Majesty of Malice, Domination of the Repented, Partisan of the Pecuniary Demented

Lowering the Bar, Maximizing the Reckoning

People that have a way to “scam” a dollar, or have ways to manipulate someone to do something for nothing are in great demand in commercial corporate North America. Cons, grifters, thieves, are all welcome to apply. These skill-sets are in demand in any corporation and will hire people of this integrity in a New York second. As long as they do not rip off the corporation directly, these individuals will enjoy a long prosperous career. Until, however, a better liar and cheat comes along and shams them out of their seat of unctuous procurement. Yes, finally an era for the unscrupulous. Commercial Corporate North America is wistfully seeking these counterparts to be in their employ. The greatest examples of this is insurance companies. They have a gaggle of these individuals working for them and will, without hesitation, rip you off for any reason. IE: “Oh your house burned down? Well that is too bad, and I understand you have paid 15 years of premiums, but if you would of read the fine print on the last 3 policies, you would of realized that we  will not cover people that do not have smoke alarms in every floor of the home.” How would they even know this? Especially when the house burned to the ground? They don’t. But they are trained to play with half truths, all in order to deny payment of any policy. But, we all work for corporations everyday and we do not get paid. We wear corporate advertisements on hats, shirts, pants. Their corporate displays are on our, food, drinks, household products, cars, trucks, and we advertise for them during conversations by using “sloganized metaphors” to describe a common tool, cleaner or some covet level possession. And the hilarious part about this, is we pay for the packaging and print, labeling of every product, right down to the penny. You may say that this is not a big deal. But that is because you are brainwashed to think that. Just ask yourself a question. Describe the word comet? How many people thought of the cleaner instead of a celestial body first? Most likely 90%. That is the power of brainwashing. Some people say, “that is advertising, not brainwashing”. Then, if you say that, you are thoroughly brainwashed.

A Sandwich Board, One Size Brands All

But it is the lower and middle class (if a middle class still exists) that are walking bill boards of advertisements. Powerful. And they don’t have to pay you to do it because you think you are “cool” looking! In fact, to add insult to injury, you are paying them to be their walking billboard when you buy clothes and products! But in the end, you are just a corporate advertising “fop”. Do you think for on second that the upper crust of society wear those clothes? They wear $1000.00 to $2000.00 suits and outfits. Your car is probably worth less then their shoes. But we do not want to think about that because, hey, we look cool walking around like corporate billboards of advertising. We are making a statement. A corporate “fop” statement of ballyhoo. So as we hold our “fop” beer in our hand, with the label showing, wearing our favorite “fop” tee-shirt displaying our favorite “fop” product or “fop” rap/rock band or some other “fop” jettison in strong colorful lettering, or impacting display, wearing our favorite “fop” ball cap, displaying our favorite “fop” sports team,  vehicle, or some other “fop” product or corporate philosophy, listening to music  or entertainment perforated  with commercial advertising, surrounded by nothing but monarch styled corporate buildings with their corporate logos illuminated strongly in silver or gold, peppered with billboard signs and computerised electronic displays and monitors featuring more advertising, in case you missed something, we can put our heads between or legs, and kiss our freedoms and our individualities, cheerio. How may people instantly thought of the breakfast cereal?

Chapeau of Regress

Cheerio is an ancient British word of unknown origin meaning hello or goodbye, but has nothing to do with the over-advertised product in it’s association. I recently looked at some of my own ball caps, and every one had some sort of advertisement, business logo or name patched or embroidered into the cap.  Then, I was in a corporate super-mart looking for a new ball cap. Most of them had some sort of advertising, a few with “native pride” (which is designed for natives of North America) and one with no logo at all, which by the way, was the cheapest of the lot. Just a grey colored cap. Living in a corporate dominant world, I was drawn, by brainwashing, to the other ball caps that had a fancy logo or advertisement featuring some product. Possibly because of the artistically drawn logo or commercial advertisement that stood out, making a statement. But it had nothing to do with my personal statement or individuality. It was a “fop” statement of advertising. So I came to my senses and purchased the plain grey hat with no logo. Funny, I get weird looks when wearing this cap. Not sure why, but who cares. I am thinking that particular super-mart chain store carried this unbranded hat in the chance that someone like me who hates advertising, would come along and purchase this hat. Or, more likely, they sold this hat for the possibility of a business looking for unstamped hats to place their own business logos on the hat, possibly buying up the whole inventory that they were carrying. Either way, the hat looks incomplete, but it is perfect for me because I really do not want to spend my hard earned money for the privilege of advertising for a corporation. If that corporation wants me to advertise for them, then they should be paying me a wage every time I wear their stamped hat. Or at least give me the hat for free. It is a social engineering that scholars of commercialism created a long time ago. We, as corporate slaves, do not realise the implications of this brainwashing, because it goes way beyond free advertising. We are being “branded” like cattle or sheep. These corporations own our individuality and we are paying those clowns for the privilege.

Sponsored By C-u-l-p-r-I-t, The Enslaver of the Indigent

Television, tele-vision, means far-vision. It enables us to see things across the world, visit other cultures by a flick of a switch. The invention of the TV was a great thing. But it has been perverted into a tool of commercial attic-ism. With the TV, commercialism has dominated whole cultures like they have dominated individual communities. Selling it off, just to get a glimpse of each other, for a price of course. We pay to see each other, between commercialised brain washing of corporate branding. “Brought to you by” or “Made possible by” some greedy corporate entity, when it was you who paid for it in the first place, being pumped into your home via your over priced twisted pair telephone line or coaxial fed cable line or satellite feed that you paid for to install and you pay per month to have, but have to pay more for some corporate subscription, only to pay more for being subjected to their branded advertising.  Who is ultimately making this all possible? You are. Your best combative defence from the sewer driven, fop scribed, saliva dribbling, remedial psych ward path towards refuse author-ism is to shut the swill slurry generator off.

The Corporate’s Third Reich

I have a personal conflict with companies and corporations that enforce their employees to wear uniforms. And the uniforms are usually the color of their “fop” styled logos. Company colors. It is usually the lowest paying jobs that enforce this dress code. I will not list these corporate mini-monarchs because I think they are fairly obvious to everyone. The employee may think, “hey, at least the uniform is free”. Some companies may provide the branded shirt for free and enforce the colors of the other clothing worn with the “fop” shirt. Full uniforms are purchased via deduction off first pay check. What a fop-wich. But people have to eat it up because in communities bought and purchased by commercial, corporate North America, these are the only employment opportunities left. Other then the gangs, crime, or the sex trade. Whom are also equal opportunity employers. Just say goodbye to your chaste and dignity. Equal opportunity is what the government defines and enforces as politically correct. They keep changing the definition of “equal opportunity” and leave the people that are born to North America at the rear of the employment bus. Selected refugees groups and immigrants now seem to get preference over anybody born to this country by means of “employment subsidy”. This attracts employers to hire these individuals because they save 30 to 40 % off the employees wage for the first 9 to 12 months of employment. Most of these low paying jobs now are filled with these refugees and immigrants that carry these subsidies. That is not equal opportunity employment. It is “pecuniary demented” employment. Has nothing to do with skills, experience, education or integrity. It has all to do with saving 30 to 40 % off each employee’s wage. Now that is a savings for the corporate mini-monarchs whom lobbied (dictated) the government to implement this hiring scheme via congress and parliament. I feel sorry for these individuals that come into commercial corporate North America because now they will be resented by the people that are usurped from this employment, get hooked on credit and the “fop” corporate mentality, and finally, wake up and figure out that they are immigrating to be slaves to the corporation.  This further creates more separatism, alcoholism, credit abuse, drug use, medical care, and destitution, keeping the masses under the 1 percenter’s thumb. Thus, if it is the government and police you fear, then you are definitely sound asleep.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Fornicated Education for the Duration of the Wistful

