Hollywood Idol Garrotter

Corny Maze of Idolatry

There are many illusive stories that come out of Hollywood, but this genus is my favorite. No one can be sure if it is real or just a way to draw people into the celebrity maze of worship. It is intriguing to say the least. It would make sense to draw more people back to the hobknob of the entertainment industry because a lot of people, now, are just not interested in Hollywood obloquy. There are (were) famous personalities running scared of this phenomenon and in some cases, created a small media storm in its wake. However, in the end, this rebellion, would be orchestrated into a aberrant rant or a drug-induced delirium. I mean really, how hard would it be to convince the main con stream media to abdicate the personality and satirize such a story?

Virtual Coliseum of Reality

Is there any truth to the obscure stories that seem to surface mostly in the alternative media hub? I think these stories are somewhat credible, once you sift out the ridicule and defamation woven into these reports (clips). Normal people would ask, “why would they make fun of these stories?”. A CEO of a corporation would answer, “to make the story more goading and salable”. My answer would be: they (CEO’s and the 1 percenters) want to make these claims look ridiculous thus people will be entertained and not take them seriously. What happens to the surviving personalities that make these claims? They usually bend to the galling because these claims usually prevents them from applying their trade and making money.

Actors, performers, entertainers are a commodity. These chattels represent large fortunes and investments conveying large potential, present and future, emoluments. Not to mention residuals. In the end, if the personality conforms and drops the accusations, in most cases, they are allowed to continue their vocation. But the damage has already gutted their career because people, are too gullible and, are too quick to imbibe the propaganda pabulum. In a nutshell, commercial corporate North America and the 1 percenters know their audience and know how to pull the executive strings. Psychology, to be sure, plays a large role when these solecisms slip out of control from the puppet master’s grasp.

Dubious Witness or Just Ludicrous

Vague stories seem to trickle out of Hollywood and other saltlicks of the entertainment industries about bribes, sexual abuse and coercion, murder, sacrifice, satanic rituals, pedophilia, rape, payola, etc.. Some of these stories seem to involve some of the greatest current actors, male and female, in accusations that borderline the unbelievable and ludicrous. Yet, these stories are there if one looks for them. Some of these reports even involve highly respected political figures. Alternative news streams have these stories in the population but are not on the surface. One must dig a bit to find them using key words and or phrases. Of course, what would serve as a competence criterion to the validity of these stories?

Certainly, whether true or not, the personalities involved would not dare to address these allegations for the simple reason of the obscure sources, or at least whatever sources, that were used having been defamed (debunked by gatekeepers) or left in obscurity. Thus, there would be no pressure to address these accusations, unless they were formally charged and had a lawyer present. Still, some of these celebrities tend to dance that fine line allowing these stories to circulate, possibly for extra exposure, or more likely because there is no real control over these sources and/or stories/reports. However, these stories must of spawned from somewhere.

Curve Ball of Coercion

Still, even personally watching or reading some of these stories gives me chills down my spine. I can think of one celebrity that, since I viewed a human sacrifice story involving that celebrity, I cannot sit through any of their movies anymore. I end up turning it off. Is this a desired result from the reading/viewing of these allegation stories? Possibly wanting that desired result for that particular personality? Or is it “just desserts”? But, that particular personality does not seem to be getting less famous on the overall entertainment spectrum. Could it be because that celebrity decided to “play ball” in order to circumvent this ominous publicity? I think, whether these allegations are true or not, the latter would be the most likely case.

Nonetheless, when these stories surface either by the celebrity in their own defence, when involving direct threats or allegations, legal or otherwise, or through some low key obscure alternative media stream, or orphaned story on a website, the results are the same. Unless the personality ends up dead by suicide, accident, natural causes or otherwise, the end always seems desperate, erratic, crazed, incoherent, self-inflicted and isolated. The ones that are smart enough to remain in the “light” seem to evade the permanent, destructive tailwinds of this slander machine once set in motion. Anyone thinking this is a new thing, should think again. You can read history books, that are used to educate our children, that are based on conjecture and fables.

Despoilment of the Benign

So whatever ominous entity exists that induces these events that seem so destructive and calumnious, remain in the shadows creeping about like a chameleon, never to be clearly seen or heard. Specifically, it is not mysterious at all. It is just a group of wealthy or hired individuals, assembled by the 1 percenters. Their purpose is to brainwash and control the masses. An effective method is to control the entertainment industry and productions, to ensure their slimed quilled epitaph is followed to the letter, and any deviation will result in enigmatical dubiety, or death and mayhem.

People would like to think the world is a straight forward place with no real mysteries to challenge our narrow thought process. But that is not because we cannot think in the abstract. It is because, we were weaned and nurtured off censured information in the attempt to keep the masses calm and compliant, and easily led into slavery, serving the 1 percenters idealism of what society should become. In reality, it is just a bunch of overly greedy people that cannot give up or share their legacies and wealth that has been inherited on to them from generation to generation.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on December 20, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Good Old Fashioned Divorce

Cold Shoulder to Cheat On

Marriages and relationships are becoming a disposable institution. Matrimony just does not seem to have any value and, for a price, can wiped away like it never existed. First sign of trouble or disagreement, people, want a divorce and/or separation. Even though they gave their vows, “for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, until death do they part”, just seems to be a phrase that means absolutely nothing. We cannot kid ourselves no longer. It happens far too frequently to have any real meaning to the individual that initiates the separation/divorce. People that vow to this promise, and break it, do not show any remorse after the separation or the divorce. In some extreme cases, some individuals celebrate the death of a marriage.

For Vanity, not Worse, Definitely not in Sickness, Only Health, For Richer, but Definitely not Poorer, Until it Gets Tough, Do We Part

Many marriages suffer from infidelity, money problems, social problems, alcohol and substance abuse issues, physical and mental abuse, child and sexual abuse and/or just plain compatibility (communication) problems. The latter (communication) is the most likely common culprit that breaks up marriages. Interfering friends, relatives, etc. that only serve as a communication barrier to the couple trying to work it out. How many times have you heard from a family member or so called friend, “she/he should just leave him/her”. Most likely if the couple were talking to a priest, cleric, or even a marriage counsellor, these individuals would offer some sort of reconciliation solution or plan to follow.

