache that you take over the shelf medication you were induced to think you need to get rid of the pain. Really, all you have to do is turn off the dribble fumigating into your living room from those channels and feeds brought to you by commercial corporate North America and their main con stream media via their semi-talented abrasively charismatic, annoying personalities and broadcasters. If you call that entertainment or information then on the scale of 1 to 10, you are in the red according to the brainwashed meter. To rebel from the status quo, all you have to do is think and act for yourself. It may seem isolating but you will find others that are smart enough to see through these studio props of mind control.

Fiefdom of Proselytized Dupes Eye Shadow, by Low-real

People seem to be waking up. People have their ears to the ground, listening for that “rumble of disruption”. It is smart to wait for others to appear before you make your move to freedom. Or is it? I think that if you change your own belief system, you will attract like minded people. So no need to wait. It is your gift from God, freewill. Whether you are religious or not, you possess freewill. We all seem to be weary of the critique from the Gatekeepers of oppression and slavery. However it is the use of this humility they inflict upon you that makes you stronger. Because in the end, that is the extent of their power. To enforce you to adhere to their bidding that makes their positions of ambiguity more powerful because if you cannot express your opinion in an intelligent manner then really, what do you have left? If you lash out in violence, that is exactly what they want justifying their strong arm antics and marshal laws. If you rebel in a brainwashed resultant mannerism, you justify their prisons and inflated court systems that in the end, just keeps lawyers, the 1 percent of society and mini-monarchs rich, being protected by their dragoons housed in their feudal kingdoms populated with department stores and Mansions of despair and profit. Nothing new. You already know this, don’t you?

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Spiky and Eleemosynary, Vivaciously Quiescent

The Hermit’s Hermit

Quietly the revolt is underway, thought patterns start a slow process of evolutionary change. We are not so gullible as in the past. But there just enough sidetracks of man-made illusionary distractions, that will derail even the most studious of thought. When I want a drink, I do not drink, When I want to buy that  newest and best covet level possession, I do not buy that covet level possession. If I need something and I hear in my mind “you need downy, or Javex”, I look for no name fabric softener, or a brand of bleach I never heard of before. So even though you have been programmed as a child by the boob tube, you can use it to do something other then what your brain suggests. If I cut myself, I will not buy a Band Aid, I will by another type bandage. Why am I so obstinate? Because I refuse to follow the “program” of brainwashing inflicted on me since I was old enough to comprehend what I was seeing and hearing. The prisons are full of people that defiantly and openly challenge the system by breaking laws of control and constraints. Once they are in prison, rarely do any of them get rehabilitated and successfully reintegrated back to society without ending right back in prison for the same or similar crimes. Prison life itself can be addicting and brainwashing, to think you cannot survive on the outside. Institutionalized. And once on the outside again, they usually run into so many obstacles and resistances that cause them to start doing the same things that could put them in prison again, and will continue until they get caught.

Horror Incarceration

The system of Commercial Corporate North America loves prisons and loves them better when they are full. People that end up in prison serve as “examples” to all the rest of us that; “this is what happens to people that are not good serfs and do not follow the “program”. So be a good serf and do as you are brainwashed to do”. Like it or not, you are slave. Like it or not, you do not live in a free society. Like it or not, your daily existence is played out exactly how it is programmed. If it were not, you would be living on the street, homeless and destitute, or in prison being sodomised, or at least that is what they would like you to think so you will try a little bit harder each day to show the system you are a worthy and good little serf. They will tell you horror story after horror story what happens to people that “break the law”, or better put, “break the program”. “Hey, remember Jimmy? He ended up in Stoney and was ganged raped several times by four inmates. He ended up trying to fight them off the last time but was beaten almost to death and spent a month in the infirmary.” Does this happen? It happens, but not as much as they would like you to think. Usually it happens to younger inmates. But that is how it is designed. They know exactly how prisoners will react in confinement with no access to women.