Alone? We are not Alone, Just Separated

To be in a lonesome state is very vulnerable. To reject the status-quo and brainwashing is to be alone because everyone else is chasing the carrot of compliance. You may find yourself looking for interaction in the strangest of places. Or may be not. I have been finding that these places are not so strange or seedy anymore. It is anywhere. You can be solicited now by just driving down any street. A woman waves, and then runs to you car and hops in uninvited, then solicits sexual favors. Or you get solicited standing in a sports bar, by a gay male prostitute, a place where you would not even think a gay male prostitute would even spend his time. Or you go to a bar and grill, and notice couples, but all of the same sex, male or female. Now you feel more awkward and lonelier. Sure, you can succumb to that female woman offering her services. Or you could succumb to a same sex solicitation. Wait a minute. How about just meeting a decent girl looking to interact with a decent healthy male? Bingo! That is what I am looking for. But, where is it? Is there a secret place to go? Is being a regular heterosexual that does not want to solicit the services from a bisexual female prostitute that rare? Some may argue that that some of these prostitutes are straight. But in reality, most prostitutes will solicit their services to anyone, male or female, whoever has the money. The scary thought is that being bisexual is being solicited by the government as a normal mode of behavior. No big deal. But I by nature cannot get my head around bisexuality being normal behavior. But that is the confusion the main con-stream media is trying to sell to the public.

Living with the Conventionally Unconventional

Picture this: Joey and Bobby, two males, just start a new relationship and decide to live together. It starts off great, plenty of love and happiness. But, suddenly, Joey’s X-wife, Sue, calls demanding support. Bobby, who knew already, is not surprised but is jealous of the interaction Joey is having with his X-wife Sue. Bobby, who’s X-partner, George, keeps calling, asking Bobby to step out. This makes Joey, even though he does not show it, very angry. But to have an open relationship means interaction with other mates. So they both agree to not see anyone else to avoid arguments.  But the open relationship helped not to put pressure on each other to be too conventional in relationship matters. Now, Joey and Bobby fall right into this conventionality, a place that now starts feeling like a marriage.  Joey starts arguing with Bobby now every time Joey’s x-wife calls. Joey says that he has to talk to Sue from time to time because of the settlement. But Bobby does not understand and applies more pressure on Joey. Bobby then decides he will go on a date with George. When Bobby returns late that night, Joey is waiting up. They have a bad argument. Joey punches Bobby to the floor and kicks him a couple of times, Bobby, in pain, curls up on the floor in a fetal position. Bobby, being his apartment, winces out to Joey to please pack his things and leave. Joey, now apologetic, seen Bobby was not accepting the apology, went and packed his things then left.

Anarchy, The Essential Tool for any Corporate Mini-Monarch 

The point being, a relationship is a relationship. Conventionality is the key word here. To have a relationship means conventionality. No matter what sexual preference in a relationship may be, you have to be faithful and understanding. But this is not what the 1 percenters, and serfdom drivers want at all. They want chaos and confusion. They do not want anyone in the sanctity of a relationship. They want to destroy this conventional institution whether it is marriage, common law or otherwise. That is why the 1 percenters, via the main con-stream media, promote open relationships and marriages subliminally by brainwashing. They want separatism. surrogates, replacements, temporary. This achieves faithlessness and destitution, promoting derelict behavior and non spirituality. This guarantees that 90% of the masses’ money gets recirculated back to the 1 percenters pockets.  This divides and conquers to make it easier for the 1 percenters to control the masses, curbing them into a life of slavery. That is exactly what the 1 percenters have planned for us, so be prepared. This in reality should not surprise anyone. You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to be aware of the downgrade of humanity that has taken place in the last 25 years. It has changed for the absolute worse and is on course to enforced confinement because of the lawlessness that accompanies this mode of division and vanquishing. And we all are playing right into the imprisonment. But the 1 percenters need the anarchy to justify the confinement they want to apply. The solution is simple. Show some restraint and faith. Do not succumb to the impulses and urges that the main con-stream media is spoon feeding us on a day to day basis in your living room or whatever room. Reject this cesspool sewer-scribed brainwashed excrement that is being conveyed via TV or some other form of multi-media device specially designed to shrink your brain.  It is easy. Do things that do not require you to watch their plague invested, maggot filled vomit media that the 1 percenter’s main con-stream media barfs up for us to eat.

Rapists of our Prosperity, Pillagers of our Dignity, The Corporation

We all have to swim in the same waters, thus we all have moments of fallback to temptations we have rejected.  We need to come together and win the battle for our mind. Because once you lose control of your mind, it is game over. Capitalism is based on open environments for commerce.  But it is a system that is not sound because it depends greatly, to be fair and just, on the integrity of the people that possess the wealth. Thus creating a monarch environment, or mini-monarchs. Commercial Branded Kings and Queens. Large corporations wanting to own everything that a community has, by infiltrating, undercutting, overthrowing, consuming, then jacking up the prices right back to what they were in the first place. They create minimum wage jobs with weak benefits and no pensions. People work from pay check to pay check, paying for what was theirs in the first place before these greedy corporations came along. So as you drive by in your 10 year old vehicle (if you have one) ready for the junkyard perforated with rust holes, you see the large corporation’s displays of oversized, monarch type buildings, towering over the streets and soon to be re-mortgaged homes in great need of maintenance and paint occupied by people with little or no money being mesmerized by the main con-stream media of what they do not have and cannot afford, but can borrow for and fall further into the credit abyss by enslaving themselves to the very corporations that stole their prosperity and is selling it back to the masses with interest.

I Told Them I Said, I Said, But I told Them

Ergo if you remember, as a child,  hearing your Granddaddy’s ranting and raving in the background about how greedy corporations and millionaires are raping and pillaging our lands and resources, stealing our future economics, whilst being drowned out by some over-exasperating main con-stream media’s nauseating TV commercial,  you can rest assured that your Granddaddy was right. Because we are living that nightmare right now. Northern Ontario is the best example of this rape and pillaging right now, desecrating native tribal lands, buying up and consuming everything that is not nailed down so the can mine for gold and other minerals, leaving the communities that live there and natives that own most of these lands in the dust because Canada has a vey interesting mineral rights law. You can own the surface of the land, but the government has the rights to the minerals. So Jed Clampett, while you shooting for some food, and come across a bungling crew of prospectors, don’t shoot them for trespassing because they are not trespassing if they have to dig for what they want to steal. And Granny, you cannot shoot them either, because the dance they are dancing is not the “Potato Digger” dance. It is the “We are Stealing your Resources” dance. So, “Old Jed, you will not be a millionaire, so no, you will not get away from there, because choking on mine dust is the place you will still be, as they will load up their trucks with your minerals, and ship it to Beverly. Shills that is, what a rip-off. Y’all don’t come back now, ya hear!”

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016


Duress from The Sumptuous and Inculcation


We are inclined everyday to not achieve. From the first day at school we are taught that we are definitely under control. They give you impression that you are free to do what you like, act the way you like, dress the way you like, but in the end, we are enforced into fop-ness. How do they achieve this? Well, it is certainly not the teacher who’s income barely impresses anyone to become a teacher. People that become teachers are naively drawn to this profession in hopes to “change the world”, or to “inspire youths to greatness or happiness”, but the teachers learn very quickly that they are far from being in control to inspire any such thing. They are there to “brainwash”. Even if they do not know it, but learn soon enough. Out of all the teachers I have had as a youth, I can count on one to two fingers, maybe three of the teachers that made any sort of freedom impression on me. But those teachers are few and far between. Most teachers develop themselves into “serfdom procurers”. They start following the Principal’s agenda and streamlining. In one word, “control”. They say that education today has evolved into a more free forum but it is the same “slave-driven’ environment it has always been. Just a few more study periods. What were me and my friends doing during study period? Anything but studying. But if caught, off to the MLC (Modified Learning Class)”. Now you are thinking, they actively do something in this class to convince you that you should follow the school’s policies and agendas, but in reality, the teachers that were assigned this burdensome duty just sat there and read a book, or caught up on their class’s assignment corrections and grading. You come in the morning, and sit in this class, you cannot leave until first break, where you and your inmates take all your breaks at alternate times when no one else breaks, so you cannot socialize with anyone other then your MLC inmates. On the most part, it was very boring. When school was out, you were free to go until the next day depending on your sentencing. During the time in the MLC, you could do what ever you wanted, in the confines of your assigned desk. If you had to have a washroom break, you had to be escorted there and back. I took advantage of this time and did all my assignments and future assignments. By the time I was released, I was ahead of the whole class. Most people however, just sat their and read books or newspapers, did crossword puzzles, slept, anything but school work.