Two-Faced Division Decisions

So why are couples so hell bent on leaving each other. Morality plays a role, and just common faith in religion. No matter what a person’s religion is, the marriage institution is a sacred bond between two people. Even if the ceremony is performed by a judge, the matrimony ceremony is performed as a sacred bond between the couple. Thus, once married, the two people have vowed to spend their lives with one another no matter what happens until death do they part. So why is the law, and/or society so light on the occurrence of divorce. If a spouse leaves another spouse for little or no reason, then why should these individuals be able to file for the separation or divorce without at least submitting provable, valid reasons why the separation/divorce should take place. Biblically, most reasons for divorce and separation occurrences are not supported and would not be tolerated.

Heart Breaker, Law Shaker

Women argue that is has to be this way because if it was not, the woman would be trapped in the marriage. But they neglect to recognize that the man also is bound to the institution, and should not either be able to end it arbitrarily. Women should be bound to the marriage just as much as the man. If you take vows for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, until death do we part, what part of those vows are unclear? Most men and women are unfit to enter the matrimony of marriage, simply because they have not been taught proper values and the true meaning of marriage. They think it is a big party and a way to get money (gifts). It is regarded as an illusive vanity parade for the youth, vowing to each other for at least the length of the honeymoon. Thus hopefully, if you are entering this institution, you are planning a long honeymoon, just in case you want it to last more then a couple of days.

Tongue Tied Twisted Tongue-Lashing

Some women and men, or both, would argue: “hey, we wrote our own vows”. Ok, so what vows were written? I do not buy that excuse because, only a fool would agree to “for vanity, not worse, definitely not in sickness, only health, for richer, but definitely not poorer, until it gets tough, do we part”. I mean really. Most written vows, even poorly written, promise more. Most written vows are fairly close to God’s traditional vows: “for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, until death do we part”. This is because, you have to promise something, or it is not a vow. Religious or not, it is still a commitment to keep the marriage sacred. Forsake all others. Even if it is a marriage performed under the Satan religion, the vows extensively pledge both bride and groom to each other’s service forever. So, what does this mean? It means people do things for vain and pecuniary reasons, not spiritual reasons. Possibly, they will come up with capitalist vows that promise vanity, wealth, and material. But I think we covered that genus.

For Copious We Trust, Fissured We Stand

When two corporations merge, they become one. Sometimes the entities will retain their identity, sometimes the smaller entities are fazed out or “swallowed-up”. It could also mean “all chewed up and spit out”. Exactly. We, even if we do not know it, are by-products of capitalism. So we act, even when getting married, like possessed “agents of fortune” from hell. But we covered that, because even a marriage in hell promises more. So, what category does a marriage in commercial corporate North America reside? Shekels. It seems to be a harsh reality, but true. Most people will end marriages because it is not “turning a profit”. Not economically feasible. Not copious. At the same time, people will stay in marriages that are profiting, at least until they can find a lawyer that will not take most of the divorce spoils. That usually indicates a lover that happens to be a lawyer.

Prenuptial agreements may prevent people from marrying strictly for money. But that is only imposed if one or the other, or both, are wealthy and greedy at heart, or just have no trust for their fiancé. Either way, that sort of an agreement, in my opinion, puts a large calmant of mistrust in the marriage, thus will be doomed for failure, at least until a swanker suitor appears on the horizon.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on December 14, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Renewable Energized Corporate Prototyped Nepotism

I Just do not Have the Power, Captain!

What is renewable energy anyway? Energy that is somehow recaptured? Recycled? Or is it just a way of saying, “In order to make renewable resources cost efficient, we have to tax the royal ordure out of the tax payer”. Yes, if you look at the trending bandwagon on renewable energy, or anything recyclable for that matter, commercial corporate North America has to make sure it turns a profit before it can be adopted to save the environment. I mean, in a capitalistic society, making money is the first and foremost priority. They just would like you to think they really give a “night soil”.

We have had renewable energy capabilities for about a century. We have wind and solar power that is anything but new. I remember, a science project in the 6th grade. Our project was making solar cells from the bottoms of old beer bottles that would capture and retain heat, to transfer this heat into an electrical charge, through a wire (induction) to light up a small watt light bulb. It did not require anything out of the ordinary or illusive like technology corporations would like everyone to think, thus enabling these corporations to put astronomical price tags on solar and wind systems. These systems are very simple technology. Besides, energy cannot be destroyed. Only change form. Ergo, who gave corporations the right to over-charge us (the masses) for naturally produced energy technology.

From REO Speedwagon to Greenie o Bandwagon

However, the issue is, if they (corporations) sell these systems for an affordable price, whereby the “average joe” can buy a system and be 90% off the grid, what will that do to their profit margins? That would be unacceptable. They need to keep the masses “hooked” on petroleum energy so they can keep the “pecuniary strings” attached. Keep control of the peasants for the 1 percenters. You know, keep the carbon foot print large enough so they can start taxing us (the masses) to pay for their “Greenie o Bandwagon”, which is a feeble attempt to make anything with “Green” stamped on it’s label something new and vibrant that will save the earth. Sounds like “fools gold” turning our fingers “green”.

Made by Flower Power.

These systems most likely (solar and wind) would take a huge bite out of the carbon foot print. Why then make them expensive? Why not offer government subsidies (real subsidies) that kick back some money to the “average joe (or jane)” that goes into astronomical hock when purchasing these systems? This does not seem to be an obvious incentive or a incentive at all for the masses, making this only affordable for the wealthy and the 1 percenters. When shopping for these systems, you can quickly see that they are charging people about $800.00 to $1000.00 per kilowatt of generation. IE: You will pay about one dollar per watt for the initial system. That does not include the storage batteries, system integration to your electrical panel, etc.. This ratio is much higher for solar systems.

Anyone that says these systems are affordable, are selling these systems. There are plenty of ways to make these systems from scratch, and a lot of people are sharing this information, some for a profit, enabling people to attempt to get off the grid, but are not likely solutions for the layman. Tesla, in his time devised a way to generate free power for people and was successful, but anyone familiar with that story, knows how that story ended. Large fortunes, at that time, were made from the generation and selling of power, so why give it away? Commercial corporate North America, or any profit orientated country, just could not fathom that concept. Thus, the rest is history, or at least what the banal history books say.

Recycled Psycho Technology

In the 50’s and earlier, there were recyclable bottles and containers that people had to pay a deposit and as long as they returned these containers, would not have to repay this deposit and buy just the product. Great system. Thus, how did the disposable container take priority over the returnable (recyclable) container? Did they not think that this would create a disposal problem? Or did they even think at all other then how much more money they could make and how many jobs they could eliminate and increase their already large profit margins. Brilliant! Just bury the disposable, non-biodegradable substances in the ground and let future generations worry about the problem.

Who is Going to Pay For What I Already Paid For?