Elixirs of the Slave Procurer

It is exactly how young roosters act that are put in a pen together with no access to female hens. The male roosters will fight for dominance and rape the lesser dominant males. It is a natural reaction when males of any species are confined together with no females, especially in close quarters. Thus, what can the experts say? “Oh jeeze, we had no idea that would happen! No one ever told us this would be the natural reaction.” Yet they have been designing prisons the same for centuries. The only reason they are slightly more humane is because of our so called human rights. But we on the outside say, “Who cares, they probably deserve it anyway.” Where would that type of attitude spring from? From brainwashing 101 when we were in serfdom schools having all this garbage implanted in our brains. Follow the program or else. Scared Straight. Work for minimum wage and after, go to your shanty and keep your mouth shut, unless you are drinking some legal brainwashing elixir found at your local elixir store, while watching your favorite brainwashing episode of your favorite “programmed” mini or TV series performed by usually burnt out or half rate actors. Yes, booze, cigarettes, and soon marijuana, all legal elixirs for brain shrinking.  They tax the hell out of these commodities and sell them for semi-affordable prices (except in Canada being barely affordable) and encourage you to eat, drink, and be placid, all in the confines of your depressing, undersized apartment/home that you pay through the nose for or owe a lifetime of payments for, until you pass out or die, whichever comes first.

Break the Machine with Nascent Thought

If you cannot see your life is programmed, then break the program. Break the routine. The routine you are most likely bored with anyway and see what happens. When you start changing things around you, people still stuck in that system will look at you different and try to pull you right back. You will loose friends but you will see a clear indication that the system depends on compliance and obedience. Once you break these allusive constraints and do your own thing, you will open a new, lonely world. But do not be fooled. Keep going and you will get closer to your true life’s path. It is not the defiance we have to show, it is our true desires to be individuals and follow our own light that has been dimmed by the 1 percent of society. Why do they do this? Because it is your true destiny they need clouded to remain the 1 percent of society. If we all followed this, the 1 percent of society would dilute like salt in a rain storm. All these things can be done merely by thought and attitude. You do not have to strike another or show any violence. All you have to do is control your own brain with your heart, the true house of your soul.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Denizen of Intemperance Aura Dismemberment

Sleeping Wallow

Follow your dreams. Follow your heart. Only words for the privileged of society. Have you ever felt special? The North American Con Dream? We are conned to think we have a unique destination in life. But that is just to con the youth to aspire towards their serfdom dream lives, just waiting for them, all pre-determined by the 1 percent of society. White collar or blue collar, it is all pre-planned, and the system is so cock sure, that you can bet your last borrowed 20 dollar bill you still owe to your neighbor for the last 10 months, that you are living the exact life that was carbon copied out of some economic serfdom ledger held sacred by the 1 percenters in a vault too well guarded to find, let alone penetrate. How do they determine what cookie cutter existence you will live? From the constant brainwashing serfdom schools we have the misfortune of being enforced to attend during our youths. So as you live and pretend to enjoy your cookie cutter existence, make sure you hold on to that cookie cutter job, and your cookie cutter wage, and enjoy your brain washed entertainment after a hard day’s of predetermined  work load that seems to get bigger and bigger as our fictitious labor laws seemingly start to deteriorate before our brainwashed eyes.

Wakeup Call, Anyone?

I have truly come to believe that there is hardly anyone that can see through this rubbish they call freedom. If you do not believe me, try talking to someone and challenge their brainwashed, predetermined views. They will defend their serfdom lives to violent outbursts of predetermined responses they were brainwashed to utter if their predetermined, cookie cutter life is ever challenged. After the outburst, they will not even know what they have truly said and will sit there with a blank look on their faces. When anyone is challenged and truly believes they are not brainwashed, that will be their reaction. Out of ignorance? Yes. But more so, from the possibility they have been betrayed and brainwashed. This is a defence mechanism implanted by the brainwashing. You may say to yourself, I don’t remember any brainwashing? But brainwashing has nothing to do with remembering the violation. All brainwashing consists of suggestive , subliminal training and repetitive activities. Brainwashing is control. And that is why you think you are not brainwashed. If you were brainwashed, then why do they not warn us on the news or the newspapers, or a magazine? In a nutshell, you never heard it from any main con-stream media,  medium or publication. So why think you are brainwashed? If you ask yourself those questions, then you are brainwashed.