Rebellion Hall Pass

What does this have to do with anything? Nothing. But if you consider prison, it is about the same thing. Once you are in prison, no one really cares what you do while you are confined. Because, you are imprisoned, out of sight, out of mind. This either induces the individual to be more productive and stay out of prison, be a good serf, or it enables them to continue to rebel in a foolish manner, always getting caught and sent right back to prison. You expect this to happen, subconsciously, because of school. You are conditioned, brainwashed into thinking that is where people belong when breaking the law or not following the rules, policies, narrow-ism.  Control. Like in school, as long as you follow the rules and policies, even if you are a total dunce, or an over-achiever, society has use for you because you are brainwashed in the basics of serfdom-ism. You will be a good slave. Once out in society, you will work, then come home and get further brainwashed by the main con-stream media that you will crave on a daily basis to validate that “you are still a good little serf”. If you did not follow this pattern, then the brainwashing would wear off in time, and you will be lost for a short period. Alone. Ergo, you will either jump right back into the brainwashed bandwagon, or progress as a free individual. Like falling back to heroin, or morphine. The key to stay off is to eliminate it from your life. Because it is not needed to survive. If a person spent a year and did not watch any commercialized media or TV, then suddenly watched it again, they would be amazed they were ever drawn to watch such sewer-scribble-scribed televised nonsense in the first place. It would, I guarantee, insult your intelligence.

One Flew Over The Conformity Nest

Rebellion starts not by force. It starts in the mind. The only force you will experience is the counter-force that everyone around you will apply to your seemingly derailment of thought. They will think that you have lost your mind. They will not understand and attempt to pull you back to the aneurism infiltrated excrement that you have rejected from your thought process. You will look at them as the crazy ones. But they are not ready for this enlightenment, therefore will label you as the “looney tunes”. The best way to handle this counter-force is to play the game, and slowly draw them out of their “comfort zone of compliance”. Before they know it, they will start to experience freedom of thought and individuality without the fear because you are with them. Something that they were always afraid to do because of the status quo of thought enforcement. Remember, you are not forcing them to do this because it is a natural response to a taste of an unrestricted beginning. Freedom is a natural emotion, but like all emotions, they can be controlled, or even, nearly, eliminated. Buried. That is what brainwashing of our North American Society does. Eliminates the desire for freedom. Ridiculing the need and desire, thus discouraging, beating people into compliance. Beating you ask? Yes. Have you ever seen a demonstration or protest broken up by force? I think everyone has. The main con-stream media makes sure you see this force applied to ensure you will forget your little rebellion or protest and go back to sleep. Be a good serf and go back to your slave driven job and existence. But to protest to the government on any level, municipal, state or provincial or federal is a total waste of time. Yes we have the right to protest, but that is all. Don’t think they will succumb to your protest. That is the last thing on there mind. Mostly, it aggravates them into being more evasive to the issue at hand and you can bet, your last covet level favorite possession that you have managed not to pawn yet, that the police and riot squads, possibly even the army reserve will be present or on standby in full riot gear. Hoping for an excuse to slap all of the protesters down witnessed by all to see the government’s display of forceful resolve. Our attitudes and thoughts are the power. If we consecrate our mindful will and take back our individuality, then the rest will follow.

Society Does Not Need Control. It is Control That Needs Society.

The biggest nightmare that the 1 percenters and their serf driving corporations have, waking, rolling in sweat, is that society, you and I will realize how simple it is and we simply do not need them. That we do not have to raise a fist, gun, club, stick, canon, tank, missile, or any other death device or war machine. All we have to do is let our individualism take control of our own paths and destinies. All one has to do is remove these chains voluntarily, face the ridicule and seize control of their own existence. Prisons keep filling up with people rebelling in a childhood induced mannerism, brainwashed to think that to rebel is to raise your fist.  Take what you want by force, and as long as you do not get caught, keep taking until you do get caught. But that is the biggest con of them all because they have convinced people that open rebellion by force is the only thing that could work. But, it is the least likely to work because it is in the open and stupid. No smart military commander would ever lead their army into a predictable battle. School is where we all go to take classes on different essential subjects. But it is the forum where these classes define the classes. A “stained class” (Judas Priest) if you will. It starts with the clothes that your parents can afford, labeling you into a class that will be imbued into your psyche for a lifetime, ultimately carving the path you will follow. Break that path. It is not the correct path to follow because you as an individual did not choose that path. So for those still in school, rebel the silent rebellion that will illuminate your true individuality. After that, you will not be in their control.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

The Meritorious of the Parable?

Cannabin, Cannabinoid, or Hannibal The Cannabinol 

Using drugs has become an North American subversive culture. Now you can purchase 5 hemps seeds in the local feed stores for between $40.00 to $80.00. They call it hemp but in truth it is a plant (guaranteed to grow) that will produce a high quantity of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is responsible for the “buzz” you get when smoking and fully inhaling marijuana’s smoke when burned. Hemp, used for its fibre quantity and quality to make rope and other like products, had a very low quantity of THC because of how it grew, mainly to promote the stock production and not the herb (bud) production where THC concentrates in high volume before pollination or going “to seed”. Hemp and marijuana are related horticulturally, but by no means the same product. If you are mature enough, you probably remember the “Refer Madness” commercials courtesy of the main con-stream media of the 50’s. The reason marijuana is illegal is a bit of a mystery, but mainly because it became a controlled substance using the THC extract for horse tranquilizer and other related veterinary or  zoo-ology purposes. Cocaine, when legal,  was in Coca Cola (early 1900’s) when it was birthed into a soda drink with the main advertisement being “relieves fatigue”, printed on every bottle. Yes, cocaine does relieve fatigue but is highly, psychologically addictive because of the side effect that kills your natural capacity to produce dopamine cells that give us our own capacity to kill pain or feel happiness. That is why when using cocaine for prolonged periods then stopping all of the sudden or because you simply ran out of money, you lose your ability to naturally feel happiness and become very depressed and unenergetic. You may sleep for a while, but will awake in the same state until you natural dopamine production repairs itself. But before that happens, most people seek out a way to get the drug again by usually any means possible. Crack, a boiled down version of cocaine which produces a ball of purified cocaine is usually smoked in a pipe and produces a much higher damage to your dopamine production. But boiling down the cocaine is only getting rid of all the “crap” that the distributers are using to “step on” the drug, to make more profit. By the time cocaine hits the streets, it is usually 20% cocaine, and 80% garbage or “cut”, if you are lucky. In reality the cocaine content it is closer to 10 to 17%. The “cuts” can be  Vitamin b12 (turns it pink), corn starch, vitamin c powder, sugar, talcum powder, Italian baby milk powder local anesthetic (rare) or Glucose(dextrose) which is the most popular. All in all, dung because it is not cocaine. Every hand it goes through when selling, they “dance” on the cocaine a bit more. But this is starting to sound like the Reader’s Vomit Version so enough said.