Even now, with dump sites encouraging people to recycle certain recyclable materials, setting up recycle bins and/or areas, does not go far enough because it is only encouraged and not mandatory. EI: Some people just do not get it and still dump recyclable material to get buried. Incentives could be used to encourage more recycling because, lets be honest: if I buy something that has a recyclable container, I paid for that container, thus I should get something back for that container when I recycle that material. Therefore, I would go out of my way to recycle more because I am getting some money to recycle what I paid for in the first place.

However, recycle collectors and dealers that are corporations, would have to kick back some money for these collections. Could this happen? Sure it could, but then, our government is the only entity that could enforce such a policy. Instead, our government (commercial corporate North America) infringes eco fees on certain things like tires, electronics and other products. Great strategy. Piss off the consumer. That way, a portion of these consumers, will dump these products to be buried, just out of plain spite.

The Eroding Cornerstone of our Community

In a nutshell, corporate and profit mentality is why we are in this mess in the first place. So, why would we (the masses) have to pay for their brilliant idiocy? Because corporations cannot, by policy, pay for cleaning up their own messes that would cut into their hard earned profits. That would make no sense and would overload their corporate slide rule, cookie cutter apperception. One could attempt to use the argument that these large corporations employ lots of people, therefore have the right to use this scrutiny. But that opinion is only shared by people that have the good fortune of retaining their jobs over the many that have been victims of curtailment and downsizing. You must also realize that cities, including the one you live in, are nothing more then corporations, so it is easy to see how other corporations can enter you city gates, to rape and pillage. They all (Corporations) speak the same language. Greed.

Company Recycled Union Reunion Communion

Yes, there are unionized labor forces in some of these companies. But if you look closely at these unions, they are highly integrated with the corporations (companies). Unions are corporations, so this integration is easily manifested. And, everyone knows that most union officials are very easily bought. Companies basically own any union that represent their labor force. I guess it would be fitting to say, “Recycled Unions”. Because, everyone knows that most of the “real unions” were busted up in the eighties and nineties. Thus, the companies (corporations) seen an opportunity to pick up the union pieces and recycle them into the “company owned unions”.

This enables the company (corporation) to pull the strings from behind the “cloak room” and spy on their employees at the same time, getting rid of the troublemakers that know the labor legislation. In other words, purge anyone out that would have a backbone and stand up for there labor rights before they are “officially” accepted into the union. This can turn into an infinite amount of time, depending on how much money you have to pay to be a permanent union member ($1000.00), and/or how long they can keep you on part time status, which would not entitle you to be a full fledge member. What is worse is they steal union dues from you, in the mean time, because it comes right off your paycheck.

Quid Pro Status Quo

To put it plainly, large corporations just do not support municipal communities anymore. They do not employ the numbers they did in the past, therefore really have no entitlement to the “pillar of the community” title once enjoyed before they cut the throats of the blue collar, backbone workers in exchange for computerized, automation, robotics and/or labor outsourcing (using other countries with little or no labor laws for slave labor). Nothing really new. They have been doing this since the 80’s. There are many corporations that hire a fair number of people, IE: department store chains, call centers, but nothing like the numbers employed in the past. The final analysis would not be favorable to these corporations. Most of these places do not pay much more then minimum wage. These corporations really do not promise people, that have this misfortune of working there, much more then a fop suit, and possibly a matching hat or silly dress codes. These corporations do not offer prosperity or pensions. Therefore, setting up a futuristic, social, disastrous nightmare. Who will clean that up? You can bet the 1 percenters and corporations will scheme around that social decimation.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on December 8, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

The Twelve Days of Corporate Christmas

On the first day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

A chance to win a shopping spree

On the second day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the third day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the fourth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the fifth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the sixth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the seventh day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

7 pawns of pawning

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the eighth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

8 lawyers soliciting

7 pawns of pawning

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the ninth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

9 checks a bouncing

8 lawyers soliciting

7 pawns of pawning

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the tenth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

10 bills of billing

9 checks a bouncing

8 lawyers soliciting

7 pawns of pawning

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the eleventh day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

11 banking overdrafts

10 bills of billing

9 checks a bouncing

8 lawyers soliciting

7 pawns of pawning

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree

On the twelfth day of Corporate Christmas

the corporation sent to me:

12 chapters of bankruptcy

11 banking overdrafts

10 bills of billing

9 checks a bouncing

8 lawyers soliciting

7 pawns of pawning

6 orders delaying

5 Platinum Credit Cards

4 Calling Telemarketers

3 French Fry coupons

2 thousand air miles

and a chance to win a shopping spree


“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on December 2, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Application to Madness (Corporate Employment Dictatorship)

Equal Opportunity Spoiler

I recently applied for a position in a certain large industrial fabrication corporation looking for continuity testers. I was optimistic about this position because the position was a union job which would of commanded a respectable wage. I surprisingly got an interview and they said they would have a “small test” included (exact words). I dug up my old college books, found some practice tests that simulated similar test questions related to this sort of position. Having the correct college background for this vocation, I figured it would be a shoe in for me and was fairly confident, even though I had 2 days to study in preparation for the test.

Because they said “short test”, I was not too worried about the test itself, however, I have been caught like that before, not being prepared with my mind “in gear”, for that type of scrutiny. Thus I studied for hours, until I was scoring 90 to 100 % on the practice testing. So I was ready, and was very confident as I approached the interview time, and thought I had absolutely nothing to lose. Was I wrong? Dammed right I was wrong. I mean, you cannot trust corporate logic to do the predictable. But you can certainly trust them to do the underhanded and ambiguous.

So I went to the interview. I was 15 minutes early. The interviewers were 15 minutes late. I was not impressed. I do not think that has ever happened. At least not to me, and I have been to many interviews of all types, for many different vocations. Never did I wait more then 5 minutes to get into the interview. Because it was at 10:00 am, I figured they were on a coffee break. But, they certainly have nothing to prove. They can get away with anything, because they are the “interviewers”.

Don’t Worry, All you Need is a Time Machine to Finish the Test!

So they hit me with the standard interview type questions, trying to trip me up, but I was composed and prepared thus aced through that part of the interview. At the end, they said it was time for the test, so they flopped a schematic binder on the table in front of me, along 3 different electrical/electronic components, and a fluke voltmeter(All part of the test). They handed over a 5 page test and said “you have 15 minutes”. Now, anyone in their right mind would of said “you are joking, right?”. But being a moron, I tried to do the test.