Invasion of the Reality Snatchers

The venture for Mars is on. But hardly anyone knows who is actually responsible. This entrepreneur is doing what NASA failed to do whilst wasting our tax dollars in the process. He is making rockets that can land back where they were launched without dismantling or falling into an ocean.  This person, a fan of Tesla’s work and Creator of Space X,  is indeed rich, and possibly a 1 percenter because of his wealth. But the government, because of his strides to make this trip to Mars a reality, is trying to control what he is doing. First by mock-publicity (Sistine Minutes), trying to discredit him mildly by saying there are people in the government that do not feel this type of work should be handled by a private enterprise.  But all in all, I do not trust anyone that is the 1 percent of society, and I do not believe a word of what the main con-stream media says, and whatever the government implies or insinuates, is only a reflection of what the 1 percent of society implants because they are the government’s puppet master. Why would they try to attack a fellow 1 percenter? Because he is not following the protocol of the pre-determined North American Fantasy. Have they gotten to him? Hopefully not. If you do not know who created Space X, then look it up on the internet. He is also doing a lot of other things that may irritate the 1 percent, like electric cars with free charging stations?

Invention Prevention

There are many people that have been discredited or reduced to folklore. You know, that guy that worked for a large auto company and designed the most successful muscle cars of the 60s/70s who went on his own to create a stainless steel car? A car that does not rust?  Or that man that created a power station that could provide free power to all the residents of a very large community? He also created many patents that to this day have not been realized.  Or that man at the turn of the 20th century, that created a self-generating engine that relied on no fuel or external power (the patent apparently bought out by a very large auto company and buried)? There are many other stories of large corporations stealing from the inventors. That is the game of brainwashing. Because in the end, you will just listen to the status-quo, the main-con stream media because that is what you have been programmed to believe. Why would the 1 percent suppress progress or inventions that would benefit society and the common man? For control. How else could they keep you working your cookie cutter serfdom job that ultimately keeps you broke and keep the 1 percent of society rich? Could you imagine if all of these creations could of been sustained? We would be living a much different life and technology would of surpassed the reality of technology today. Instead, they were restrained and discarded/destroyed/stolen to keep control of society’s purse strings

Marriage Miscarriage Mascara; by May-bullying

With more freedom comes more innovation and imagination. With more control and restraints comes more oppression, depression and aggression. However, the establishment attempts to control these side affects of control with drugs, which of course you have to pay for. Why else would they legalize (decriminalize) recreational drugs like marijuana? To keep you drunk, stoned and stupid. If everyone in society sobered up, I think things would change lightening fast. However, booze, drugs and sex have been tools of control in most oppressed societies. Keep the divorce rate high, which keeps the prostitution level high, that feeds the need to be inebriated with alcohol and drugs to perform these dirty deeds on a nightly basis. It also keeps the crime rate high that in turn keeps tax dollars feeding our inflated court and prison systems that are needed for processing crime and free labor. This keeps the rejects of society (people that are not employed and cannot find work because the government has failed us in so many ways to keep people, all people in a prosperous environment) prostituting, stealing, pawning, drinking and doing drugs, ultimately strung out while still feeding the one percenter’s pockets with illicitly gained money.  Nothing new. That is why it is so pathetic. Because the greedy of society do not care about your broken marriage. They certainly could care a less about a woman forced to prostitute to gain an income. They really do not care about that man that is selling drugs or breaking entrees to survive. And, they most certainly do not care about you or your destined life of serfdom. Wake-TF up!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

The Arcane Princess in the Dolorous Boscage

The Pledge of Secure Perlustration

Born onto plenty and divinity, there is a promise of aegis and altruism. We are overwhelmed with this as children and grow to expect this constant affirmation. However, what they fail to tell you in the serfdom 101 classes and courses, is that you are a slave. You are not divine. You are not protected. You are not promised prosperity. You are cast aside like refuge and expected to eat dung meal. And if your family had enough dowries and property to send you to University, then you  are the chosen few, if you are successfully brainwashed to be groomed as a possible 1 percent of society. You may not make it to that plateau, but this insures that no one that has not been brain honed can make it into this rapacious, self serving circle of greed.  You have to be “just like them”, and out of fear of not being accepted and possibly loosing your wealth, you will become, “just like them”. Reality crashes through this illusion of covenant security. When this happens, you will really know that you are truly alone in this world and must be reliant only on one’s self to be truly free.