Adumbral Feint of Benignancy

I could tell you why the North American governments are warring against drugs supplied from South American and other countries, but I would be just repeating what the main con-stream media is trying to mesmerize people into believing.  Who makes the money? That is the question. It is certainly not that fictitious “shady character” standing under the street lamp, on that street corner, situated on the very street where all the prostitutes are standing, in any city situated in North America, or the world for that matter. But that is where it all starts. So that is where, if you really care, you should start your own investigation. Beware, you may end up picking up your own daughter, or son, who you threw out of the house months ago, who are prostituting themselves to support their drug habit. If you think I am being callous then you should not be reading this blog. You should be reading a main con-stream media fairy tale version of what happens to your child when warded out to social services. If you investigate, you will find that social services employs people from university that have no idea what it is like to spend a minute of there time on that street corner. They just open their text book and use their slide rule analysis how best to help these children.  If you find anyone in social services that actually knows what it is like by experience, living the reality, that is a rare bird indeed. But those individuals, because of their education level, usually technical college, are used to do the “dirty work” that these university degreed individuals do not have the stomach for like, cleaning vomit and helping these people through the withdrawal symptoms. But these university degreed individuals are there, at a distance, standing with the administrators and doctors, collecting their oversized paychecks, prescribing more drugs like methadone. Good one, prescribe a drug to keep that person off the drug. Genius. It is like saying, don’t kill yourself with that shotgun, kill yourself with this dull pocket knife. It will take you longer, until you find a sharpening stone. I have seen people on the so called “methadone program” selling the methadone to other, more desperate junkies, so they can purchase a morphine, oxycodone or Percocet pill to inject into their own collapsed veins. What happens to these youths that prostitute themselves out to purchase these habitual drugs? They either overdose and die, die of exposure, or just grow into more experienced prostitutes and junkies. Doing the same cycle again and again. Prostitute, drugs, overdose, rehab or jail, methadone, prostitute, drugs, overdose, rehab or jail, methadone, prostitute……on and on. How do they finally break the cycle? Death or determination, their own. Any junkie that has broke this cycle knows they do it for themselves and it has nothing to do with social services or rehab centers who just enable them to continue the vicious cycle of North American roulette. Only the “gun” is replaced by a “fit” and the bullet is replaced by the “contaminated drug”. What is the contamination? Whatever the last desperate dealer/junkie (or manufacturer) used to cut the last batch he/she received and did too much and is trying to make up for the money he/she will be falling short because of the over usage. Usually anything white and powdery in color which could be anything, may be Ajax or Comet?  There are a lot of things used as “cut”. Only the imagination of the individual is the limit.

Doctor of the Deliriously Destructive

As human beings, being brainwashed by main con-stream media, we tend to look the other way. Or at least want to, avoiding the thoroughly depressing. But it is there and it is growing. I have lived in and near a city with 100,000 plus population and have seen what it was like 20 plus years ago and what it is now today. It is rampant now, not that it was good 20 years ago, but at least rehab was rehab. You did not leave until you were detoxed and mentally ready to attempt the “clean of drugs” life. Now it is totally the opposite. They may detox you, only if you are willing to stay. Ok, what is wrong with that picture? Because, once the Dt’s (Delirium tremens) start, not many people will stay through that. So it reduces the cost of rehab because people will not stay very long, guaranteed. The ones that get detoxed are usually the ones that end up in jail and have absolutely no recourse friends or family to bail them out. We also are being brainwashed by silly cop series (too many to mention) exemplars to show no empathy for these individuals. We are brainwashed that they are a burden of society, so let them bungle and botch. But the more we allow this and not help these destitute people, the more it will cost us as tax payers. That is what the 1 percenters want anyway. Keep the unemployed in this pharmaceutical abusing cycle, justifying the cost of health care and drugs that feed their fat paychecks while we pay, and any money these distraught individuals  manage to bungle and botch for will get sucked away quickly, right back to the pharmaceutical, health care, municipal, and federal corporations, right back to the 1 percenters pocket.  If you are confused on how this can happen, then you must be living a very sheltered life, perhaps in Wheaton, New Jersey? Where ever it is, please send me a road map.

True Stories Abandoned Decennium after Decennium

Clarisse, 26 years of age, says to the question: “Why are you prostituting?” “Because when my mother and father broke up, I stayed with my mother and her new husband started to touch and molest me as a teenager, up until I left and lived with my boyfriend. We both started to do cocaine. Then I broke up with him and started to prostitute to feed my cocaine habit. I have been doing this for several years now. I entered rehab and got clean. I hope I can continue a normal life.”

Darlene, 36 years of age, answers to this question: “Why are you prostituting?” “Because when I was 8 or 9 years of age, my father and mother forced me to dance nude on the coffee table while company was visiting and they would all laugh at me. My mother and father would both make me sleep with them while they were having sex and force me to interact. When I was a teenager, about 17, my sister set me up with my future husband. When I met him, it was at the hotel nearby he was staying. He convinced me to come into his hotel room where he tied me to a chair and forced me to satisfy him orally. He then raped me continuously for 3 days, taking many pictures, until I agreed to marry him. He said if I did not, he would use the pictures. I married him reluctantly and had 3 children with him. He continued the rape and abuse. When I was about 28 years of age, living in low cost housing, A man I met, part of a biker gang, told me he could show me a way to get free of my husband. All I would have to do is join the club. I did, while my husband was out of town. When initiated into the club, I was forced to have sex with all the members, male and female. I was forced to perform cunnilinctus on menstruating female members. I was also forced to roll in excrement and was urinated upon. After the initiation, to remain a club member, I was told I had to prostitute myself to gang members and people on the street and give back a percentage to the clubhouse. I did that for a while, then continued prostituting on my own to care for my 3 children. I continued until my 2 boys were taken from me. I still had my daughter, and to take care of her, I started to prostitute myself again. I am to this day addicted to prescription drugs. I also take medication to control my mental disabilities.”

Bettina, 37 years of age answers the same question: “When I was 6 years of age, I remember my father driving me to a cabin. It was just me and him at the cabin. Later, another man drove in to the cabin area. My father called me inside and instructed me to come to him in the kitchen area. He started to undress me, then picked me up and laid me down on the table. Being confused I tried to get away. He held me down tightly and told me to be still and not move. The man that drove in, came into the kitchen and handed my father some money. As my father held me down, the man proceeded to penetrate my vaginal cavity with his penis. It hurt so much I started to sob from the pain. I do not remember much after that point of the first time. My father sold me to a lot of different men in this way. I mostly tried to block it from my mind. When I married, I had a daughter. My husband and I did drugs. I got hooked on cocaine. The habit was so bad, that I was kicked out of the house by my husband. I started to sell myself on the streets to feed the cocaine habit. I have been doing this for 17 years.”

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Fop as in “Fool” or The Promoted Lifestyles for the Brainwashed

Are you Confused? You outa be.

Media just gets stronger as time trickles by. Mostly because we are not learning to turnoff the brain swamped, cess-pooled infiltrated, brainwashed dung streamed nonsense. All programming, even movies now, are suffering from this contamination. Our children are being weaned on this propagandist deceit  and we wonder why Joey , 16 years of age, is robbing 7-11s to buy his crack balls, and why Sally, 15 years of age, is on the streets, selling her body to old men and making amature pornos to sell on the internet, to have enough money to support her cocaine habit. If you think this is not happening then you are living under a rock. Anyone with any awareness whatsoever with the events that are unfolding around them are aware of this downslide of humanity. Some people say, “It has been like this since the beginning of time! So why worry about it?” Not quite. How many marriages are breaking up because of homosexual, bisexual, lesbianism social behaviors? How many of you guys out there are losing your wives to other women? How many of you women are losing your man to other men? How many of these people end up on the street doing almost anything to get their fix so they do not have to think about their pain and present circumstances? How many end up homeless and a ward to social services? How may end up dead?