I completed the first page, and a couple of questions on the next page, but the time was up. I knew I messed up some of the questions I did complete, and was sure it was an instant failure. They said that no one completes the test. Really? And then it dawned on me. Just tell the “preferred” applicants what is on the test, provided they even have to do the test. But at that point, my hopes were completely shattered. I put on my coat and left. I cannot explain the lowness I felt leaving that building. But, what do you expect from interviewers that barely know the interviewing position. It is obvious they were looking for experience (even though the job ad did not state this). Clearly, my resume showed that I had zero experience, so why even ask me to the interview?

My Master Wrote Me a Quota!

Quotas. They need to interview a certain amount of people off the street (to satisfy that pain in the ass human rights organization and give the appearance they are an equal opportunity employer). Thus setting them up to fail, giving them (HR) the opportunity (unbeknown to the head corporate office) to squeeze in their family members and buddies before anyone else (which gives you an idea how disconnected those overpaid, corporate office CEOs, and executives are to the branch offices). If you dispute this, then you are obviously related to some one that hired you. If the test is impossible to pass, or even get 50%, and you complain that they discriminated you in some way, they can say, “no, he failed the entrance test”. Of course, they would not admit to the ridiculous time limit to do the lengthy test. Now most of you may say, “companies all have policies against hiring relatives”. Well you can live that illusion if you like, because it is just a policy. In other words, if you believe that, I have some swamp land I would love to sell you.

I Would be Happy to Kneel Under your Desk, Master!

Now, this also sets you up further, if by some miracle they still want to hire you, because you will be in total shock that they are actually giving you the position . Thus, you will be their total corporate slut, at least for the first 3 months anyway, snivelling and grovelling, basically kissing their corporate asses until your lips get gangrene. And that, my friends, is exactly how they want their corporate slaves, err, employees to act. Like little whining, subordinate maggots, bowing down to kiss their royal, corporate anuses. And the most hilarious thing is, the interviewers, (HR) do not have a clue, but because they want to keep their cushy, overpaid positions, and squeeze in their relatives, will not question the ridiculous interview methods, dictated to them (HR), to inflict.

Land of the Grave, Home of the Bereaved

Corporate North America has the worst reputation in the world for employers. It used to be the other way around, but now, it is reversed. If you really looked at the big picture in the last 25 years, how corporate North America has basically cut the throats of the blue collar worker, the backbone of society, and how these victims and their families have fallen from grace. Unemployment, bankruptcy, homelessness, prostitution, substance abuse, alcoholism, murder, fraud, theft, larceny, human trafficking, etc., all by-products of corporate commercial North America’s greedy, capitalistic nightmare orchestrated by the wealthy and the 1 percenters. Why are the 1 percenters so hell bent on turning North America into the “New Third World Continent”?

Because they are “pigs” in the true sense of the word. They have no concept of justice or sharing. They are so greedy that generation after generation are just taught to be more greedy, clutching on to there insane fortunes, devising brand new ways to screw the common person over and over again, keeping their pockets full of money, while your grandparents starve in a under funded old folks home. Is that your fate? Let us hope not. Be optimistic. But wait, that is exactly what the 1 percenters want you to be, so you will be blinded to their hands rummaging through your pockets one last time, trying to steal your last few pennies you managed to keep from their clutches thus far.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on November 30, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Step-Mother of Inventions. Did I not see that before?

Full 360 Asphalt Pirouettes

I remember a while back, decade or two ago, a Mad Magazine article about the evolution of the roller skate, whereby it evolved into the roller blade, and back again. By the article’s illustration, the wheels went from side by side horizontal alignment, slowly intersecting vertically, then slowly back to the horizontal, (original) alignment. Thus showing a loop of inventions, or more realistically, modifications, of the roller skate, to the roller blade, right back to the roller skate. I thought the article (comic) was priceless because it showed the folly of original creation. The surrogate of innovation. The Step-Mother of invention.

Genuine Intention or Intensive Forgery

Inventions have and still are, built off something else, an idea, or article, or sometimes a series of articles or ideas already though of or created. This has always been the norm and as long as the outcome was genuinely original, then it received a patent for the idea or prototype, or actual creation. Intellectual creations can be registered/patented as original, but are extremely difficult to prove if someone plagiarizes. Still, these systems are in place and are anything but inexpensive to utilize, thus making it a system for the wealthy and the 1 percenters (corporations) to use after they steal the original thought from an employee or an unsuspecting inventor/artist submitting their idea/material for evaluation.

Songwriter Competition! Win a Trip to Nashville and Meet the Stars!

I mean lets be serious. Why do you think Nashville had so many famous artists with fabulous, original material that are No. 1 hits? Because these artists were talented, or good for that matter? We have all seen the obscure ads in magazines, papers, new rags, asking people to submit their material (poems/music) for evaluation for different motivations, like stardom, fame, money, prizes. But in a nutshell, it was a scam to steal your intellectual property. Where else do you think these halfwit artists get their material? From you dummy. Most of these artists are not artists. They are performers/musicians that never had an original thought in their lives.

Invention Prevention Protection for the Relentless Pretentious

To be fair, their are some artists that have made it through the swine dribble, able to perform their original material, but few and far between. If you think I am just spit-balling, then just take a look at all the patents that Tesla submitted and how few came to reality. Why? Because he had no interest in serving the wealthy and the 1 percenters. He wanted to serve the masses even though he was spawned from a wealthy family. Thus the 1 percenters (mainly Edison) made it their goal in life to trash Tesla at every turn. Despite all the reputation trouncing and defamation, Tesla is still today a very respected and renown inventor. He died broke by the way.

Publishing Stealing House

Internet publishing makes things a bit easier to submit original thoughts, create a following, make money, but all in all, has not solved the problem of plagiarism. It has made it far worse, sort of speak, because there are some people on the internet that have mastered the “high jacking” of intellectual property. If you come out with an original thought, they will “high jack” it and call it their own. If a movie is in the theater or a new CD/Blu ray have been released, they “high jack” the internet stream and publish it via VPN (virtual private network), torrents, or both. The more unexperienced “high jackers” just upload the content to YouTube to get several thousand hits to make some fast money before the material is taken off their channel by the internet anti-plagiarizing entity. Who are, or what is this entity? I don’t know.

Cannot say I feel sorry for the corporations or greedy performers/musicians/actors/producers that plagiarized the material in the first place. But I do feel for the legitimate artists/musicians/actors/producers that are genuinely trying to promote their original material. You see I left out corporations in the latter statement. I mean, why feel sorry for those money grabbers. Corporations are like the mafia, or syndicate (and the mafia does exists), always trying to make money off the blood and sweat of others.