Soft Angel Waiting in the Wings of Vengeance

A young woman, radiant of beauty and purity, comes home one day to her modest suburban home. None of her brothers and sisters are home yet. Her mother is out running errands. Within walking distance, she left school a hour early because she skipped a study class which was the last class of her Tuesday curriculum. She was 13, going on 14 and she was developing into an alluring young woman. She went straight to her room where she closed her door, undressed down to her under garments, then laid on her bed to continue reading her half finished romance novel. A few minutes later, she heard some stumbling noises. Not thinking anything about it, she continued reading. A few moments later she then heard noises outside her door. She got up off her bed and placed her novel faced down opened so not to loose her page. She grabbed her thin, short house coat, put in on and walked slowly towards the door. Almost right in front of the door, she reached cautiously for the door knob. Just before she could grab the door knob to open, the door flung swiftly ajar, hitting the left side of her head hard, catapulting her to the floor. Being dazed, she saw a blurry image. She reached and felt her forehead. Pulling her hand back, she seen she was bleeding. Her vision cleared up enough to see her father standing over her, dressed in his oily coveralls, holding a almost empty 40 ounce bottle of Jack in his left hand. Unexpectedly, she seen him draw back his right hand, already formed into a fist. He brutally smashed her jaw with one hard hit from his large fist. She felt the sharp pain to her face and became unconscious. Later that night, she abruptly awoke and seen she was in her bed covered. For a brief moment, she thought it was a bad dream. She tried to move and found that she was very stiff. The more she moved, the more pain and stiffness she felt. She managed to reach up and turn on her nightstand light. She pushed her blanket off and saw she was nude, lying in a small puddle of dried blood near her vaginal area. She noticed she had smudges of grease and oil about her breasts and thighs. She slowly but painfully stood up and walked towards her vanity mirror. Her left side of her face and eye was swollen, black and blue. She started to whimper and cry from the mess of her face and felt sharp pains ignite from her broken jaw. Then she heard a knock on her door. “Are you ok? Can I come in?” asked mother through the door. Not being able to talk, she whimpered and cried louder. Her mother opened the door and saw her daughter standing there nude, holding the left side of her face, looking into the mirror crying. Her mother swiftly grabbed a blanket and covered her bruised and grease smudged body. Looking at her daughter’s pelvic area, she saw large bruises on her thighs. Covering her and holding her firmly, she caught a glimpse of an empty bottle of Jack lying on the floor next to the bed. She guided her out of the bedroom and towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, she drew a hot bath for her daughter and helped her in the tub, giving her a sponge. She left the washroom closing the door, then headed to her daughter’s room, pulling the soiled linen off the bed, and picking up her daughter’s torn garments along with the empty bottle of Jack. She put everything into a garbage bag, went to the garage, and threw it into the trunk of her car. The mother then went back to her daughter in the bathtub and helped clean herself thoroughly, got her out of the tub, dried her off and dressed her in some clean clothes. She guided her daughter to her car in the garage, and drove her to the hospital. After a complete examination, they managed to reset her daughter’s jaw and bandaged her head to keep her jaw still. They wanted to keep her daughter for observation for the night. The doctor was in the hall talking to her mother. “Did you give her a bath before you brought her here?” asked the emergency doctor. “Why do you ask?” asked the mother. “Because, from the bruising apparent from her thighs and vaginal area, the only explanation would be  she was forcefully raped and sodomized. We found bleeding ruptures in her vaginal walls and rectum. We can assist the police and do a rape kit exam, but I am afraid they will not find anything due to her being thoroughly bathed and cleaned. Do you have any idea where it may of happened?” continued the doctor. Her mother delayed in her response. “I, I am not, not really sure. I think it may of happened on the way home from school. She likes to take short cuts through the wooded area. She never said anything and was in her room all evening. I got concerned when I heard her crying. So I brought her here once I seen her face.” said her mother in attempt to cover up the truth known to her. The doctor looked at the mother waiting for more explanation. “Well, we will keep her overnight for observation. She has a slight concussion. We want to make sure she does not slip in to a full concussion or coma. We think she will be ok, but want to do some tests to be sure.” said the doctor as he wrote on his clip board and walked away to continue to do his rounds.  “You can stay in her room tonight if you like.” said the attending nurse walking towards her. “No, I will come back early morning and check on her. Please call me if anything changes.” said the mother as she started to walk towards the exit. “Yes ma’am.” said the nurse watching her walk away. Driving down the city streets, the mother seen a large green dumpster. She stopped the car, got out and popped the trunk. She grabbed the garbage bag full of the soiled linen and empty Jack bottle then tossed it into the half filled dumpster.