Listen to the Silent Innuendos and Whispers of Injunction, Courtesy of your Friendly Main Con-Streamed Media

It is not because of social behaviors that this is happening. It is lifestyles that the main con-stream media is slinging like snot-swill into our living room. Main con-stream media is selling addictive programming that is saying, or at least planting the seed, “Leave your husband! He is scum anyway and he is abusing you. He does not respect you and is just trying to dominate you. Leave him, leave him! Find a woman that will treat you right! Because men are all abusive, dirty and losers!” Or, “Leave you wife! She is not worthy of you! She is just using you for your money! She is sleeping with other guys! She does it every time you leave the house for work! She is screwing her boss and all your friends, and your son’s friends! Leave her and find a man to treat you right! Because all woman are whores and opportunists!” Or “Your parents are such squares. They are stupid and old. They have no brains. They do not understand you. Leave your parents. Social Services has a room just for you. Be with all your friends and party!” Main con-stream media is using social behaviors like homosexuality, bisexuality, and lesbianism, and is twisting it into brainwashed media alternative lifestyles to run to, once they have mentally convinced you to leave your spouse and run into same sex relationships, or just bisexual flip-flopping from one relationship to another, promoting polygyny  and polygamy practices. Like the two headed coin. An old magician’s trick. You are probably wondering why main con-stream media is attacking the normal, average, heterosexual marriages and families? Divide and conquer. Simple as that. Reverse persecution. The gay community should be outraged by this water-down because it is ultimately going to place the “Star of David” on each and everyone of them. Yes, people in power have found these social behaviors very useful to promote chaos amongst the masses, to keep the wealth away from the masses, and in total control for the 1 percenters.

A Fop Style, Fashioned at it’s Jest

The worst corruption that is being pitched is the attack on the children. If you are a youth that has managed to make your way through high school with out being sexually abused, raped or pushed to the streets, then the college and university tuitions will definitely lead you to a life of serfdom for the 1 percenters because you will owe a lifetime of money. If you do not go to college or university, then you are doomed for a union less, blue collared existence of slavery and toil. Or you can enter the sex trade and live the “Ultimate Fop-style”  of the millennium, specially designed for the discriminating massed populace. Where you can bungle your life away with little or no effort. Get money easily and spend it on a whole line of different addicting drugs, legal or illegal, to enhance your semi-lucrative, Fop-life-styled existence. Think about all of this and you will see that it is true, only if you open your eyes to see? Really look at what is going on and shed the blinders that create a tunnel vision to keep the intelligence zoomed in on what the 1 percenters want you to see. Once you do that you will feel alone. But you are not alone. We just have to find each other, avoiding the river of swill that has contaminated our thoughts since childhood. Taking away our pure thoughts and corrupting us into tools of self destruction.

Lets go do the Fop, Oh Baby, Lets go do the Fop. Fop ’til Morning Fop ’til the Evening, do the Fop, Fop, Fop, Fop 

Pharmaceutical Companies are the new drug pushers. Or old actually. They make sure that people have to pay good money for these drugs whether needed or not. Doctors prescribe these drugs in a habit forming pattern, ensuring that the people that get these addictive drugs are thoroughly addicted ensuring they keep buying these drugs. People that buy these prescription drugs, usually get more then enough so they can distribute the excess on the street for astronomical prices ensuring more people get hooked and stay hooked. After Amanda, 16 years of age, does a trick with a 70 year old man, she runs to the dealers room, usually located in a social services community building designed for destitute people to have a 100 to 150 square foot room, and spends the trick money on some morphine, oxy-codeine or Percocet that was the excess of an injured workers prescription, and pays 40, 60 to 100 dollars on the pill, depending on the milligrams of the drug contained. Then Amanda goes back to her room in the same building, liquefies the morphine, cracks open a fresh fit, provided by social services, finds a fresh or semi healed vain to tie off and injects the liquefied drug. This will last her approximately 1 to 2 hrs, possibly 3 before she will come down. Amanda again, hits the street to perform another trick for more money to buy another pill. Amanda could be your daughter. If you think of that in those terms, it can be a sobering shock.

A Loathing Needled Spoonful

So for all you tunnel-vision, brainwashed people out there that thinks drug pushers are some shady character on the street corner in a bad episode of Baretta, Toma or some CSI derivative, all brainwashing cop series, you should wake up and see reality, and not some overused stupid police detective epitome. Actors, of these Fop-styled series, are the people that make this horror story a reality. Because they help promote that the culprits of these stories have to be some shady character with no name, making thousands and thousands of dollars from this exchange. In reality, the pusher in that social services provided building, is a junkie himself/herself, and makes just enough to keep himself/herself high on the drug. The drug pushing middleman/woman, who is usually a junkie, ensure that there is always a strong insulator from the source, which always leads back ultimately to the government and pharmaceutical companies. But, they would rather you think it was some Columbian drug cartel that is responsible, in order to keep the fictitious “war on drugs” alive and well, living in your living room being spoon-fed to you by the main con-stream media, the insulator to the source of greed. The 1 percenters.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

President of United States? Is there a Real Choice?

Presidential “Trump” Card, The King of Diamonds, Reversed

I looked over the United Sates Presidential hopefuls for 2016 and got chills down my spine with fear and doubt. Hey, may be they could talk Obama into another 4 years? I doubt he would want to; just look at the grey hair he has acquired during the last 8 years in office. Trump for president? My God! Who’s idea was that anyway? Probably his own. What a over-commercialized 1 percenter, slave-driving, capitalistic, serfdom pushing, peon master! This man’s life has been the capitalistic, showcased, predetermined dream, whilst the rest of us lived in toil and oppression. Trump’s lifestyle has showboated this idealism for decades. He is the definitely the 1 percenter’s poster boy. Now he wants to be president? Please God, if there is justice in this world, smite him into oblivion with all your Godly power. But, he is not the worst candidate on the roster, but he is definitely in the forefront. He has the main-con stream media intimidated and scared to say anything too abrasive about him or his idealism, which is definitely feudalism. I mean really, what happened to last person with any credibility that said anything negative about this economic enslaver. That person is not credible anymore, in the commercialized contaminated main-con stream media forum or specter. Truthfully, Trump is not very exciting and is very predictable. I am surprised he has been as successful as he has in his life. However, he came from old money, thus makes his success not very surprising at all.

Do Not Forget to Lock Your Windows

I heard odd rumors about Bill Gates? I am not even going to think about that one. Commercialized pirates in the white house? I guess he could not be any worse then Nixon. And because he has so much money already, the only thing left to steal would be our constitutional rights and freedoms. May be he could write a Basic program with Quick Basics that would balance the budget! He would have to step down however, living in the old White House, and not his $600,000,000 house. Another 1 percenter poster boy. What would his campaign slogan be? “I am so filthy rich because I stole what was already stolen, but now that I am filthy rich, I will crush anyone, that tries to steal what I have rightfully stolen, into small bits of unreadable damaged sector data.”

Hilary, the Queen of Hearts, reversed.

Hilary Clinton? This picture does not improve at all. I mean, really, if you look at her personal and political track record, you would have to be in the ozone, or on mescaline to vote for her. If there was a woman that displayed the common female incapability of not being accountable, she is the definite poster girl. All the bad decisions she made or failures, she just blamed on Bill Clinton’s incapacity to remain faithful. Yes Bill was a philanderer, over sexed, and borderline sexual deviant, but at least he was accountable. Hilary is one of those “Good Wives”  that was mentally oppressed and dominated by a cheating, political, power hungry husband? Give me a break. He was probably happy to unload her, even if it cost him the rest of his last term as the President. But she has managed to weave her way into the corridors of political power. I wonder how she did that? Her brains? No, I think it was something else. I mean Bill wasn’t the only oversexed, sexually deviant male in Washington. If Hilary, as President, got us involved in a World War with the middle east, and lost, who would she blame that on? Yes, trade in you Hyundai’s for Hindu Camels. And, as all the free independent women of North America are enforced to wear veils and black robes, not allowed to talk back to their new Arabic husband, you will be able to thank Hilary, who by that time would have woven herself into the royal harem, belly dancing for King Salman.