Hollywood Street Sweepers

Hollywood is a mess and always has been and always will be until they, all of the sudden, clean up their act, which will never happen. Hollywood has a foundation of death, prostitution, broken ambitions, ideals, dreams, that forms a cess pond of lust and destruction fuelled from the original thoughts of unsuspecting residum. It is a wonder that anything good can be spawned from that corporate stench mill of venality. The key word here is corporation, corporate, conjoint, hoarded, syndicated. If you are in, you are just a tool, or fool of compliance for the top executives that are just puppets for the 1 percenters.

Go Back to your Plow, Johnny!

So, if you are thinking of starting your career in Hollywood, please think again and find something else to do, unless this description excites you. Then, by all means, go for it, and good luck. In a nutshell, there is nothing truly original, but if you come up with a good idea, do not tell your employer. Work with it yourself. Try to manifest the idea on your own, then try to sell the idea in pieces, keeping the key pieces until you see some money. Promises of money means, “give us your idea and we will evaluate it’s marketability, then, don’t call us, we will call you.” Next thing you know, you see your idea making millions of dollars for the 1 percenters who have written you off totally, into ambiguity. In other words, “who are you again?” they will deny any collaboration with you.

Just a Good, Red Blooded All Corporate North American Thief

Step-Mothers of Invention are everywhere. They are the ones that stole an original idea, or just took credit for the creation that was not originally successful or orphaned. There are so many examples of this plagiaristic phenomenon that it is almost getting to be accepted as normal, red blooded behavior. You will notice that I said, “almost” because we that are not brainwashed to think that this is normal behavior, think it is iniquitous and attuned, mutilated ruminative. Original thought processes are obtained from inspiration and integrity, which is why I think, their are only a few individuals that are truly capable. Mainly because there are too many money grubbing people that get lured to the rapacious.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on November 21, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Corporate Broadcasts Co-Corruption

And the Dung-balls Keep on Rollin’

Some programs (radio, television, cable, streams etc.) relentlessly promote the 1 percenters idealism from dusk ’til dawn, only breaking for the national (main con stream media) news. They even play, well, I think you can call it music (radio), but that would be very debateable, and even the classic rock stations are just playing the same old “hits” of that time over and over. Anyone that likes that snobbish, intellectual diarrhea and/or repetitiveness, is definitely a 1 percenter, wannabe, or just too dammed conformed.

Where do the broadcast producer’s and editor’s priorities really lie? Because, they must be puppets on a string controlled by a higher hierarchy, ultimately leading to a hierarchal, pushing the 1 percenter’s agendas. The personalities of these shows, in my opinion, have the ultimate dream jobs. Because as long they keep slinging vomit patties to the public, the hierarchal will be satisfied, and because this hierarchal does not like change, will keep these personalities on the same broadcast shows, until the are too old, grey, feeble, and senile.

I Dream of Authenticity With a Veritable Flair

It is just an example of this hierarchal riding out the success of a formula until you just cannot beat the dead horse anymore. I mean, really. Ratings are the key to any program, but anyone that has knowledge of how they actually collect information on ratings, would consider the method, shoddy and selective at best. That is why certain programs, unbeknown to anyone, survive.

There may be some people that think the main con stream media reports the news in a truthful manner. However, half truths come to mind because that is the only way to make it semi-believable, thus the stories should be based on some sort of fact. This, however, does not make the foundation anymore sound, just subject to what version has been told, and the interpretation of the dung slurry, that was carefully mixed with a truthful fact or two.

We Cannot Tell the Truth, The Whole truth, and Nothing But the Truth, So Help us God!

Reporters and personalities would argue that they have to follow a format or they will lose their jobs. Pussies! That is all that come to mind when I think about that sort of compliance. Although they have a point I guess because if they do go against the grain of the network’s strict adherence to the 1 percenters pecuniary dictatorship, they are out of a job. I say, that is understandable. But, if they were faithful to the news and reported the truth, people will listen, because no one likes to be screwed over and lied to, all in the name of saving and making money, for the wealthy and the 1 percenters. We need reporters and news mediums with some balls.

Where Can I Hear the Truth? Do I Have to Take an Oath?

I would imagine that is why there is such a large swing to alternative media to get the news. However, the main con stream is attempting to contaminate the alternative pool and trying to “buy it up” exercising damage control methods to save the main con stream media’s ass, sort of speak. Because, once the masses start veering away from the main con stream media’s influence, that puts everything commercially fuelled in absolute jeopardy. No control for the wealthy, 1 percenters and their bought off politicians. It is too bad however, that the main con stream media is infiltrating the alternative stream because now there is a 50/50 split on what is genuine alternative media and what is corrupted, alternative media. This basically attempts to push the ridiculous in place of the truth, in the vain attempt to push people back the to main con stream media.

Bull Dung Overflowing the Levees of Our Reason.

This all makes me think of the bleak conversations I had the misfortune, more then once, of hearing at my work places over the years. I think everyone in the commercial corporate North America has had this misfortune. Overhearing these individuals venting their dissatisfaction on how some people are on welfare and why they are not working instead of living off the government’s tit. How it is such a financial burden to the tax payers made up of individuals that do work supporting these lazy people. How they should not have to pay more tax then a person that makes $20,000.00 dollars a year because those people are just plain stupid and cannot get a better job, therefore should be living in a slum, but not low cost housing because that puts a strain on the tax payers that make over $35,000 dollars a year. This is a result of corruptive, greedy thinking that has been brainwashed into the tiny brains of those complaining individuals. I actually feel sorry for them.

Reporters and News Mediums Really Follow Their Sworn Oaths to Bring Forth the Truth? Hmmm.

But we can thank that sort of attitude to main con stream media that has smeared this type of thinking into peoples psyche ever since they were old enough to watch TV, or some other corruptive medium. How the only important people are the “winners” of society and how we, the “losers” (masses) have to worship them to be put in our proper place in society. To have our brains nourished from the 1 percenters brainwashing sewage spew. If you think that is over the top, then obviously you like the taste of the 1 percenter’s dung meal.

In God’s eyes, we are all equal and unique humans that have received the gift of free will . Why do you think religion and the mention of God is so shunned in these times. We all know why. The people that believe in spiritualism are in direct contradiction with the main con stream media and commercialism. Because capitalism teaches us, that the rich (greedy) are correct and anything else, that does not make money for the wealthy and 1 percenters, is simply just outworn and does not conform with greed, thus has to be shunned. Ergo I warn, the 1 percenters should beware of the wrath, that will surface, from non-conformity and spiritualism. Because to be truly spiritual, you have to be an individual.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on November 16, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

My Country and Your Country are Pelted By the Mire..