Her mother never trusted her daughter again. She accused her of seducing the father. After about 4 months of accusations from her mother and major fights between her mother and father, the daughter packed up one day after pretending to go to school, waiting and making sure everyone left the house. She then left and walked to the local coach bus station and bought a ticket that would take her as far as she could afford, never to come back again.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Catastrophic Demonic Evasive Possession

Scientific Forebodes of Evil

Demons are recreations of blame. The devil made me do it. I must of been possessed to do that. I heard voices. In the end, that is what Satan wants everyone to believe. That he and his legions of demons do not exist. The law and science do not take stock in God, Heaven, Satan, or Hell. In fact, most scientists would never think of publishing a paper on Demonic Possession, or spiritual phenomenon that have occurred and reoccurred from the beginning of time. Why do they reject these events? Because they cannot explain how it happened. Cannot decipher the physics that caused it to occur. Beyond their control and understanding. So they cast it aside as folklore, or old wives tales. Fiction. But then, that is the key element is it not? Control. Because they cannot control these occurrences. They cannot make demons and their legions adhere to man’s mortal laws of materialism. If you had any idea how special the 1 percent of society think they are, then you would most likely run for the hills. Because, the 1 percent of society do believe they are the sacred, chosen ones and that is why they live in opulent divinity. Because they are deserving, the best people of society to be waited and served upon by the bourgeoisie. Yes, and if there were demons and/or angels, these entities would most certainly grace the 1 percent of society with their exclusive presence, or so the 1 percent of society would believe. Intellectually, people that believe they are the divine, also believe they have superior intellect and bloodlines, and deserve to survive above all others. Logically, why would anyone else be saved?

Divine Possession of Opulence

If you look at the possibility that there is a divine order, then it would most certainly have nothing to do with being greedy and opulent. But we cannot tame our own aggressions therefore are doomed to the master/slave analogy until your last dying breath. If you were stuck on an island with another person, naturally, at first, you would test each other to set limits. Eventually, you would either divide the island, or share the island. If there were a man and a woman, there may be interaction on a different level. But even then, there would be a struggle to see who is the dominant person. Generally, it comes down to the person that possesses the most aggression. Aggression, then would cause fear. Whoever becomes afraid first, will tend to be subservient to the dominance. Being male or female has nothing to do with this struggle. Man or woman, they both have a need to dominate naturally. If both are equal in aggression, then it would come down to intellectual thinking. Who is smarter. But, there are people that are smart enough not to create this atmosphere. These people create a reality of equality. Something that does not fit in our opulent society, but possibly could survive on that island. In the end, that is the true reason why we were sent to live on earth. To learn how to share and be equal, To shed our desire to dominate in exchange to cooperate. That is the only real lesson we can learn. But, most of us just do not get it at all. If we did, why would we elect a President on the basis that he will build a wall between USA and Mexico? What possible event would one have to do next to top that stunt? World War? Marshall Law? Concentration camps? Genocide? Why would we elect a leader to take us backwards?