Gloria to the Revolution, Queen of Spades, Upright

Randomly speaking, Gloria LaRiva, who supposedly translated a book written by the 1 percenter, implanted surrogate, Fidel Castro. I would not be surprised if she also read books written by Joseph Stalin, another implanted 1 percenter surrogate, who’s sole purposes were to deglamorize socialism (Carl Marx) into a militant looking, unattractive, enslaved, anti-freedom orientated system. If she wants to appear to be for freedom, then why use useless entities like Fidel Castro, a Joseph Stalin wannabe who lived in, and was never seen, in anything but military styled uniforms, like Joseph Stalin? Joseph Stalin corrupted socialism into a full fledged, communistic dictatorship. Fidel Castro although retired, make no mistake,  is still a ruthless, puppet, communist dictator even though he now wears a suit. Now, we all know it is just an act. Because, people in Cuba, although not totally free, still are somewhat prosperous, in a controlled mannerism. But the outer appearance gives us the impression of enslavement. Gloria LaRiva, definitely needs to brush-up on Marxist-Leninism, because anyone that is serious about socialism, definitely does not respect Fidel Castro. Her platform should reflect something new, and stay away from associations with communist dictators because who in their right mind would want to go from Obama to someone that idolizes Fidel Castro? Gloria LaRiva, most likely, has her own military styled uniform hanging in her closet, and only comes out when she has smoked couple of doobies , or when a revolution starts, chanting “Viva, LaRiva for the revolution!”.

The Joker or The Fool

Joseph “Joe Exotic” Maldonado. Sounds like a wrestler or a porn actor. But wherever he acquired that name, I am sure he earned it. But I think it is due to his interest in exotic animals. And I hope not in a beastie-deviant way. But because he looks strange and probably is, I do not want to waste my time researching his motivations to run for political office, only to say that in Commercial North America , almost anyone can run for political office provided they had some money, and he would be a good example, along with the late Doug Henning.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Castigate Subjacent Casuists of Angelical and the Rectitude

A True Story of an Abused Sibling.

A young girl, 12, going on 13, standing, looking into her mirror. She feels her body changing, growing, shaping into an allure of sexual invitation. Her mind is becoming more vanity aware. She feels and touches herself with excitement, confusion and emotion. She feels that she is becoming a woman, but is not exactly sure how to handle the new eruptions that she feels in her mind and body as she receives goosebumps and adrenalin rushes from her pelvis, up her spine ultimately leading to her neck, then stimulating her brain. She touches her vagina and it feels wetter than usual, then receives an odd odor as she looks at her fingertips. Blood, the carrier of her first discarded eggs. Yes, she is indeed a woman. She becomes more confused and feels needless shame because no one properly explained how this event is such an important and shameless event, but more importantly, what to do and how to handle the event in a sanitary manner. Instead, her mother whom just happens to catch her in one of her most important events of becoming a woman, laughs and throws an handful of tampons at her and says, “Plug it up! Don’t get blood on my rug!”

This happens all the time coming from ignorant parents that do not care or do not have the mentality to help the new woman gain her womanhood in a respectful, honorable manner. Instead, the mother is painfully resentful, jealous, and degrading, showing her daughter, the new woman of the family, that it is not a big deal, live with it. Now implanted in her confused mind that she was somehow being “dirty” and sinning the greatest sin of almost soiling her mother’s stupid carpet. Later that night, after figuring out how to apply the tampon properly, she was in her pj’s laying in bed, with her leg exposed. Thinking about how today’s important event was inadequately explained in gym and biology class, and how shallow of an explanation was given in sex education,  she suddenly hears the door slowly open. It was about 1:00 or so in the morning, so no lights were on.  Her eyes focused on the large silhouette intruding into her room, situated several rooms from her mother’s and other sibling’s rooms. A strong odor of liquor now consumed the room and with her eyes now in focus, seen it was her father. He slowly creeped up to her bedside. She, being scared because of todays event and never seeing her father in her room at this time of the night, laid still, hoping that he was there just to tuck her in and not punish her because of today’s event.

But, it dawned on her, that she did nothing wrong. It dawned on her that he has not come to her room for a long time to tuck her in. She was too old for that. Or so she assumed. It dawned on her that he and her mother was constantly arguing lately and that they were not at all close. As he lurked over her like a dark, cloaked chameleon, she suddenly felt terrified of her father for the first time. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair. It felt good as he maintained his gentle strokes. His caresses now reached her arm and she felt the goosebumps rise as her body responded in an exciting but reluctant manner. She felt like she was tied to the bed from not being able to move in protest, but it was the fear that had bound her in position. He slowly pulled off her blanket, exposing her body, only covered in shear, loosely fitting pajamas. He felt her breasts in a gentle but firm manner, causing her nipples to harden. She tried to protest, but was frozen in fear. Her body was responding to his touches in a way that felt pleasurable, but her brain was in total fear and turmoil. He unbuttoned her pajama top and exposed her breasts. He continued caressing her, feeling the response from her body. He slowly pulled off her pajama bottoms, now having her totally nude and vulnerable. She then let out a small wince of pleasure as his hand went directly to her vaginal area, but grabbed his hand to stop him. “No, please don’t daddy!” she said in a firm but fearful, shaky voice. He then directed her hand to his already exposed penis. He made her hand clench his penis and guided it up and down in a stroking manner.

Feeling what seemed enormous in size, her mind was twisted with pleasure, fear, remorse, denial that her father would be doing this to her. He let go of her hand and she quickly drew it away. He grabbed her hand again, this time with force, making her stroke him again. “You don’t want me to tell your mother about what you let me do to you? She would be heartbroken! Please help me do what she will not help me with no more, and I promise, I will never tell her. I will never do this to you again if you help me.” As he guided her hand up and down, he gradually let go and her hand kept stroking as he instructed her. He then moved his hand down to her vagina and stroked her, penetrating her with his fingertips. She became more wet, feeling pleasure, confusion and remorse, fighting the feelings she was being coaxed to feel. He then grabbed her body, flipped her over and bent her over the bed. He covered her mouth tightly with his hand and sodomized her roughly. She tried to scream but his hand muffeled the sobs and shrieks as tears rolled from her eyes.  He continued to penetrate her anally, ejaculating a couple of moments later. The shock of the intense mixture of pain, emotion, remorse and pleasure made her very light headed, causing her to pass out.

Five years later, she was married to a man and had a couple of children. Ten years later, she was divorced. She bounced around from lover to lover. One particular lover, she felt the need to explain her youth when she was molested by her father. She told the lover that after 6 years of constant sexual abuse from her father, the last few years of the abuse became normal to her, where she came to terms with the abuse enough to enjoy the interaction. The abuse even continued from her father during her first marriage. All the time knowing her mother was very aware, but silent of the continuous rape and abuse. Her mother was divorced from her abusing father for the last 3 years of the abuse, and still remained silent to anyone about the abuse even though the daughter was left to live with her abusing father. The mother later explained reluctantly that she allowed it so she would not have to have sex with her husband. All the while, being jealous of her own daughter because her husband preferred to sexually abuse his own daughter over sexually interacting with his wife. Thus the abuse so continues from generation to generation, in different forms and slowly, our morals deteriorate into the abyss of oppression and non-spirituality.