Central Illusive Agency

Syria? Who really knows WTF is happening in the middle east especially in Syria. Syria and Iraq or somewhere in there, is where the birth of ISIS developed. You know, that phoney baloney anti Christian fundamentalist rebellion group who is really a CIA developed surrogate, agitator group designed to create upheaval and rebellion in the middle east, creating unrest and a dust storm, to cloak the greed for oil, and the completion of the pipeline, to feed the 1 percenters pockets with insane oil profits. Man, what a joke.

The Wall has Crumbled, but the Propaganda still Floats

Now Russia, as been reported by the main con stream media, is attacking Syria. Ok, then it is the world against Syria? Who knows. But was it not the USA a few short months ago doing the same thing or at least threatening to? Israel is made out to be the agitators of this whole mess, but we all know it is commercial, cooperate run and owned North America, creating this swine-pen dribble. Still trying to make Russia look like a militant, communist country, with a militant leader. And who says this? Commercial corporate North America says so, that’s who.

Electro-Magnetic Puke Shield

Russia, Iran and some other countries are supposedly going to wage war with the world. Destroy North America. They are suppose to have a secret, powerful, EMP weapon(s) that will totally disable North America, then summarily, nuke the royal dung out of North America and other “free” countries. EMP devices do exist, and theoretically, can disable electronics/electrical components. But these components, can be easily fixed and/or shielded for prevention of EMP devices or just general naturally developed EMP waves or other destructive magnetic waves or signals. Also, EMP technology is hardly a new thing and commercial corporate North America has the same weapon technology.

I wish I was in Dixie, Away from Bull

It sounds like they are whistling “Dixie” through their bung holes, because if you have any brains whatsoever, that is exactly how it is going to sound. There is so much propaganda being piped down the main con stream and the alternative media pipes, mostly on the main stream, You Tube, Face Book, and other self publishing mediums. You cannot trust a lot of these feeds on either side. Why, because main con stream media and the commercial corporate owned politicians and North America know there is a big swing to alternative media, thus are infiltrating these mediums with vague personalities (posing as the anti-establishment gurus) to vent their propaganda. Keep you brainwashed. And, they make money off every hit.

Where the Hell is the Money Shot?

There are a lot of these alternative media feeds that are legitimately anti-establishment, and freedom orientated individuals that uncover very interesting news and vent these stories as it should be displayed. This would not include however, Christian fundamentalist groups and individuals, or otherwise that have channels trying to convince everyone that Obama (America’s first black president) is evil because he is black. Of course, they do not come out and say this, they just try to make him look like the anti-Christ. It is so obvious, that it is nauseating. Yet, these bigoted puke slingers keep right on with these videos/stories. You know, kind of like soft pornos. You see a lot of tail, but never any penetration.

Click them Your Money, Please

Thus, my word of caution to all who dabble in alternative media. Know who you are listening to and/or reading. Do your own research and stay away from the ridiculous. Beware of shills calling others shills. Just use your own common sense and avoid being a sheep. And the biggest tell tale of them all, is when it is a sale’s pitch to buy a book or whatever. Remember, they get paid per hit on You Tube and other commercial fuelled sites. So why give them more money. You already paid for your entertainment by clicking on it, even if you do not watch, read or listen. Especially beware of supposed religious oriented or otherwise news feeds, declaring the end of the world, country, or economy every two to three weeks, asking for money for survival tips, kits or other redundant information that your own government (even though they may be commercially, profit orientated) will provide for free. Beware most of all, of the main con stream media because they have not told us the truth since the Nixon administration.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on November 6, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Pecuniary Princesses’ Mental Mentors

Queen Bees, not Black Widows

Kristen Mary Kardashian (mother), and daughters Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Kendell, and Kylie, all the products of the Pecuniary Princess Syndrome . Kris, the mother, married Robert Kardashian in 1955, the decade where the “Pecuniary Princess” syndrome was birthed. Later in 1991, she married Bruce Jenner and produced (already mentioned) daughters Kendell, and Kylie. Commercial (corporate) North America have found great uses for these role models, to push their bisexual agenda, attempting to create some sort of unisex culture for the masses to adopt.

In other words, unless you are a 1 percenter, then you should follow our role model’s lead how to act, dress, wear your hair, etc. because, well, you are just too damned worthless to be yourself. I seen in one of the rag tabloids portraying the Kardashian women as “Black Widows” because they have been summarily destroying their spouses (men). I would think that the “Queen Bee” analogy would be more appropriate, because the “Queen Bee” has drones (male bees) which are produced from the unfertile eggs.The drone will mate with the Queen and his penis and associated abdominal tissues are ripped from the drone’s body after sexual intercourse. Sound familiar? Look at Bruce Jenner.

No Cock in the Hen House

WTF has happened to Bruce Jenner? I think he is just too lost in substance abuse to really know what he is doing. Hopefully I am wrong, because, imagine if he were you and you woke up and felt your crotch and said, “where is my penis?” However the greater question in my mind is how can anyone really buy this sewer scribe. North Americans cannot really be this stupid, can they? I call it brainwashed. No one in their right mind would be entertained by this idiocy. Yet, if you are a woman, you will be empowered to emasculate your current or potential mates, therefore aborting your children before they are ever even conceived playing out the “worker bee” role, keeping the women of society chasing that carrot they will never snare. Men, well who cares what they think because ultimately, besides their sperm, they are mainly useless (drones) in line to be castrated.

Just Hit Me with a Sledge Please

When I see stories like this on the TV or in some news rag, I get chills down my spine, then fear sets in, in light of this all really happening around us. I pinch myself and say, please wake up, it is only a dream. But it is not a dream. Commercial (corporate) North America, because they control politics and politicians, are making sure that it is being inbred into our daily lives, like inbreeding in the Cajun culture. No regard for religion or what is truly proper and correct. Forging a corrupted morality, perverted and full of distain. Once fully forged, we will not know the difference of true right and wrong, whereby the rightest is the one that makes the most money.

Blooded Funny Money

North America, especially in the USA, has a big problem that is just growing in size, and the more people that get themselves deprogrammed from commercial brainwashing, the more distance these individuals will put themselves from this corruption machine. People may say, “it was the same when the Nazi’s were in power”, or “look at Vietnam”. “That stuff happens over there”. This may be true, but the Nazi’s brainwashed a nation into killing 6 million Jewish people by utilizing the Jews in concentration (slave labor) camps, forced to work themselves to death. Vietnam was a corporate maneuverer. Had nothing to do with winning or losing the war. Just to protect corporate investments and assets. And look at Cambodia, Laos, Panama, Columbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and on and on. War makes money from others misfortunes.