Political Sodomy

The current President of the USA is indeed a social and publicity climber. You can bet your last defaulted mortgage payment that this new president will screw things up worse then Bush ever did. Hopefully, the senate and congress will slap him down. Any president that endorsed such policies while campaigning had to have a golden horseshoe up their rectum to actually be taken seriously or be elected for that matter. I fear for the citizens of the USA and hope they will see that his motives are truly self centered, nothing more. But where do these derelicts of power surface from? How do they actually live as long as they have? Why would anyone in their right mind actually vote for them? Where is one’s brain when they check off these derelicts  of power’s name in the voting booth? Only the brainwashed would consider such a vote. And if the reader of this blog voted for this last derelict of power, then seek deprogramming immediately. Because the only people that would vote for this derelict of power, in their right mind, would be the 1 percent puppeteers that would  be pulling the strings, or the large corporations and opulently wealthy individuals and/or families that will most certainly benefit from this derelict of power’s selective generosity. Politics in commercial corporate North America is somewhat an obvious prediction. Democrat or republican seem to be the popular parties, (Canada, liberals or conservative). Every 8 to 10 years it seems to be a party change of these 2 parties. Once in a great while, the changeover is in a four year span, but that is usually a leader that tries to change policies too fast for the brainwashed public’s mind to handle. Thus, the brainwashed go running home to mama. Any event, it has been predictable and boring for the last 200 years.

Crystal Ball of the Persecution of Execution

Hilary Clinton may not of been a wise choice either, not because of what the current president said or says about her, but because she really had no solid direction in her campaign, at least not a memorable one. Hilary may of been a marginally better choice, but because of the predictability of commercial corporate North America’s political system, Hilary would of been wise to wait eight years to run. Any person that challenges the current president’s integrity and morals, is sure to be slandered and falsely accused of something “trumped” up to make the brainwashed portion of society shun and disgrace. Kind of like stoning, when it was legal in a Biblical sort, where ignorance fueled the first casting of the stone. Then of course, barbarism and aggression followed suit, making sure that the person being stoned did not have one square centimetre of skin or tissue that was not bloodied or bashed. But of course if you have every brainwashed soul afraid of you, then you would have solid beginning of a dictatorship.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017

Are You Asleep?

Answer these questions honestly:

Are you proud to be a North American?

Do you believe there exists a free market in North America?

Do you think our political system truly reflects the voice of the population?

Do you think our politicians in North America are honest People?

Do you have any idea what freedom means in North America?

To be blunt, at this day and age, if you answered “yes” to 1 of any of these questions, then you are brainwashed. If you answered “yes” to 2 of any of these questions, then you are at the normal brainwashed level, possibly slightly below. If you answered “yes” to 3 of any of these questions, then you are brainwashed and afraid. If you answered “yes” to 4 of any of these questions, then you are brainwashed, afraid and asleep. If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then there is most likely no deprogramming in the world that will break your hypnotic, controlled slumber.

I was so Scared, I forgot to Scream!

Many people would say, What is wrong being proud of your country? The only people proud to be an American are either brainwashed or are in the upper crust of society. People that have been in wars for this establishment may have another view. But in most cases, being proud is an enforced speculative attitude enforced upon each and everyone of us by gatekeepers (bullies), slave drivers, teachers, police, civic leaders, politicians, actors, famed people, and the 1 percenters. Any of these individuals would attempt to humiliate you into listening to their brainwashed foaming at the mouth speech on how it is your civic duty as a citizen to adhere to the views set forth by the fortune seeking “campaign of the day” . What ever bull dung that may be. These attitudes are just ways to get anyone that is stupid enough to listen to, act or do what the bottom lined agenda is attempting to enforce, usually out of fear. If one really assessed what there is to fear in this society, then you would come to the conclusion that most of the fears are inductive, exaggerated slander. Inductive meaning purposeful. IE: Some 1 percenter seen a homeless person panhandling near their multi-million dollar home, thus reports (enforces) there is a dangerous pedophile on the loose. So the policeman that takes the report will take it very seriously because he wants to be “just like them”.