We are brainwashed to think this scenario just does not happen very often. But think again. One out of three households on average, no matter what the income is, all over the world, experience incest. Where is the failing? It is the giant lie main con-stream media and commercialism tells us on a day to day basis. And the shame is what keeps the tale from excreting into the light for all to see.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Cursed Effervescence Excretions of the Onomatopoeic, Intellectually Emaciated

Feared Speared

Lets hear it for the rich! Yes the rich is why we toil as such. Toil to make ends meet, toil to feed our families. Toil to pay for our homes. Pay to be entertained (brainwashed). What is my opinion of the 1 percenters? Eat them. Hunt them, shoot them, and eat them and mount their heads with expressions of exasperated feared lunacy. Yes they would be like shooting the fabled sasquatch, or getting the “big fish” out of the fishing hole, or snagging the loch ness monster. Freezing the facial expressions when you impale them with a home-made spear or one from Sears if you prefer. Or keep them and bound them to a rotisserie and roast them alive, all except their heads so you can mount them with the remaining resultant expression. What a day that would be! Or you could just make them your slaves, they cute ones anyway. They would also make great pets. Just keep them on a short or electric shock leashes. Hell, trade them with you friends!

Prized Flamed Game

If you prefer to eat your bagged 1 percenter, then they would be very tasty with tabasco sauce and/or mustard, or even baste them with your favorite or home-made barbecue sauce. Sounds delicious, my mouth is watering as I type this blog. Yum, yum! Finger licking good. The Colonel would be insanely jealous for not thinking of that first. But yet, if alive, he and his family would be a prime candidates for the rotisserie. Yes, roasting the Colonel’s great, great, great grand daughter, or son! I mean really, we do not discriminate gender or age. However, the old ones may have to marinated or stewed. That even sounds better! Boil the S.O.B.s in cauldrons like they used boil black slaves that were not obedient in the old south. Or at least the slave men that were caught screwing the 1 percenter’s wives because the masters were too busy screwing the young slave women. Or like in Nazi Germany, where almost every non-brainwashed person knows that the 1 percenters profited off that war, like they profit off every war world war or not. Though the enslavement and treatment of the Jews were more extreme and inhuman, kept the select few Jewish women and men to perform as circus animals for the SS and/or elite alike, whomever they would be, most likely from the royal family or some deranged 1 percenters visiting checking out their investments.

Seasoning of the Rich

Just keep in mind, that they represent 1 percent of the population, so even though there are not enough of them to go around, we could all share them. If you were in a room with 100 people, that 1 person in that room that represents that 1 percenter who would roast nicely on an open fire, like a pig in a spic, searing and sizzling to perfection and would feed that 99 people in that room and probably have leftovers.  The leftovers could make nice sandwiches or hors d’oeuvre on crackers. But wait! instead of eating them all. we could have 1 percenter farms and breed them for meat, or slaves, and we could enter them in the fall fairs across the world, showing off your prized 1 percenter and win ribbons and trophies alike! We could keep them in stalls next to the horses. Depending on the breeding, they might even be worth almost as much as a prized thoroughbred horse! They could scrub our floors, take care of our offspring, do all the mundane time consuming chores freeing up more time for us to do the fun things in life. The possibilities are endless. We could race them as horses and bet on which prized thorough bred 1 percenter would win the race. How would you get them to run around the track? Just have them chase a solid gold carrot so you could get as many laps out of them as you wanted. The winner would be rewarded by allowing him to clean out the horse stalls. The losers would have to go back to their masters and be punished.

Whip the Money Whipped

But we would not physically abuse our 1 percenters because they would probably like that sort of punishment. No, we would punish them in the way they would most despise. Scrub that floor, clean the toilet. Peel potatoes. Clean out the barn, make my bed, wash my feet. Lick the toe jam from between my toes. But wait, we are getting back to the activities they may like. We must keep them in anguish and despair. Cut the grass with a pair of scissors. That should keep them busy for a while. Scrub the walls with a tooth brush. Shine my shoes. Wash my clothes with a wash board at the creek. Wash and squeegee the windows. Cook supper and serve it up. Instead of eating in the dining room, we will eat in the living room and use the one percenters as coffee tables, eating the last roasted 1 percenter’s left overs while watching episodes of how to train your 1 percenter to do tricks almost as good as dogs can. Yes, dogs would be higher in class. And of course, they would have to clean up the dog stool as well. In fact, they would be at the end of the food chain where most barnyard animals would be worth more and be more useful. And after supper, the 1 percenters would make great foot stools. But while they are lazing around as foot stools, we could still have them do additional things, like macramé or knitting, making doilies, mittens, sweaters or even blankets.

Jungled and the Crotched

But, that may be just a dream, however, you can bet your last 1 percenter produced covet level brain washing tool that they would do the same thing  to you in a New York minute. That is why they pollute the internet with brainwashed advertising and cess spew-age in attempt to keep the masses believing we are powerless. Powerless to do anything and keep being slaves so the 1 percenters can remain “high on the hog” watching gag reels of the bungled and the botched (you and me) scurry around like circus animals trying to steal the show to be noticed. They have done “all the above” to us at one time or another. When will we awake from this proselytized cajoled slumber.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016


Impasse Spartan Derelict Devoid Adjunct Reverence

Social Suppressants of the Press 

In a local area, there was a news story in the local paper about an elderly man who was supposedly barricaded in his home. After reading this hog dribbling scribble, I quickly remembered why I do not read main con- stream media. The story eloquently described the police and how their efforts succeeded using several smoke bombs catapulted through the elders windows to “safely” get  the man out. They showed pictures of military type constables dressed in camouflaged uniforms, armed to the hilt pointing their lazar sited automatic rifles  towards the man’s home. You could tell that it was an overblown incident that needed a bull dung story like this provided by our local cess story factory and printed in the local main con-stream media news paper to justify the unwarranted aggressive fiasco. Immature militants just searching for the chance to use their “pop guns”. Not one word uttered in this story describing what exactly caused the police to think the man was in danger or causing anyone else danger or if he was even armed. The man for all one could know was just looking for solitude and was appearing to be reclusive. One can only guess because the story did not provide such details, only how heroic our local law enforcement was in causing this elder major expense shattering his windows with smoke bombs.

Zeroed Hero, Nothing to Fear-o

The heroics of any local law enforcement agency is always over exasperated by the local municipality to support their agenda to promote the appearance the local law enforcement is doing their jobs and are worth the tax payers dollar. I cringe when I get stopped by the police or get stopped in a ride check for the simple reason that most of the police are very young and inexperienced. This is a fatal combination, being young, impetuous and have a firearm and being able to use it if they feel threatened. Male or female, they always seem to be cocky and have something to prove having large chips on their shoulders. Or may be it is just me and my individual perception. Either way, if you combine law enforcement with other internal or external agencies like swat teams or the military, it further complexes the issue at hand.

Do Your Civic Ratting Duty

If the elder in question was a real threat to himself or others, why could that not be explained in the article? Bad writing? Poor investigating? Or just plain lack of accountability, so let’s play it safe and write a one sided story based on facts that are easily attained by the intrusive law enforcement agencies who are very willing to share their one sided perceptions.  But usually their story will be constrained into a yawn filled, self glorified tale of how they saved that local neighborhood from a supposed possible unstable elder. What an embarrassment. Or at least they should be. Elders, in my opinion, are treated like trash. Brainwashing from our trusty main con-stream media makes sure of this because, hey, we have computers to do our thinking. Why do we need elders? I feel the effects when I see an elder and immediately think they are in my way. Why is that? I do not hate elders. I think they deserve our respect. So where is this feeling coming from? Why are they irritating me like children might? It comes from brainwashing pure and simple. When you cannot figure where a certain unreasonable feeling or notion is coming from, then it has been subliminally implanted in our brains.