Your Sex is Ok, My Sex is Ok, So what is the Problem?

This agenda really has nothing to do with the “gay” movement. But has certainly latched on to it to create a separatism between the bisexual, unisexual and the heterosexual. My proof is, that they (corporate North America) did not invent these sexual tendencies. They have all been around for centuries, but they would like everyone to think it is a “new” thing so it will be guaranteed to be adopted by a portion of society, thus leaving the portion that chooses not to embrace it, separated. Do they (corporate North America) really care who wins? Not really, because their objective has been achieved. Less reproduction, more divorce, and separatism, debt dependency, more depression, suicide and death of the population. More sales of alcohol, drugs, healthcare and tobacco across the board. All of which funnels hordes of money back to the pockets of the 1 percenters.

Illusion or Allusion, is there really a difference?

To keep the masses mesmerised by the Kardashians and other fabled-famed celebrities is the goal of commercial North America. In the 1970’s, where music and rock stars held peoples attention, convincing the masses that a particular rock group, or entertainer had the secret to the mythology of life, keeping the masses buying up all their intellectual property in exchange for insane profits. Profit for the false prophets, then, and more so today. These master bards keep us mesmerized, leading all of us to ruin. Don’t get me wrong. Plenty of good original music came out of that era, and even today, although cloaked, there is some great intellectual creations, but at the same time, it is more controlled and scrutinized then it ever was before, counting on peoples greed to convert this intellectual property, into intellectual swill.

Most celebrities are victims of greed. Most celebrities get caught in a financial maze, just like the masses, but a much larger scale, to ensure, when needed, that celebrity will do exactly what they are told when needed, at the right moments. Like the Kardashian women. Or Bruce Caitlyn Jenner. Many others to be sure. What happens to the celebrity that resists? Just think of door hangers in August, 2014. The Jokers grand finale. Fast and Furious WTF release was that? Just hanging around in the closet, hands tied, meditating for kung fu kicks.

You might think I am sick. But remember, I never made any of that up. I prefer my original creations have a bit more soul, and less mayhem. To have some light at the end of the tunnel. Because if I cannot see that, it is truly a dark moment.

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on October 30, 2015

© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016

Dating Sites Revisited

My Direct Experiences with Online Dating Sites

I would have to warn you, that they are not good experiences whatsoever. So if you are looking for a happy ending sort of speak, you may not want to read this post.

The Excitement, the Mystery, the Endless Questions

When you first setup your profile, you get pretty excited about the possibilities. You follow the sites recommendations how to setup your profile for “proven results” and go the extra mile doing their online personality assessments for chemistry, needs, and etc. Then you start messaging women or men depending on your preference and orientation. I am strictly heterosexual so I messaged heterosexual (or so the say) women.

Cocked and Loaded to Message some Dames to Kill For

All in all, at first, you start messaging all the girls that appeal to you on the site. You quickly find out that women do not message you back at all if they do not like you. They also do not message you on occasion if they do like you. Some of them delete your message without reading the message. Definite sign she does not like you and most likely it would be your picture so you would then change it with a better one, preferably one where you are smiling .

Other girls will message you, or hit your profile, so you will see them, leaving a subtle hint to message them. Out of those, you usually find a date, about one per week, if the previous date did not pan out. Be prepared to do this several times. Be prepared to be disappointed. Look at Dating Sites Issue No 4 and 5. Men and especially women use old pictures, or a mixture of old and new pictures. The idea of course is to make themselves look younger and more appealing.

You Got a Date! Whoa

But, when you date them, you immediately see that they are older looking, usually much older or overweight or both. If you can get over this hurdle then you can start the date. I usually go through with the date anyway, to give them a chance to show me their personality. Sometimes, (not often) it can make up for the deception.

The biggest hurdle however when dating, with 90% of these women, (and I am sure men too) is the bull dung. Even though you may be honest, used recent pictures, and indicated that you want a relationship, does not mean your date, who lied about their age, used old pictures, and lied about their body shape, suddenly told the truth about wanting a relationship. This is the biggest hurdle because being a honest (naive) person, you will be totally unaware that they want a one night stand. Sex. The old hokey, pokey. The old hammer and nail. The old tongue and groove. The old hide the snake. The old 3 step out the window(if they turn out married).

That is all you Want is Sex? I am not that Kind of Boy/Girl

The biggest thing that your date will try and do is manipulate the conversation enough to make it your idea to go for a one night stand. That way, the next day, hour, or minute, either at your place or theirs, or hotel room (red flag), you go your separate ways with no obligation. Also, they do not have to worry about you clinging to them so they can try someone else next week, or leave you at their beckon call. Oh yes, that is the way it goes or will go, depending on how far you allow it to progress, and whether you know the truth or not. If they think you do, then they will play out the con.

I fell for this scenario a couple of times, but am wise to this now. Problem is when you start confronting the date with more relationship questions, and how committed they would be, that puts a huge damper on the date, and it will end with no progress. If the date is a good liar, they will play along until you are in bed, then after, let the axe fall, severing the relationship before it grows. Yes you will be heart broken but you will get over it. Just wipe your nose, block the user, and move on. Don’t give them a second chance! They will just use you again.

Truth or Consequences! Or a Crazy, Jealous, Attacking Spouse

The next date scenario is the semi-honest dater, genuinely wanting a relationship. They usually look about the same as the picture, sometimes better, and appear very interested. The issue with these daters is communication, or the lack of communication. They are very limited in imagination to converse, and usually will chat just long enough to get the date established. If anyone remembers that Lynyrd Skynyrd song that states “Don’t ask me no questions, and I won’t tell you no lies”.

These daters will possibly bale out of the first date. But establish another date. So, even though you were stood up, they smoothed it out with another date offer. But here is the catch. You have to message them several times. The ratio will be approximately 4 of your messages to 1 of theirs. Sometimes they will not answer you for a week. And just when you have given up on the date, and started to make new plans, they will call or message you to confirm the date.

When on the date, they are congenial and will talk and go with the mood. They rarely however add anything to the conversation, only elaborate on what is being said, or what was asked. When answering, will speak in generalities. Once the date is done, they immediately want to say goodbye and go home. They will offer or accept to see you again, let you kiss them, and off they will go. You will probably wonder, “was that a good date? Or WTF?

Are you Really Glad to See Me? Or is That the Smell of Jack Daniels?