The Feared Mongered

However, there are people that will lie to discredit anyone to make themselves look good. Unfortunately, those people make it hard for the rest of us that are just trying to live honest lives without being bullied and brainwashed. Those grifters and 1 percent wannabes push the limits of believability for their own self-gain. But in the end, if you are honest,  it will surface above the deceit set forth by greedy individuals. But the clouded motivations of people truly self-motivated are the pitfalls that we as slaves fall into trying to break free of the self righteous greedy behaviors that opulent seeking people impose on each and everyone of us, attempting to justify capitalistic beliefs that damage and corrupt people to be “just like them”. How does fear start? It is implanted slowly everyday by this news story or  that editorial (observation). Main con stream media half truths embellished scribed scribble, written by halfwits or journalists that gave up on the truth and actually listen to their editor’s swish swashed, “I don’t want this story to bite my ass” censored drawl. Thus, stories written by people in fear, is going to translate into forebodes of fictitious, ” you’d better be home and in  bed by 10:00 pm or you may be accosted by a wide variety of derelicts, like that pedophile reported lurking about near that certain wealthy community where, one day, we all want to ultimately live! That is how stupid stories start and are used to create fear.

Streetwise Corner Superstore Control Board

Truthfully, the government is so desperate to make more revenue, they are starting to normalize the use of marijuana and other , so called, harmless drugs. In my opinion, they want to legalize the drug trade for control. They want to control the sale and distribution of every drug, illicit or otherwise. They want to make sure, if you are growing that hybrid marijuana plant, they are getting their cut from every toke you take from that joint. “Zero tolerance. We want our due if you want to get half baked!” So when you pay 12 to 20 dollars for that singular seed and cultivate it, in exchange for changing the laws of cultivation, pay us our taxed due.”  Like booze, you will be spending your hard earned cash on dope, that intensifies the fear set forth by main con stream media, keeping you now, all brainwashed, drunk, stoned, and placid while watching your favorite, brain honing series, a series that in most cases, produces wanton, fear and fantasies to be “just like them”. Pathetic. But people like to stay inebriated and clued out from how badly we have been hosed by the rich for the last 30 years, destroying our unions and severely weakening our labor laws, enforcing us all to work for less money and more hours without overtime pay.  Governing Importune. Personally, I do not care how may people like to do drugs. But some how, they call reefer, not a harmful drug. I disagree. I think marijuana causes a paranoid reaction. They call it the “Weed of Wisdom” but all it really does is causes a person to overthink problems and situations, usually at a result of making another bad decision, trying to do something that takes concentration while stoned. Like voting.

Sweet Willy Is Alive and Living in your Country’s Capital

My opinion, they will have more control of a populist that is strung out on drugs. Marijuana is not physically addictive. But it does have psychological dependencies,  similar to cocaine, but not as intense. Everyone will love a government that is their drug supplier. I am surprised the 1 percent of society is giving up their illicit financial ties to the underworld in exchange for over the shelf availability. Perhaps they see more money? More control? Most likely both. Best policy to follow is your own heart. If you do that, no one has power over your destiny.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017


Pseudonymous Brand of Cabal

Trepidity of Nescience

In the scheme of things, the 1 percent of society has every aspect of your life “locked down”. You cannot do anything without their permission. You think that, one day, you will be just like them. So you follow their hierophant image of rules and regulations and be so compliant and subservient with a smile! Oh, can I shine your shoes? Would you like me to get on all fours so you do not have to step in the mud puddle getting into your gold plated limousine, using my body as a stepping stone? Would you like me to sell my 14 year old daughter to your slave masters as sexual amusement? Can I lick the dirt off your boots? Would you like if I bent over and let your whole family of serfdom slave drivers and their commanding mini-monarchs sodomize me? Am I serving you master? I am only here to serve you master! Sounds cliché right? It sure does because we are afraid of their slave driving haughtiness and bullying. Pecuniary bulling that makes us fearful to counter their mind control antics. As the Tower of Babel symbolizes confusing the common language, this philosophy is useful for people that want to create ignorance and slavery. They want you confused. They need you confused. Otherwise, they cannot remain filthy rich and opulent. In a 1 percent of society mind,  to get their gold, all one has to do, if they are not civilized, is to smash the one percent’s heads in with large stones, thus stealing and taking control of their riches. But because they fear this from the masses, they have countless dragoons to keep them “safe”. What do you think 9 11 was really about? Cutting through the analysis, misconceptions and false “blame trails”, ultimately ending up sniffing your own tail end, it was really all about taking back wealth that was being fairly acquisitioned through fair trade practises. Essentially, that was what the World Trade Center symbolized. That is why it came to be. But the 1 percent of society could not have “fair trade practises”. Because then, they would have to share the world market and their opulent, unfairly acquisitioned wealth. It was a symbolic “Tower of Babel”, because 9 11 was engineered to make the masses scatter in fear, leaving their rights to equality, pecuniary or otherwise, behind. And we bit into the dung sandwich like it was filet mignon, running and crying like school children, cowering behind the teachers dress, all hiding in the cloak room. Symbolically, 9 11 should really be called,  “The Towers of Inculcation“.