Do as We Say, So you Can be Ruled

By extensive brainwashing campaigns, first from commercials (especially auto commercials) and programming series (especially cop shows), they have molded everyone to think in terms of TOUIYWRIOCM (The only useful information you will receive is on commercial media). Causing us to become self proclaimed experts with flashed wisdom. What is flashed wisdom? It is a media plugged shortcut to “life skills” that replaces what elders can teach us with brainwashed, tunnel vision information, thus controlling everything you do, because you are in compliance to the 1 percenters agenda. Veer from that and you will be the next self thinker or elder that will have their house riddled with smoke bombs because “big brother/sister” just cannot figure out what you are thinking. In most cases, reclusive people would just like to be left alone. The watch dogs are usually brainwashed family members of neighbors that cannot keep their noses out of other’s business. To be a free thinker these days is a threat to conformity and control. When you get too many free thinkers, people in power that attempt to make everyone their slaves have a problem. The psychological war front is the battle to be fought. This is indeed the futuristic battle field that the 1 percenters want control now.

Reinventing The Self Relenting Salvages of Homemade

It is an old trick. Secrets that commercialized establishments use to gain business. But this trick is illusive, so much so, that we do not even see it coming. When it is implanted in our brains, it is too late. We can all think in terms that reflect the “good intentions” of business communities, especially large business saying they provide our bread and butter. But that is the biggest illusive lie of them all. It is not out of need we cling to their purse strings. We cling to these corporate purse strings out of addictive need that they implanted. Like a drug pusher gets a person “hooked” by giving out free samples of their product. Sooner or later, the person becomes a junkie and their soul is lost, providing income to a scum bag, who by the way, is most likely a junkie himself/herself. That is the same strategy that corporations use to get us “hooked? on their “brand”. They just repackage local product, service or job stamped with their commercial label and create a need for something that was already produced by local people, business or industry. The local people, business, or industry becomes the “middle man” stamped by the corporation’s label. Clever but nothing new. We as more informed people are catching on, but as long as they keep a strangle hold on our livelihoods, the harder it is to “kick the habit” of the dependence created by these offending commercial corporations owned by the 1 percenters that have swallowed up our local means of survival and independence.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016

Oppress-ant Depressant Sociologically a Peasant

Culture Vultures Forever More

Stereotyping a group, gang or individual is common practice in our society to make sense of their actions and aggressions. To be criminal can be a definite career and in some cities, and if you hook up with the right people it is very organised. Like organised crime? Like the mob? Like the Mafia? Like Gang Bangers? Like Biker gangs?Not at all, because that is stereotyping. If you watch programs, channels or movies about organised or disorganised crime, it always about a certain culture in a subversive gang, group or crew that are ruthless and out of control and will kill or torture anyone who gets in their way. In reality, it is not like that at all. What have these groups done then exactly? They have created their own country, culture and economy in a place where the main stream economy just is not working anymore. The main stream economy in these areas provide no jobs, promise or future for the people looking for work or for the youths growing up in these oppressed neighborhoods. That is why a good portion of men or women in these areas grow up to be prostitutes, porn actors/producers, thieves, hitters, gang members, strippers, drug traffickers and/or junkies. These issues are in every community to one degree or another depending on the jobs and economy. Note: the sex industry is  very large and lucrative  generating billions of dollars thus you can bet your last borrowed nickel that the 1 percenters have a large stake in the financing of these subversive establishments and reap the profits.

Dirty Old Mary, Mother of Satan, Inducer of Greed on Earth

Yes, the sex industry is an equal opportunity employer that will hire anyone and does not discriminate age, gender, disabilities (mental or physical) race, creed, political, etc.. They will hire your grandmother to be gang banged by a group of unknown men and distribute the media on multiple internet websites. Why would your grandmother do that? Possibly to pay for her health care or medication she needs if she lives in USA. If you think that is an exaggeration, then go to google or any web browser and type in “slutty grandmothers” and you will see site after site featuring mature women, somebody’s grandmother being sexually exploited for money. And, you can bet your last hocked covet level possession that the victimised grandmother may be paid in the neighborhood of 3 to 5 hundred dollars, if she is lucky, for the dirty deed. But the USA is not the only country to have people sexually exploited. It is all over the world. Of course, exploitation knows no bounds in a greedy capitalistic environment. They will exploit  anyone that is desperate for money, or just needs to eat. Face the fact that we have become a society of pimps, pimping out our own flesh and blood for money. In short we have regressed back to the great orgies during the fall of the Roman empire.

Serfdom USA

How ever that has nothing to do with the failing main stream economy and their failure to provide jobs for their own populations in these communities that are forced to find their own ways of making money for their families. Thus a lot of these endeavors are of the illegal nature because our society’s businesses and corporations do not invest back in the local communities where they expect to turn profits. They may hire local people to work the retail outlets however the pay is minimum at best and these low paying jobs are highly coveted and competed for because the vast population in need of these jobs. People competing for these jobs greatly outnumber the available jobs no matter what unemployment statistics portrait. Those statistics are for fools that are already working and actually believe what the governments on all levels tell us. On a personal level, most people rich or poor do not have a vendetta against the common person. It is the 1 percenters, the extremely wealthy,  that are putting the squeeze on the rest of us. It has been happening for centuries but that is not an excuse to carry this behavior on into the 21st century. The analogy being that if the 1 percent of the world’s population does not want to share the wealth, then we will always have oppressed communities forming their own governments (control) and countries (turfs) gaining money any way that is possible to support their country’s population. A blind guy can see that. You enter their country without permission then you will be enforced upon. That will happen in any country you enter without permission.

Community Cardboard Housing Real Estate Agents

However, there are some communities that attempt to employ people with community gardening and farming activities in metropolitan areas of the larger cities. Cities that are afflicted with high unemployment. But are criticized by certain groups and individuals that these unofficial community activities promote socialism. My comment to that attitude is “live with it!” If society and its leaders cannot force the 1 percenters to create more native jobs that pay decent salaries and employ everyone, then how can we complain about communities taking the reins and creating their own common wealth. Is that such a scary subject? Or are the people in control that insecure of people creating their own cultures and societies, even if it means creating their own countries and their own monetary systems. Ultimately, capitalism promotes that sort of separatism. If you don’t think so then take a good look at the sociological downfalls we have witnessed especially in the last 120 years. But all you have to do is take a look at the homeless people in North America and that basically says it all.

Social Fanaticism Propagandist

I keep thinking about the negative press that surrounds people who live in a socialist type societies that share everything equal and attempt to treat everyone as an equal in their communities. You may of heard of incidences like Jones Town. However, you never seem to hear about the successful societies that continue to live in equilibrium by eliminating capitalistic idealisms and live in a society that shares and does not profit off it’s brothers, sisters or neighbors. Everyone has a place no matter what skill set they possess and no skill set is considered more valuable then the next. Everyone does their part to the best of their abilities and shares their knowledge and skills with everyone else. No society is perfect but to evaluate capitalism as a perfect system or even a the best system is completely ludicrous. This may aggravate a lot of people living the capitalistic dream. But remember, it is only a dream border lining on fantasy.  Capitalism is designed to keep the few  individuals that have it all, to keep it all, and allow only the select few to prosper. Money is the root of all evil and I know most everyone has heard that phrase. But to prosper in this society, one has to be educated in one of the “covet level professions” that most families cannot afford the college or university tuitions in order to send themselves or their children.

Take Stock That Wall Street Has Your Back, Stabbed

Think of the word capitalism and it’s meaning: “an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.” Sounds harmless but if you really define what that means, you only can come to the conclusion that it is a system to keep individuals and corporations wealthy. Thus if you are already wealthy, unless you are total dunce,  you can remain wealthy in this system, because there are no laws in a capitalistic society that enforces you to share your wealth. How do they shake up who remains wealthy and who doesn’t? The stock market. Another capitalistic game of greed. Capital defines money or property or some means of monetary value. To be a true capitalist is to be a person that worships money as their God.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2016