Between the first date and the next, the message ratio will be about the same, 4 to 1, and you will barely confirm the second date. The second date will go the same as the first, with it ending, getting a kiss, and a promise of a third date. Between the second and the third date will be the same scenario. Lack of solid 2 way communication. If you ever bed this date, or get a commitment out of them, you will be lucky.

This can only indicate 3 scenarios with this date:


  1. They are married and in a bad relationship.
  2. They are committed to a boyfriend in a bad relationship
  3. They are an alcoholic or substance abuser

In all scenarios, this would account for the span of time they do not communicate or see you. It accounts for the “it is 12:00 midnight, and I am about to turn into a pumpkin if I do not go home now”. It accounts for them always staying home, supposedly alone, and seemingly sick or tired all of the time. It accounts for the meetings to continue in public rather then being invited to their house. They may accept an invitation to your house, but will be strict on when they have to leave. Always seemingly very cautious.

All 3 scenarios are consistent to the above accounting. You can hang in there to see if you ever get closer, but do not be surprised if you can not get to second base, or some monster S.O.B. suddenly suckers you and knocks your block off. This can also mean, if she does let you into her life, you will soon witness the substance abuse or alcoholism. This dater proved to be an alcoholic.

It is the 3rd Date, So Can’t We Have Sex?

Some relationship expert on the web said, Quote “finds that baby boomers are far more likely to wait to have sex than younger daters” Unquote. WTF, is this expert on drugs? This expert is only 28 yrs old and has no real long term relationship experience. Thus, has no clue other then their “slide rule” analogy to relationships and dating. But people listen to this person and that is what is scary. A 28 year old with relationship experience? Not my first choice for advice.

As a rule, men expect to have sex sooner then women. Women tend to hold the reins back, waiting to see if this person will return or show interest. Then, when she is sure he is interested, and she has some sexual attraction to this person, will allow his advances to have sex, usually in a passionate manner. There are cases with, both, young and older daters, that it will end up in the sac the first night. It has nothing to do with age. It has all to do with passion and chemistry. If there is no passion or chemistry, you are wasting your time. If you are not laid by the third or forth date, it may not have the “spark” needed start the relationship. Unless you are members, (both of you) of a religion, and are faithful to it’s teachings of waiting until marriage.

We Won’t Get Tooled Again

Another quote from this same expert, Quote “Especially among older people who went through the sexual revolution, with maturity they realize there are emotional consequences for getting involved in a sexual relationship” Unquote. This is another “slide rule” calculation. The sexual revolution, (60’s to mid 70’s) was nothing more then a drug induced orgy. Psychologically, it was a rebellion against the 50’s, but really, it was a rebellion against the establishment and arranged marriages. Now, you would say, “arranged marriages only happens “over there”, not here”. My explanation to that is, where do you think you descended from, unless you are aboriginal? You descended from “over there”.

The Longer We Wait, The More Chance Of Defeating Fate

Another so called “relationship expert” said in a nutshell, new couples, young or old, should wait a minimum of 90 days to have sex. Wars have been won in shorter periods. 3 months? Most certificate courses take that long. One full semester. Well, this may work in college and university because, in the first semester, you both will be bogged down with homework, and barely have time to have lunch together. The time will joust by, and what better way to celebrate the success of a first semester? With some, good, old fashioned, unadulterated sex. You both would have earned it, if you waited that long, which I highly doubt.

Hi, I like your Profile! How much Money do you Make Again?

This brings me to another date acquired by a dating site. This time, there seemed to mutual interest and full two way communication. She looked a older then her picture, but she was still attractive, just greyer. We seemed to have some common interests, played pool, I paid for the drinks, and we kissed on the first date! Great start right? Lots of communication between dates and hordes of pecuniary questions (red flag). But because this dater actually seemed sincere and liked to communicate, I vented my pecuniary status to a large enough degree, until the questions tapered. That meant basically providing a verbal financial statement, you know, like I was applying for a loan.

This brought my enthusiasm down a couple of notches, but tried to move on from there, going to the second date. We went for coffee first and talked, then after, planned to go to the movies. Keep in mind, this woman has only vented the surface of her own pecuniary status to me, but expected so much more verification of my pecuniary status. The show went well, paid by me, and we held hands, and kissed later. She then abruptly ended the date, and went home. I, during our communications, between the second and third date, started to talk more romantic, giving her suggestive compliments, how I desired to be close to her. Mistake.

So, you are a Daddy’s Girl?

This woman did not respond well to this conversation, and instead of taking the compliments in stride, which would not of committed her to anything, decided to attack the conversation, like throwing a bucket of ice cold water on your naked body. Making it very clear that she, at this point had no thoughts or desires to have any type of sexual relationship and would not have any idea when she would be interested having sex. This would of been fine I guess, but I never asked her to have sex yet. In fact, I got the same lecture from her planning the second date, when I suggested, instead of going to the movie theater, to go to her house, or mine to watch movies using my Amazon Fire Stick. At no time then, did I ask to have sex, but in answer, she stated she did not trust me enough to have in her home for the possibility of sexual interaction. At that point, I was beginning to suspect this woman had strong sexual deviant issues and did not trust men whatsoever.

Lets go for Supper Then? I’m buying anyway. And by the way, I just got laid off.

I ended that synopsis of the conversation, that was leading no where fast, and asked her to go out for dinner on out third date. She accepted and went to dinner as planned. She seemed to be in good spirits and we had a good meal. Knowing that she wanted to go to the bar later, to shoot pool and drink, I decided to talk about the conversation we had, before the date. I attempted to explain, that we have dated enough, to decide if we should get more intimate, at least conversation wise. Again, she gave me the same treatise, of not knowing in her mind when she would be ready for sex.

This would of been fine again, but all I was asking is to get more close and intimate, not to have sex. The more I tried to explain the difference, the more she distrusted what I was saying, like I was trying to con her into bed. Thus, I decided to end the date there saying I had a headache. I turned the tables on her, making her the pursuer. But at this point, I decided not to pursue this relationship at all. And, when she called me the next day, venting, that her relationship needs were different then mine, I told her I was laid off. That seemed to get rid of her because I have not heard from her since. That is proof in the pudding, she was only looking to increase her financial security without having to put out.

That is about it. If I go on more quirky dates, I will update this post, or the other, or both. Happy dating!

“Tex” oNid ittEnEbEd (sHow nO mErcY)

Originally Published on October 27, 2015


© Copyright: dYnoReX and ADGMusic/Soft/Literature Org All rights reserved 2015-2016