Please turn that down? I cannot hear myself being Indoctrinated!

Yes, on TV, whilst César plays his violin while Rome was burning to the ground, in our imbued minds, we cans still see the World Trade Center buildings fall in a symphonic, linear, collapse in a perfect harmony with the systematic mini-eruptions of Pecksniffian carnage. Like the metronome clicking in a precise timing, as the hypnotist swings his gold plated pocket watch back and forth, putting us all to sleep, then with suggestive mind control, tells us what really happened, or at least what they would like you to think what happened. And when we finally wake up, well, it is far too late. In the mean time, go to work and slave your life away for the 1 percent of society, as they all play videos of 9 11 during their S&M parties, whipping young common school girls or boys in a pedophiliac frenzied orgy. Taboos and lustful dominance fuels this opulent philosophy of greed and dominance, even though they would never admit to this type of creep idiom. However, we think they are saints as a rule. We think because they are rich, they have to be good. But that is because of brain honing 101, when we all were in serfdom schools, learning how to be a slave, while thinking we are free. Yes we live in a free society where we are free to worship any 1 percenter or mini-monarch we chose. And we still pay homage to the 1 percent (formally monarchs) and min-monarchs (formally trade merchants that got bought out by the 1 percenters) by either “revenue of income (20 to 30%)” or revenue of need (food, shelter, and commodities)”. That does not even include interest on loans and credit cards. It is not hard to see where your money goes when you break it down like that. Keep in mind, everything you buy, except for some food items, you have to pay the government (Puppets for the 1 percenters) an additional 10 to 15 percent of the commodities inflated worth. In the market, that commodity is marked up usually 30 to 500%. For argument sake, let us say that goods and services are marked up 30% (bull dung), that means 30 + 20 + 10 = 60%, leaving you with 40% buying power which barely covers your food, shelter and commodities). But we all know the ratio is much smaller on our side because of greed and uncontrolled markup and profiteering. When people traded with each other, at least they traded for face value of the commodity and not “ignorance of worth” value (inflation).

Shim Sham Shilling

But if the “ultimate grifters (one percenters)” can make the majority of North Americans believe their fairy tale fable that terrorists flew aero-planes into the Twin Towers and caused them to collapse defiling every known laws of physics, because the hokey 9 11 Commission Report  said so, does not say much for our own desire for the truth. Or our desire to look intellectual. How many 1 percenters that were involved with 9 11 split a gut over the bologna lined story the main con-stream media fumbled and re-fumbled during that disastrous event, covering up the truth because they wanted to keep their high profile jobs. Being instructed with re-instructed what to say and force fed the public what was really not happening, commanding reporters to deny what they were seeing and hearing, and tell the story they were verbally force-scribed to tell via earpieces. Shipping evidence (metal beams) immediately off the site to be recycled in Asia. Hmm, sounds really hokey. Orson Wells (Radio broadcaster of “War of the Worlds” that caused chaotic public reaction) would be rolling in his grave. Like a 1 percent sham scam, thank you ma’am. The only thing worse then lies, are the people paid to uphold these lies, for they are the ones that can truly sound convincing enough to bare false witness, grifting an entire civilization.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2017